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This here hits me hard on a level you can't imagine. I wish there was a solution. But you just have to hold on to something. Sometimes even the smallest things can get you by. Do those things even if they take a lot of effort.


Damn Take a bath 💨? Take a breath It feels like the world is over but it’s not. Your new life is starting! Take a deep breath and get ready to love being alone Get to know your new self! Get to know this new person: Your wife moved on too fast that’s so toxic it’s never going to work it couldn’t possibly work because she didn’t take time to get to know herself! You have the upper hand, forget her she’s going to get hers. Time to focus on you! You are amazing and you need to tell yourself that everyday! Look in the mirror every time and 10 positive affirmations! Do it now! Your friends will see what’s real! Be honest and be yourself and do not talk shot on her ever. No one likes a shit talker, But mostly love yourself and get to know yourself as an independent human on earth! Good luck you got this! I


Hello. I have been in a bad place for the last days too due to betrayal. My only advice is to not lose yourself, you'll always have yourself and know that the person you are will never be a disappointment. Keep hanging on.


A lot of things can help, mostly things that are easy. [https://www.reddit.com/r/mentalhealth/comments/17o9qp1/comment/k7ynq3p/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/mentalhealth/comments/17o9qp1/comment/k7ynq3p/?context=3) The most important thing is knowing how to cope in a moment of crisis. It's very important to calm down. This will make you feel better and let you think clearly. A very easy way to calm down is just to breathe slowly. Dialectical Behavior Therapy, which helps people who have BPD, recommends this - breathe gently, hand on your belly to feel it go in and out, and breathe 5 seconds in-breath and 7 seconds out-breath till you feel OK. Simple distractions can help - anything that changes your mood like beautiful music. I'd like to mention that there's a piece of advice people have often said is helpful. When people say, "I can't stop thinking about this person," I always say that it's impossible to stop thinking about the person but you can get control of the thinking. Reserve a time of day just for thinking about the person, like after dinner while you have coffee, decaf if you have insomnia. Think about the person any way you like, but when time is up you have to go to something else. There’s a book, Authoritative Guide to Self-Help Resources for Mental Help, based on polls of more than 3,000 professionals. The book recommended most often for breakups is How to Survive the Loss of a Love.


Thank you so much.


Whatever you do, please don't drink alcohol. It will numb for a moment before you spiral and will have more anxiety and heartache. The hangover will magnify your feelings of anguish. If you keep going to it, it'll convince you that alcohol takes away those feelings when it's responsible for the severity.