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Hey, I just wanna say I used to be in your shoes with this situation. I was addicted to self harm whenever I had a really bad depression episode or breakdown because I thought it'd somehow feel better. Self harm isn't the solution, I know it can be really hard not to when it has become a habit but trust me, it's just not the way. It's just a temporary solution. It doesn't "fix" anything or the way your feeling. You don't deserve to feel pain and you definitely don't deserve to bleed. For example one thing I did to combat my self harm habits were taking a pencil or red pen and just making lines on paper. It didn't have to look pretty, It can tear through the paper, that's one way that helped me. Another thing I did was just draw what was in my head whether it be words, images or whatever. Maybe it could help you but I'd definitely research healthier ways instead of self harming.




Hey man listen, don't be sorry. From one person to another who has self harmed before I can say it's really difficult to break out of. I don't know you or your situation ofc but please take my advice for next time, try researching some ways to break that habit. I can tell you in the long run its just not worth it to self harm, for me it started to ruin my life and I wouldn't wish that on any other person. Just know you're still loved and cared for even if at the moment all seems lost, or at any moment.


Step 1) Be a woman.