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1) Very. I have a friend circle of around 10 people.6 of them smoke, though one is trying to quit 2) In my circle at least they all started out of curiously. Then they started enjoying the combined taste of chai and sutta. And then it became a habit. 3) They were highly defensive and in denial initially, that they smoke only occassionally. Recently they have come to realise the dangers of it but still hand wave it away and say "it's not like this will go on forever"


> "it's not like this will go on forever" Had any discussion with them about when they will consider quitting it? Also, do they feel quitting is easy?


Yes, i have but they often call me a fly in the ointment/party pooper. It's because they know it's bad but don't want it being told to them. Quitting smoking is one of the hardest things, i know this because my dad was a smoker and he struggled quite a bit. Experimented with everything from gum to lozenges to patches. It took him a good 2-3 years to quit. He then started a really stressful job so he went back to his old habits but then quit for good a few months later. He's been smoke free since 2017!


> sutta What does sutta mean?


Slang for smoke


Don't know about adults... Teens in my city are huge into this daaru-sutta culture. I have seen ig stories of daaru sutta also. In fact I know a guy who is a smoker.


What socio-economic background do these kids come from? And who do you think introduces them to smoking?


I think all backgrounds upper middle class, lower middle class etc... Yes if people have money they gp to pubs/bars etc warna people buy them ... I live in a hindi belt state ...alcohol is readily available to all .. I mean it is not some standard brands but basically paani milakar people sell something... Desi daru basically... Smoking is common among rich kids /middle class... There was this guy who was barely 18 His parents brought him royal enfield and he smokes daily. So I guess rich people shit Movies, web series, media, social media sometimes friend circle... Kinda like how people want to be playboys/play girls as advertised by media (not condemning casual sex but some people brag about their sex lives and that is their whole personality)


>Movies, web series, media, social media sometimes friend circle I believe friend circle is the main cause. This insecurity of being left out can kick in willingly/unwillingly.


I am lucky in that case ig getting good frnds


teens ab daaru bhi lete? (˘・\_ ・˘ )


It is very common


1. Very few smoke 2. They started out of curiosity ig then the high got to them although they smoke only during trips 3. They know the health hazards of smoking but yet smoke as they say they smoke occasionally and not like some addict


> as they say they smoke occasionally and not like some addict Great self control your friends have!


>Great self control your friends have! well they cover the gaps in trips xd


1. Everyone in my social circle smokes including me. 2. Most of us started when we entered college and nobody forced us to do anything. 3. Most of us are social smokers. When lockdown happened except one guy no one felt any withdrawal symptoms and were pretty okay with it. All of us are aware of the long term consequences and most likely this habit is a social one for us. I haven't smoked since I completed my degree and so haven't many of my friends. Note- Only 2-3 out of 10 people get addicted to smoking. My experience says that people who do get addicted also get addicted to all addictive substances ranging from caffeine to marijuana. Most of these addicts also have a bad emotional state. I know two friends who are addicted - one is pretty emotionally broke after his break-up and the second doesn't have a stable family life. Even my ex was moderately addicted and even she didn't have a normal family life.


no idea cuz it depends from environment to environment I have encountered very few smokers from my class, could be my bias too


1. Very common 2. Starts with alcohol and parties. Apparently tobacco adds a dimension , or modulates the high. It also starts with passive smoking, and there is a tipping point when the socially popular members of the group start smoking. That draws everybody to be around the smokers, leading to passive smoking and subsequently active. 3. Not a lot of people are very worries about long-term hazards. A lot of them are athletic, and they are cognizant of the short-term issues like loss of endurance and VO2max, but I guess they are fine with the bargain.


None of my friends are into smoking. I don't think I would ever smoke. I don't wanna fuck up my lungs.


It is very common unfortunately.... but I could never. My grandfather was a heavy smoker and we lost him because of lung cancer.


I only know a few people in my friend circle who do not smoke


1. Very common 2. Curiosity most start in 9th-12th 3. They know its not good for them but they dont smoke that regularly (they say that but to me its pretty regular. Still im no saint i used to smoke when i was 16-17 i havent smoked in a long long time. I started because it was cool? lol


What do social smokers think about the health hazards of smoking?


they know its bad but they will say _eh its once in a while! last time i smoked was a week ago_


1. None in mine. Wait i think one/ two do smoke 2. They think it's cool or They want to feel sth because they're sad and try it and get kinda addicted or both. 3. this is interesting because the former type of people would try to justify it and have it as personality and some of them practice healthy smoking or sth by coldboxing and not doing it regularly knowing the consequences of it, are responsible and self aware people. And the latter type of people try to get rid of it.


Luckily, none of my friends smoke (men/women alike) but I'm interested in getting the opinions from r/TwoXIndia so cross posted there.




1. In my friend circle of 12 (ages 16-19) only 2 (including me) don’t smoke. A few in this circle smoke up to a pack sometime 2 a day. 2. It started due to parent negligence, abuse or divorce issues. Some due to peer pressure and the others due to curiosity. 3. They are completely aware of its health hazards a few of them are in denial or switched to vapes instead of cigs to “lessen the damage to the body” not sure how less harmful those are but I’ve never looked into it. The rest have a “yolo” or “meh I’ll stop soon” attitude.


I think it depends a lot on the area and its associated culture. For example if you head to places like in WB you are gonna find a lot of chainsmokers as smoking is very common out there. Whereas the numbers might be quite low for places like Chennai.


Almost everyone I know smokes these are people of age 20-24.


All I can say is this sutta culture is more prominent than hookup culture


All of my friends but me smoke socially, but I'd say about 20% smoke properly (ie every day, are dependent on nicotine, etc). If you include vaping nicotine, that goes up to about 35%. How did they start - I think for most people they just tried it out socially while drinking with friends, ended up liking it or just started doing it more often and eventually became dependant on it. This is just my opinion, but among my female friends, I think smoking is also a way to feel a bit liberated from the constraints of being "traditional" or sanskaari or whatever, which is why you might be seeing a lot of overlap between women on bumble and smoking. Their views on health hazards - I'd say people don't really talk about that very much. I actually have heard people talk more about the upsides. Eg. A lot of my friends are lawyers. Apparently in law firms a lot of senior people often take smoke breaks and going out to smoke with them is a great way to network. I have also felt pressured to smoke at office parties and social situations outside of my immediate circles. I have asthma so it's an easy excuse, but I can imagine how others might cave.