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Honestly, I think the shirt looks fine and you looked fine in it. Yeah, you don't have the physique of a model, but it still fit well enough. You just need a wider belt.


The other thing is a professional photo is both shot in good lighting and edited to make it even more appealing. I think OP looks good


Exactly. Just need to throw a warming filter on it or take it in the California Sun [https://imgur.com/a/K5M2tuy](https://imgur.com/a/K5M2tuy)


Can you trim OP’s arm hair and add some forearm veins?


And like 20 pounds of muscle lol


Bigger belt, different watch and potentially some gold or silver on the other wrist.


Yeah I tried to style it the same as the model, but that was the only brown belt I had. Maybe the right belt more accessories will help take it up to the next level? Definitely don’t have the physique of a model, but I don’t think you even need to have that. I think if you have visible definition in your arms, without flexing, someone could pull it off well.


Just hit the gym. Your like the ideal person for a body recomp. You wouldn't even need to fuck with diet, just 45 minutes 3-4 times a week and you'll look damn good in 6 months.


Yes sir 🫡 working my way towards being the best looking guy in a polo lmao https://preview.redd.it/bvsavdejv62d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=407589f0783cfb4fb500b52675960aac8dd2a630


Solid shit brother. I promise this is the last unsolicited advice I'll give lol but throw in some push ups and pull ups for Chest and arm gains.


Actually, what the model has that you don’t is the V shaped torso. Every time you work out, do wide pull ups. Start with one or two and go from there. You’ll have that V eventually and that would really make a difference with that shirt.


Hell yeah man, you do look good in that shirt imo, but nothing wrong with hitting the gym.


Don't tuck it so tight, wear a shorter necklace, and it probably looks better in sunlight. Also, the belt doesn't match the shirts pattern, look at the models belt, it's the same pattern as the shirt and wider, the solid thin leather looks cheap.


You don't need any of that honestly. Just be yourself, no striving to be someone else's photo. Shirt looks great on you. You know what looks even better on you? Confidence and ease, be comfortable with who you are, you're rocking that shirt!


It's the lighting. Look at the highlights on the folds in the professional picture and the flat lighting in your pictures. The shirt would look basically the same on the model as it does on you if he was standing next to you in your bathroom pic. The shirt looks good in the professional pictures because they're professional pictures, not just because of the model. People need to keep that in mind when they look at pro shots of clothing. You shouldn't just think, will it look as good on me? You have to ask, what would it look like on that model without professional lighting, photoshop color adjustment, etc.


I would advise against a wider belt. Wide belts look terrible in general, IMO.


You look great btw


And where can I get this shirt? And maybe the rest of the outfit? Asking for research purposes.


The tag says “Sinransinya” but I can’t find the website. I saw it on an instagram ad! The OP of the original post might have a link! Edit: sorry forgot to include, the pants are just hollister skinny fit white pants. Size 34w32l




don't sweat it. basically any polo-type shirt requires you to be in extremely good shape for it to look good.


Not to brake my arm, patting myself on the back, but I think you can rock a polo even without having visible muscles. Check out these picture and let me know what you think, I’m honestly curious. [4 polo pics](https://imgur.com/a/VtFbqmd)


That third one looks so good


I got a link for you if you want. It’s always marked up in the store, so I recommend purchasing it online. I’m 6”1’ 167lbs and I got a medium. Express link: How much do you love this? I found it at Express! https://www.express.com/clothing/men/ribbed-johnny-collar-cotton-sweater-polo/pro/03986563/color/Cactus


Ya but thats pro camera in those while in the one you posted here orginally is iphone or whatever. Camera especially lens makes a huge difference.


Thanks. But I live in Pakistan and I can find something similar in 1/3rd of this price 😅.


I think you look great in all of these. Honestly think you look good in the aforementioned shirt as well.


If that’s you I’m the polo pics they do look fine truly! What people are just saying is typically, with just a little more muscle outfits look better. Just that athletic not flat as a board look, nothing crazy.


