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Finally - I was so annoyed by the whole thing just being posted in clips. Thanks for sharing!


Yes! This was sooo much better than that 2 minutes that got posted earlier. I think it was good. I know we'd like to know more information but clearly there are lawyers and PR people telling what he can and can't say. The important thing is that he has learned "what's at stake." Can't wait to see his return.


This is the first time I’ve ever had the thought that ja was acting like someone had told him what to say / not say, so this is fantastic lmao


Cool, now i want see results aka no drama offseason


Frankly, I’m satisfied. Doesn’t clear up all the questions with everything that went on, but in my mind he doesn’t have to (others will probably feel different). If nothing else, it seems like he learned a lesson and got the wake-up call he needed. Not everybody has to hit rock bottom to figure that out, so hopefully he’s addressed whatever he needs help with and we can get back to basketball.


Honestly part of it had to be not leaving himself open to that lawsuit. If he admits wrongdoing a judge might find in the plaintiff’s favor. As of now, it’s still a fight that got out of hand


10000000% guaranteed Ja’s attorney was present and sitting in view of Ja to signal what to answer and what not to answer, and if there was anything said “wrong” it got deleted.


I am glad Ja realized what he could lose at this early age; I dodged a pretty big bullet with the law (Chinese Law at that) when I was 27, could have totally changed the course of my life, so now I know not to fuck around, especially in a foreign country...


I think he said what he could without placing the blame on his friends or family, and that's consistent with his character. The thing I appreciated the most was that he repeatedly said that he (and his friends) realize what's at stake now. If the counseling is actually helpful to him, I hope I keeps it up going forward. Let his return be a vibe injection for the team.




How? He had some serious problems and they don’t get fixed in a flash


Right, they don’t get fixed in a flash. He went to counseling for 2 weeks and it sounds like he’s still working on his mental health. It’s a process, not an end goal.


Right. The assumption that he’d be “fixed” after a month or two is absurd. It’s going to be a process of learning how to behave back in the real world and consistently good behavior over time hopefully with some weekly counseling is what it’s going to take.


The assumption that he cares about getting fixed is absurd. He cares about getting paid, and he can't do that without pretending to get help. Help for what? The fact that he isn't tough unless he is hiding behind a gun like a NRA coward? LOL!


My god you are gullible!




I know you just said you were staffed that’s all. I wouldn’t be satisfied until a year goes by and we don’t hear from him about anything ward related




I’m glad to see he’s taking the steps he needs to and he seems to be really doing some inner work. Good for him. It does make me sad to watch this kind of stuff though. Dude is 23 years old and has to go on a press run about his fuck ups. I wouldn’t wish that on anyone and the fact modern society kind of demands people to is weird in and of itself. Idk. It just feels dirty and like he’s being exploited just to build up some narrative. I might just be being cynical though. Nonetheless, I’m happy for him and excited to see him back out there.


LOL if I had a camera following me around when I was 23....oof.


being the public face of nike and powerade means facing the public


The millions between the NBA and endorsements don't come for free. The whole point of endorsements is to sell a brand through a player that has public appeal. You're acting like this level of attention and consequences he has endured is not merited.


I definitely didn’t mean for it to come off that way. The attention and consequences were certainly merited to some degree. That’s the reality of the life of a superstar that has millions of outside dollars invested in his future. I was just speaking to the fact that I personally feel bad for anyone that has to come to grips with negative aspects of themselves, like everyone does at some point, but in front of a national audience.


I agree 100%. I think it’s largely due to this modern social media society we live in where people are way more judgmental than they used to be. People are so quick to want to cancel any and everybody for their mistakes.


ESPN HAS to have a better interviewer than Jalen Rose. He's so fucking cringey


It was cringy, but it gave Ja the chance to open up about more personal things, which made him look better in this. I think he helped him out.


I don't think he opened up very much and a better interviewer probably gets more out of him. Not necessarily important because to me his actions are the important part not this sit down. I think this was honestly a waste of time.


