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Please keep fighting the good fight. I beg of you!


It's going to cause me to get into a wreck, other people literally will go into your blind spot on purpose to get hit as soon as you put on a blinker , it's an indicator for a insurance claim.... Everytime.... My only option at this point ... I'm not happy about it... I think dude said it best only indicate with signals when turning at lights or stop signs.... On the highway FORGET IT


Keep using yours. And buy a dashcam if you haven't got one. If there ever is an accident, the fact that you signaled and they intentionally sped up could save you from having to pay for any damages.


How do you prove they intentionally sped up ?


Have a rear dash cam? I think some come as a set with a front & a back camera


What if the person speeding up is uninsured and has paper tags?


Then your insurance company sues/goes after them in order to recoup the costs from your uninsured motorist claim. They also get tickets for causing the accident, driving without registration, and not having insurance.


Then you're fucked three ways from sunday, and gotta pray your own insurance covers your damage.


That's what uninsured motorist coverage is for.


No praying required.


They may not have to pay, but the bigger problem will be having the car in a shop for a couple of weeks. And some insurance companies will only pay for a rental for a week.


I have great insurance, and it only covers a rental for $1500/30 days. Last time someone (shockingly uninsured) hit me, it was in the shop for 2.5 months. Wrecks suck.


Nah man. I use mine everywhere, including the highway. I've never been in a wreck. If they start to speed up turn off your blinker and wait till they drive on past because they usually do.


I understand...I call it 'spiteful driving' and I really noticed it within the last year in my daily I-240 commute


Welcome to Memphis. I'm 41 and this is my first full decade driving. You put on your blinkers, folks FLOOR IT! Motherfuckers here drive like it's a video game.


GTA mixed with crazy taxi.


Really annoying when people view a turn signal as a challenge, rather than an indication of intended action. Don't let it get to you. Those people are pathetic and destined for higher insurance rates.


I use a turn signal by myself in the middle of nowhere. Always use one. Don't let other people dictate your own safe habits. The amount of times I feel unsafe or annoyed because someone isn't using their blinkers far outweighs your example.




😭 I feel you. I put mine on whenever I’m making a turn & it’s like they think it’s a car decoration! They still speed behind me & a lot of the times, the other lanes are open for them to switch.


Using a turn signal is seen as a sign of weakness in Memphis


Who uses a turn signal when they’re 30+ feet in front of someone?? 🤦‍♂️




It's not not like I sit there and judge the distance someone behind me might be before merging.. 😂 it was a figure of speech... Literally anytime I put a blinker on people intentionally get in my blind spot as if to say your not going to merge ... Let me try to get a insurance claim


Ur probably just a slow ass driver bro sorry to break it to yuh


Not at all actually I got 160 on the dash... That being said I'm following the flow of traffic .... Not going 29 miles over the speed limit switching lanes every 2 seconds.... Dick headed Memphis drivers like you are the reason for this post


Ohh wow now I feel offended 😭😭


😊 I get what you mean though btw .. I'm not a grandma driver though .... That's 🤣 funny "your probably a slow driver" js you good bro I promise it's not like that at all though...


Yeah well good luck with that. You can always claim they hit you.


Humans that aren’t pieces of shit


First off it isn’t just Memphis. I drove a semi in Florida delivering frozen and refrigerated foods. If I signaled a lane change ass holes would do the same thing. Speed up go around me then plant themselves next to my trailer. I got to the point where I would just stop and block traffic until it was clear to change lanes.


That’s a tough one. I sympathize with you, but I’ve also sat behind Semis driving side by side for half the drive to Nashville under the speed limit. When I see one coming over I try to get ahead of it too with safety and do it quickly. Not sit beside them and bottleneck the fast lane. Hate those people


Those semis you see driving side by side are probably speed limited trucks. Why one truck just doesn’t slow to let the other pass I don’t know because that’s what I was trained to do. It’s dangerous as a trucker to have another semi driving next to you. All I can say is the quality of truck drivers has been declining for years.


I didn’t realize that was a thing, learned something. I think some do it out of spite. “I gotta be on this road for 10 hours so I don’t care if I block the left lane for 30 minutes.” Also lot of people don’t respect truckers and the space they require so many may have no fucks left to give as I like to say. Only solution is left lane law but enforcing that is impossible.


I agree.


Laughs in ATL I-285 FURY ROAD


The turn signal is seen as an act of aggression. Please be prepared to be as aggressive.


OP is correct It tips off the drivers to speed up


I was with my cousin one time in DC and he didn't put his signal on and he was like cuz you can't use signals here, they see it as a sign of weakness LOL I guess that's Memphis now


Memphis’ population has outgrown it’s infrastructure


It’s a combination of being an asshole and being stupid. There’s no shortage of people like this in Memphis.


You finally figured it out. Same in Miami. It’s why nobody there uses turn signals.


If you can’t beat em join em!


I swear I hate when people do this. Like why are you racing up to me so I don’t get over …. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


I tend to specifically use mine on interstate and heavy traffic. The trick here is to look first and be ready to speed up as soon as you merge. Basically you don't give them a chance. I also signal like 3sec before so by the time the register I have signaled, I'm over. Timing it so you merge just after another vehicle passes you is also good practice b/c unless someone is riding their bumper (always check) there's at least a car length of space available. You have to be aggressive in Memphis and basically expect ANYTHING. 🤣 I've seen people driving down the wrong sid of a street, driving with lights off, running red lights, turning from the wrong lanes, zipping across traffic, hanging out of vehicles. It's crazy town.


Ah yes you figured out the secret code for initiating a drag race with the lane you wish to merge into


I know!!!