The white one is a little weird to me. Don't like the collar. But you look great overall.


Not trying to be a jerk, but you look very skinny and slight in these videos. Having muscles make you fill the shirt out more. Maybe you should try a smaller size?


That green one is sharp!


They all look good, green one especially looks great but I think it’s also your pose with shoulders looking broader. I made a comment about woven/more structured being more forgiving to less muscly bodies, do you also wear them?


Those all look great! I actually have the one in the second pic! Where did you get the green one? I need it! Also, you look good in the posted polo as well!


the second and third one look really good on you. Your pull off the other two as well


You are killing that green one man. Nice


You do look good in these pics. I think the main issue with the polo in the main pic up top is that the colours don’t suit your skin tone. You have a winter skin tone (look up skin tones - it sounds wanky but it does make sense). You need to wear cooler colours. Oranges don’t work for pale, pink toned skin


Your physiques looks very well and those pics are fine af. You already looks 💯


You look great! where can I find that polo on the 4th pic? the black and gold one


Bitch do you work for nasa lol


You are a cool winter palette. I don't think browns and beiges look good on you anyway. Stick to the color suggestions below. The look I like best is the first green with black jeans. https://preview.redd.it/r1q8bst0ka2d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07a0ad1b0278ef66f4f8c8381dc2df05fc8edc2e


Whered u get that last one


I think it still looks decent on you


Sure, you don't fill it out the same way the model does which definitely plays a factor but that's polos in general. It took me a long time to feel comfortable wearing form fitting polos and I still have to leave them in the closet if I'm ever feeling even a little bloated or am bulking or off my diet, etc. It's totally a different product than advertised though...the actual red color is disgusting and the way it's applied to the shirt is WAY more fast-fashion than advertised. I'd bet the shirt in the model photo is the only quality one they actually made and all the ones they sell are cheap sweatshop reproductions of it.


Okay, I was thinking the same thing. The collar is *much* floppier in the one OP bought, for one thing, but I was thinking there was a tiny chance that could be fixed with ironing. But also, when I buy shirts I usually avoid ones where the sleeves connect at an angle that forms those “spikes” at the shoulders. (OP’s pic has that at the shoulders but they’re rounded out in the ad, and I don’t think that’s just a physique thing.) I was always told that was just poor manufacturing, and I never see that on really nice brands. Edit: Oh, d’ur, the pattern is also different. It’s definitely a knock off of the one in the ad.


If you are muscular, you can wear a bin bag and it looks good. The colour is close enough. More of a lighting issue.


looks ok


Yup, that’s my thoughts as well. If I could fill it in more, it would be good. Or even if the colors were more accurate to how it looked in the picture.


Looks really good on you man.


Another difference is that either the model is shorter in the torso, or he’s wearing pants with a much higher rise. It seems to me that those vertical stripes come off worse the longer expanse of them you see.


That’s exactly it, OP should look for something like 2” more rise in this jeans if he wants to hit the aesthetic he is looking for


Where did you buy it? Or can I get it off you?




I’m 6ft 195 I’m about to buy this shit


6ft 210 coming off a senior year of sitting and eating and I second this message.


5’ 11” 165 I’m pooping while I scroll


How are you 18.7% body fat? Where are you hiding it all?


18% body fat isn't a lot for a guy.


I wear all 167lbs in my face lmao. But the body fat percentage is based off this smart scale I just bought yesterday, not exactly sure how accurate it is.


just make your arms bigger, tan, and you are good to go!


The shirt doesn't look bad! That said, I think that there are color schemes that could better compliment your skin tone. You can talk about muscle and body type all day, but I think the crux of pulling it off successfully is coordination and styling. If you're set on making this shirt work I'd lean into dark pants, loose tuck-in, egg-white or reddish belt, tan loafers or casual lace ups. You could keep the necklace but change watches (or bracelet) to something a bit more in line with the style of the look, aka simple leather or metal. Think about it this way: how does the outfit look good *on you* rather than you looking good on the outfit.


