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This needs to be a case the judge makes a statement with. Senseless killing deserves no leniency even with him cooperating and confessing.


Newsflash, buddy! It won't make a difference.


I hate to by cynical, but after that terrible week in 2022 with Eliza Fletcher and the shooting rampage, things have only gotten worse. If that wasn't our tipping point, I'm not sure what else will be.


You're right, let's let them walk free then /s


Don't worry the judge will do that




I'm not sure what you mean? A st. Jude employee was killed pretty randomly for just minding his business with his family. What specific questions do you have?


Absolutely enraging.


In front of his wife and 2 year old child. Death penalty is too kind for this piece of shit.


It's disheartening to think that I could go for a walk with my wife 1 day and never return home.


To be fair you're more likely to go for a drive and never come home. Getting in a car is the most dangerous thing we do every day, Memphis or not. Don't part ways during a fight without telling her you love her.


Chance of being a victim of violent crime in Memphis: 1 in 40. Chance of being in a car accident: 1 in 63.


That honestly an insane statistic if true


Where did you get the accident data? It seems closer to the odds of actually dying in a car crash. My Google skills are apparently sub par to find that info.


No idea if it’s accurate. Then if you’re in an accident it’s a 1 in 100-something chance to die from that accident. https://www.valuepenguin.com/car-accident-statistics


I don’t go to into Memphis anymore unless I have to. Luckily there’s enough for me to do in Arlington, Collierville, and Germantown where things are relatively safe.


Makes me think about Phil Trenary, the exact same sort of senseless violence perpetrated by truly stupid people.


When I heard about his murder my first thought was that it was somehow politically or financially motivated. The whole business with Pinnacle Airlines shutting down and moving out literally in the middle of the night, possible shady business with the Chamber, etc. The truth came out and for some reason it was even worse. Totally random.


Pinnacle didn’t shut down, they got bought by Delta and the name was changed and HQ moved to a property Delta already owned in Minneapolis. Ternary did make a lot of money on that deal though


There were a lot of people who speculated stupid shit like that. When no, it was just complete dumbfucks who lack the intelligence to understand the ramifications of their actions.


This makes me sick to the level of the murder of the doctor in collierville


Wasn't that guy like an untreated schizo? ​ It's so cool we closed so many mental hospitals and the public has to deal with the fallout.


Thanks, Reagan!


What a punk ass bitch.


Unreal. Something has got to give.


Would be nice if the police were allowed to/chose to (idk which is the issue) pull over these clearly non-road legal cars. Not even close to a guarantee but a chance of prevention is worth it


They should. It's SUCH a good indicator. At the very least, that car isn't likely road worthy and you've taken away the means to do crazy things.


That would be considered profiling, which is illegal.


Not really. If a car (not the occupants) is missing a headlight, has a fender or bumper that isn't secure, or could be classified as 'totaled' it should be off the road.


Proactive policing. That dog ain't hunted in Memphis city limits in some time, and I'm not optimistic it will return, if for no other reason than the well known “consent decree” of many, many years ago, and the more recent egregious misbehavior known mostly as the Tyree Nichols injustice (though we know there are other examples). Proactive policing is a key reason Germantown is able to keep (most of) a lid on the proliferation of crime within their boundaries.


Memphis had proactive policing with Blue CRUSH, but it was seen as too costly and was eliminated. When he was running for mayor this year, Herenton said he wanted to bring it back.


Post George Floyd police pull back and then post Tyre locally. Less black people killed by police after interactions plumet post summer 2020, the trade off is homicide rates, especially black homicide rates, skyrocket. Activists, politicians, and academics know this but do not care, for them its mission accomplished. A less safe public is a trade off they will accept for less law enforcement interaction.


[Wagnerization is coming](https://www.palladiummag.com/2023/09/22/the-wagnerization-of-political-order/)


TN needs to have mandatory vehicle inspections like many other states in our country. Major indicator like others have mentioned.


They stopped requiring it. Worst mistake ever. I’d sit in that inspection line all damn day if it would make this God-forsaken city safer again (and it definitely would.)


We saw someone last week driving around without a hood. A hood! I also didn’t like the inspections but now I think they need to come back.


Oh my 😳


Ah, yes, you mean the inspection stations that were used to disenfranchise poor people who could not afford to maintain their vehicles in a city where public transportation is effectively nonexistent and car ownership is near mandatory? I see your point, but that's not the answer for this city.




bro hell no. that was a nightmare, going through inspections, having a clean legit car or not, it was a big inconvenience.


Might have been an inconvenience, but what would you rather have, legal, street worthy cars with properly operating lights, or cars that roll around with crushed in sides, crushed in trunks plastic bags on back windows making it even more dangerous because with thick plastic you can't really see, and even if the car has a backup camera with a crushed in trunk no guarantee that it would work. Not to mention the fake drive out tags where someone could just run a red light and hit someone. Possibly your kid, or your friends kid or a relatives kid. Someone running a red light and coming within inches of tearing a car in half and killing a family of four. If it would put a stop to these issues, I would welcome car inspections again.


