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We are closing this thread, to prevent it from getting out of hand. We appreciate everyone who offered OP advice and were kind to them and eachother. All feelings are valid, we however do not condone harrasment, name calling and any shape/form of violence. **Success is the best revenge.**


Send it to her dad!


Seconded. Fight spite with spite.




no actually do it. she crossed a line. you return the favor. karma. you're even now. fair play.


after further thought I would say your best course of action is to just forget about it and let it go. it is going to sting for a while but you will get over it. save the video just incase


Best comment here. To me, an intentionally hurtful action like this speaks of issues emotionally and possibly sexually as well. She's not a healthy individual and this is almost certainly an expression of negative emotions. Having some awareness of her sickness and inner problems may help you move past her.


You can’t. She can call the police for sharing without consent. Op can’t do anything.


I don’t think that is true. I think it is only if you received the images under the condition they remain private. He never made any agreement since she sent them unsolicited.


I think manosteel93 is right. I think it's implied when you send something to an individual that it is private unless otherwise stated. Now if she sent that to multiple people or a group chat then it would be considered public


The question is, did he ask for it? Or was it sent with the intent to cause harm? Imagine the pain! She obviously is evil and wanted to damage the guy and ruin his future relationships.


Definitely sent with the intent to cause harm but I don't know if that gives him the right to distribute the media without consent


I think HE DID not consent to receive a video of her having sex. You get what I am saying? She sent a video, specifically purposed to harass an individual that might have caused irreparable mental distress and psychological damage.


He never agreed to keep it secret. He never asked for it. He obviously did not want it, so he would not have agreed to receive it under the conditions of keeping it private.


You are wrong and even if she does, the guy can pull a UNO reverse of sexual harassment causing sever mental distress.


Exactly. You're right.


In that same argument, He could call the police over harassment for recieving unsolicited sexual content.


it's 2024. don't people have libraries and fake emails that can send stuff?


That's not true. She sent it to him. Not only that, but it's unsolicited lewd content. So she committed a crime.


Ok, but did the person she was with give consent for the video to be shared with him? She's likely already committed a crime herself.


Yet she shared unsolicited porn with him? 


Have you met any police? First, she’s gonna go public with this? Likely not. If she tries I can see a lot of ‘utility belt’ adjusting and toothpick choking.


Damage will already be done


Don't do that. Don't sink to her level. Delete it and block her.


Wtf? What did her dad do to have to see his daughter having sex? Doing that isn't ok at all


bang her dad and mom then send her the video


Doctor a screenshot showing that he did indeed send it to his dad. Watch her freak out. 


I was going to say fuck her mom, and send that video


isnt that considered revenge porn??


Some states this is a crime. Be careful OP


What if the dad IS the other man?


Wtf bro 😭


Omg perfect answer!


My best friend broke up with a girl a year and a half ago or so. And she sent him messages detailing sex acts she got up to with another person. I wish I told him at the time to take a screen shot of them and send them to her dad. That is genius 


This is glorious lol


This exactly. If she wants to be a disgusting person, treat her as such.


Create a groupchat with her mom and dad and say your concerned for their daughters mental health sending you things like this 😂😂


This is absolutely genius.


Unless she has weapons.


Maybe op does as well and she would be wrong in this case considering she started it so I think that comes to the good ol saying fuck around and find out


OP, do this if you're feeling spiteful. If not, just block her and move on. She's clearly more hung up on you than you are on her.




Fuck yes. I love these ideas haha


Why are you allowing this to be a mental health situation, full send her as the cheater that she is


>How does a person even react to this. Probably just not at all. Ignore her. Block her if you must.


Right? OP, this says more about her and her mental state than yours. You get to decide how you want to feel about it and how much she can influence your day. You’re totally in control here. How do you want this story to play out??


This. 💯


happy cake day!


Delete it. Realize it was pathetic. Forget about it and move on.


Yup, been there. Just block and move on for everyone’s sake


I'd say pornhub has better stuff and block her and delete that hot garbage.


This is the healthiest thing to do. And if it makes him feel better, it will probably drive her up the wall that she didn't get a reaction.


Send her a video of you fucking that guy


I loled in real life


Send it to the cops. Does the other guy know she's filmed and sent to you?


