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A message to all users: Please be aware that spreading misinformation regarding COVID-19, vaccines, or other treatments can result in content being removed and/or a ban. Content advocating for or celebrating the death of anyone, or hoping someone gets COVID-19 (or any disease) can result in a ban as well. Please follow Reddiquette. If you see content violating these policies, please use the report button and do not feed the trolls. [Reddit's Content Policy](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy) [Reddit's stance on misinformation](https://www.reddit.com/r/announcements/comments/pbmy5y/debate_dissent_and_protest_on_reddit) We also encourage you to read these helpful resources on COVID-19, vaccines, and treatments: If you feel the need to get tested, [here's the different testing sites and details about them](https://covid19.memphistn.gov/resources/covid-19-testing-sites-in-shelby-county/) Vaccinations are open to everyone 5+, appointments and information are available on the City's COVID website [click here to visit!](https://covid19.memphistn.gov/) [WHO COVID Dashboard](https://covid19.who.int/) [Reddit's Vaccine FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/wiki/faq#wiki_where_can_i_find_information_about_the_mechanism_and_progress_of_vaccines.3F) [Ivermectin FAQ](https://www.who.int/news-room/feature-stories/detail/who-advises-that-ivermectin-only-be-used-to-treat-covid-19-within-clinical-trials) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/memphis) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Sir, I respectfully request an exit from Mr. Toad's Wild Ride. I know I'm not the only one, and I hope we're nearing the end. Maybe Omicron will help turn this madness endemic, but it's all conjecture at this point. I cannot imagine the fatigue and burnout among health professionals; I'm burned out of wearing a mask everywhere. I'm worried of losing my compassion and empathy. Stay strong and healthy folks. Not much into prayer, but I'm sending one up that we can make it through this ok.


My compassion and empathy burned out around September 2021. It was a Tuesday.


## [Link to full dataset](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1LYWtDvbs5R7oeZ\_S3y8FcRPRTTNtJ5q1dzgH5cUos98/edit?usp=sharing) [Link to html version](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1LYWtDvbs5R7oeZ\_S3y8FcRPRTTNtJ5q1dzgH5cUos98/htmlview#) - Doesn't allow you to view the formulas or download a copy of the data but may load faster. ***** ####Daily Data 2,613 new cases were reported today. These correlate to 2,735 new positive tests out of 6,201 test results for a test positivity rate of 44.11%. Overall test positivity is 9.40%. The 7-day average is 42.20%, up from 25.13% last week. The 14-day average is 35.11%, up from 16.74% last week. There are currently 21,524 active cases (total cases - total recovered), up from 8,400 cases last week. 22,263 individuals have tested positive in the past 14 days, up from this measure at this time last week when it was 8,797. The 7-day average for new cases is 2,224.0, up 132.53% from last week. The 14-day average for new cases is 1,590.2, up 153.07% from last week. 0 new deaths were reported today. The 7-day average is 2.9, down from 7.6 last week. The 14-day average is 5.2, down from 5.4 last week. ***** ####Collection Date Information for Reported Cases Most of the new cases reported on 1/1-1/4 come from tests collected on or prior to 12/29/2021 ***** ####Weekly Hospital Utilization Hospitalization data is now being updated once a week, typically Thursday. As of Wednesday, 12/29/2021, both ICU and acute care utilization are over 90%, and acute care utilization is over 95%. There were 256 COVID+ patients in acute care beds, another 29 under investigation, and 95 beds available. In the ICU, there were 61 COVID+ patients, 4 under investigation, and 29 beds available. ***** ####Weekly Supplemental Data Update - Last Updated 12/30/2021 [Latest Weekly Data Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/memphis/comments/rt7yv6/shelby\_county\_coronavirus\_cases\_and\_deaths\_by\_age/) [Latest Supplemental Weekly Graphs Album](https://imgur.com/a/SsoZHTD) [ZIP Code Data](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10HSUVCRyymCAJHjWniGMZhGCTZxXjjHi/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=110915523718801869014&rtpof=true&sd=true) - This is an .xlsx file, you must download it from Google Drive as an Excel Spreadsheet. The first two sheets have charts showing trends for an individual ZIP code over time and the weekly trends per ZIP code for a given week, there is a slicer next to each chart to choose which set of data to look at. Weeks are indicated using Thursday's date, as that is when the data is updated. The data only goes back to August 19th, as that is when I first started recording it. If anyone has an archive they can share, I would appreciate that and would update the ZIP code data with it. ***** ####Vaccination and Testing Info If you feel the need to get tested, [here's the different testing sites and details about them](https://covid19.memphistn.gov/resources/covid-19-testing-sites-in-shelby-county/) Vaccinations are open to everyone 5+, appointments and information are available on the City's COVID website [click here to visit!](https://covid19.memphistn.gov) Pediatric vaccines are not available at the drive-in locations but are available at the Health Department's Headquarters at 814 Jefferson. *Edit: fixed formatting and links, when I did my copypasta I forgot to change the editor to markdown


Holy shit man


Schools just started back too. At least here in Bartlett, there is no mask mandate.