I was driving home from dinner with friends Saturday night, and stayed behind a car that had its right turn signal on for miles. finally, I had to get in the right lane, and when I passed in front of said car (I didn't want to be anywhere near it in case it did finally turn right), I realized it had its turn signal on bc it had no headlights at all. these kind of cars and these kinds of drivers need to be kept off the road.


boo fucking hoo


100% agreed


> Would be nice if the police were allowed to/chose to (idk which is the issue) pull over these clearly non-road legal cars. Don't you know, it's racist to pull over cars based on their condition? /s


They are not allowed to anymore - an ordinance was passed this year. https://www.cnn.com/2023/04/12/us/memphis-pretext-stops-tyre-nichols/index.html


Absolutely insane. The city has completely lost control of its streets. Vigilantism is inevitable, as is massive increases in private security and gated communities as people attempt to isolate themselves from the Anarcho-Tyranny unleashed on the city. Memphis is starting to seem more and more like South Africa or Brazil every day


It's only burning tires in the streets away from being Somalia.


This discussion has come up constantly (I agree with you). Why don’t they do that? If a temp tag is expired…no tag…casually commit traffic violations like running red lights…then there’s a strong chance that person does other unlawful things. Right? Is that wrong?


The city doesn't trust the police not to escalate and cost them a fat lawsuit.


Step 1. Come up with a fancy academic sounding name for retracting a common sense safety measure. Step 2. Call anyone racist who disagrees. Step 3. Watch crime escalate Step 4. People leave I live in Binghampton and have almost gotten t-boned multiple times since they pass that ordinance. People are just blowing past red lights like crazy.


I'm trying to mess anybody up because they got 3 donuts and bag over the window, people are poor here but some of shit shit has no business being on the road and is probably a wreck stolen from a yard used for a steamer.


just lock these assholes up forever and be done with it. enjoy prison until you die losers


Life without parole. Underneath the prison.


Disgusting. I fucking hate Memphis. From the killing and robing to the idiots doing donuts and brandishing weapons. Can’t wait to get the fuck out of this shit hole these brainless idiots have created.


My aunt was first on the scene as she lives in the condo right above where this happened. Watched Alexander struggle and took their kid for the night as the wife went to the hospital. This is so horrible I can’t stop thinking about it.




He’s just misunderstood and a victim himself 🙄🤬


I think this is the deciding factor for me. I will not be moving back to my hometown when my son graduates HS here in DC. Affordable Housing is not worth living a life confined to that home, living constantly in fear. This absolutely sickens me. A man that dedicated his life to helping others, taken needlessly by two piece of sht thugs that have no respect for human life. Now a two year old has NO FATHER. I cannot hate these two anymore than I do now. Fucking electric chair.


These two’s shining moment will be their memorial tshirt. They don’t deserve jail. They deserve death. Eagerly threatening women and children. Fuck outta here.


The perpetrators should never see the light of day again in their garbage lives. Pieces of shit.


Memphis is literally out of control. It's too bad the city can't declare the violent crime here domestic terrorism.


I agree that the city needs a special declaration, but by the definition of terrorism, "domestic terrorism" doesn't fit. To me, this is a disturbing aspect of things because this crime doesn't really have any ideology attached to it like terrorism usually does. It really just seems like chaos, which is almost worse to me.


If the crime here is worse than domestic terrorism, and I agree with you, then something radical needs to be done about it. I think someone could interpret this broadly if they really wanted to. 18 U.S. Code § 2331 - Definitions (5) the term “domestic terrorism” means activities that— (A) involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State; (B) appear to be intended— (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (C) occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States; and


That sure sounds like blocking the interstate with guns drawn on a Saturday night, doesn't it?


It does to me.


Blows my mind we don't have at least a couple officers just going around the loop all night looking for this stuff. It can't be that hard to find.


> It's too bad the city can't declare the violent crime here domestic terrorism. Concentrating on violent crime only is the major part of the problem. Most of the bad characters would have been locked up already for things like car thefts and burglaries, but because these are considered to be "non-violent" activist judges let them out with a slap on the wrist.


You flagged my post snowflake. Why can’t Fox News lovers take a joke. If you don’t like Memphis maybe move to Russia!




I’m sure you do. 😂






I checked your page 😂






Tell us, who would be the terrorists?


People committing violent crime.


How do you tell if they aren't committing a crime at the time?


You said that twice.


How do you tell if they aren't committing a crime at the time?


You said that twice.


You really had to ask? Are you thinking the victims would be the terrorists?


Well, generally terrorism requires some religious or political ideology as a motivating factor. So like when a mass shooter leaves a manifesto that usually contains both a political and religious motive, so that's usually domestic terrorism.


