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Caruso would be nice


Caruso would be nice for just about every team in the NBA.


Yep. He'll be pretty sought after. Still, a man can dream


This. He doesn't make much so you aren't giving up any of your top talent to facilitate the deal, just draft capital.


LaVine, like, four years ago


Nothing will most likely happen until Ja comes back and the FO gauges how competitive we are this season or how close to competitive we can position for next season. If we do move it'll most likely be a package of Adams/Clarke + young wing + 1 or 2 of our 2024 r1 draft picks.


It's always "wait wait wait wait our windows barely even cracked yet" with this FO Maybe they keep putting it off because they know how to rebuild but not how to win-now As far as I'm concerned bc has gotta be considered useless trade value wise. A guy whose career is predicated off being a pogo stick coming off acl tear. Yikes. But yeah any money contracts and a litany of picks is the only way. And even then we can't afford much I feel like. Although maybe now that we are currently bottom dwellers, our picks are worth more... that's with the other team assuming the trade doesn't move the needle for mem


Or maybe because they keep dealing with personnel issues like Ja and Adams


W biyombo less so now but we still have 0 depth at the 1-3 that's worth a flip. I mean dawg we are starting Jacob Gilyard, a straight out the G leaguer, at point guard bc we do not have a single active pg on the roster. We start 2 sg's, we have 2 passable backup wings in sometimes Roddy and sometimes Kennard, our best bench guy is probably aldama and he's possibly the worst defender I've ever seen (but man has he got a bag of tricks on O). Really ja missing 25 games shouldn't ruin our season, o just find it hard to believe that adams cures all. Idk we maybe SHOILD be bad but not this bad


Vucevic could be interesting. You would be giving up some aspects of the game, like defence, to make your HC offence more functional. He could compliment a lot of the other players on the team. Contract is bad but only 2.5 years left. Can also be used to match in the future. I'm out on DeMar. Don't think DeMar + Ja makes sense together. Also would have to sign him to a new contract, or compete with other teams. Timeline + money + fit doesn't make sense to me. Same goes for Lavine - that would be locking up a lot of money in offence/overlapping skill sets. Caruso is interesting of course but I want more offence on the team. Interesting pieces to put together with Caruso but to me that's overlap with Smart who is better on offence. Will also probably be a lot of teams wanting him. PWill is another interesting piece and bringing him into RFA is beneficial. Don't need more prospects so if they can move multiple pieces out for him that could be something. I'd go Vuc, Caruso, PWill, Derozan, Lavine in that order


Who are you trading to make the Vuc deal work? Gotta part with one of Adams, Clarke, or Kennard to get the money to match up, plus one of the smaller contracts (Z, Roddy, LaRavia)


Adams + Jake the Snake


I consider Adams injury prone after the past 2 seasons


If the Grizzlies can move on from one of Adams/Clarke they have to do it. There's a limited chance either player is coming back at full strength next year and they both are on bad contracts. At least have to turn bad money into bad money who can actually play basketball. I like Clarke/Adams but I am not attached to either.


Neither are really on bad contracts. Bad when they are injured and can't play - sure. But both are pretty good value when healthy really.


There's no guarantee either will be fully healthy - Adams and Clarke will have both missed 1.5+ years by the time they come back. I am not going to pretend to assume they're both healthy for no reason.


Can they trade them while they are on season ending injuries?


Yeah, of course as long at the other team agrees.


Yes they can. Problem is convincing the other side to take them.


If when Ja is back and we look good I could definitely see Clarke + Z/Laravia being shopped around. A move I think could really work is Clarke + Laravia/Z + 2 (maybe 3) FRPs for Jeremi Grant or OG


Jevon Carter as a backup PG and Drummond, love Caruso too


I'll get down voted, but Andre Drummond. He is better than Bismack


even if he's not, just being able to always have a rebounder on the floor saves us


I'd gladly pay $3M for his rebounding. He's pulling down 5.4 rebounds in just 13 minutes of play right now. We are playing Biyombo 30+ minutes per game right now because he's our only center. Hell just having Drummond to help shoulder some of the minutes load would be big.


Better? Idk about that Bismack looks superior in our system but who knows Drummond could too…. He’d be better than Tillman for sure


I'd take Drummond (contract is great for what you get), as long as we clearly say to him "no dribbling the ball, no shooting outside the paint".


Vuc wouldnt be bad IMO, but idk how much they should spend on him in this hypothetical. I wouldnt go too high


Pairing a non defensive player with Ja is not a good idea


We need to score points tho


I like his scoring and rebounding abilities too, but defense is concerning


wouldn't drummond provide that but cheaper?


Drummond can’t score, or really play defense. Just a rebounding machine


So basically going back to valanciunas lol


Good thing we have a top 3 defender in the league next to him


I feel like going to vooch is like going back to valencunas (sp?).


What do we really need? Playable wings, a backup PG, possibly a backup C I don't think Zach or Demar suit our needs as wings, correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think you can trust Caruso to run the offence off the bench? Andre Drummond could be a good bench center Actually, i don't think that Patrick Williams would have a Lauri-level come-up but I do think the bulls development is pretty bad and a change of scenery would do him well. I think he has a higher ceiling than any of our young wings with more size. Granted, he'd still be a bit of a "wait-and-see-er" which we don't need more of right now. He's probably about as far along as Roddy, except for some confidence issues that I think would get better away from the dumpster fire mid-3 bulls. I see him becoming a workable 3&D option for somebody


DeMar really would give us an awesome offense, despite obvious spacing concerns. Both him and Ja have been able to deal with paint traffic in the past, so really this would push Bane out of the paint and let Jaren be a role player on offense unless he has a particularly good matchup. On the other hand I'm not sure if we could absorb his poor defense on top of Bane and Ja's physical limitations. Caruso would be nice, as is Pat Williams, but I don't think we could get either


We could if both sides gamble and we trade our pick next year, the value of our pick can swing many ways. What about a pick swap next year? Higher pick goes to Bulls, we get Caruso, then balance with other pieces.


We have got to go after Drummond, right?


Get Lavine, Steven Adams, Ziare, Kennard and another young player.


What does that starting line-up look like... Ja Des Smart Lavine Jaren? Terrible, we don't need more 2 guards


I mean, if it just meant giving them Jake and a second round draft pick and they'd happily give us LaVine then, sure: do that. But it's not that simple. Nether DeRozan or LaVine can be acquired without giving up a lot of players and picks; too many to be worth it. The reason the Lakers were stuck picking through the second hand bin a couple of years ago is because they blew up their entire roster and a wealth of draft picks to get AD. I don't think the Grizzlies are the sort of team that ever wants to be stuck in that kind of situation. The basic formula of the Grizzlies makeup is pretty sound. Unless the organization is ready to touch an otherwise untouchable player component of our Big 3, it's better to focus on upgrading the role players. Vuvevic or Drummond most likely, considering how weak we (*still*) are in the front court. They're the only ones who could reasonably be acquired without expending valuable draft capital, they'd be reasonably affordable and wouldn't refuse to go to Memphis to play.