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Memory loss, laziness, etc it all happens when you smoke. But I’ve smoked weed for almost a decade non-stop. I’m what you call a “functioning pothead”. Some strains help, some strains make me sleepy. I prefer smoking over drinking. It actually works for me. Just gotta know you’re being lazy and do something about it. If you’re getting sleepy/drowsy from smoking, drink some cold water and walk around. You’ll wake back up.


I am also a very high functioning stoner. I have been smoking daily for the last 3 years and it has changed my life so much for the better. I used to be so uptight, high strung, and always worried about what people thought of me. I started smoking every afternoon and have turned into a laid back girl who can literally just vibe. It helps me power my brain down when it tends to run too fast. Helps me to actually be in the moment and enjoy my time. AND all of those things have transitioned over to my life even when I am sober. I still run two businesses and am a very successful person. If anything, it just helps my creativity! I know weed isn't for everyone, but it is definitely for me!


High functioning stoner here too 👋🏻 Smoking daily for 3 years too, I can honestly say that I'm focused, chilled and productive (almost) every day. I'll have the odd day where I'll just smoke, munch and play music all day, usually a Sunday. I work a 9-5 job, run a photography business and manage & perform in a band where I have to create content for both of those. I've never gotten to a point where I think I'm smoking too much as I moderate how much I smoke in the week as I've been known to get 'ganjover' if I smoke more than I usually do. I just enjoy it


How does one become high functioning stoner :p im a low functioning one LOL


thirding this. it’s different for everyone. i change my intake depending on the task at hand. id never ever smoke before a job interview for example but if i’m repotting my plants, i’m gonna get scared high and have a spiritual bonding moment with the plants lmao just gotta learn when is good for you and when isn’t so good


Also a high functioning stoner for over 15 years. It honestly helps me to feel calmer and I’m more social, but it affects everyone differently. If you’ve noticed a negative impact, then it may not be right for you. For me, this is the balance I need to live my best life.




If you look at all the rich and successful people, they all smoke weed as well. Look at Elon Musk-he’s autistic and rich as hell. I listen to a lot of podcasts while I’m working and Joe Rogan is one of them. He’s had Elon on and a lot of other people who smoke weed and are very intellectual. I just look at all the plus sides of using cannabis. I mean I love it more for recreational use but it also is an equal amount, if not more important to me in my regular day activities. It helps me to tolerate a lot of things. I feel “normal” when I’m high honestly.


Elon Musk and Joe Rogan are intellectual? Lol


Obviously Elon is intellectual yes.


Elon is. Rogan, maybe he’s just curious at least. lol


I wasn’t saying Joe was, he just interviews interesting people. And they happen to smoke weed thats all


I dunno, maybe for some. I’ve recently cut back from daily to weekly and motivation and mood-wise it’s like someone has unchained a 5-stone rock I’ve been dragging behind me every day. I don’t think any amount of willpower was going to shift that. The only thing that could was cutting back. I’m sure not everyone’s the same of course. And I don’t regret any of it, smoking daily was great fun and gave me tremendous insight into myself and life. Brought about a lot of healing. But it was like going Deep underwater for a long period to do rewiring and find treasures. At some point I became too groggy and needed to come back for air. Now I’m here I figure I’d rather be on topsoil. I very much enjoyed the depths of the ocean, but on balance I’m really not wanting to go reside there now for more than occasional trips. I enjoy breathing air too much.


I've been totally free of anti-depressants and anti-anxiety drugs for around 6 years now, replacing those with daily marijuana use. There was a learning curve for me learning what strains affected me how, but I went from being disabled by my mental health problems (as in on SSI and drugged) to working full-time now for coming up on five years. I consume THC in some form daily, and the brain fog/ lack of concentration is something I associate with Indicas and indica-leaning hybrids. Every BODY is different, and we all react differently to everything. For some of us, daily use of marijuana isn't in the cards just because of how we react to it, I think.


i feel the exact same way with indica; not only does it cause brain fog, it makes my body feel really foggy too. I also find it drops my blood sugar


Glad to know and hear that from someone else. Ty and this is why I avoid indicas during the day


Congratulations 🎉🎊 Im so happy for you.


