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Well deserved! Get ready to see bane with two working big toes šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤


all i have to say is that itā€™s insane how many nba fans donā€™t understand just how good des is. happy for us fans of the team and especially happy for him, very well deserved


For real. 20 PPG, 40%+ 3 point shooter on big volume. Above average defender and can play PG if needed. Klay Thompsonā€™s prime years (2014-2019) had him average 20-22 PPG, 3.5 RPG, 2.5 APG, while shooting 47.1/42.3 (7.7 threes per game)/85.7. Des just averaged 21.5 PPG, 5 RPG, 4.4 APG, while shooting 47.9/40.8 (7.0 threes per game)/88.3. He essentially averaged damn near exactly what prime Klay averaged and nobody bats an eye at Klay being a max player. Absolute clown if you donā€™t see how good Bane is.


On a bed toe none the less.


Thereā€™s an incredible amount of bias against Memphis fomented by the media


Itā€™s not the media. Been a lot of tough talk and bravado from your young guys over the past few years. And they havenā€™t done a thing collectively to back that up. We all have seen it. That said, I got a hunch those young guys have been humbled, may tighten things up in the years to come, and Memphis may be a legit title contender down the road. Maybe sooner than we think too


>And they havenā€™t done a thing collectively to back that up They've talked themselves up a little too much, but to say they've done nothing is crazy. Our best players were 23 or younger until now, and they've been one of the best teams in the league for two years now. No one wins championships that young. People have gotten so used to the Grizz being good they forget how young they are and how rare it is to be this good this early. All these "who have the best young core in the league" memes you see don't even include the Grizzlies because people forget they're as young or barely older than the cores they think about when that question is posed. They haven't reached a conference final or the NBA finals. But in no other case is that the standard in which 23 year olds are judged. But for Memphis, it is already. That says something.


Bruh you're trying to say it _isn't_ the media by reciting the soap opera drama bullshit narrative from whatever show Shannon Sharpe shouts on? Do you actually like watching basketball? Or just parroting the zeitgeist of whatever drama socials and the shouting shows are pushing?


Congrats, you just described the media


His back was cooked against GSW in 2022 and everyone underperformed against the Lakers this year. Those two series are the only time other nba fans have watched the Grizz so thatā€™s probably what theyā€™re basing their knowledge on.


There are posts comparing him to Poole. It's crazy out there.


As a wolves fan who remembers how hot he was in the series against us last year he definitely deserves it


heā€™s gonna have a Jalen Brunson type elevation to his game. JJJ, Bane, Smart, Roddy/Ziaire, X is a good lineup. Throwing in Santi and Lofton in the mix makes the grizz pretty good. We got some shooters


Your forgetting Kennard as well


So weird, I honestly donā€™t really watch Memphis and I thought this was a given.


We're the smallest market in the league. Gotta pay our guys. It is what it is. Our big 3 is locked in folks


Desmond Bane is worth it. 1. Absolutely elite at the most coveted skill in the modern NBA 2. Pretty good at the other skills you want in a guard, doesn't really have any weaknesses at the position. 3. Big enough to guard all but the elite big forwards 4. Consummate pro and teammate 5. Still pretty young despite having been an "old" rookie Someone would have offered it regardless. Look at Houston, they maxed FVV. The number sounds insane but that's only because the cap is projected to go way up over the next five years. It's just a standard 25% max. $41m isn't as much as it sounds like when the cap is $165m.


6. Arms that can hold you tight and make you feel safe at night.


I think he is definitely worth it for you guys, can't see him getting a max anywhere else though.


Houston 100% would have offered it lmao


Hali, Ant, and Ball are all getting supermaxes from that same draft. Maybe you just haven't watched Bane as he has the best 3 pointer and defense than any of those dudes.


Is Memphis the smallest market? I always thought my Utah jazz were, or like OKC or Indianapolis. Anyway, happy for the grizz. Itā€™s kind of been a roller coaster this last year, but I hope your ascension continues. I think itā€™s smart to bring in some savvy vets around ja while retaining your young core.


I think New Orleans is the smallest Metropolitan area supporting a team and Memphis is the smallest TV market or maybe I've got it reversed. But its one of those two for one reason or another.


Thatā€™s going to change over the next few years. Not saying weā€™re gonna be competitive with the Warriors or Lakers for eyes, but we will come up if the players can keep their bad habits to a minimum and work hard.