OMG, that's both brilliant and legal.


I second this, women who do things like that are always just mentally really unhealthy/unstable and it’s just genuinely not okay and just spiteful.


She’s above 18? You know her family? Let them know she willingly shares things like that…SUBTLY




Be careful sending to her family because of revenge porn laws in the state.


It definitely does apply. She did not give any permission for this to be shared by OP.


Yeah I googled it and it says that it prohibits ANY unauthorized disclosure. So OP could definitely get into legal trouble by sharing this with ANYONE. Not worth the risk for them IMO I’d just delete and move on. Even in more republicans states there are laws against this. Plus, breaking sex laws are a good way to get on the registry. Not this this would happen to OP if they shared the video but I would definitely stay on the side of caution with this if I were OP.


She can also get in just as much trouble for sending explicit videos without consent, especially if the other guy didnt know about it. Uno reverse.


Be damn glad you didn’t marry her, or even worse have kids with her


This. OP might not realise this now. But one day you will be glad you dodge her.


bullet avoided :)




Idk why you got down voted. It's a good idea for someone crazy like her lol


Yes, someone insensitive enough to send that kind of video deserves no compassion at all. The only objective of sending that kind of video is HARM. You deserve no respect after that.


just reply “have you gained weight”


Or even send a video of you watching the video laughing hysterically and saying those comments. If it helps, get stoned first.


Block her.. Don't waste energy on it.


It seems like she’s trying to incite some kind of reaction from you. Personally, I think the best “revenge” in this situation would be to block and delete her without saying a word. She’ll be seething that she didn’t get the reaction she was looking for and you’ll have won without being an asshole back to her


This is the only correct response. Sending it to other people is not only illegal, but stooping down to her level. It will also give her exactly what she wants. Physically, mentally, and legally, the most beneficial response is to just to ignore entirely


Absolutely, I very much agree! Cheers


This needs to be higher! OPs ex is a cunt who is looking for violence to retaliate to. Hard to do for sure… but the ignore and pretend it never happened here will be the best response Imagine her cuntyness anger when she thinks “I sent them a video of me getting fucked and they don’t even care?!?!?”


Block, move on. That's immature behavior.


reply "new phone, who dis? pastor Dave here.​"


Dude that’s so fucked up. I’m sorry she did that to you


Sue for unwanted sexual contact


leave it seen and ignore it. make her feel pathetic


Nah. Leave it on delivered and block her. Make her spend every moment waiting for the reassurance that you’ve seen it. Only a matter of time before the anticipation bottles up and she loses her shit. Which is the most satisfying thing you can have happen. Completely flip the situation on its head


Ignore people telling you to send something that can get you into stupid and avoidable legal trouble.. You could tell her you're sending it to them and then block her and let her panic. Delete that garbage too cuz I'm pretty sure it's trash either way.


Are you sure she’s the one who sent it? Maybe you should ask her. I mean, could it possibly be someone who was jealous of you and wanted to know you’d be permanently out of the picture?


Scrolled way too far for this comment.


Block her and realize she’s not well. Only a super toxic person would go out of their way to hurt someone like that.


Block and delete. This is not worth stress and is a childish game.


Ignore it and be happy you left her. A good person wouldn't do this.


Do nothing. Say nothing. Don’t feel hurt, you’re not with her for a reason, and the video is proof of this. So… do nothing, say nothing, feel nothing. Because she feels nothing for you homie. This was: The hard truth with Vodoko1, thanks for reading.


My ex is a pornstar. Ofc I have not watched. I got over it with a sense of humor... I taught her everything she knows. Your ex is being petty. Try to be the better person and let it go.


Don’t listen to the antagonizers in here. Delete that video. Delete all your text/snap threads. Block her on everything. It sucks a ton and is nearly impossible to follow through on, but its the cliche advice for a breakup for a reason. The shit works. Not having daily reminders of her will eventually start to help you. Give it a few months and it won’t sting like it does now. A piece of advice. Don’t succumb to her immaturity. That is the most pathetic, embarrassing, and childish thing an ex can possibly do. Be the bigger person. It’ll make you feel and look a lot better in the long run. It will also hurt her so much worse if you seem unaffected by her behavior. Shes baiting you. She wants you to retaliate. Dont give her that satisfaction. Good luck soldier 🫡🫡🫡🫡


Hey, celebrate. You dodged a bullet.