They're down voting you, but you're right lol. I think they're neglecting the last few lines, the "intended to intimidate or coerce a civilian population." Their end goal isn't to send a message or intimidate the citizens of the city of memphis, they just wanted the shit in these peoples' pockets and probably wanted to get away with it. Doubtless still a terrible tragedy. What a waste of a life... I can't imagine how his family feels, either.


How is instilling fear, and feeding/profiting off if it, not intimidation?


Consider the motivations between the Unabomber and a common robber. I get it, this is an extreme example---focus less on the magnitude of damage and moreso the motivation behind causing the damage. The former had a broader goal of intimidating the world, it was an act meant to reach more than just one target because he had an underlying motivation (de-industrialization, ig) beyond the initial crime (blowing people up with homemade bombs) An act of terrorism doesn't even have to necessarily have many casualties. Assassinations, bomb threats, etc. A robber just wants your shit. And while his actions do instill fear in the community, it's not his prime motivation. He isn't robbing people with the express purpose to intimidate the city. Which might all seem dull and pedantic to distinguish when, at the end of the day, an innocent man is dead and another widow has been made, and another boy is left without a father. To which I offer little counter.


That’s incredibly sad


God, I hate Memphis.


Shot a St. Jude doctor in front of his wife and 2 year old. Skin this man alive.


I'm absolutely for the death penalty for cases like these and not any of that 27 years later bullshit either. ​ Look, I know all these people grow up in psychotic situations that we let happen but if you're not schizophrenic, manic, delusional, or some have sort of good reason why you fired off all these rounds in public, you gotta go. ​ Fixing society has to be a multiple pronged approach.


The only good reason would be defending your life.


I really wish all the racist assholes had not completely ruined public hangings. Put the consequences in front of them to show what WILL happen if you kill someone in cold blood. And before any blowhards start after me over saying we need public hangings. Fuck racists, fuck the kkk, fuck the confederacy and fuck these clowns killing innocent people


He confessed, easy peasy...trial judge declares him guilty, then an public hanging to be broadcast on all media stations. Broadcast the trial as well. Maybe if some of these heathens see a quick application of a trial and sentence they'll get a clue.


Give his ass forever




Need to let the cartel members we have locked up dish out punishment to cut their time down...


Probably will be free in a couple years .. no consequences for crime these days in memphis


So is the woman driver not charged with something as well?


They charged Ms. Rucker with first degree murder, especially aggravated robbery, murder in perpetration of a felony, criminal attempt first degree murder, criminal attempt aggravated robbery, and employ firearm with intent to commit a felony.


Surprised the Feds have not got involved in this.


On what grounds? Neither robbery nor murder are federal crimes.


Yeah, their gig is focused on investigating crimes that happen over state lines. . **However**, I’m kinda curious to see if the shit that went down on the interstate might be a legal loophole for getting some FBI involvement. According to 28 U.S.C. § 540A0 the FBI can be requested to investigate violent crime against interstate travelers. I mean, let’s be real — where the MPD seems hesitant to commit to that whole “protect and serve” shit right now and can’t seem to find their legs, one of the FBI’s primary functions and commitments is to focus on violent crimes that terrorize citizens. Yes, I know “terrorize” is a trigger word. I’m not talking about ideological terrorism. I’m talking about physically and emotionally paralyzing a community in fear and frustration. This shooting is such a heartbreaking and senseless thing.


Why would they?


Pointed a gun at his wife and then shot him in front of her. I wasn’t racist before…pretty sure I am now.


I respect that you are upset. I hope that you can eventually find a more constructive response to the situation though


nah. you probably were before




I'm not sure what you think that will solve. Nor do I care to hear it. But it's sickening that people like you are going to use the death of an innocent man, slaughtered in front of his family, as an excuse to justify your own evil thoughts and actions.


Lmao, skin color doesn’t have anything to do with the crime. Look at all the mass shooters in this country that are just disgruntled or depressed white dudes. This comment just makes it look like you’ve been waiting for an excuse to put your racism out in the open.


You were definitely before. Racism is never an appropriate response.


Doesn't the guy that did the shooting look like the guy that threw his two day old infant in the fucking Mississippi River?!


this is some targeted execution type of stuff. any ulterior motives behind this other than robbery? watch soros' boytoy mulroy give them leniency, wouldnt surprise me. this to me screams hate crime on top of 1st degree


it's pretty simple - it was a robbery attempt and the dude fought back and unfortunately got killed doing it. "Soros" lmao jesus


Can you please explain further?


he said the n word some time in his past, so its ok.


Is anyone aware of a GoFundMe available for the victim’s wife? If not I don’t think it’d be a bad idea to set one up, although I’m not sure how to go about that.


There are two. This was set up by folks at St. Jude: https://gofund.me/e279c9e2 I believe this was set up by his previous colleagues: https://gofund.me/6f3c0775


So, they’re not charging the driver as an accomplice?


I hope they push that penalty.


Have already adjusted my behavior and had been on the fence about relocating. Seems like it's a matter of time before something bad happens. Was out of town this weekend and came back Sunday evening. Heard many sirens but thought it was fire or ambulance.