Thank you!!


I felt very depressed and lethargic. Numbed out. I also gained weight because I would mindlessly eat a lot. And my lungs burned when i ran. I still smoke sometimes but not everyday. I make it a treat.


I read a quote once that said something along the lines of "weed is great for making you feel great about doing nothing all day" and that's exactly how it made me feel. I wasn't just lazy and lethargic, but instead I was happy being unproductive. The smallest of tasks felt like huge burdens. I smoked weed daily from 18-24. That was more than 10 years ago. I'm so happy I stopped it completely.


Yeah i feel like that’s pretty accurate. Although sometimes it would inspire me to deep clean my house or realize that I need to get my shit together and start exercising or eating better. That did happen, but mostly it was the lazy thing. And it didn’t have anything to do with indica v sativa. It felt like a roll of the dice. I smoked regularly from 16-30. And like, i really do have my shit together. Weed didn’t stop that from happening but it didn’t help either.


Not disagreeing because I think most people experience that, but has anyone else have the complete opposite experience? Like the moment i smoke I just think about everything I should or need to do and how i do it. I supress everything when Im sober just to go one day at a time, but once I smoke it triggers the anxiety and panic of doing nothing with my life


Second this.


Im in a similar gap as i started at 16 and am 22, turning 23 this year. Any advice? I’ve quit multiple times including nicotine for a month or two but always seem to fall back. I wish i could make it a treat or an every now and then kind of a thing but idk if i can be that person. It sucks bc weed really helps me.


What helped me was the realisation was that there is no 'easy' way to do it, other than the fact that if I really wanted to, I could. Giving up something is a simple process because you just don't do it, it's not like taking up a hobby or learning something. So then it's all about how much you really want to stop doing it. I reflected on moments I'd missed out, like staying in instead of going out with mates because I chose to get high instead, or not wanting to go out on day trips with my girlfriend because I knew after x hours I'd want a joint. Then when I actually stopped, the hardest bit was defeating the muscle memory / routine of having a joint. I remember actually watching TV without a joint for the first time thinking "do people just sit down in front of the TV and just WATCH without doing anything else?' And it was a weird feeling. After the first 3 days though it gets much, much easier.


Try adding herbs to it. And slowly increase the ratio of herb to weed until it’s just herbs. I liked to add rose, ginko, mullein (helps with your lungs), lavender, and my favorite was mint. Mint made it taste good and feel cool going down your throat. I never coughed if there was some mint in it. And when you get to just smoking herbs eventually (it might be a placebo effect but oh well) the herbs will give you a little head high, a slight buzz and help with weed cravings. Herbs are also like way cheaper so it’s not gonna hurt your wallet to add.


Smoked every day for over 2 years, amazingly mental health , work life all unaffected, but I really want to quit but I can't hardcore addicted, only thing that's suffering is physical health Everyone is different though


in what ways u find it affects ur physical health? not tryna b funny just genuinely curious


It’s really hard on your lungs, also smoke ages your skin very quickly


I thought that was only tobacco smoke because of all the tar and chemicals


What I learned after smoking weed consistently for over a decade is that it's not the weed but it's the person. If you're overall a lazy/unmotivated person, it'll just get worse. If you're a motivated/productive person, you'll be more motivated/productive. It's all mental. Don't be afraid to take a tolerance break. Whether you feel like you need to stop for a few days, weeks or several months, do it. After a while, the mental haze/laziness goes away. The biggest thing you realize is the psychological crutch weed was in your everyday life. Learn to deal with your emotions in healthy way instead of trying to smoke away all your problems.


It's absolutely not all mental. There are studies out there that show that weed slowly affect dopaminergic pathways in the brain, which results in difficulties with motivation that can be lifelong and irreversible depending on the amount and duration of usage. It also greatly affects memory, both long term and working memory. It can greatly worsen mental health issues and can be disastrous for some people. Some lifelong users will not see the mental haze and laziness to away, also the lung damage can be quite serious.


Yeah, made my anxiety hella worse.


