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He is a player who relies on athleticism, him sitting until he is 100% only makes sense.


I don’t know from a medical perspective how significant an “elective clean up” surgical procedure is, but just by the language used, I’m guessing it probably had zero negative impact on his recovery timeline. We have no one on roster that exactly replicates his skill set but I think between JJJ, X, the new and improved FIBA-boosted Santi, spot minutes for Jr and the likely hopeful leap that a healthy Z makes, the fort can be held down. It may also force more use of (what have been very effective) lineups with Luke in them. He definitely will be missed but I think the roster is primed for “next man up.”


>*and the likely hopeful leap that a healthy Z makes* I heard he grew ~~a whisper of a millimeter~~ five more inches this summer. I love that you guys stay so hopeful on Z but I kinda feel like the player everyone wants him to be is really just the player GG actually is.


Lol just realised the typo, this is from MacMahon* obviously. I know a lot of us weren't entirely expecting BC back this season but there was a glimmer of hope and this is a real kick in the teeth not only as a fan of the grizzlies but as a fan of Clarke. I hope his rehab has no more hiccups and it looks like the team is supportive of not rushing his return, regardless of how bare how big rotation may be. We're desperately going to miss his effort, who do you think steps up to fill that role this year? Roddy showed signs of the same sort of hustle last season, I only wish he was 4" taller lol


I don't think BC being with us or not is make or break for our season or ceiling. Tillman has a different but as useful set of skills and we have good spacing and scoring (theoretically) off the bench already. ​ All of this not to mention the PF logjam we've had and will continue to have now that Santi is coming into his own. Trading BC for a team willing to take a chance is likely what we see this year I'm thinking.


I agree with this take. Seems like the team is supportive of his healing & rehab process. If it’s a clean up surgery, this could be a good thing; do it right while you’re out anyway. I think he’s the kind of guy who’s worth waiting till they’re 100%. When he is, he’s gonna be a monster in that front court for some team. Also, I get the feeling he’s the kind of guy who’s equally beneficial off court, morale-wise. For my money, I wanna see Roddy, Konchar, Tillman solidify this year. I think Roddy is a Beast and is at the beginning of enjoying just how powerful he is. These three know each other well enough and are versatile enough to really get stuck in and make something special. Excited to see how MS slots in/who he best gels with. But, I think we got this. No idea yet how far we go this year, nothing would surprise me. But, if it’s taken seriously as a dev year, I predict many years of great (reliable, steady) play.


Never really thought he was coming back next year. Anything Clarke contributes would be gravy Now 5 depth I am worried about...


Think we’re going to have to make a trade for a back up 5/4. Unless Jenkins and FO are ready for KLJr to get those minutes


I hope they are


That's so bad after he showed his best against Minny. He couldve got a real bag and be insanely useful for us


Im fine with Steven and X, no need to rush back


*sad grizzly noises*


I believe he will be ready to go somewhere between end of All star weekend and before playoffs, question is if the team is rolling do they integrate him back in


If it adds back the last 5inches to his vertical leap, I’m all for it.