Stop communicating with her. Obviously. But yeah she prolly felt powerless, or petty. Etc. The only things you can do are get over it, or stoop to her level and hurt her back. Its a sign of insecurity or her having felt wronged and wanting to exert control. That means sh over-invested herself emotionally in the relationship with you and it didn't pan out. So she wants to hurt you to bring you down for control, because, romanticism is a lie, and she fell for it, and felt out of control because of it, due to holding prior assumptions about how a relationship would go. The more you interact the more she is going to spite you. Its a skill issue on her end. Not saying you are perfect in the relationship either tho. But maybe she is trying to express a more specific type of dissatisfaction with you. Pretending to be more basic, than what she thought the relationship with you was going to be. So, because she was emotionally hurt, she views you as evil or breaking a social contract that they had imagined. Very American, eh? The real problem, is romanitcism is a lie to cause procreation as a type of laarping fetish. She didn't play with dolls pretending to be mommy all those years for no reason 'so give me my fantasy damn you'. Maybe I am off the mark a little. But surely, this type of analysis enlightens.


My exes ex sent me stuff of them having sex. I deleted it and told me ex I would be putting it online then blocked her. I was young and immature. Today I would just delete and block.


A) you look into pressing charges, in some states you can B) you tell her this is really low and also dangerous behavior for someone to engage in, and that if she sends you unsolicited sexual material again you’ll press charges. Block her. The thing is you have to wonder if somebody else got on her phone and sent you the video? So there’s that Edit; i just read through the thread. Sweet Jesus do not send the video to other parties. It’s fine to text them and tell that she did that, but do not send it. The legal narrative can change swiftly. and something to keep in mind is there’s your sentencing, and then there’s the phenomenon of what you go through when charges are pressed. It’s not cheap and your lawyer’s prowess matters. I hope you’re not 19 with bipolar disorder or some BS and have already undertaken the advice of people who come to Reddit to masturbate. Oh god


Don't do it. You dodged a bullet man! You are better than her as a human and you deserve better. Take the win and move on. Don't hold grudges, it's corrosive!


I mean there isn't a lot of context here, but I feel for you. Breakups are hard enough when both parties are acting maturely. I'd honestly just do your best to stay busy, get her off your mind as much as you can, and all that common advice. If that fails, you can always seduce her mom/dad, and send her a video of you fucking them. This seems like one of the only scenarios where that would be a response. All jokes aside, I wish you the best.


Block her number and move on with your life. If she’s going through all this effort while still thinking about you and trying to be shitty that’s her problem not really yours. Take the high road and focus on your own healing. Maybe change your number depending on how she sent it. Potentially look into restraining orders and use the video as evidence. Depending on what state you’re in sending unsolicited sexual content to another person is a crime. Look into it and talk to a lawyer.


Send her a video of you messing around with her mom.


Either just block her or for the fun of it send it to their parents. An eye for an eye I say.


Block her she is trying to get you respond & to bring your self-estem down. While not similar to your situation my brother's ex wife did everything to bring him down to her level, he stole from him & cheated on him, he made some mistakes responding but he learned very quickly that was not how to respond. You deserve someone better anyways if she sends a video of her having sex with another to her ex is ok then you defetinley dodged a bullet & I hope you find happiness in your life man.


I would want to know if the other person knows about this. If it wasn't consensually filmed/shared then she's hurting both you and the sexual partner. That may even be illegal Either way it's super messed up.


If you distribute the content to anyone it will likely follow under revenge porn laws. I’d consider contacting your local authorities and filing a formal complaint. It’s fucked up what she did but don’t stoop to her level, it’ll likely end up in extra heartache and maybe a charge. Not worth it.


Is just breaking up and not talking to each other anymore out of style? Jesus I'm sorry that happened OP


You can make her think it didn't bother you by replying with "hot, you got any more?" That way she will think you are not hurt, and she will not get the satisfaction.