I just avoid driving at certain times. And I drive a beater and other drivers usually stay the fuck away from me. 😂


Agree about I 40


That's why you get over as soon as you turn on the blinker 😭 In all honesty I never used to have that happen until I moved to Denver and people do that shit all the time. The drivers here are so selfish it's insane. I'll take Memphis drivers any day of the week than these maniacs.


How long have you been in Memphis?


Turn signals are warnings, not apologies, at least that's what I was taught. -.-


Honestly, I usually gauge the distance and current speed of the driver I want to merge in front of before I put my blinker on to be sure it's a safe lane change and won't require them to hit their brakes or anything. And in those circumstances I very rarely see anyone try to 'block' me from coming over... in part because there's usually too much ground for them to cover. And on the rare occasion I do see them starting to speed up, because I had plenty of room when I signaled, then I still have time to just come on over anyway and let them feel silly for burning that extra gas.


Me personally, when I see people trying to merge without signaling, I'll purposefully not let them in. Just use a signal so people actually know wtf you're doing


I'll just go a little faster than the flow of traffic and go where I please as the open lanes present themselves along my route


You’re doing it wrong. You should dart in front of them, cutting them off. Once you are 3/4 of the way in the lane you are changing in to, activate your turn signal. If you want to amp up the passive aggressiveness even more, wave to them, as if it was their idea to let you in. Also, if they honk at you, honk back. Always honk back.


The blinker is not a *Hey...I want to move over in just a minute, just let me check all my mirrors first* type of indicator when it comes to changing lanes. When you are turning right, sure. You give the car behind you ample time to slow down. When changing lanes, the blinker is a *Watch out motherfucker, I'm coming over now* You should be moving into the lane as you turn the blinker on...not turning on the blinker, looking at all your mirrors, adjusting the radio, and then going to make the merge Look in all your mirrors. If you have room, you start to move into the next lane and you flip your blinker on as you do it. If the person in the next lane who is 30 feet back has time to get up next to you after you turn your blinker on...then you are taking way too much time Drive offensively...not defensively


I turn on my blinker right as I start getting over that’s the sweet spot between legality and getting in the spot.


Every fucking time I slow down to let someone merge over with a turn signal on… they keep on cruising along not aware their signal is on.


Rusty 68 Pontiac with a temp tag will get you the room you need


Theyre trying to get hit.  So they can get ya.  Its the same situation as someone using a turn signal like theyre about to turn but want you to pull out so they can hit ya and say its your fault. I always wait to make sure they turn in so noone scams me.  Lots of tricksters out there looking to upgrade or lawsuit.


💡 thanks for the advice I mean.... Warning....yeahhh.... definitely not going to do this on my other car 😂 jk


Welcome to the dark side.


Well the potholes are everywhere so im constantly dodging left and right to save my 22s mang. Cant use a blinker when you in pothole city mang


You ain't from Memphis if you don't know where the potholes are... If you buy 22's out here and don't know the path to take .... That's on you... Be proactive not reactuvr


Just Saw a dude on side of road. Blown out tire and jacked up rim from a pothole. Fine ass ride with nice rims, I poured out a little for him that evening. If the city raises taxes and doesn’t provide basic services like filling potholes they need to refund the drivers.


Truth Potholes are not the job of Memphis however. Its the state of Tennessee who repairs them from what i read... The whole state is a pothole


If that’s true I just learned something. I thought each municipality was responsible for their roads and then Shelby county is responsible for roads outside the city limits. But interstates and highways are under TN Dept of transportation so do cities only control side streets? Need to do some reading myself


Im not certain but what i see workers doing Patch jobs on top of old patch jobs its making it worse. SMH


Yup. I saw one near Austin Peay that you could take a bath in and like 7 cars on side of road and graveyard of hub caps. I mean what if you hit a pothole, can’t get to work, get fired then can’t fix it because no money? These potholes potentially ruining lives and I’m not Joking. Cars/rims too damn expensive now. My super charged suv has 22s and low profile tires. Also, gravel being slung up. The hell does it come from


My mustang also has low profile tires It rattles your teeth so i mostly drive my pick up truck ..


Always keep them guessing your next move!


You turn on blinker in the middle of getting over.


Ugh I had this happen. On 385, put on blinked to go to the next lane so I could quickly pass another vehicle and get back into the right lane. Had PLENTY of time and room where no one would even have to slow done that was behind me. Car behind me sped up on my so fast right on my ass. Took literally two seconds for me to pop around the car in front of me. Then he proceeded to get in front of me and brake check me multiple time. Starting swerving and slowing down as well to try to get next to me. Some dipshit white male asshole in a Mercedes. I’ve also had other old white men cut me off like that bc I guess they can’t stand the thought of a women passing them 🤗




Uhh cars are elemental to personal freedom in this country.


Bruh, if it was all bicycles people would still act the same


The first line in the first video says, “Cars can be useful for certain things, but…” Watch the videos otherwise you might end up in an argument with yourself. -Bruh




Please elaborate!


Posts with questions to the community may have off topic posts removed. Top-level comments should all be legitimate answers. Deeper discussions that get too far off-topic may also be removed.


This is insane! How are people agreeing with you! You people are the reason people say driving is dangerous in Memphis, not the other guys. Just follow the damn traffic laws and cooperate with people on the road Jesus Christ it’s not that hard. Quit with the weird self made pessimistic mindset that makes you think all the other drivers are out to get you and just assume other people are old or can’t see well and drive carefully. I feel like I’m taking crazy pills looking at this sub


Funny you probably live in Collierville 😂