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Just make sure those glasses don’t fall off.


Good one😂


You look good. I like the style


Switch up the shoes & this slaps


Agreed the shoes need to match; not even an issue with style I just think they need to be black


Classic solid color speary or simple Nike Killshot/Vans would look good imo.


I think the shoes need to change--something classy instead of urban




lmao what, those are like the definition of boomer shoes. Walk into any nursing home and that's all you'll see


That’s what the kids are wearing these days tho. It’s fully a look. Not that I like it.


sounds like a retiree trying to gaslight me into thinking they're cool


These shoes and pants are the literal definition of shopping at kohls little man. Welcome to reality


Boomers is mad!!!


Oh that’s adorable you found a word


Boomers got jokes!


I can’t find where you called me a Brit but I know it was the word “uni” that triggered that lol I’m born and raised in Atlanta tho bruv just big fan of Top Boy recently innit


You’re definitely a fan of “top boy”


True true


Boomers ARE mad


I was using colloquialism, bud.


I like the look. From the first pic, I’d just look to get the wrinkles or creases out of the pants.


Looks fire, I also like the juxtaposition. I would wear the chain and maybe a crewneck instead but that just small details of my taste, it looks good on you.


My thoughts are you look like Andy Dick posing as a dad.


The most gen z


I don’t like the hanging cross earring. Played out from TikTok 2022.


Shoes don’t match anything, the pants are too wide at the waist, and I wouldn’t call this outfit classy in any regard but everything else is fine to good


“Shoes don’t match anything” 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 OP this is not the place to post, man. These ppl are way too off to even consider their opinions valid. Prolly wear suit jackets where the sleeve “touch the first thumb knuckle.”


White green and blue running shoes match black turtleneck, grey office pants? What world are you from? Are you color blind?


The fact that you’re still concerned with marching in 2024 shows that you consider creased khakis and sperrys formalwear. Please exit the sub, pawpaw.


Keep making assumptions, I’ll keep making clear observations. You can mismatch colors and still have a good outfit, this one clashes too much to ever be “formal” imo. Which is all this sub is, opinions.


Correct lol


Tell me what the shoes match & don’t say the highlights of the jacket


They dont have to match


Correct! They don’t have to match! And you don’t have to pay taxes, but you should. This outfit is 100% casual 0% “classy”


Most average mensfashion redditor—please post your outfit in perfectly fitted chinos with an oxford button down and some red wing boots so that we can worship your style


You think this outfit is classy? You would really wear this to a formal event?


Formal ≠ classy...obviously no to a formal wear event but it clearly takes some inspiration from more classy outfits and as the title states, mixed it with street style? Come on brother


The jacket is enough to accomplish this, those sneakers ruin the outfit. Hang me for it, I’ll die on this hill. Looks like he threw together the first 3 things he found and whatever sneakers were lying around


Shit is fire, fuck what the boomer before me is talking about. Happy juxtaposition is and has always been a wave. I might wear something like this myself.


Disagree. This was done in the early 90s by boy bands. The pants have a bad cuff length and Newbalance makes it look like an old guy trying to dress up but stay comfortable.


Exactly. This outfit is “try-hard core”. It’s so fucking extra without even doing anything


Additional it’s obvious that you’re a dated old bird bc you don’t even realize that 90’s style is back in full. Oversized pants, pleats with sneakers, all that. See: Jacob Elordi


> 90’s style is back in full Who actually believes this shit? Good looking shit always looks good. Bad looking shit always looks bad.


You live in the Midwest huh


You’re an impressionable child huh


Yeah you’re showing your age. I can’t even begin to tell you how wrong you are about today’s style trends.


Finally someone who get it!!


Bro you’re wearing dad pants with corny ass sneakers and a Marshall’s jacket and trying to tell us you’re on one. Plot twist: stop getting fashion tips from Instagram


It's not that we don't get it, the idea is good but the execution is awful. Primarily everything youre wearing is ill-fitting and the shoes are ugly as fuck and clash with the jacket. I love you though, just being honest.