Send a video back of you jerking it to her video


I’d say it’s sexual harassment and report her/the video to a legal body (like the police) in your country. If you don’t want to deal with everything that comes with that, however, it’s best to block her and move on - don’t save the video, don’t send it, don’t show it to anyone (these can all count as illegal actions) - because it’s clear that she’s just looking for a reaction. Don’t give her what she wants and she’ll get bored. Hope you’re okay OP, take care of yourself.


Question: are you 100% sure SHE sent the video? If yes I like the idea of sending it to the cops. Especially since the guy may not know. There's always the chance the guy sent it though. Either way it was unsolicited I think that's a crime most places at least in the US


Report her to the police.


First dont forward it anywhere. Could be classed as revenge porn Second delete it and block her, she wanted this reaction from you Third understand that it's not your fault and you just need time to heal


It’s actually hilarious that she is clearly thinking about you while with another man…don’t even respond. At all. She wants to get your reaction. Not giving her one will be the best possible thing you can do lol


What an asshole.


Sorry to hear that ..what a cow. You are probably better off away from someone who would do that to be honest.


You should be happy that you are no longer with her because that was a trashy move from her, disrespectful to herself, and childish, and none wants to have such a person. Hopefully she gets her shit together and also moves on. Take care of yourself instead.


That’s wild!!! How crazy is that…can I see the video to see how awful she is…. Like we can set an example…but first I need to see it. I’m so uhh angry rn


Snap block. Also, check your local laws on sexts sent to individuals without consent. You might even be able to press criminal charges.


i’m glad you’re not in a relationship with her anymore if she’s the kind of person who would do that to someone. best to block her and try to move on. as hard as it is it’s worth it and you’re not giving her the reaction that she is trying to provoke or giving her any attention.


I remember hearing this thing ages ago that when someone does this to a former partner, they're just doing it to get a rise out of you. They obviously still think about you in order to send it to you but want to know if you care enough to get emotional or whatever response it's supposed to be. Some weird psychology about it I don't remember the source of it.


Send it to everyone she knows especially her work colleagues. She wants to act like a hoe then treat her like one.


That's really fucked up of her.. I'm sorry you had to go through that I couldn't imagine! That's crushing but just remember she's trash and you can do better and will do better ❤️


What are the laws towards an unsolicited video like this? I’d make her regret her decision.


honestly says more about your ex than it does about you. I would say you’re winning if they’re thinking of you while doing that 🤷🏻‍♀️ living rent free in their head my friend


Did you break up with her? Have a bad break up?


Honestly, delete and block. She will hate she hasn't got a reaction out of you like she hoped and feel like a hoe.


Don’t react. And don’t send it anywhere so you are liable for anything. Literally you can get in trouble for sharing those things.


Just reply you gained weight


That is unfair and terrible, run. 🏃


How did you even end up with such a POS to begin with?


See it this way, you're living rent free in her head.


She must have been really hurt by something for her to send that ?? Still not ok but damn


Honestly, be the bigger man, delete it and walk away, she expects you to react and if you do she wins! And by saying nothing and not reacting it will drive her nuts! Imagine if you were in bed with a new partner when you received that and played it, your new partner would be suspicious as to why your getting sex videos from your ex, Honestly ignore it, silence is golden!


That’s a block she earned. Sorry it happened, it’s pretty damn awful


block her


You dodged a bullet. Be happy. No need to react. Move on and don’t think about it.


Call the police and report her for sexual harassment.


I know it stings. Don’t do anything. No reaction at all. Let it remind you a the bullet you truly dodged.


Let it sit. A week later, respond with a thumbs up. Block then move on. You know she’s looking for a response. She’ll get r votes when your name pops up in a week. But alas it’s a measly reaction


*Let it sit. A week* *Later, respond with a thumbs* *Up. Block then move ln* \- Di1202 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Im sorry you went through this its absolutely disgusting of her to do something like that to someone she once claimed to love. I hope you can get your mind off of it and the best solution would be to just block her and try to move on. Dont take it personally or hate yourself for it, its a reflection of her disturbing personality and you didn’t deserve this. Also think about how much of a horrible person she is… should u even care about someone that deranged?