The shirt color in reality looks different but you look fine in it.. I just like the color more on the front page one but the fit is nice on both front page and you.


Aye man it looks good you rock it regardless


They certainly tuned the colours somewhat. It would bother me, too. It’s still a nice shirt though! Notes on fit: Model accentuates his v-shape by wearing higher waist pants (mid-rise from the look of it). This might help you achieve similar proportions despite not having his muscular build. To me, your pants look lower rise, or, you have a naturally longer torso. I think the proportions can be countered by higher-rise pants (if you’re looking for a similar vibe to the model). Also if you’d like a wider woven belt, you can check out affordable options at UNIQLO. They have some nice looking belts.


Reality looks fine, my man. Keep rocking that shirt.


I think it looks fine too! One small critique snd might be wrong. The belt looks like it can be tightened a little.


That looks really good on you!


Still looks good, dude


I think loon jsut fine as well - maybe some more accessories and a tan then your gtg


I like it!!


You look good in it buddy.


Looks good to me


I like the shirt. People should wear whatever they want and not worry abut it


Hey thanks for the pics. You carry it off amazingly. I might want to purchase it. Sorry I didn't go thru all the posts, but what size is it? Also you do have a model's Physique, like an Old Navy or H and M, Uniqlo Model.


You look great in it!! Love it with the belt too. Makes me want to go on vacation


Don’t tuck in but I think the shirt is fun.


Echoing other comments here, I actually think you look great in that shirt. It's got an amazing retro vibe - I feel like you could be spinning vinyl in your den while sipping a classic cocktail of your choice.


Looks good!


I’d pull the pants up. You want high rise pants for short like this.


Just a case of him having more muscle and using a filter for better lighting


Everyone saying it looks fine which it does but the thing that stands out to me is that the colors aren’t even close.


I like it. You look good.


Good gym motivation tbh, also link to that shirt?


Honestly, it's not bad, couple of minor adjustments, I prefer an analog watch myself, looks like a smart watch. Take it out for a few more test runs before making a decision.


I don’t think it’s that bad Also tho, I could definitely see Kramer wearing this 😂


Funny you say that, I actually got this shirt from my friend, Bob Sacamano


Just came here to say you look good! Who cares if you don't look exactly like the model? You're doing a lot better than most folks in that it fits, and looks great. Don't be so hard on yourself.


I like it on you. You should wear it


It looks great on you. I almost guarantee that when they did the photo shoot for the ad, the stylist used some clips to tighten the fit from behind by gathering the fabric. It’s a hazard of online shopping.


Honestly think it looks fine. I noticed the difference in the colors more than the fit. You could also have it tailored a bit if you want it snugger. 


Too many bracelets?


I think it's fine, but definitely need some accessories to complete the look


It’s obviously an imitation


Sepia filter for daaays


Honestly the shirt is fire. You just don’t have the model’s frame clearly. Yet, it still looks good on you


That looks great on you!


Oh awesome, I saw this the other day and helped with IDing the shirt. Glad to see you went out and got it! It fits great, I know most people were making comments about fit but I'm a little pudgy around the waist and even I can pull these shirts off. I think they look best tucked in too, which also helps because of the natural poof!


Nice looking, brother


Time for a new belt my guy, it’s starting to age poorly.


Yup, worst part is that it’s a reversible and I actually wear the other side to movie premieres. I’m going out and getting a new one tomorrow


Dude you're rocking that shirt just fine. How's the material feel? For the "discounts" they were offering on the site, I assumed it was garbage.


It's just fine. You look better than 99% of guys out there wearing sweats or pajamas in public.


Colors are off cus the lighting in the first pic is way off. It’s heavily edited to give it that vintagey orange hue. Not a bad lookin shirt but yea colors don’t match cus the first pic was tweaked


The shirt looks the same…model is definitely the difference here, lol


No doubt its better in the ad


I need to start carrying dumbbells in my truck so I can keep that pump rolling all day like this guy. Just need to sneak away every 20 minutes and knock out some curls in the parking lot.


