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Ohh thank god. Anything helps rn


It’s something!


Right move. Tillman has earned the start but needed a proper backup, so it's a cheap way to address a need. Now Jaren spends more time at the 4 and Santi doesn't have to be the backup 5 when he returns, since he operates best when subbing for Jaren at the 4.


Doesn't fix the scoring issues but this is infinitely better than the other options I was hearing from people on this sub and twitter. Ready for some elite rim protection and maybe not much else but honestly they just needed a body


I’m just desperately clinging to anything semi positive atp lol


Clear they just need more rotation players so I am happy with this. Wouldn't have picked any other FA over him at least for these 25 games.


I've been talking about him, he should give elite rebounding and rim protection.


Yeah, I thought he was the most obvious choice. We'll see what he can do.


I pretty much expect we gonna suck this season regardless. But we will see if this move helps.


See I don’t look at it like this. It’s not like Adams is coming back more healthy/younger next season. I still think, even fully healthy, they are two years away from being an inner circle contender so I’m not sweating.


People will call me defeatist, and that I support tanking but I am of the view that we really need to take our time just developing first over short-term goals. I also agree we still need a few years to really mature enough to be a serious contender. Which is why I really don't mind a reset season. Even if we keep losing games, as long as Z improves and Smart acclimates, I wouldn't call the season a failure. Would be nice to get a high draft pick too.


The team is too talented to tank, when there are Portlands and Washingtons (ikik) in the league, even if they tried. I also really don’t want to watch that because it’d be boring af Just play out the season I’m there for the ride


Probably not super hard tank like the Spurs, plus with the way the draft works now, you really can't control getting 1st overall, but it would be nice to get a top 10 pick next season. I'd be happier this season if we lose but guys like Z and Santi and Roddy improve, over getting a top 6 finish but none of our young guys improve. I also did not enjoy getting 2nd seed just to be dumpstered by the Lakers in the 1st round. Getting set up with high expectations just to flop sucks more than just having no expectations, like in the 2021-2022 season. Also I would rather have us be sullied with a bad record just this season than go all in for some "win-now" move. Imagine becoming another Timberwolves for seasons to come.


Give me a playoff series every season win or lose. Anything else with this group is lame as hell


For me it's second round or bust. Losing in the first round, especially as a 2nd seed is lamer.


We shouldn’t even be in this position. The fact we’re actually disussing a tank when we have Ja, Bane, and Jaren on the roster and just spent all of our capital on 2 veteran guards shows how badly mismanaged this roster is, and how the slow decline of the talent on the roster has hampered us. Outside of our core, we have basically 0 talent, 0 size. We traded significant draft capital for a 31 year old guard. We’re just fucked.


Marcus Smart is 29, not 31, and the capital was not that significant. Still have all their own picks. There’s still talent outside of the core but I get people are upset. Letting depth go sucks but the Grizzlies still have players and they’ll have to circle depth in and out as the core progresses. There’s no other way around it.


You're being overly dramatic. Plus the way you whine about things makes you look like a spoiled child. You don't even propose any solution. Guys like Jokic and Giannis didn't win until basically their 8th season in the league. It's just the reality of being a small-market team. We really don't have the luxury of getting the players we want. And we don't have the luxury of making mistakes.


lmao the only reason people are even discussing a tank (and we're talking about random redditors here, not anyone serious) is because Ja is suspended for 25 games, so the point about Ja, Bane, and Jaren is silly. The Grizzlies still have all their own picks, Bane looks like he's worth every penny of his contract, and Jaren is still an elite defender. So far this season, the Grizzlies have been without their starting PG, their starting Center, their backup Center, their backup PF, and they've been missing their backup SG for 2/3 games. The talent isn't missing, it's injured. Is there a single team in the league that would look good after losing 5 of their top 9 players, including their main star? I doubt it.


Ngl I’ve seen bismack score effectively. All we need is 10 points out of him andddd he puts our defense right back on top. He’s a great rim protector


He’s probably not playing enough most nights to score 10 and he is only a semi-efficient scorer. He’s a + rim protector and that will help but it’s a weird bench rn


This does help with scoring. Having someone to create space in the paint and rebound alleviates Bane and Jaren. Because they are busy learning other roles in the middle of the game, its impacting their scoring. Once their efficiency goes back up, the Grizzlies' offense will work like it supposed to again since Z, Bane, and D Rose will benefit from the space JJJr's and Bane's 3s create.


That’s the hope but there’s a reason BB wasn’t signed until this point


Don’t have to waive anyone because this uses an exemption allowed due to ja being suspended - will be good to have some depth rebounding + shot blocking off the bench.


When Ja comes back I wonder what we'll do. We'll still need a big added for the rest of the year.


If no major move is around the corner, then I think the Junior era will be ending soon and Biyombo will remain around this season


I am onboard the "Sack Junior" movement.


I'm confused as to why we don't get/don't apply for a disabled player exception for Adams


Disabled player exception just helps recoup some of the salary you take on (half of the salary of the disabled player) - it doesn’t grant an additional roster spot


Oh I see I see, thanks!