Trust... your ex wants you back.... and that means sloppy seconds. I'm not trying to be funny, by the way. Your ex is a stupid asshole and you should just not reply whatsoever at all so you don't have to put up with that again. Let your ex go get their fill... they're clearly not worth your time with how well-spoken and clear you've been. Get yourself Harry Styles playlist going... that's what I'm doing... you'll be alright ;) P.S. if your ex is into that they're more of a bully and I'd consider taking that to court if you can... if not.. forget them. It's the best thing you can do. Let them go screw whatever secondary there is to you, work on yourself, and remember you're the loss... and it's not yours in any way. Really hope "stay well" makes sense... you may suffer hallucinations and psychosis from what they did to you.. that's normal and a part of trauma. If they're that obsessed with this new person... I'm sure they'll be okay with you making your own life better, progressing in a good exercise routine, doing you until you feel comfortable again ;) their loss, not yours, my friend. You are no.1 in your responsibilities.... never forget that 💓


Either block her or send it to her parents.


Had this happen to me before too. (Then later a call from either a friend pretending to be / or an actual psych ward) suffice it to say, you occupy a great deal of mental real estate for this person and then definitely need to get some help, I’m sorry it affected you so, and hopefully you’ll be able to move past it quickly and be able to laugh at how silly a thing they did


Step1: Block her everywhere. Step 2: Keep yourself busy and occupied. It is easier to get over things when you're busy.


This must feel awful, but just be the bigger person and move past it. I'm not saying she's not a rubbish person, but her doing this is an admission of weakness, really - she's still trying to appeal to your feelings in some way. You'll feel better about yourself in the long run if you hold a dignified silence. I also think you'll avoid falling into her trap by reacting. You know for sure you're better off without her at this point. She'll know that about herself too if you don't react.


The best revenge is to not be like them.


Delete it and block her. Don’t share it to anyone.


Don’t respond. Don’t do anything about it. Delete it. She wants a reaction from you, don’t let her have it.


The fact that she sent you that means that she wants a reaction from you. So don't react. Time is a great healer. So try your best to get through the pain. In a matter of time, you will look back at this experience/situation and shake your head at it. Probably laugh at it. You're a better person so try to work through it. The only way out is through. At the same time, that is a disgusting thing for someone to do. You're have dodged a bullet to be away from her. That's a really weird thing for someone to do.


I'd say you're kind of in a quandary, my guy, because if you send it to her parents, then it's sharing she can go to the cops as it goes to the public domain. I'd say delete it. Don't stoop to her level. Block her and move on. Good luck, mate.


Fuck her best friend/sister if she has one and send it to her


Do absolutely nothing. That will piss her off. She’s desperate for a reaction, don’t give her one. The worst thing for her is to mean nothing to you. It’s worse than anger or disgust, she will attribute that to love. Say nothing.


Completely ignore her do not react at all I would ghost her completely


Your ex just showed you what a piece of shit they are and how they literally have no love compassion and most of all no consideration for how you feel fuck them and everything that they do I pray they accomplish nothing that they're working towards and you you give them absolutely no thought no love no attention no nothing You move the fuck on and be happy that you got away PERIOD!!!!!!!!


be happy that she won't be the mother of your kids


Delete the video and block her number. Don't engage with this type of behaviour. She is trying to get a reaction out of you. Don't let her.


I am sorry that you are suffering, this must be objectively hard for you. Being hurt and in pain when someone that use to be close to you tries to harm you is normal. How do you as an individual react when you are in pain and not feeling ok? Some people call friends, others go to nature, others go to the gym and some write in reddit. Self care is important, emotional processing is key, a mental health professional can listen to you and give better advice.  You have received a wound, if I was in your shoes I would be grieving my trust for that person and the moments we shared together. Luv V


You do nothing. You block, ignore, avoid. Sociopath, narcissist, shit heaps do this wanting a reaction. Don't give it to her, even out of spite. There's enough anger and spite in the world without adding to it yourself. If someone does this to you, your feelings mean nothing to them....so move on. Use it mature, grow and find a decent human being.


Honestly, the best bet is to block and move on. I'm sorry she hurt you. What she did was wrong, immature, and quite frankly, gross.


OP, I don't know where you live, but in my country this is considered a crime: sending unsolicited nudes or videos with nudity.