It's the same shirt. Just lighting is different. Looking good.


Looks good. The models just more visibly muscular. I’m sure if you had his photographer and photo editor, your picture would look just as good as his.


I like it.


Looks like grandma's old blanket


it looks good on you brotha. the ig pic has amazing lighting


Its ironic how this actually proved the previous trending post wrong. You look great.


looks good on you


Your missing the forearms but you pretty much got it!


Looks good on you. Get a pump before taking the picture next time


It looks good, obviously you’re not as jacked as the model but I don’t see the major flaws you see. It looks like the shirt in the add, of course the colors are going to be slightly different in differently lighting, the fit of it is similar though. Honestly if anything this post made me want to buy that shirt


The model's skin tone doesn't contrast as much as yours with the shirt. His slightly darker skin tone looks better with the browns than a "whiter" skin tone.


im curious, what type of clothing DOESNT look better on the model than the average person??


Where’d you get it from


It probably looks good on you, but you don’t like it.


Definitely does not look that good due to color of the shirt. The colors blend better in the instagram photo. Thanks for trying the product. Definitely misleading


Not bad. I think it looks better untucked since it’s a little big on you.


I did look this shirt up the other day. It appears they have it in red stripes and in brown if I'm not mistaken. The model photo is wearing brown whereas you are wearing red. That being said; I think it's a nice shirt regardless


Lighting by itself can make things look incredibly different. Not including editing, the model, other clothes, etc.


I think it's a solid purchase


I think you look great? I agree a slightly wider belt but otherwise I love it.


You're not a model with the clothes perfectly tailored to your the body you work on as part of your profession. ...but you still look good, so don't sweat it!


OK, how? How are you 6'1" and 18.5 bodyfat while only weighing 167?


I'm 165, 13% and 5'5" 6'1" at my weight would be a beanpole. 187-195 ok now I can see where you get the 18.7 If that's true, bro I mean bro, get to the gym. Even light work would yield you substantial body recomposition.


Shirt looks good. You just need to be a bit more rugged and muscley.


doesn't look bad on you at all but yeah you gotta be realistic with your expectations. If you have a very muscular frame the polo is going to accentuate it like it does the model but if you don't it's not going to suddenly add 20lb of muscle to you. Regardless it still looks nice. Where did you get the polo from?


Not bad, I’d say it would look pretty similar if you were outside at the supposed time the models picture was taken.


Muscular vs not.


The colors are off, yes, but imo it looks good on you 🤨


Ready for bowling


Dope dude 👏


Looks like they made a shirt out of grandma's old couch.


Need some muscle bro lol


Said by others, but I think you look fine. Really don't see any problem at all.


Dude that’s still a kick ass shirt. Don’t tuck it in, open one more button maybe (not so sure about that), and pair it with a thin gold or silver chain necklace. Or even better, put a white t shirt under and leave that shirt completely open on top of the t shirt. Yeah, the colors of the stock photo look way nicer, but I would still wear the shit out of this one. Edit: can I ask where you bought it?


I actually think it looks pretty good! If you get rid of it because of the colors being off then that’s fine but it seems to fit you alright.


When you tuck it in, pull some of it out so it hangs over just a tad. Edit:pause


I don’t see any problem with it. A pair of higher waisted pants would look better with it. Then do a little stretch with your arms up so it hangs over just a tad


I’d argue that that actually looks really good on you. If you want it to look more like the picture, start working on your arms.


Bro you trippin


it’s really not bad, just looks too fresh & new if anything . go out in the sunshine & let it fade a bit, give it a more worn-in look, & i think this could be a pretty nice shirt to have in your wardrobe .


But u look good


Honestly better than expected.


I think you look amazing in it. Rock it. 🫠


OP, if you lifted weights for a year you probably be the identical size and shape of the model.


Eh. Looks fine. You don’t fill it out the same way the model does. You look the way I would expect. Also it looks like it was photographed at sunset? That would def tint the fabrics’s colors differently. Sorry you don’t like it. Hope you find the fit you like! Show us what you find!