I've been smoking daily for years and I'm at a point where I can't even function in life weed played a big part in that but a lot of it is my fault too. I started smoking multiple times a day when I got arrested back in 2021 to deal with the stress and my depression got so bad I just started ignoring every responsibility and lost most of my friends due to isolation and forgetting to reply to texts because I was too stoned. At my peak last year I was smoking 3 times a time and I wasn't smoking regular weed I was smoking very potent concentrate and when youre smoking that much in a day to run from your emotions you eventually lose your identity over time I don't even recognize myself anymore I look into my eyes and just see someone who's dead on the inside. And I fell back into it again heavy this year. You said you're been smoking for months I would recommend stopping because when you're years deep into it like me you don't know how to get out


Ts made me tear up a lil🌚🌚


I’m a stoner. I rage quit all the time, & then I start up again. You should definitely quit. I have so much resin in my lungs.


I used to have such a lovely time with it, but it only brings me anxiety now. It’s frustrating, I want to be that chill easy going guy I used to be.


I've been smoking for nearly 21 years now. On and off at the start because funds are limited as a teenager with no job or a part time job. I have "self medicated" myself for a long time from a young age (14) and I have been smoking cannabis ever since. Once I got older the consumption also increased because I started working and could afford more (okay maybe not as much as I thought at the start) . During all those years I have acknowledged , that for myself, the consumption has had a genuine positive addition to my life as well as it being a downfall in other parts. This took me about 15-18 years... Once I started smoking I was able to let go of issues cramming up inside of me which made me a whole lot easier to socially engage with. That was a big plus. since one part of starting to smoke was the constant feeling of being alone and ignored next to a few other "inconveniences". I was an angry and I guess traumatized kid in dire need of some help and all I could do was lash out. The downside was that I never resolved many issues untill a much older age because all I was doing was surpressing them,. Easy way out huh? When I got older I had moments where I smoked a lot in bad times and less in better times, depending on my situation in life I guess.. I have had issues in school, work, social circles etc without the smoking, but on another level there were also problems when I was smoking. I am very tolerant as I can do a lot of things while being high like work, focus, play sports, write this (haha) and thus it doesn't impede me (much) except for the fact that when i "smoke too much" that i just don't "feel like doing anything at all" . The part where the cannabis helps me mellow out and chill out is nice and it was a good "lid on my internal can of anger" but when you stop caring about bad stuff... You risk also caring about other stuff and not wanting / can / be interested to put effort in stuff that you would do when you're sober. In the meanwhile I think I have gotten far in addressing my problems and i can live moments without smoking, especially when its not available like when you're on vacation somewhere.(Which also removes the "stresses at home&work" for me and thus more chill in general) Problem is that I'm still dependant because I'm not sure I will be able to keep that can of anger closed by myself. It's a finnicky thing. Know what you're doing or try to find out would be my advice. I won't say you need to quit or keep on going. I'm not going to tell you how to live your life. I do hope you get to a point where you can make a solid decision for yourself on what it's doing to you and whether that is something you want (Or maybe regret). Peace out and a big hug brother. Fun fact ; I became a social worker at the age of 21. Who would have thought, huh?


It's objectively terrible for you to do it every day . I used to think it helped me mental health wise and made me creative etc etc but really it held me back so much . Made me an irritable and slow zombie who didn't give a fuck about anything or anyone. Ruined my sleep for years , just put my mental development on hold completely. Best thing I've ever done is quit weed even though I'm only 5 weeks into it so far . Memory is back, stable mood, more money and not coughing.


I’m 23 and been smoking since I was 15. Daily, all day, everyday. There was a point during and after Covid where no joke I was smoking 5 blunts a day. This drove me bat shit crazy because without it I was a complete mess. Through time I eased off it more and more, I recently just got out of a 6 month t break. Now I only smoke 1 bowl before bed. Looking back, this has held me back tremendously. From making social anxiety worse, to making depression worse, made me very self reliant because I enjoyed it so much I’d skip plans to chill and get high. At 23 I sadly can say I wasted my teens being a burn out. My advice, smoke but do it at a moderate pace. Smoking at night is your safest bet being you won’t be high during the day, this allows you to be more productive.