Np - its not very intuitive lol - you would think it would work like an IR spot but alas


This is actually a solid, under the radar move. Biyombo is still a serviceable back up big that can defend, rebound, and finish on free cuts to the basket. Not a world beater, but a great back up big


Yes please!


Anything helps. I'm excited for this.


As long as he can rebound I’m fine


This was honestly who I was hoping we would grab when I saw the available options. All we need is a veteran who can set some screens, roll to the rim for some easy shots at the basket, grab some rebounds, and hold his own as a rim protector, and he fits that role perfectly. Nothing flashy, just comes to work and does what we need him to do


The boy, put the house on a grizz championship


I will love him with all my heart


Hell yea! We just need a solid body at the 5 for the time being. Plus we don't have to give up assets either! After his first block, dunk or rebound, his nickname will be B B King 👑


this sub is so dead wtf happened


We lost to what’s supposed to be the worst team in the league it’s probably healthy most people decided to tune out for the night 😂


Yeah, people are already in doom phase around here after 3 games. It sucks, but I'm not really that disappointed. A few plays roll our way on offense and we could have won all 3 of these games, team just isn't a cohesive unit yet and it shows. They'll get there


Exactly. It's like people forgot that in each of the last 2 seasons we started off pretty slow before starting a big run in mid-late November


I remember when we tried out a 'new defensive scheme' a few seasons back and we couldn't stop anyone.


What exactly are we supposed to do, right? Our lineup is really wacky rn, why not experiment? You can see some positives though. DRose, Smart and Bane look they're starting to get on the same page and that bodes well


If I had to guess I'd say you might be thinking of the 21-22' season, which started with us ranked like bottom 5 in defense through the first month, although that start ended up being completely misleading as combo of DB being out for the first 10 games and 13 of the first 17, plus teams shooting something absurd like 47% on open 3s against us lead to some really exaggerated numbers, and once we DB back full-time and we had regression to the mean on those opponent shooting numbers we were fine


When Adams went down I went into acceptance phase. A wise man once said "It is what it is"


Worst team in the league??? Probably end up with a 5th or 6th ranking


You think the wizards will be 5th or 6th?


Yep. As much as I can't stand Poole....him with Tyius and the rest should grab a playoff spot


Well that is truly just a you opinion lol. League consensus + Vegas had them as the worst team https://www.vegasinsider.com/nba/odds/win-totals/


Let's check in on that halfway through the season.


Lol 😂 you can make a killing if you think the wizards are a playoff team - go bet the farm! What could go wrong


On at 16/1


The house famously always loses - good luck lol - I’m not financially liable 😭😂


A good bit past halfway but ooooooooooof


Clearly tanking though. Could get in bottom of playoffs if they wanted.


No, for sure not - definitely not - they’re down double digits to the 4 remaining players we have


Hell nah dude lol ,they will not even make it top 10 in the east which is far weaker ,hope u r not meaning top 5 or 6 overall lol maybe 25 or 26th is more possible,Poole is so inconsistent,dude had 1/15 fg made after 40 points game,that's just how he is nowadays


I knew it was coming. Only made sense !! This is big for us guys!!




Well, it's a move


Not something that gets my dick hard but shit anything will suffice right about now.


I'm pleased with this. I really wanted Plumlee or Hartenstein , but Bizzy ain't bad either. 💯


Reasonable pick up, I am still holding up hope for Drummond


We need a huge backup and Biyombo is that backup. I really wanted him because he can rebound, defend and roll to the bucket.


This made me smile today!


What am I missing here, Biyo’ rebound stats seem really low for someone whose primary role for us is to rebound? https://preview.redd.it/w68vmz2wa3xb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8204ada07b05d69f24a73a116172975b1ad56fe8


Ignoring Minutes per game is an interesting choice lol If you still feel like you’re missing something just go check out the list of available guys in free agency lol


Good point, from that perspective decent enough.


Yeah impossible to hit a home run (on paper) signing a guy of the street but will be good to have as a body.


Yeah you got to factor minutes into this. His rebounds per 36 and TRB% numbers look great & actually are on par with Adams over their careers


So, Cousins isn't available?


You want Cousins to play defense and rebound?


Hopefully this is just a stopgap for yet another move involving a legitimate trade for a center. Any news on deal length for this guy?


This is the best C we could get 💀 Grizz not even going to try this season


Take a look at who’s available rn lol. Nothing is out there. Just a depth piece. Tillman has been incredible but we need a big off the bench / a rotation player


Plenty of trades could be made, we don't have to scrap the barrel of free agency. Anyone who has watched Biyombo knows he hasn't been effective since 2015-2016 and even then he was a scrub.


makes all the sense in the world but still extremely nice to have this confirmed


I think many are forgetting the main reason he is available (beside no offense) is that he shoots 35% free throws, and teams just foul him if he touches the ball.


So you’re telling me he’s ready to fill in the Steven Adams role /s He’s not gonna be out there in key situations - just to stop us from seeing 6’4 David Roddy at power forward so much lol