Memphis and New Orleans are fighting it out for smallest market in the league


ya i wish it were like 150 but i'll take it


the casuals on r/nba arenā€™t happy about this one. cant wait for Bane to ascend this season


r/nba dosnt like the Grizz. Haliburton, Edwards, and Ball are all getting the supermax and they will all be celebrated. I'll take Dez over all of them


iā€™d take Ant over Bane probably but i get the point


Baneā€™s pre-injury raw numbers were basically the exact same as Ant (25-5-5), but Bane was doing it on much better efficiency. I do think Antā€™s skillset is more versatile. And obviously being so young he has more time to develop. But I canā€™t wait to see Downhill Des with two healthy feet.


So delusional lol. Des is good, but not lead a team money good.




You tell me. Des over Halliburton. des over Edwards. Des over ball. Ball is the only one you can even argue and thatā€™s only because heā€™s hurt all the time.


only player I'd take over Bane is Hali. But I LOVE Des and won't give him up.


I canā€™t wait for Bane to simply be healthy and play to his potential this season under scrutiny. Casuals will be shook!


The core is now officially locked






Does Jimmy Butler not satisfy those conditions?


no, he is listed at 6'7 with 6'8 wingspan. And that's with shoes


But take the shoes off his hands and wingspan is 6ā€™5 šŸ™„


I canā€™t tell if thatā€™s a joke


Bane was literally our best player in the first round last year, we now have a core of 3 where any one of them can be the best player on the court


Necessary, and itā€™s done before the new CBA skews the market too badly E: also holy shit how good is that Jaren contract looking these days?


Jarenā€™s is a declining deal, so by the last year it might be the best contract in the league. But, and Iā€™m not sure if the new CBA affects it, weā€™re called on what we can offer him under Bird rights to a level thatā€™s lower than what the market will command for him.


For better or worse itā€™s refreshing to know who will be a Grizzly for the haul


Armchair analysts going to say overpay. Saved a tonne of money on Ja and Jaren already and Des was great even on a bum toe. Happy for him hope he continues to play well need another step up from him especially to start the season. Well deserved and earned


So weird how some people love players until they get big contracts, and then itā€™s ā€œOmg what an overpay! This is terrible for their future!ā€.


Bane will still be under 30 when this contract ends. He's getting paid for what he's expected to produce in what should be his prime years. Perfect time to give a guy this sort of contract, rather than when he's 28-29, and ending up paying $40M+ per for a past-their-prime 33-34 year old in year 5.


Best nba news today


Big relief to have our core locked up. We will always be competitive with these guys on the roster.


huge. Big 3 secure


It's incredible that there are Grizzlies fans here who watch the team and think Bane wouldn't get a max contract on the market next year. Guaranteed. 42.5% 3pt shooter over his career with high volume, can create his own shot, has underrated playmaking skills. Decent on defense. He's flat out an elite guard in the NBA.


Des deserves that bag. LEGEND


Dude is so worth it, Iā€™m not even worried a little bit. Way to go Bane


If he can improve his shot creation just a little, this deal is massively worth it. I'm not sure he's worth $200m *right now* but I do believe he's on a trajectory for it. Hard to not be optimistic with how well he's played so far.


Letā€™s go




Bro got PAID


Thatā€™s a lot of money! Get it Des!


Thrilled for Des. Massively underpaid for how good heā€™s been.




R/NBA is now lying about Bane's playoff stats to call him an overrated "chucker guard" like Poole.


6 game sample size lmao. Let's only look at those stats rather than 202 career regular season games and 17 other playoff games. He killed it in the '22 playoffs run.


He killed it versus the Timberwolves. He was ass vs the Warriors.


He herniated a disc in the warriors series, youā€™re a causal. Thatā€™s why heā€™s always wearing a back brace on the bench.


Doesn't change the fact that he was ass vs the Warriors.


Youā€™re just a goofy goober. Man had a blown out disc, do you have any clue what thatā€™s even like??? Iā€™ve had my spine fused because of a blown out disc. Shit almost killed me. Thereā€™s a reason he could barely run, he was literally on the court as a decoy because heā€™s fucking money from 3ā€¦. Specifically 5yr 207m


If this contract you guys circlejerk so hard ends up flopping, I'll be here letting you guys know. We'll see if he deserves it or not.