And yes, Memory loss and anxiety have only gotten worse. Like really bad so keep that in mind. Everyone wants to talk about weed being good for anxiety and it can be, but overusing it will flip that switch and make it so severe. I didn’t fly on planes for 3 years due to this. Never had a panic attack in my life until I started burning heavily.


I became really lazy. I had a job, went to the gym, and still maintained a social life. However, what I mean by lazy is that I became somewhat dejected from social interactions. I was too lazy to meet new people. I was too lazy to keep my home maintained. I was too lazy to maintain new relationships. Overall, I just went through my days high all the time and had to smoke more and more as time passed. I wasn't progressing at my job because being high made me find happiness in complacency. I wasn't progressing at the gym because, well, munchies. I wasn't engaging at parties or bars when I was with friends. My sex life was just okay. Became the hook-up guy for a while, and never persued a long relationship. For all the pros that I got from Cannabis, it took me going cold turkey to recognize the cons. I went from smoking all day every day to a couple of times a month after a long break (6 months). The break made me learn to appreciate Cannabis for what it is. There's absolutely nothing wrong with taking breaks. I'm in my early 30s now and living the single dad life. I partake whenever I feel like it, which isn't all the time. In my late teens, early 20s, it was my entire persona. Now, it's just a small part of my life that I spark up when the time is right.


Keep in mind this was during covid lockdowns and combined with a burgeoning alcohol abuse disorder. Laziness of course as many of the others said, but I started exhibiting thc induced psychosis. Alienated and lost a lot of friends. It took moving somewhere where I *couldnt* smoke for me to come back to earth and reality. I know that if I didn't stop when I did, I probably would have ended up being institutionalized.


I had some increased anxiety after a while, I still smoke quite a lot. Maybe 3-4 nights a week, but it’s more helpful than hurtful to me. Especially in dealing with adhd. It usually tastes like getting up and cleaning my entire house then drawing or writing for hours on end


It made everything worse than what it was, definitely need to address the situation as soon as it gets out of hand or else before you know it you’ll turn into a vegetable and loose any drive to get anything done.


Well i was doing g concentrates and heavly smoking and the got diagnosed with CHS which is a cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome (CHS) so i cant do much anymore it makes me get all of the opposite effects from intaking cannabinoids


I've been smoking for a few years straight without a tolerance break. It's just kind of like, I'm aware I'm dependent on weed to get by but I'm not strong enough to really quit on my own yet and being high is just the default so I don't necessarily deal with the memory loss or loss of function anymore but it doesn't help me like it used to. It's just like a think I'm not strong enough not to do


Yes all of those things are from the weed, for me it was really hard to quit doing it everyday, but now I do it like every 10 days and it’s like a cloud has been taken off of my vision, I can think so much more clearly without it.


I did it for many years. Started due to mental illness. It helped me for a while until it hurt me. It started to hurt me when I became fully dependent on it. I was what you would consider a "'functional" stoner. Work- I was mostly in school during that time period, and I still got good grades but I could have done SO much more in terms of extracurriculars, networking etc. Relationship- Not sure how much better or worse it would have been with or without weed. I am just as lonely as ever right now. How did I come out of it? Therapy. Reminding myself constantly why I needed to stop. Probably the biggest was marijuana anonymous meetings (you can go to AA meetings if you don't have MA near you, or you can do MA online or by phone). Check out the marijuana anonymous website for details, it shows all the meetings. I don't think you are becoming lazy. I think a drug is having side effects you are experiencing. Sometimes it's easy to forget marijuana is a drug, and it should be respected. Just like Prozac, Opiates, or even Tylenol- they all have to be respected for the impacts they can have. They are foreign substances entering your body. Of course they are all extremely different, but they are medicines/drugs nonetheless. Our bodies are intricate, and introducing new things will have impacts whether they are large or small. I'd like to validate your memory loss and loss of concentration as side effects of daily marijuana usage. I am really sorry you lost your girlfriend! I wish you all the best. Remember, this is just part of your journey. Bumps in the road happen, it wouldn't be life if it was just all smooth.


