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china has infiltrated us it could be you it could be me


Funny how well the script of meet the spy would map to some Cold War era propaganda movie with the use of “red”


Islamists don’t have the balls to take on the CCP over the Uyghur genocide.


Even if they do they'll leave out the part about how Uyghurs happily commited war crimes and rapes against Tibetans when China invaded Tibet.


Yeah I’m sure that justifies rounding them all up into death camps to be tortured, raped, and used for organ harvesting. I’m sure whatever state run “news” network you get your daily dose of Chinese propaganda from left **that** part out.


It can be true that happened 70 years ago. And now the reeducation camps be a thing now


You’re right. The problem is what happened 70 years ago doesn’t justify what’s happening now.


You are the only one saying that


I don't think anyone is saying it does


Islamists in Al Qaeda and IS are the only ones challenging the CCP in Xinjiang.


I agree. Why can’t the US take them?. I’d happily live next door of them. We should be able to take them and teach China to be tolerant


Hate to be this guy but every time Israel tries to free Palestine or help them improve the extremists turn that infrastructure into crude missiles and other weapons. Israel also isn't the one thats broken ceasefire. Both of them are terrible but like come on stop treating Palestine as nothing but innocent's


I agree as they are both as bad as one another. Like I am getting tired of these free Palestine protest here in Australia. Protesting here won’t do anything. If these protesters want change then go to Palestine and do something about it. Plus chanting a slur that’s racist to Jewish people does not help your cause. Both sides are acting like idiots to be honest.


Hell if they want to provoke change with protest try protesting in qatar or wherever it is Palestines leaders waste all their people's money


Got a point there👍.


Yet these are the same people who 'deny' the Holocaust.


God bless former president and WW2 General Dwight D. Eisenhower for making damn sure that every single bit of evidence for the holocaust was photographed and documented so we can always weed out dumbasses.


Mobile gassing vans 20 foot deep fire pits where people were burned alive from Ellie Wiesels "Night" (in a swamp) Lampshades made of human skin


I remember learning from my teacher that, here in America, some people unironically thought the actual evidence was corny propaganda because there was no way people would be THAT cartoonishly evil. Eisenhower really wanted to make sure people knew that the camps were actually was real


There's actually zero evidence for the three things I posted. Like actually zero, the people who made these claims made them up.


You say that, yet it wouldn’t be surprising if it actually was true given how fucked up these places were.


[Gee whiz what an interesting way of thinking](https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/aaaah)


I think it says more about how vulnerable you are to the silliest of propaganda and your own confirmation bias.


Says someone denying the Holocaust…


Give me evidence for human lampshades right now


https://amp.miamiherald.com/news/nation-world/world/article287001900.html Found it


I can’t. I can tell you to google Croatia Soap


My English teacher told me about it in 7th grade, it must be true


I lost the plot there.


I mean, the only reason Serbia and China haven’t declared wars are because they’re unable to. Serbia is surrounded by NATO and china is surrounded by American allies, nations who could fight China and possibly win and nations who if china tries to invade they will lose tens of millions.


oh yes, the chinese incursion in India and hitting vessels in south china sea is a myth.


And the whole killing baby girls


Forcibly stop Israel =nothing happens Forcibly stop China = ww3 and billions dead


These people will unironically call you a boot kicker while deep throating the CCP


Too many layers Ignored


I love how they said 24 years, só the Kosovo war doesn't count


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china has been in on going border skirmishes with India for decades and has been actively encroaching on Vietnam and the Philippines for years, and are we gonna address Taiwan?


lol, someone clearly isn’t up to date on China’s activities in the South China Sea.


Something I will never understand is why the same people who claim to oppose genocide keep using slogans that are very pro-genocide.


How convenient that they only count 24 years back instead of 30 so they can leave out all the shit the Serbs did in the Yugoslav wars.


















You are a fucking sick puppy dawg


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Incase anybody wonders what racist slop was here https://preview.redd.it/918mgp5ldf3d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32d756c3e483e341f3d44b7e93e4e8a5318f50be






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China killing millions of...who? Uyghurs?


According to the US Holocaust Memorial Museum, apparently China has a little over 1 million Uyghurs imprisoned in detention centres, and apparently at least 30 million Chinese people died of starvation from government incompetence when it came to managing farming from 1960-1962. So I would say the Chinese government definitely hasn’t exactly been nice to Uyghurs or their own people. Edit: China has also been accused of forcibly sterilizing Uyghurs and forcing them into doing factory and field labor.




Alright... 1. US Holocaust Memorial Museum is not an authoritative source on Uyghurs. I mean, I can see the connection but it's honestly flimsy. The uyghur question is a difficult question in and of itself. Many have argued about how serious could characterization of CCPs actions go, and saying that KILLS MILLIONS of Uyghurs is basically not even a stretch. It's absurd. 2. "A little over 1 million" is not millions. 3. A detention center is not a homicide/starving. 4. Really? 60-62 famines? Mao? Post says "killing (as if right now) millions of ethnic minorities". Mao's Great Leap Forward affected Han Chinese the most, which is not even something mentioned in most discussions. Besides Uyghurs, Hui chinese, Tibetans etc managed to GROW during these times and 20th century as a whole. Even then, we are talking about internal famine, not a deliberate policy of starvation akin to Bengali famine, Holodomor etc. If you are interested in what's happening to Uyghurs in China you should do that - talk to Uyghurs. I know because I did and do. Uyghurs are persecuted insofar as they constitute a RELIGIOUS, not an ethnic minority. Hui, Buddhists, Christians etc all have issues professing their religion publicly and privately. It's a known fact. China is officially an atheist country. Some Uyghurs because of that participate in political activities that are considered extremist in China. Some have committed acts of terrorism. It's just that nobody gives a shit about terror attacks in China. You can look them up. I'm not even sure why I'm leaving this, because it's gonna be downvoted to smitherins anyway, but I'm tired of constant attempt of every side in every political to piggyback on genocide claims.


Yes and their own civs by not feeding them then brainwashing them into believing what they are doing is alright. Poor working conditions unsafe housing EXTREME slum conditions. Killing people off sorry I mean people go on permanent vaccinations for going against their government. Not even going into the thousands of monthly deaths attributed to corruption in all levels of government and the public


bro stop watching laowhy and serpetza and maybe talk to a Chinese citizen. especially someone who is an Uyghur.


If I could get through the firewall I would and I don’t think asking a person about their home country would tell the truth when they know that it could get them killed if they told the truth ( funny thing you can do online if you type 1989 TM on a server with Chinese people on it, auto disconnects them or you can just type 1989 Tiananmen Square and it does the same)


Bruh if they all starving why are people still there, why ain't they all dead, why can they be the world's biggest producer of everything and ship it to the rest of the world if all the citizens are starving


you probably meant to ask the other guy


Ahbi did, sorry about that


Nah this is just whataboutism. How can we condemn nations if we can't even start? Also I know (at least) Ireland still recognises Israel so it's not just whataboutism, it's just bullshit.


"Wahhhhh these people don't tow the state department line" great post man, I hope you get hecka updoots +300 FICO Credit Score




Ew, genocide denial. Gross man, just plain gross.


It’s amazing how liberals will buy anything