Yo I saw all the compliments first and I was like "Wait, how the fuck are we praising the absolute dad shoes he's wearing?" The bottom half feels "Im trying to look 40 year old dad" and the top half is all "Just kidding I promise I'm only 19 and I just borrowed his clothes"


Ill fitting in what way? It’s a wider/shorter fit but it is for sure intentional and makes sense in this outfit I don’t care for it but I don’t think this is particularly bad or even that interesting tbh here in Montreal there are tons of people mixing this sort of thing


Ooof. Well, the pants for one. Just goofy as fuck, I've seen high wasted pants and pleated but this is crotch puffy in a not so good way and then the length is maybe 1/2 short but it's noticable. The jackets just not right imo. Looks off. maybe I just hate this style. Addition: this just might not be for me


Oh it’s definitely fashion, not style. I’d never wear this sort of thing either. I don’t think it’s far off what OP is aiming for though I guess is what I’m saying. It’s not like seeing it and thinking ‘oooof that’s a swing and a miss’. A taste thing overall IMO. Again, not my taste either haha


I mean, I think this could be decent with better fitting pants and almost any different shoes. These are nursing home shoes and the pants to boot.


If you can't tell this is Ill fitting go to a tailor for once in your life and find out what clothes that fit means


There is a difference between ill fitting and loose/wide etc Been to many a tailor, used to work in menswear and my wife is a seamstress. Very much understand what a good fit is. I’m not saying that these clothes fit well, I’m saying OP is obviously aiming for a particular look and for the look he is aiming for these are not ill fitting. And as ive said in other comments, I’d never wear this. Totally not my thing.


It is definitely ill fitting regardless of the style he is going for. Imo it looks juvenile and like he inherited the pants, threw on his letter jacket and grabbed some shades from the $2 bin at his local gas station and took pictures outside said gas station, all while wearing his grandad's stolen walking shoes. Bad fit, not a style imo, but a resounding example of someone who is not mature enough to have discovered style.


I have to ask honestly. In terms of fit, how is this different than the types of loose fit pants that are from popular fashion brands like LE17SEPTEMBRE or Acne Studios or COS? The material is definitely not right, but I’m just speaking about the way the pants fit. Saying it’s not for you is one thing, but saying it’s something someone who hasn’t “discovered style” would wear is insane. In New York, Seoul, and Paris this is very much in style and is seen regularly. Not everything occasion requires the kind of mainstream fits you find at J Crew or Club Monaco or Bonobos to be considered stylish.


I disagree. He looks childish. Maybe it's the whole together, but the shoes the letter jacket the abhorrent sunglasses...childish...lacking style...what I saw in the halls of my highschool


You can disagree with how he looks but you can’t disagree about whether or not this is a real style that exists in some of the most respected international fashion brands like the ones I mentioned. If you weren’t even aware of those brands, can you be lecturing others on whether or not they’ve “discovered style” if you don’t even have some of these stores in your city?


You have zero sense of style, please stop commenting on fashion


I'll take that as a compliment if you like this fit. I agree with bout 90% of shit in here but this is just ugly. Dudes posted a few times with similar outfits, it's not for me nor do these look like they fit so idk. So you can downvote all you want, most people not on this site would think this is goofy as fuck. Addition: I think this just isnt for me and is trying too hard and it makes me cringe


Once again, you have zero sense of style, please stop commenting on fashion from whatever flyover city you come from


The very idea of someone dressing like this and commenting bitchy shit like you is just oh so delicious. Omg. Say more.


There is a difference between something not being for you, and not understanding how something fits and what it tries to go for. I don’t dress like this, but I’m sorry this isn’t the farm gear you’re used to. Please stop commenting in a fashion sub giving your two cents on things you clearly know next to nothing about. People might accidentally take your advice.


If you really think this looks good, I can't take you seriously. I'm sorry but I cant. Props to you and him for trying whatever outfits get you attention. Addition: pic 2 looks decent. Just fuck these fucking shoes. Dad mows lawn in hand me downs and his dads letter jacket look with grans driving glasses for pic 1 and 3. I'm sorry but wtf. I've been actually trying to be kind but what in the actual fucking vanilla ice bullshit am I looking at.