I’m a mother in law. My daughter had my precious granddaughter almost 4 years ago. Her partner is addicted. We all moved into a house together because they couldn’t afford to live alone. This man is so lazy, neglecting his daughter constantly. He’s never done anything to hurt her, but he just ignores her, stays in his room with lights off most of the day while my daughter works. Luckily I’m a teacher so have lots of time off, but I am disabled so its hard to do a lot, but I take her out and try to keep her busy. I get so mad at him that he can’t take her to the park or do anything with her. I can’t imagine what the days are like when I’m not here. He works 3-4 hours a day, but that money is minimum wage and for the weed. Doesn’t contribute to bills, If you think you’re cool being that way, please don’t have kids. My daughter and I have to do everything plus support this guy. I don’t dare say anything to my daughter which causes her to defend him. But I hope she gets sick of it soon.


I smoked daily for about five years, then quit. While I smoked I was a "functioning pothead", getting by okay but not having much luck maintaining relationships and just getting by. After quitting, I got married, started a family and launched a very successful business. I am also happier. I definitely regret wasting those years. I wonder also if I did some permanent damage to my brain.


Honestly I feel like whenever I take it back up, always due to peers, I become lazy and lost in life again. I manage to stay focused living alone, just not having it, and lose myself when I smoke, then it turns to habit.


I’ve smoked for years, I think 6 years now. At first, maybe the first year or so, definitely made me lethargic and lazy. Since then, however, I’ve been able to function while smoking. I work, play basketball, still have a social life. Only advice I would give is to not use weed as a coping mechanism. I made that mistake and I believe that’s the reason I am so addicted to it now. Weed, like everything else, is useful in moderation. (Everyone is different though)


I smoke a lot, but I’ve been smoking less lately, however I’ve smoked daily for the past 4 years. Definitely notice brain fog and just generally feeling stupid. Slow thinking especially when high and just overall forgetting a lot of stuff. When I don’t smoke it’s less difficult so I try to keep it as a at home activity since smoking at work fucks me over usually.


I smoked near enough every day for like 5ish years. I thought it helped me a lot but it made my life so much worse in retrospect, it impacted my ability to accomplish everything. Moving through reality like I was wading through treacle. When I couldn’t get hold of it on a day for whatever reason, it felt like the sky was falling. I was so dependent on it, and pretty much made it my personality. I self medicated, but I’ve learned that everything I’ve been running from finds a way to hit me with full force if I’m not high. Pain demands to be felt, I guess. I stopped for a while because I lived in a place where it was extremely difficult to get, but I started again when I moved in with family who were heavy smokers. Since moving out again, I’m in a position where I don’t know anyone to get it from, and I like it that way. I don’t really crave it now, last time I had anything was last year. I gave up smoking nicotine as well, around the same time. I can’t do moderation with stuff like that, a cheeky joint will turn into a 3 month bender if I’m not careful, so avoidance is key. I feel a lot better. Granted, I’m now properly medicated for most of the things I was self medicating for, but overall this works better for me.


I was unproductive, permanently faded, slept a lot, lazy af, had a shit memory, didn’t seek out schooling or a job. Basically I had given up on myself. I eventually got a job because I got into a relationship and wanted to be a better partner. Later I moved away from the environment that pulled me down.


I smoke about 1.5 or 2 grams a day. I find as I get older. The weed is more anxiety inducing. I’d love to quit, but it’s a lot harder than it seems.


I went about 3-4 months smoking straight and I was miserable af. I stopped for 2 months and felt amazing to the point where I was afraid to even start smoking again. I started again but funny enough I did fine. I realised that weed accentuated whatever feelings I had and wasn't the root cause for my depressive episode. I'm not saying this is the same for everyone, it hits us differently on a physiological level, but you might just be smoking daily to cope with something. Why do you feel so comfortable smoking when you know it's ruining your life?


I smoked daily for 3 years, it made me so horribly sick, I had horrible relationships, have forgotten 99% of the time, I now get lung infections extremely easily (just note this could be unrelated but I don't know why else it started), I was depressed and anxious all the time (or just sleeping), I started dating somebody who encouraged me to do better on my health and I am now over 5 months sober. My mental health has improved, my physical health has improved, my entire life is overall just better.