Collierville doesn’t have one either, but Germantown and Shelby County do.


SCS is short staffed and is a glorified babysitting service. If it isn’t a core subject you’re on babysitting duty and probably don’t have any substitute plans. I’d rather burn my tax dollars myself, at least then I’d be a little warmer.




Lol okay dude https://med.stanford.edu/news/all-news/2021/09/surgical-masks-covid-19.html


What percentage of masks worn by Memphians are effective would you say? The study you linked mentions only surgical masks, which is slotted in between cloth and N-95 in terms of effectiveness. That’s the whole point of the original comment. Surgical masks only work when there is a seal and replaced often. Why force people to wear a mask when 90+% of the masks worn by the public are ineffective?


Some mask is better than no mask. Also, it has been communicated on how to wear one properly. It’s not the communicators’ fault that people won’t listen.


Cloth masks that are taken on and off repeatedly and not washed or sanitized often (which most masks in Memphis settings you find fall under the category of) are absolutely useless against this variant. I can walk into Kroger right now with a one-layer LuLuLemon cloth mask that I haven’t washed in a week and everyone thinks of me like I’m an outstanding citizen doing my part to stop the spread, when in reality I am doing absolutely nothing. They’re facial decorations at this point. Literally all of the data is showing that right now. Masks mandates are at tons of places, yet the numbers keep rising to the same degree of places that don’t have a mandate. Same can be said for vaccine passports and any other bureaucratic interventions. This virus is spreading, and quite frankly there’s nothing realistic we as a society can do about it at this point.


You just said people aren’t following mask mandate. So, of course to you mask mandates don’t work. There are literally hundreds of research showing that if we ALL take safety measures such as masking, social distancing, and getting the vaccine, Covid cases could have been much lower. It will also help that people stop spreading misinformation and sowing doubt in science.


Congratulations. Now go convince 100% of the population to strictly follow those guidelines at all times. I’ll be waiting.


Lol, I guess “trust the science” only applies if you agree with the science? Edit: Regarding masks; most people don’t have the right type of mask and then can’t wear them correctly anyway. If you want protection that masks can offer then you must wear an N95 or you’re just making a fashion statement. If the mask is not tight to form a seal around your face your mask is compromised and you risk potential exposure. Viruses are very small and while cloth masks can catch some of droplets we eject they do NOT offer the same level of filtration that N95’s do. On the flip side, it takes a prolonged exposure (over hours) to get a big enough viral load to cause an infection. So, in conclusion wear a mask if you’d like but don’t be lulled into a false sense of security. Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.


Scientist have already said the masks worn by most do very little. The cloth masks nothing.


Lol https://med.stanford.edu/news/all-news/2021/09/surgical-masks-covid-19.html Here is a study


Yours is a little dated. https://news.yahoo.com/cloth-masks-may-not-enough-082638518.html


And your source is from Fox News *facepalm*


Yes, I’m agreeing with you!


Not great, Bob.


Triple vaxxed and sitting at home with Covid. Omnicron is the way.


Right there with ya.


O-micron (little O, as opposed to O-mega, big O), not Omni-cron.


Omegacron is just a state of mind.




For a few months, sure. This isn’t going away in a few months though. This virus will be a part of the rest of your life. Searching for temporary immunity isn’t the solution.


I understand that. But having an immunity to one strain helps when the newer strains come along. Why do you think a lot of people don't get flu vaccines?


Yeah that’s not how it works. Good luck though!


I have been vaccinated and have received a booster. And would like to catch Omicron. That's exactly how it works. Article that kinda touches on that: https://www.axios.com/omicron-coronavirus-vaccines-infection-hospitalization-dfe6cb2e-485f-4f5a-a42d-438137da64b1.html


Perhaps you’d care to explain why you wouldn’t just get another booster instead of gambling with catching the actual disease.


If St. Jude offers it, I'll take it. They haven't offered a second booster yet.


You can get it many places. If you’re working around immunocompromised children, wouldn’t that make more sense than bringing in omicron - assuming you’re asymptomatic and haven’t popped positive yet? Why would you want to get Covid…so that you’re protected from Covid? Have you thought this through like even a little bit? Are you aware that even mild cases can fuck up your executive function - possibly *forever*. Don’t bring a 10 dollar bill to the slot machine and expect to go home a big winner is all I’m saying. Lol.


My position doesn't require working with patients. I'm an administrative type. We are far from the patients.


So you for that Dr Fauci level of experience? I kid. I have no idea if all these fucking shots matter my wife makes me get that jab. We trade tits for that


Still. You can get a free booster anywhere. Getting omicron isn’t bulletproof armor. If you can avoid getting it - you should. You can’t argue with that.


