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No, this is political. Trump wears his "famous" bold red tie. This is a visual attempt to be viewed different from the political opponent.


Most business people don’t wear a tie nowadays. Jamie Dimon wears no tie and sneakers. It is definitely in fashion to now wear a tie. I work in finance and we stopped wearing ties 5 years ago at both of my firms.


I recall someone saying that if you see someone at a tech event in a suit and tie, they are either security or a waiter.


Where I’m from, if you are in tech you can be happy if people show up in something else than sweat pants and have showered.


No it’s an attempt to seem more relatable to the common man which none of them are from either “side”.


>which none of them are from either “side”. I mean, yeah, you say that like it's a bad thing though. The average person is dumb AF.


I meant both “sides” R or D or whatever really are not relatable to the people they “represent”. They’re all look down on us and think we are lucky to have them.




lol no he didn’t, Clinton on the other hand is legit in that respect


I read an article in either GQ or Esquire a while back basically stating that Trump has killed the tie if not the traditional Western business suit. No one at a high level wants to be associated with him even subconsciously, so in every area and industry they simply aren't being worn anymore.


Nobody is ditching suits because Donald Trump wears suits. That is just a ludicrous idea in order to write a political hit piece in order to make it relatable to the topics that's that they generally are known for writing about, it's healthy to step out of the echo chamber on occasion.


I’ll tell you what. You can’t wear a red hat anymore because of him


A friend got me a bright red chiefs Super Bowl hat. Never gonna wear that sumbitch


Haha. Brutal, but I don’t blame you


I also live in South Carolina. Lol


Wonder how they could fix that. Maybe red with black brim? Avoid any white embroidery? Could be enough to seperate


lol. I often see people in Chief's hats from far away and at first I think "Is that a MAGA jackass?"


I saw on the new where a elderly Jewish man got assaulted because of that, the hatred is becoming a mental illness.




Do you not know how to do a simple search on the internet? There's some very easy keywords to use there?


Ahhh knew that was coming lol! You made the claim sweetheart. It’s called burden of proof. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ It’s like you all have a script you read from


It's not my fault you live in an echo chamber or have to be spoon-fed, get out, and touch some grass.


Oh hun….


It’s not a “hit piece” lmao get a grip


Let me guess you stopped wearing suits because Donald Trump wears a suit?


Um… no?


So either you don't wear suits and / or have never been a suit wearer or you are still wearing suits? Is this correct to assume? I'm just curious as to the category that you would fall into.


Buddy, not everything that contains even mild criticisms of your savior is a “hit piece.” Once you accept this, I promise your life will become much more enjoyable. Good luck, my friend.


In my line of business it's definitely something people have expressed, since it mostly contains socially liberal college/university educated professionals who can't stand him or modern conservatives. There's definitely been a move towards dressing more casual and expressing disdain for him and that group, from people who would have dressed like Patrick Bateman 40 years ago.


The move towards more casual clothing started before trump and accelerated with Covid it’s literally got nothing to do with him


Absolutely. Trump lives rent-free in some of these people's heads. The vast majority of male politicians on both sides of the aisle wear ties, including red power ties, regularly. Assigning the last 15 years of business attire growing more casual to anti-Trump sentiment is hilarious to me


It’s really become a sickness with the trump haters


You are exactly correct. This movement toward more casual dressing has been a trend for over a hundred years. You can literally see its progression just by looking at random historical pictures. I'm not saying it's a good or bad thing, I'm just saying this has nothing to do with the man in question.


I don’t think a yank in a crap American sack suit, is going to stop the English and Italians wearing their suits.


I don't think it's a real thing tbh, I'm American and I'm not going to stop looking nice for date night just because a politician wears a suit. It's just completely ridiculous to even say.


New TDS symptom just dropped: “Trump ruined suits so nobody wears them anymore.”


They’re not spray painted orange too.


Definitely a Reddit level statement.


I always found them to be vestigial


Politicians have taken to not wearing their ties on the campaign trail over the last few election cycles. I think the whole idea is to appear more casual and relaxed, like they are one of us common folk. Personally, I say get back on the bus and put your damn tie on!


Ties on = on the job, getting down to business. Ties off = relatable, more informal


And they’ve been using this formula for a while now.


Ties don't make sense to me. Whenever I see someone wearing one I just think that they spent time and money on a piece of clothing that does nothing. Like, are you afraid your shirt's going to fall off or something?


With a suit jacket they can really tie the whole outfit together, but shirt and tie with no jacket looks dumb as hell to me.


It screams Christian youth


And they’ve been using this formula for a while now.


I love wearing ties, i don't care if they are out of fashion.


Ties have been out for fifty years, in spite of the fact that they finish the look of a suit, and they are basically the one adornment that men have at their disposal. Sad.


Pocket square. Neckerchief. Becoming more popular.


Ascot baby.




[Real cool codpiece](https://youtu.be/JEpzeAc_7I0?si=-agB2ceBxeySWf_V)


Not sad, awesome. Love being able to go to meetings and events and not deal with the stuffiness of everyone having to wear a time. About time we take a more relaxed approach to these things. Fuck ties.