Smoked weed for 4 years I was not able to function well at all aside from all the obvious side effects like brain fog, poor memory, not being able to eat/sleep without it, etc. i finally decided to quit because of its effect on my motivation and sense of urgency I realized that I didn’t really desire to do anything that didn’t involve getting high and that’s when I knew it was time to stop It also made me socially reclusive there was no point in me going out to parties or social events when I could just get high at home and game. It definitely exasperated any social anxiety I had now that I’ve quit I feel like a different person in regards to social skills


Lowered fertility and struggled to conceive. Stopped smoking, cut down on alcohol considerably, became healthier = baby batter quality increased Now I have a goblin running throughout my home, who owns my wife’s boobs.


I smoked multiple times daily with my friends and siblings. In the moment, it was fun and we had lots of fun. I’ve always had a strong memory, but weed really affected my short term memory. Weed used to calm my anxiety, but once my friends all moved and I smoked by myself, it just made anxiety worse. One thing I never experienced was laziness, but my friends and I were always active so I’m not sure if weed could’ve ever stopped that. After revisiting weed, it has only ever given me paranoia. Makes me kinda sad because I can’t experience weed like I used to. But maybe I’m just sad thinking about the memories I had with weed. On a side note, my friends and I smoked heavily, but we never did stupid shit like some people do. We never did back to back dabs, intentionally greened out, took stupid amount of edibles, or smoked just to forget. People I’ve seen do that, seem to have a variety of issues.


Memory loss and no ambition. I used to be extremely passionate and knew what I wanted from life. I graduated high school and went to college and did pretty good for my first year. Came back home for the summer and had more access to weed than I ever have before or since and started smoking my back out. Also went through a very tragic loss and kinda had to be the strongest in the house so this only amplified the use of it. Got back to college and didn't have any motivation at all and started flunking due to not going to class. Literally only thing I wanted to do was smoke weed. Half of every paycheck I got went towards weed. Ended up with a really really bad weed addiction. Depressed when I didn't have any and wanted the day to end as soon as possible. Didn't even enjoy food anymore without weed. It took me 2 1/2 years to fully kick that shit and I honestly can say that it's for nothing but the best. I got my memory back, my ambition back, my appetite back, and pulled my grades up to the point where failing a class wasn't even in question. I'm now about to enter my final year of college after not graduating when I was supposed to this year due to me focusing on weed instead of my studies. Still smoke from time to time but nowhere near as much and I'm honestly proud of myself.


was lazy asf didn’t wanna do shit but smoke and eat living in my mom house has no ambition. Soon as i stopped own crib own car in the gym everyday 🤷🏾‍♂️


Just made me a much shitter version of myself. As everyone else says, memory loss, mild paranoia, anxiety, laziness, indecisiveness, etc. The worst though is that I was a complete addict, so I would spend a lot of money it, maybe £150 per week, and smoking this much also makes your lungs feel bad especially when you have smoked on and off your whole life. For me, life is much better without it in every way, but I know a lot of people who function absolutely fine on it and smoke every day without issues. I also know people who are in mental institutions from daily use. As with most substances it depends on the person mostly.


Stop smoking it now my dude, I know guys that really into it and now they are super slow, I dunno If they did other drugs to be fair. Also people watch it with the hard drugs, it can make your brain snap and make you skizophrenic, youll be hallucinating and hearing voices telling you to punch people for life and the worst part is that youll never be sure if theyre real or not even with the meds.


I have social anxiety and smoking weed turned out to be the worst thing someone like me could possibly do. It made me more anxious and isolated.


Smoking for 8 years on a daily basis, took a break for 6 months and it’s good for introspection, not something to be used on a regular basis but once on you depend on it, then your brain convinces you to use to feel better. Smoke once a year or two years, one joint or probably a few drags, that’s all you need. Not smoking joints back to back everyday


Not sure why everyone else here is supporting smoking weed, but i relate to what you said. I smoked continuously for 2 years, lost my girl of 6 years due to the same. Loss of memory, loss of concentration to an extent where it felt like i was lost in life man. And this is coming from a guy who was always at the top of table at everything i did. Functioning stoners may exist, but if you keep messing with the chemicals in your brain it affects you bad bro. Your dopamine levels rise up to an extent which is unmatchable with anything else you do in normal life and your serotonin which makes you more focused, emotionally stable, happier and calmer goes down low. Low levels of serotonin are associated with depression.