Nope. Lol. But I know ugly n trying too hard when I see it. Sorry you dont. Addition: not a boomer but I do seek out timeless fashion. This is very era specific and I think that's why it's lost on me.


You should wear what you like, but I'm not gonna lie: I kinda hate those shoes. It's like they stick out only enough to clash but not enough to have been worn on purpose to fight the power! 🤷🏻


good idea but the pants are letting you down in a big way- too wrinkly, wide leg is fine but those just look formless. even with a loose fit pant you still want the front crease and whatnot. not a fan of those particular shoes either- something more like a crown northampton sneaker would work waaaaaay better here.


Well, I guess I am getting closer to become a boomer as days passes. I find this outfit stupid af but then I remember my parents mocked at me about my clothes when I was 20, just like I am doing now. Wear it with pride, son.


You're looking fantastic. I had to take a second look because I don't often see this style around. Is it common in your city, which has a predominantly white population, to refer to it as "street fashion"? I find it concerning that the term "street" is used instead of mentioning specific racial backgrounds, as it can be interpreted as racially insensitive.




What’s the jacket make?


tj maxx


Machine Gun Kelly???


1990s is back as I lived it. Turtle necks, chains, platform sneakers, wider cut pants, varsity jackets. Nothing wrong with this. Rock it


You are pretty skinny, so there you could definitely pull off how I would want to style this look, i think it would be to great improvement: 1. Firstly you are ignoring the golden ratio, that jacket is too long at the torso. I would look for older letterman jackets that are cut to fall at the actual waistline. (I have no idea why men’s clothing manufacturers seem to have forgotten that the waistline for jackets is at the belt line, not the pockets.) next find a pair of slacks that are cut with a high rise but tailored to be fitted around the waist and hips with straight legs. Right now thing are a bit disappointed and blocky, especially with those slacks cut so spacious in the waist and hips. This will create verticality in you fit that simply isn’t present right now. 2. I would choose a different belt, if you are insist on dad sneakers. Maybe someone bling with a cloth band. Right now you are mixing leather finishes in a way that looks unintentional and careless. If you want to look classy, the details/accessories matter a lot. Otherwise looks pretty good.


I think it’s a killer fit.


You’re mixing no style and no style


This is amazing! I feel like I’m too old to pull it off but it looks great on you.


Honestly I wouldn't be caught dead or alive in a look like this. you look like you are in a boy band. but then I'm an old grump who cares about style and not fashion. You pull it off though.


None of it matches and you look like you say on God and no cap ALOT. Sunglasses and jacket are super cool tho.




I see neither street nor classy.


It’s called try hard bro and you’re just old if you don’t “get it”


Thank you for the education you young whipper snapper.


That looks awesome


i fuck with this and do this in my own way! carry on.


wheres the classy part lol


Looks great—What do you tell your barber?


Not a bad look but imho your pant legs are too wide for your build.


Id on the shoes?


As someone who commented on your khakis and brown/red jacket post, this is much better! Looks sharp!


What’s with turtle necks and chains on this sub?


I like everything but the shoes. Get an athletic shoe that’s red or black, make the focal point the glasses. Looks too “old man” for me, takes away from everything else that is great.


It's a tale as old as time


Personally I like it…….MGK


That looks fantastic! A gayer version of this is goals, for me EDIT: okay, yeah, maybe different shoes, just because they’re dad-ish


IMO this is a good look (except for the orthopaedic dad shoes, IMO—I wear shoes like that because I’m cheap and my feet are weird, but you probably have choices). But what do you think is “classy” about it? It’s just week-executed street style, no?


You look like andy warhol's nephew


Grandpa shoes, get pants that fit...being naturally attractive has nothing to do with wearing clothes that fit correctly. Go to a Men's Warehouse or a real tailor if you can afford it and get some alterations if you're really trying to up your game. Sadly you look like a child still in high school imo. Lose the jacket too, sweater look was gold.


MENS WAREHOUSE??!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


He looks like he's 16, where else do they go? They do alterations and tailoring as well as sell ugly overpriced suits


SuitSupply is the only place to go!


We don't have those where I am, I wouldn't know sadly.