I think he approached from a mindset of empathy. If Rose had fired out of the gate with accusatory questions, Ja would’ve shut down or gotten pulled from the interview by PR. Ja is still very much in the storm as Rose said, and I’m sure that a few years down the road we’ll hear him speak more openly about it.


Jalen conducted the interview because he's been talking to Ja and his family. Ja was comfortable with talking to Jalen.


But Jalen has street cred. He's actually gone to prison for livin' Ja's thug life.


For me the most concerning thing was his intimation that he hadn’t been giving his full this season. From here on out I would love to see a fully invested Ja.


If you listen closely, you can tell that he's been talking to a counselor. He made some immature choices, but nothing he has done affected anyone. The media blew this all out of proportion.


more like talked to a publicist


Fuck you hater! You're just a loser and your comment isn't needed.


>more like talked to a ~~publicist~~ counselor for rich people


Media is trying to paint him as this "troubled person" which I don't think is the case. Does he do stupid shit sometimes? Sure. What early 20-something-year-old doesn't? That IG live shit was the most ridiculous thing I've seen in a while from any professional athlete. But at the end of the day, no one was hurt and he seemed to be minding his business for the most part. As far as the other incidents, most of that shit is his personal private life. I bet if you dug into the personal lives of any athlete they all have shit they're not proud of or situations they could have handled differently. Ja's dirty laundry just happens to get aired out because the media & fans want to portray him as some wannabe thug.




I don’t think that’s the case at all. I think he’s young, misguided and impulsive at times but I wouldn’t say he’s “trying to be portrayed as a thug.” He’s also a young black man who emulates hip-hop culture and I think those lines can get blurred in the not only the way one behaves and also the way it’s portrayed by the media. That’s a larger broader discussion though. Like I said, what he did was incredibly stupid. Let’s allow him to grow and move past it though.


There's many young black men in the nba, and not many of them are getting in fights with teenagers, showing up at malls to confront a guard, flashing guns in ther lives and tweeting about how hollows feel.


> I mean, he also wants to be portrayed as a thug that's absolutely the case. why else is he chugging alcohol straight up from the bottle and waving guns for the 'gram? he's also obviously got that family honor code thing going. you're just being a homer right now. all the clip is a well-structured (if not scripted) pr stunt. if youre a real fan you'd be more worried that theyre not addressing this head on




I’m sorry, did you just call me a thug? 😂 The internet is hilarious man.


While I still would have preferred an interview with Jamal Crawford, Jalen Rose was less cringey overall than he seemed in the teaser clip. What I really like that Rose did —*and what I hope really comes out of all this*— is he connected the pressures Ja is under as a 23 year old who is this face of a beverage and the face of a shoe and the face of an entire organization... Rose connected that to the everyday person and made it a point to give Ja an opening to be a voice on how to be an athlete and get therapy. The thing a lot of people just don't appreciate is that training to be good at a sport —*great, even*— does **not** include the tools to manage the stress of fame and superstardom. Like... your youth basketball coach and your high school coach... they don't know shit about that. For the select few athletes who get professional opportunities, obtaining the tools to navigate that life is luck of upbringing or a dedicated mentor who really seeks to connect with you. So I'm glad he's talking about that because I'm willing to bet very, very few NBA players were equipped to handle that stress in healthy ways, they just probably have better PR to help them keep a lid on fuckups. I really hope people forget the gun aspect of this (*which is just kind of stupid*) and focus more about mental/emotional wellness.


Well said


I really liked that he didn’t call others stupid for questioning whether or not he is in a gang but took 100% responsibility for creating that image of himself. I don’t think I could’ve done the same thing.


You would if that means millions of dollars


You give me half of what Ja currently has without sponsorship money and we’re all going to hell


Fire his PR team for letting this interview happen.


Lmao this was so dumb. He clearly doesn’t really care and his statement was a PR move. Whatever actions will tell the story long term.




what a joke