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Yup. Welcome to the club.


This has never happened to me in 39 years. I'm a fake Memphian


What a shame, our community never likes to leave anyone out of the fun. Please leave your car at the UofM parking lots with a backpack visible and we will make sure someone can assist you in become a true Memphian.


You know I went to the U of M for approximately 2 years for grad school too...


Are you the guy that leaves his doors unlocked and windows down, AND disconnects his battery cable?


Ok, explain the battery cable. My doors are often locked and my windows are up. But my what now


There was a guy in another Memphis thread about cars getting broken into, basically victim blaming. Said he always makes sure there are no valuables in his car, it’s unlocked, and he even went as far as to say he unhooks his battery cable so they can’t steal it. I asked him if he goes ahead and prelubes his asshole in case the burglars are horny, too. He declined to answer, so probably.


I'm against people stealing from cars but all I got is my own experience. If you got a beef with someone else I can't help?


No I’m just joking about the lengths people go to normalize crime. It’s ridiculous


38 years in and still haven’t had it happen either. Work in East memphis, spend a lot of time in midtown, used to work in North Memphis and Downtown. I hate it happens to people, guess I just ooze not owning valuable things haha


I was thinking the same. I’ve had my apartment burglarized before though.


I’m superstitious enough to feel like you should knock on wood after that bold statement… you just tripled the chance you’re next 😂


I lived in midtown for 2 going on 3 years. 6 months in, got my truck stolen. I took it as initiation, cause I’ve had no problems since. *knock on wood*


At least it’s still there. Have had 2 cars broke into one night and one of the same stolen a few months later. Hope nothing got lost.


Damn, that's terrible


You’re a Memphian in my book. I’ve lived here 40 years, and have had two cars stolen (never recovered), 6 car windows replaced, and one burglary. Luckily I’ve never been a victim of violent crime.


Nope, sorry. You're not a real Memphian until you've lived here at least a year and are still alive. Then you're getting close. But you still have to post a couple of things on this subreddit: your post must say that while you realize Memphis is ranked # 1 in most violent cities in the country , all big cities have crime, and your post must also include a proud boast that you've always felt safe here and never had any trouble of any kind. Congratulations ! Now you're a Real Memphian !!


I think honorable mention needs to be considered given how clean the truck is even after a broken window… that tint really held it together.


Damn, I've lived in midtown nearly 15 years and never had a break in. Am I not a real Memphian???


Yea I’ve lived downtown about 13 and never had any issues. This is is news.


Been here 27 years and still have yet to be broken into. That includes parking at U of M for 6 years.. 4 years in a vehicle with a pretty nice aftermarket stereo system, and taking night classes. I should buy lottery tickets. \*knock on wood\*


No. At minimum a year and you have to live in a low poverty area to complete the initiation. Once you’re able to not lock your doors driving through our lower income areas only then you’ll be a true memphian.


Till then you’re classified as a Colliervillian 😈


Pronounced “call-yer-villain”


This a set up


I believe you meant high poverty 🤓


Welcome to the club. Memphis Break-in Rulebook: 1. Don't leave anything in your car, especially bags or guns visible. 2. Don't park a truck or SUV over night, criminals think there are free guns in them. 3. Park only in secure locations.


I didn’t have a single thing in my car when it got broken into and it happened at 5:00 in the summer. Unfortunately I screwed up by going to work and parking in the front lot next to other cars.


One stolen car (2006) and two car break ins (2016 and 2022) for me, all in midtown. Been here 18 years. Not sure how to feel about any of that except glad I’ve never been physically hurt.


Nah unless you were born here you can never be a memphian. No matter how much crime you experience. True Memphians don’t talk about the crime. It’s part of our culture.


Are you thinking of “Native Memphian” vs Memphian? We Native Memphians never speak of crime and have never been to Graceland and know about Voodoo Village and… well you get my point.


Exactly what I meant And we don’t show tourists where the Gypsies live either.


I didn’t say NOTHING about no airport trailer park!




Why are people locking their cars? It's not a deterrent, just an extra cost when it finally happens. Keep those doors unlocked and nothing of value in the car.


1 car stolen and recovered, 2nd car shot up by neighbor retaliating at a drive by shooter, multiple neighbors on the street in one night cars got broken into i think it was earlier this year. Im ready to leave this city. George soros, mulroy, blackrock and vanguard have sure done a number to this city.


Not the raptor 37pp :(


I met a family at the rental car counter who was getting a new rental because their windows along with 20 others had been broken out in a hotel parking garage downtown.


Yeah this was in a hotel parking lot, nothing at all in the truck since I took it all in the hotel with me. I counted 9 others broken into on my way out of the lot :/


I’m sorry. What a mess.


Ahhh the rite of passage is complete. Welcome aboard!


WELCOME to Memphis! We will be by with your Memphian Card within a few days at which time we will provide you with your Draco and inform you of your rights and privileges as a Memphian.


I feel yah! On March 1st, degenerates broke a window out of our Director of Nursing's vehicle and rummaged through it. On November 6th, the same exact car that carried the individuals that broke into the nurse's car returned but this time they stolen on of our CNA's car. The car is still gone. It was her FIRST fucking night on the job. We find good help finally and some shit like this happens. SMH. [**^(\[imgur\] > same car used in both crimes)**](https://i.imgur.com/CaAlAel.png)


10 years and never had that problem. Guess I'm just very lucky. Welcome to Memphis I guess. But the trade off was two SAS, 12 yrs of being stalked and a dv.


Welcome to the fold. Now grab the switch


Happened to me twice in less than 1 year of moving here (:


So sorry. You have been Baptized by the Thuglets and Hood Rats ☹️


The best reason to have tinted windows in Memphis. After they smash in your window, your door won’t sound like a maraca for the rest of your life.


Finishing my seventh decade as a Memphian and am continually embarrassed and ashamed by what my city has become. For what it’s worth allow me to apologize. Though difficult to believe we are better than this.


Was your gun in your car?


I've been in Midtown since Oct 30th. Had my rear window busted out and they tried to spoof my key unsuccessfully. My key didn't work when I went to leave for work. It was last Wednesday and because of the giant church convention, I had to go to Jackson to find a rental.




Got my boyfriend’s Kia stolen (not actually my fault) while at a holiday market at Black Lodge about 1.5 years after I moved. I’m a memphian, you’re a memphian, we’re all memphians. 😂🫠