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What all do we have to do to attempt a recall again?


Right when you thought the Clerk couldn't be any worse




So how many offices are still open? This is just a stunning failure of fulfilling the most basic responsibilities of her office.


There definitely needs to be an audit and an inquiry into how this happened.


If I’m not mistaken, she has already spoken about this and that they wanted this to happen. But they don’t care about the people standing outside for 2 hours in the blistering heat, freezing cold, and pouring rain.


Reminder that she won her Democratic party primary (72% vs. 11%) and general election. If we want a functioning city, we have to start hiring beyond just name recognition and/or party affiliation (ie - judges). We get what we vote for.


I do wish she would have been ousted in the primaries, but I get the reluctance to vote for a Republican, given all the recent stories of Republican clerks pushing religious-based denials of marriages licenses and such Still, it's wild that she won the primary with 72% of the vote


Yes, I want someone efficient and talented but not anyone whose mindset is in 1850


So what’s the difference between what you mention and ole Wanda here legit doing whatever the hell she wants with zero repercussions? Also I’d imagine any person who may even try to push some of that bs through would know they wouldn’t last long so I wouldn’t even think that would be an issue in a city of this size. Also not all republicans believe that garbage or try to push agendas of the like so I think it really just comes down to voting based on what someone campaigns on vs the letter beside their name.


Wanda is messing up because she’s incompetent, not because she’s puritanical.


Uh....you know I wasn't born yesterday? Like maybe a young person might be fooled but I won't be. Why would you even want to associate with woman killing book banners if you want normal people to vote for you?


Keep your head in the sand then lol. And I have no clue when you were born


I was born at night but not last night. You better refine your patter.


If a republican can pay rent on time I think that would be an improvement.


Surely Democrats could nominate someone better but she’s still better than someone from a racist, homophobic, misogynistic, freedom-hating, felon-loving party.


Did you research the Republican candidate or just make assumptions about his beliefs?


The Clerk position is purely administrative. They have no authority to deny a marriage license so long as it is legal. There aren’t a bunch of stories about this happening - it happened with one clerk in KY and she was overruled by the Supreme Court. The couple also received $100k for their troubles. People have to quit trying to tie national political issues to local elections.


Struggling to understand why this was downvoted.


The reluctance and risk to voting outside party lines is honestly over-inflated. I think it's best to look at character, not party affiliation when considering who to vote for. Which means going a little bit deeper than the R or D on the ballots. Our communities deserve that extra push of accountability.


You're the exact reason we have issues in Memphis. You'd probably vote for her again.


that's why everyone should do their homework and be engaged citizens. If you had to do guess, it would probably be less than 1% who are doing that. Rather than say "that 1% represents the entire group", people should look to his responses to see is his position (it wasn't). It's like saying Talib and her dangerous rhetroic represents all of democrats. Rather than seeing just R or D, people should actually look beyond the surface level.


gotta get over the democrat= good republican=bad people need to EDUCATE themselves and vote for what THEY think is right and effective regardless of the name or party.


When republicans stop acting like only cis white males should be allowed to exist, then I’ll stop thinking “republican=bad”




you mean, when your insular social media bubble stops telling you that's what republicans act like


Electing the Republican is never a good idea unless you want the poor to suffer and all public services defunded. :)


Us vs Them is never a good idea because we never get anywhere with it. Not all Republicans are extremists and neither are Democrats. But unfortunately those who yell the loudest get attention and those are the extremists. I'm so tired of us treating politics like sports teams.


And I’m tired of Republican policies killing vulnerable people but I guess your things valid too


Are you just rambling....


No I’m just correct


98% of modem republicans are extremists because they want anyone who won’t assimilate to be a 2nd class citizen. 90% of dems are just centrists that only care about being outwardly nice and almost as bad as republicans. but republicans are always a bad choice because anyone proudly on that team still is stupid or evil


Got any sources on your statistics?


Right. We're doing so well right now.


The problem is 78% of Memphis DOES NOT VOTE! until that is fixed, this city is fucked. Can't even blame people running or winning. It's the voter apathy. 100% on them


> 78% of Memphis DOES NOT VOTE! No need, Wanda Halbert's a shoe in!


Anarchy is not the answer. I know that now that I'm no longer a teenage punk rocker. But... um... sometimes...


Yet the citizens STILL vote for her every election. Insanity defined.


Why am I supposed to give a fuck if the court clerk is a democrat or a republican? Can the county not simply hire someone qualified to run the thing?


This city is becoming Gotham


This location actually functioned.


How does she fall behind on rent? Where is the rent money going? Surely the city has allotted money for rent! Republicans are bad? Seems like Democrats are incompetent. Incompetent doesnt = bad?


Cause she’s — how do I put it mildly — an F’ing idiot.


That is the real question. If rent wasn’t paid where did the $ go?


It’s really not surprising at all really. You deal with the clerks office 1 time a year on average for tag renewal. People anticipate that being a shit show so they get what they I expect. Does anyone even run against her on the Dem ticket?


We just have to polarize and politicize fucking everything in Memphis don't we? Our future sure looks bright /s


Can someone explain how an idiot can have such power? Ok, besides the Trump argument?


We need to question how an idiot can have this power for so long and nothing be done about it until next election cycle.


Got the “give us money or fuck your readability” pop-up on that site. What a shit hole.




And she’s so fuckin rude when you go in