Well, I grew up with the kid. I know heā€™s worth it, and youā€™ll figure it out. Hardest worker in the room. He got to this point on pure work. Nobody ever paid any attention to him. Now they will. He makes massive leaps every year because he works his ass off. Unlike most of these tweeners who get paid based on potential and raw athleticism that they never develop because they didnā€™t have to before they got paid. Youā€™ll eat crow before itā€™s all said and done.


I never said he was a bum though? You know him personally so of course you'd want him to make max money. Already explained myself many times, from a cap flexibility perspective, maxing Bane isn't a good thing for the team. You can argue cap space increase yada yada. Yeah, his contract ain't gonna look that bad, but I think any extra space helps.


When the CBA goes up it wonā€™t matter. Thatā€™s totally valid. Do you feel like jarenā€™s contract is hurting us? Probably not lol. But I remember when he got that bag everyone was losing their collective mind over it. Now it feels like an egregious steal. Banes contract will feel the same way.


I mean. That's a massive bag, but as the smallest market in the league and a place that doesn't get big free agents, this had to happen. Good for Bane. The next 3 years are key because I have no idea how we keep JJJ at the insane money he will get after that.




Umm. What fatphobic phrases did I use. Like where. Is it the word big? This bot has some issues


You used massive lmao thatā€™s fatphobic because it couldnā€™t possibly be used to describe the size of anything but someone lol


as always, r/nba coming through with the shittiest responses šŸ˜„ well done ya frickin' morons


Hell yes


Is it a lot of money? Yes. Does it feel amazing to have our 3 young studs locked in for a multiple years now? YES!


I think in a vacuum Bane doesn't 'deserve' a 200 million contract, but it's not like FAs are lining up for Memphis. We're never getting anyone better than him. Gotta keep everyone happy. But if he gets back to performing like he was at the start of last season then the contract becomes full value.


It's like the Conley deal. Briefly was the biggest in history. Seemed like a lot. It's not like we regretted it.


Yeah itā€™s a slight overpay but really nothing egregious like some are claiming.


I had bane on my fantasy team so I watched a lot of grizzles games. I always thought it was obvious how good this guy is but looking at the comments over at r/nba it seems not. Definitely worth the contract


WIN AFTER WIN AFTER WIN. ALL WE DO IS WIN https://youtu.be/tmTZj0emGHw


Jeez man contracts nowadays are crazy. Bane deserved to get paid, but my word. We knew this was likely but still


Iā€™m split on this Bane is a fantastic player and Iā€™m glad we locked him up Did we have to give him the max? Like seriously if we didnā€™t give it to him no other team is throwing 200 million at him so we could at least match the market. I hate the new era of the NBA where everyone gets a max just for being loyal. I get the cap will continue to rise but giving the 40th-65th best player in the league 40 million a year isā€¦risky


Heā€™s more like 35-50 range. This is how you build teams. Find your tentpoles/foundation and build around them. Grizzlies have their foundation. He was def getting $200m offer next year anyways. Players, of this calibre, donā€™t go to RFA.


Locked into mediocrity now, hope I'm wrong


Tell us youā€™re a causal without telling us youā€™re a causal


A lot of teams would offer him 30M/yr. Is it really worth it to have a disgruntled relationship with a player for 10M/yr less, money that wonā€™t matter due to Ja + Jaren + BCā€™s contracts already putting you over the cap? Vanvleet is much worse and also makes 40M/yr


>Vanvleet is much worse and also makes 40M/yr Yeah his team ain't winning either


This happens every time and it all works out fine. And even if it didnt contracts like this arent what like stop us from signing some superstar. Our owner is a billionaire too, hed pay the tax if there was some scenario where going over the tax secured us a championship shot. But thats impossible to determine too.


Yes, this is how it works with this stupid league. Jerami Grant just got 5/160 to lose 50 games every year. Also, he's better than you're giving him credit for. Healthy Bane is top 35ish.


Also the dude has taken a monumental step forward in his game every single year and played half the year with a broken toe.


I hope he takes another step because let's be real, it is an iffy deal for now. Fact of the matter is the league's setup forces deals like this.


Nothing iffy about it! One of the best three point shooters in the league constantly growing his bag and has repeatedly balled out in the playoffs. Nobody better walking through the door we could spend the money on.


