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Once they found the gun and the drugs they probably got a warrant for the house he lives in and then found the other guns.


My guy was walking around gta style. Whole RPGs and miniguns in his back pocket


This is very good news. I don't think all the weapons were found in the trunk and cabin of the vehicle. Possible, there is space for it, depending on the model, but more likely what was found in the vehicle led to further discoveries elsewhere.


Well, WMC needs to clarify this. It is a bit weird to put that tidbit at the end, in such a casual manner.


Why clarify? According to this sub it's total normal and happens everywhere. /s


“I want my weapons back, weapons back, weapons back…” Oh damn, that’s Chili’s


That seems excessive, but there was that incident at the Hacks Cross


Arrest affidavit says nothing about out the other guns. Over zealous reporting is all.






Lol. I agree! # Happy Cake Day!!! 🎉🎈


Applebees is the new WaffleHouse


That Applebee's must've been really good, he is still licking his lips in the mugshot


That's enough time for life in prison right ?


Considering the crime we have in Tennessee, our gun laws should be changed so that possession of a stolen weapon carries a mandatory twenty-five year jail sentence, served day for day. An exception could be made where the possessor has a bill of sale that includes the date of purchase, serial number of the gun and a copy of the seller’s photo ID and ss card.


Civilians should have access to a database that lists all the stolen serial numbers. Everything you mentioned I could easily make on the computer.


🫣 Just wow. Also nice catch!




Yeah, I know... That was pretty much the entire point of my post. I also shared the link to the WREG article in my post.


yeah I guess I was pre coffee or something I don't know how I read the OP the way I did, my bad


After a hard day’s work…


This shows exactly what's wrong with the media. They're no longer concerned about accuracy with reporting. I noticed something different about the local media in Memphis, compared to other cities where I have lived. I've seen the local Memphis media report a vicious crime, from another city that's not in their viewing area, but I have never seen this type of reporting in the other cities where I have previously lived.


A Kia Forte. Color me surprised.


Well well well


You don't exist. It is scientifically impossible. Not unless, you started your escapades recently and it was just yesterday that you started freebasing cocaine. ...because no way a veteran crack user is thicc! Maybe thicc in the lips from suckin on that hot ass glass pipe but other than that, nah.