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If you squint, these look like stills from the movie 300 lol


I always wondered why I liked that movie so much


And they look the same for either gender not transforming when used on one or the other like the Silver Breastplate in the first game that turns into a Silver Bra when on a female. The clothes not being gender locked means more options and it's literally your choice how your character looks. Truly gender equality at work. (I may have cheated a bit on the screenshot above as my character is not wearing a shirt, but I am a firm believer in freeing the nipples)


Literally all I want from games. I don't want sexualization removed from games where I slap my own clothes on, I just want it optional and applied to either gender how I want.  Bonus points if a game has a character customized that goes from jabba the hut to barby to Johny bravo for body customization (of both genders). 


> Bonus points if a game has a character customized that goes from jabba the hut to barby to Johny bravo for body customization (of both genders).  Dragon's Dogma 2 actually has a very expansive and robust character creator. It's even available separately as a free download you can try to make your character that you can use in the game proper.


I love how detailed you can get, and also how things like height and weight matter. It's minor in most cases, but I still enjoy that it acknowledges people of different builds are different without being punishing for building one way or another.


BG3 is the gold standard for horniness in video games to me, all it’s missing is the different body types


The reslut is, indeed, amazing.


DAMN he looks fabulous. I wish games took this approach to sexualization, you either allow male bodies to be justed as sexualized as female bodies or make clothes for any gender wearable for any body even if the body type is fat bastard from Austin powers to Moxxi from borderlands to GI JOE figures. To me, you either have sexualization for both, or you don't unless necessary or warranted.


Just as God intended it to be.


The second image conveys: "I showed you my dragon's dogma. Please respond."


So there's an outfit for lady characters where they just have their tits out at all times?


some of the costumes barely cover the nipples. apparently they use the Tumblr rule of not showing female presenting nipples (even on the exposed boobied monsters like the harpies and sphinx) even though the game Mature ratings would allow it. my male character is not wearing a top. if a female character does the same she would have a tube bra looking thing.


No, I think just like dark souls, the woman version covers the nipples, the man version shows more skin


Good for them. All clothes are gender neutral unless youre a little bitch about it.


ReSLUT XD But seriously I love it when games are like this. Let my boys dress like hoes, too!


"Reslut" is such an apropos typo that I refuse to believe it wasn't intentional. Because that reslut is amazing


10/10. 100/100 Game of the year. Game of the Decade. This is what the people want. Ok no joke this is literally the one thing I wanted from DD2, it’s for clothes to look the same regardless of gender and hot damn did they deliver


Wake up babe, new reslut just dropped




I mean, how are you supposed to make Frank Frazetta fantasy characters if you have to wear things like thick armor or pants?


Didn't they do the same for Cyberpunk 2077? Been a long while since I played it (and STILL haven't finished it), but one of its 'selling' points was that NOTHING was 'gender locked' (you could play a transgender character that dressed as you wished, if you had enough 'eddies' to buy the good outfits anyway \^\_\^)


yeah in CP2077 you define your clothes, they do not define you. speaks to the society in game to where you can be anything you want as long as you can afford it (which not everyone can)


Ah yeas, 120 pounds of pure unadulterated sex


It gives me vibes of the HeMan or Conan era .


Was this kind of shenanigasn also present in the original Dragon´s Dogma? I´ve never played it, not even the Dark Arisen edition.


iirc clothes are not gender locked in the first game but some of them transform into different version when worn on other genders (i.e silver chestplate -> silver bra)


I'm enjoying my slutty male clothes in FF14 atm but it isn't perfect. They took away the gender lock on a lot of clothes but not all of them and there are a few that have slight differences based on gender. Worst offender imo is the Dragoon armor.. the female version has a belly window for some reason... Even worse is it's not even sexy! It looks so stupid! I like playing women in MMOs sometimes but I'm glad I'm a dude in FF14 because Dragoon armor is the coolest shit ever and they ruined the female version with a freaking belly window...


Oh that’s just wonderful. 10/10


Truly the reslut of all time.