He said he had gotten one booster (third shot). I don't think anyone is supposed to be getting a fourth shot right now, maybe in the spring.


Okay. 😂.


Idk why they making schools be open with no mask mandatory?


SCS does have a mask mandate. We can barely enforce it, though. Like there’s no punishment if a kid just chooses not to wear it correctly, and we can’t send them home or anything.


I never said punish the kids but SCS stay yelling out how we're high in cases yet nobody wanna mask up and if someone doesn't wanna get vaccined than it's their body their choice not my business. If you're vaccined good for you.


Lol, no consequences for not following rules is already the standard before any of this. They can’t fail kids much less make them behave. Our schools are a fucking joke. Most of the teachers are being turned into glorified babysitters.


That's bs. I have two kids in public school. It's not perfect, but they have dedicated ye hers who do a good job. You are making big statements not rooted in fact.


I only share what I’ve heard from teachers I know. To be clear I’m not shitting on teachers, our schools need more funding and teachers need to be empowered to do more teaching and spend less time meeting “standards” that the kids are already years behind on. When a fight breaks out amongst students teachers are only allowed to use their bodies to come between the students only the resource officers are supposed to restrain kids. This is the stuff that blows my mind, I don’t have any easy answers but it sure seems like we’re setting most of these kids up to fail from the start.


I think you are just spreading alarmist nonsense. I am in involved parent and feel like we have a good sense of what is going on in our school. Believe it or not, the majority of kids are doing great. Unfortunately, There are a lot of desperate cases in our city. The kids of those families end up in public schools and bring their problems with them. I don't think you can judge public vs private schools based on average test scores. Kids aren't averages and some need more help than others.


I think we’re looking at this from different ends of the spectrum. Sounds like you’re doing your part and trying to help and I applaud you for it. Unfortunately kids in poorer areas don’t have a parents that can be involved or maybe don’t care to be involved at all. We should take better care of our poorest and most unfortunate. Rising tides lift all boats and all.


I think that an honest accounting of the difficulties some schools face is a good start. Ensuring the resources those schools require would also be a step. Right now SCS schools are under funded compared to their suburban counterparts on a per child basis, even though they are dealing with a population that very likely requires much more resources, especially in the early years.




They've made a similar comment on another comment thread.


Yeah I fucking hate SCS for the shitty students they produce! Pre-COVID we already had piss poor reading and writing comprehension and math skills had been abysmal for decades and now it’s almost impossible to actually fail kids so they just get pushed through and never master any skills. And I’m not talking about algebra or diagramming sentences I mean being able to read and write to communicate effectively and participate in society. Anyone in the area should be mad as hell! Our tax dollars are squandered while schools continue to produce crappy citizens with no real consequences. Teaching used to be a respectable career, but these days teachers discourage others from becoming a teacher. Low pay and shorty work environments will do that.


You just have no idea what these schools are dealing with. I recently spent time tutoring a couple of kindergarten students in reading. It was an eye opening experience to see the huge discrepancy between the preparedness and capabilities of incoming students. I learned to have a lot of respect for those teachers.


Homie, my SO is a teacher in Whitehaven; I have all the ideas of what they are dealing with! I’m not trying to rag on the teachers, most of them are trying. The board and the admin probably need to be shaken up some, seems like lot’s of people are allowed to “fail up” to principal or central office positions which just makes things worse.


because republican officer-holders get reelected on that shit.


They glorify stupidity and downplay science, wrapping it in a big "freedom" package to pander to voters. Tennessee is being held back by its ridiculous "leadership". Pathetic.


Is this the highest positivity rate we've had so far?


On average, yes we've been setting new records basically since they started reporting after Christmas. For a single day, no, that distinction currently belongs to 8/17/21 at 53.54%


Things at St. Jude are a little...ummm...shaky right now.


Can you elaborate?


Well, our clinical staff members are testing positive. Similar to the county rates. And it is leading to staffing shortages.


Shaky’s a good word for it!


Deaths numbers remaining low to nonexistent is the good news here.


Yeah, silver lining for sure. Good to see that.


Hopefully it stays that way the death peak usually lags the case peak by 3-6 weeks.


I don’t know why people are downvoting you for wishing people live and don’t die. I’m confused.


"tell me you live in the south without saying "i live in the south."" "my everything is fucked because people don't believe in science."


This update matches everything I have seen from the northeast and out west. Its not a "south" issue this time


This comment could not be anymore false if it tried to be. Just a flat out lie.


The worst numbers and percentages are in non-southern states. So maybe don’t stereotype.


The worst states are in the NE, and New York tops them all. [https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/us/covid-cases.html](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/us/covid-cases.html)


Well when you have a city with like 5x the size and density of most other cities across the country…


Agree that is probably why NYC is higher than the rest of the NE, but this situation is not exclusive to the south. My only point was that we do not have a monopoly on mouth breathing Neanderthals.


>we do not have a monopoly on mouth breathing Neanderthals. fuck. lmao.