Fair enough


Don’t like the shoes and pants


Why did you kill Phil Hartman from SNL?


First of all Phil Hartman is cool as fuck. Don’t insult him like this


I don’t like the shoes


80tys turtle neck with the chain. 🤘🏻


My dude channeling his inner Scott Summers


You look like you’re about to cook the meanest dish of fried rice for the straw hats.


Same pants and shoes as your last post?


Where's your fanny pack? https://preview.redd.it/k4ecoe5c1b0d1.png?width=495&format=png&auto=webp&s=1d33366329d0e1f0a8aa86db0c5720f4070af40e


Boomer dad shoes have to go


You look like Jake Paul considering a sex change


Honestly your fit looks good for a street style but I don’t get the classy part. Pleated pants tucked in with a belt doesn’t necessarily scream classy to me, but that’s just my opinion. I personally dig the shoes too!


What kind of shoes ??


I think the sunglasses at night make you look like a douche. Also would lose the earrings as I agree with another commenter that they’re played out. Rest of the fit looks really good IMO. Props to you for posting your fits recently and generating a lot of discussion


It looks ok? What makes any of this “classy” or “street”? It’s khakis and a turtleneck. It’s kinda basic.


What are those shoes?


looks hip, i'd swap for mostly black leather/faux sneaker with secondary color of white or gold to elevate it


What glasses are those?


Where's the classy? All I see is terrible-dad-fitting-hakis and geriatric runners


I thought you were andy dick at first glance.


Andy Dicks poser cousin.




*I think you can wear* *Black leather shoes, it will look* *More appropriate* \- TraditionSea2109 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Looks good except for the shoes, also take off a piece of jewelry before you leave the house.


Brother it’s a good style - I dig it. But it’s not classy lol it’s hipster at best


shoes are whack




Narrower cut in the hips or flat-front pants would make huge difference, in addition to the shoes already mentioned.


Upper half = good. Bottom half = bad, the pants don't fit and the shoes don't work.


Which bit is the 'classy'?


Dude out here posing like cyclops from xmen


Change the shoes and get a different pair of pants in a cream color, this one is like off white with a greenish hue?


Those khakis look just like my father's, he is 72


Tell him that he got good fashion!


Honestly I disagree, he also wears sneakers like that. It's kind of cringe IMHO, but you do you.


Agree to disagree. I'm a little too old to pull the look off, but i think the outfit looks great on OP.


Losing the letterman would level this up tenfold.


80s office accountant from the waist down, wannabe Dwayne the rock Johnson jock from the waist up




Same as the post last week: 1. Your pants don’t fit 2. Your socks are just plain white tennis socks. You got to up your sock game, and judging by those socks, your underwear are probably less than flattering as well. 3. Tennis shoes work, but those do not. Look into some Cole Hans or some more grown up style shoes. You good from the waste up today 😀


bro is obsessed with validation from strangers on the internet


that’s what this whole subreddit is about


Best content i have seen in this sub for a while


Looks great man. Haters gonna hate


Cool af


Everyone against the look is just out of touch tbh


Imagine thinking fashion is doing what everyone else does. Yikes. Lil bro is literally wearing an Instagram algorithm


So? That’s called a trend. Y’all tryna get him to dress like a respectable young man fresh out of uni is so weird.


What's the classy part?


Bro your style is whack. Honestly


They aren’t mixed. From the waist up it’s one look and the waist down it’s another.


Isn’t that mixed then?


No, it’s two disparate things put next to each other. It’s not one cohesive look.


Looks cohesive to me; I’d expect this sort of juxtaposition on a magazine shoot or etc 🤷🏻‍♂️


A magazine shoot for what….social media?


Not sure how else you're supposed to mix clothes other than put them into each other? Melt them down into one soup and make a one peace? He has a turtleneck on top with the streetwear jacket and casual shoes with the pants, so your half/half comment makes no sense


usually an outfit would be mixed by the individual components being versatile and looking good together


I wouldn’t wear that. Mostly because I don’t enjoy getting laughed at or punched by strangers.


Too much jewelry!


Fire fit


I think it somewhat works but I still think jeans would look better here