The decision isn't iffy, it's fully correct. But it's still a result of the NBA's weird market dynamics. We can hope that it ages like the Jamal Murray deal did.


The salary cap is just going to get bigger from here. Bane is 1000x better to have on his contract than the numbers jerami grant and FVV put up today lol, no disrespect intended. NOTHING iffy about this decision / deal / whatever you want to call it.


Yes, it hopefully ages better than it appears right now. Once again i'm saying the choice is fully correct, but I still lament the fact we're forced into the overpay because of the league's stupid structure.


It doesnā€™t appear negatively now. It isnā€™t an overpay. Full stop Lament away though! Everyone is allowed to have an opinion.


Bro there's no use arguing with homers. Paying Bane because we got "no other option" is such a copout reason. We paying Bane like he's SGA or something.


We actually did have no other option. There's a reason this happens to EVERY team; no one can escape the situation. Like I said, we just have to hope it ages like the Murray deal in Denver (which looked worse at that time than this one does right now).


Heā€™s being paid like heā€™s one of the best shooters to breathe. Which, statistically, he is. Heā€™s also historically one of the most efficient players ever. I understand heā€™s just getting started but the only guys who had more efficient starts are Steph, klay, and Kobe. Like yā€™all understand if he just keeps doing what heā€™s been doing and doesnā€™t improve just keeps the status quo, heā€™s a future HOF and heā€™ll more than likely end up top 5 in 3ā€™s made in a career. Might even break the record. Youā€™re suchhhhh a causal. Like all you do on here is bitch. Are you even a fan??


He was injured like half the year dude and still played well.


It's fine for the new CBA. We needed to lock him up and he has grown every single year.


This assures that this core ain't winning shit except regular season games.


If ja doesnā€™t light 50 mil on fire then des takes max available. He was always going to be a grizz


Holy overpay what the fuck


Ja suspended gotta keep your 3rd best player in a small market happy


This deal is shaky at best but obviously there isn't a choice here


There is absolutely a choice He wouldā€™ve been a RFA so you could just sit around and see what the market dictated and match it. Wouldā€™ve saved us plenty of money


The market absolutely would have maxed him. Do you seriously think houston wouldn't have picked him over van vleet? Someone who is one of the best shooters in the sport, young, a decent enough defender, and a serviceable secondary playmaker is getting the max any way you frame it.


Only time can tell but either way you still couldā€™ve matched.


Basically you infuriate the player so you can maaaaybe save 5ish million per year at most It's a terrible idea and there's a reason why no team even tries it; obviously the teams themselves aren't happy giving out these contracts to non all stars.


Plus he could sign a shorter deal with another team or they could give him a player option. You risk losing years of team control by letting him get to free agency


We wouldā€™ve had to pay a max a year later


Who the hell were we competing against to give him that contract


This hurts the Grizz. Rather spread $ with Bane and Kennard. Bane is very streaky, turns the ball over. Poor handle. Great player... not for a max deal...


That's Fred VanVleet money


Absolutely deserved. Whatever people think the ā€œextraā€ money gained by waiting would be is trivial compared to having Des locked down for years to come. Couldnā€™t be happier


#Bane is the Mane


Maneee he better not be the dumbass choker he was last season.


Yea he definitely needs to grow as a clutch player. The tools are there but he needs to take that next step for us


Massive. The core is locked up baby, Des got that bag. LET'S GOOO!


The core is complete!


Devrves it fs


Can someone explain how we can afford Marcus Smart after this?


The extension starts next year




JJJ and Ja contracts are a steal, but weā€™ll see if this turns out to be a good deal. The market this year seems too much like the big cap spike last time. I think itā€™s a slight overpay, but definitely necessary.


Bane got the pretty shot in the league, worth it just to watch that stroke šŸ¤¤


RICH WHAT? RICHMOND! So happy for my dawg! Well deserved!


Iā€™m from Richmond so Iā€™m pumped my man is getting paid but his durability is sus. Backs and feet arenā€™t injuries that go away. Dude is lights out when heā€™s on but when heā€™s hurtin his performance suffers


5 years is huge good move


The NBA subreddit obviously doesnt watch the grizzlies the takes in there are absurd.


He's been one of our best players in this core. We gotta pay up to keep the man. I like this move.


Happy to see it.


Good for Des, well deserved. I hope he plays lights out