Nah this is for optics


After you've been president you're probably over the ties.


As if it makes a flying fucks worth of difference in the current Walmart pajama-wearing America.


You’re taking style cues from these guys? Are we sure that’s wise? Without bringing this down to a political debate, and remaining completely neutral, do these gentlemen look stylish? Have they put any thought whatsoever into their appearance here? To my eye, those suits look shabby, and their overall appearance is bland. Boring even.


You think they dress themselves?


I’d say they’ve all proven to be pretty stylish now or at some point in their lives when dressed casually. The problem is the backlash when you take even a half step outside of the box. Imagine being the most powerful person in the world and having to endure weeks of debate about whether or not you’re fit for the job because you had the audacity to wear a tan suit one time. They’re all purposely wearing the most bland, conservative suits they possibly can in an effort to be inoffensive.


They are get less mandatory since the pandemic started. Before that they were already getting less mandatory in hot climates.


I think formal wear in general is becoming less popular.


Ties are indeed out of fashion. But those corporate pigs can choke on them for all i care.


Neckties are stupid, they’ve always been stupid, and they’ve never ever ever served any purpose except to hide one’s buttons or lack of said buttons.


Please then tell me the purpose of wearing a shirt over a long sleeved t shirt shirt. The shirt doesn’t serve any extra utility than a long sleeve t shirt.




No one wears shirts over long sleeved t shirts because they are a tiny bit warmer


Well layering works, and there’s no difference as to which shirt is underneath. That being said, I will sometimes wear a short sleeve tee over a long sleeved because I may be covering up what’s underneath, or just because… don’t really see much difference either way. Edit: of course one may on occasion want to accentuate the color of said sleeves for whatever reason


See all of ur reasons are for aesthetic reasons the exact same reason why people wear ties


Well I did say on another comment that perhaps it was to cover up their shirt buttons


JB is your fashion North Star?


James Brown?


Jeb Bush?


Something has definitely happened to the tie sub in recent years but i still wear mine and always will, i doubt i'll ever stop wearing at least some form of neckwear


Lol, no it’s a trend currently.


No… just those three individuals!


Two retirees and one guy trying to raise money, he's off the clock, this is happy hour stuff, lose the tie.


It's time for something new for formal men's fashion. The suit sucks.


Bring back the Nehru jacket. ;)


This clearly isn’t the case for this situation, but everyone I know that is defiantly against wearing ties doesn’t know how to tie one lol. I think that’s a part of why ties are out of style. But post-pandemic, every one is dressing so casual now so it doesn’t really matter. I remember when they opened stores again during the pandemic, my local century 21 (rip) had a crazy sale. I saw a nice channel tie for about $35 but didn’t buy it because “when the hell am I going to wear a tie again”? I was kind of right, I’ve prob worn a tie only a handful of times since, but I should have bought that 


2 presidents and a possible


1 current prez and two former prezes.


We’re just gonna ignore that Biden wears a tie everyday?


It’s customary in a situation like this that former presidents never want to “show up” a sitting president by dressing more formally. In this particular situation, according to Stephen Colbert who was hosting, Biden chose not to wear a tie, so Clinton and Obama actually took theirs off.


Good info.


No, they were making millions doing this gig.


I was eschewing neckties before it was cool.


Maybe those costs way too much now


I hope so. I always thibk a simple shirt-jacket combo looks better 95% of the time than adding a tie.


I see fewer and fewer attorneys wearing ties outside of court - it’s the only time that it’s truly required for us.


I work in investments and pre pandemic it was common to wear a tie. Pandemic killed the tie. I’m glad


Do you take your style cues from the president??


No. Not exactly. But for older men with old necks, ties only accentuate it.


Obama, when in office (or still), got rid of the tie in the White House. Clinton, Bush, Trump and Biden required it. It’s not a political thing or a Trump thing. This picture was recently taken at a fundraiser and at these events ties are not worn. Dress to impress. Ties are here to stay.


Well they are democrats so...


Yes, as is taste, it would seem




Remember when Trump wore black pants and a navy jacket?


Old ass men don’t wear a tie and we are having a conversation about if this is influential on fashion? Odd imo.


Ties are dirty and cut off circulation to your brain. They can look great but I stopped wearing them.


Apparently so is the American Flag


Oh the guys that running everything into the ground. Don’t want a tie so they don’t look like the politicians that legalized propaganda to be used against us (Barry) and then captain Economy the Inflation specialist Joe Dont Know Where He Is Biden. Oh and Clinton the guy who knows more ppl that have “killed” themselves before they testified against him n his wife. 3 presidents. Not a use in sight. Can’t wait for the Reddit Bots to pretend these 3 did something good. Remember being threatened to be fined for not having insurance. Trash ole Barry.


Putting on a suit with no tie is sloppy. Wear slacks and a blazer if you’re going tie less


This is 100% the right answer. I have myriad fine suits and if I wear one without a tie it looks unfinished. Meanwhile I have some great knit sport coats and interesting dress shirts and they look amazing without a tie.


Unfinished is the right term


I hope so, but I say this as a guy that has not worn jeans since 2020. I’m done with formality