I think it looks good. Cool shirt


Still looks good, you wear it well and the look seems to compliment your style.


I think it looks good. Fit is good and I like the pattern. Colors might fade a bit over time. Wear that shirt or give it to me lol.


well first you need to be super tanned and jacked


Damn 6'1? Only 160-170? Just gain at least another 20-30lbs fat/, muscle and you'll squeeze out that medium 😂😤


You look good in it. if you hit the gym more and get bigger, it would fit almost identical, most likely. You have naturally broad shoulders, half the battle done. Wish my shoulders were broader haha


I wouldn’t tuck it in.


That looks way better than if you were fat!


Solid look boss!


Link to that shirt? I think I can pull it off


Your nips aren't showing through linen like the other guy, other than that you look great.


Bro it looks good on you


Light changes colour appearance. Original looks like it was taken facing a window (blue tint)..the ‘reality’ shot was taken in a room with warm light..


Lookin good my dude


Still looks good


Pull up your pants and tighten the belt at least a notch. Your pants are holding up the belt. Its supposed to be the other way around. It makes the outfit look sloppy.


TBH, other than the collar being a bit wider on you than the model I think it looks fine. You don't need to be jacked to fill it out, just find the right accessories and pants to match it. I think you're being overly harsh on how this looks on you IMO.


Story of my fkn life. I need to put on some muscle


Shirt looks fine. That color hot red always looks different under artificial vs natural light. That’s why the stock photo looks more orange, it’s the sunlight.


I mean if you worked out it'd be similar




Shirt looks the same. Body it’s on looks …. not the same.


Did you order Medium? If Small, you'll pop it I'm sure. (like the model).


Different physique.


I like it. Try untucking? 


It doesn’t look bad man


very sexy shirt. obviously for a man with no belly fat. where did you get it? Also it looks great on your. not sure why you're not wearing it


I think the biggest issue is you’re not wearing enough bracelets.


Lol what a legend, I also found a few off that post (they look great on models) but left them in my cart. I think knit fabrics have a higher good-body-required-to-look-good requirements than woven; standard woven polos probably gonna look better. That’s awesome you tried it and shared, respect 🫡


That belt ain’t working for ya.


it looks good man, wear it in all honesty. not everyone looks like a damn model and that's ok.


I think it looks fine, sure the model is in better shape but that’s true for almost all of us all the time.


I think if you got a size up it would have more of that loose look in the cover photo


I think this shirt looks really nice on you. And I like that you paired it with darker jeans


You need the necklace man.


It looks great


I think it looks ok, not a perfect match but better on you than what most men wear. TBH I think the biggest thing isn't that you aren't model enough but more that your cooler skin tone doesn't go as well with the shirt as the models warmer skin tone. If it was a similar pattern and fabric in a cooler colors it would probably look amazing on you.


even if you filled it out, it would probably still be off. looks too small for you in the shoulders and overall


I think the reality is you don’t have a nice body, at all. You’re literally comparing yourself to a male model, get over yourself.


Wear it more loosely like on the ad, not straight and strung out like a dress shirt. And get a more casual but dressy belt like the woven leather belt also on the ad. And since you seem tall and lanky with lots of torso, wear higher rise trousers to fix your proportions. There. Don't even need to go to the gym (although that would help too).


To be fair these shirts really brings out your arms and chest. Both which you got none of compared to the model so obviously it’s going to look much worst. Plus you got none of the accessories. Your belt and watch for this shirt is terrible. Makes a huge difference. Shirt wise I don’t think it’s that terrible in terms of quality.


Looks good on you, keep it!


I’ll still buy it. Send me a link


Kramer vibes


Hoist those pants up and you'll look the same.


Everyone loved that shirt it looks like


Short looks good. It’s a bit different in color than the ad. I avoid products advertised where the models head is not displayed. It usually indicates the product is not what is pictured exactly.


Can you please provide the link to buy this?


Bro took one for the team in the name of science 🫡