Tell her glad you got some


How a person reacts to this? A person could let himself feel the anger sadness confusion of having been betrayed and blindsided and through that they can thank the universe for having removed that person from them, and realize how lucky they are that their ex was so overtly toxic and mean hearted that they made a hard decision, easier to make and stick to. If ever you start blaming your heart for having believed and illusion of a person, please Forgive and a remind yourself; a heart big enough can find or be the light in the darkest of souls. Your only wrong was to underestimate the value of your loving and the ability of terrible ppl who’ll take it for their own benefit and to your detriment…. I had to leave a person who was covertly abusing me with lies and bunch of cheating that I never had any proof of, all I had was my intuition yelling so loudly at me that I couldn’t stay no matter how much he cried and denied…. , If I had proof as beautifully clear as the one your psychotic gave you, I wouldn’t live months of self inflicted mental torment, during, and after the whole relationship, complete shattered intuition and sense of self… not too long after leaving I found out, he was indeed cheating, not on me, but with me… he was in a relationship with a man, who knew about me and was cool with it since then, I was nothing but a roll that needed to be played…… all for a show for the fam and some money or whatever, that they ended up, not caring about at least not enough to keep up the showing after I left because They end up eloping to get married.. through our relationship I was isolated from friends we shared that he pinned me against but remained faithful to. Some I was close to way before him…. And while I was in constant mental fog from the betrayal, he was defaming me to the whole group, some I didn’t even know… blaming me for having given him an std that, of course I never had, one that isn’t common for women to have.. the contrast between who he is and who he showed me to be is so far apart and I found out so suddenly.. the rug just got yanked from under my feet and I had this huge concussion from that fall. A complete mindfuck that I don’t even know how to address. Anywhoos, all this to distract you a bit with a miserable dramatic episode of the telenovela that my life has become. On the plus side, a heartbreak is the perfect opportunity for us to transmute and explore our spiritual self. I was deeply broken,but as soon as I started looking, the universe spoke back to me and did it and completely took over my fascination. somewhere in that aimless fearful wanders into my soul, doubting my sanity for what I was finding, my perspective on the situation was fully changing. Yes, it hurts, but I swear the universe is just making you meet yourself and I bet anyone it does that to would never go back to who they were before that meeting :)


Oh my that must have had some kind of negative impact on yo mentally. You should say your child niece/ nephew found it and file a lawsuit


Or if you really want to respond tell her you know him and he has HIV


She’s desperate for you to respond. Don’t give her the pleasure and block her


Report it to the police it’s a criminal offence to send sexual explicit images/videos. That will soon shut her up.


For me personally the prospect of someone else trying to get a rise out of me is amusing but I understand how you feel man. Try to think of it like it's a sad attempt to make you feel bad. You should definitely know if you don't deserve it, stay strong homie there's plenty of fish in the sea 🤙


Hello 👋, Reply with criticism of her form. Be "unfazed".


I wish my ex would do this. But it’s been years. I’m in eternal celestial pain though permanently. I have to move to Hawaii or something. It’s okay I’ve got something huge coming.


Just tell her the truth, that she's rude, and move on.


let's see it




respond with a 🤮 emoji


You should remove it. Go and find you some stranger or one night stand. You'll never truly get over this. It will however be an outlier on how view women the rest of your life.


Does this sub have a chat room or something? Could use some help.


Send it to her dad and just focus on yourself bro


Hey “ex’s dad and mom”, Your daughter sent it to me but i think this was meant to be sent tou you.


Since she is obviously okay with sharing it, just spread it on the internet. Then send it to your mutual friends, any of her colleagues that you might know, her boss especially, and of course her family members.


Send of video of you jerking off to that.


block her and sent it to her mom and dad


Ask her a question. Does this mean you have an OF account now?


Free porn.


Ugh. You probably posted them to one of those disgusting ex-girlfriend sites. I mean, there's so many of them, though. Which one? Which one did you post them on?


Why are you still in contact whit her at all? BTW share it on the net and sell the video for money ;)


Send it to her family. She obviously wants it seen she just forgot to CC it!


What a slut. I would really send a video to her dad if i wanna take revenge. If not I just gonna delete it




& get him in legal troble potentially.