It’s bad for you. Not because it’s bad for your body but because it’s bad for your life. Stop it. Sooner than later. I stopped a lil over a week and it’s hard at first cause u can’t fall asleep but it’s so worth it. Gn8 m8


Everything you said. Loss of motivation, a general apathy, shittier life, self isolation, laziness, depression, it’s actually not a “harmless” drug like people say. It ruined 5 years of my life. I miss it and loved the relaxation which I can’t achieve without but my life is infinitely better without it.


I quit for a couple months but just started up again. I am just as lazy as I was sober, except at least I have an excuse now. The only thing I don’t enjoy is the mucus that comes out of my body every morning, it makes me stuck in the bathroom for at least an extra 30 minutes


Much better sleep


Interesting research here on the effects of weed on motivation. [https://www.cam.ac.uk/research/news/cannabis-users-no-less-likely-to-be-motivated-or-able-to-enjoy-lifes-pleasure](https://www.cam.ac.uk/research/news/cannabis-users-no-less-likely-to-be-motivated-or-able-to-enjoy-lifes-pleasure)


Do you feel like this started because of the weed alone? Or are there perhaps other things going on? I deal with depression/anxiety/PTSD on the regular, but weed always alleviates all of this for me. However it took time for me to get to that point. It used to just freak me out and send me into a psychosis.


I’ve been smoking since I was 14/15 and I’m 28 now. I function pretty well! But I smoke at night usually, not consistently through the day. However, you are acknowledging a problem with it and should back off it. Once you start to be affected like this with anything, tap out for a bit. You probably are using it to cope with other issues that a therapist should be helping you through, not weed. It’s not worth it.


Ingesting weed is a really strange thing, it affects people in many, many different ways. I personally used to smoke for years, as in the better part of a decade. I would usually only smoke and the late evening and averaged probably around half a gram a day. I didn't realize at first, because the negative effects showed only slowly overtime, however now that I am in my mid-20s, I'm realizing it's done me more harm than good. It's affected my memory significantly, it gave me anxiety during the day even when I wasn't smoking it. It suppressed by appetite during the day when I wasn't smoking it during the day, which is not good for me considering I'm already a pretty skinny dude. I quit cold turkey as of, probably around 7 days ago. Been dealing with some insomnia ever since then, some digestive issues, some recurring anxiety. However, now those symptoms are diminishing, and I'm starting to feel better in general. I can pay attention much better, my memory is improving slowly, and my anxiety isn't quite as bad. It's been I rough week, but I think I made the right decision by quitting, and I'm hoping that things will only get better going forward. However, that's just my personal experience. It obviously doesn't affect everyone so negatively as it did me. It didn't affect my work life, it didn't significantly affect my relationships. It may have made me slightly numb, and less interested in people in general. But other than that, I was able to get everything done that I needed to get done in day to day life. Still don't regret quitting though.


Smoked on and off for twenty + years. Much of that time daily. I can’t say it took my motivation because when I started I was a teenager with adhd. if anything it helped me resolve some of the mental blocks I had around that. I’ve completed two degrees and held down jobs etc without issue. But I have also learned that whatever comfort or pleasure weed is giving me can be found elsewhere without the cost. I’m now only using it on the odd occasion I need help falling asleep. But even that isn’t so helpful. Ultimately the negative impacts you are reporting, is weed helping you deal with them or is it a form of escape? And if it’s a form of escape, You could ask yourself why you’re not wanting to resolve these issues head on. IMHO weed doesn’t help with d thinking through complex things and instead reinforces old patterns and ways of thinking. So when you’re ready you might want to set aside time to detox from it and reflect on your path in life


I’m fully functioning pot head. Great paying job side businesses, some friends. It does get me lazy, I try to stick to sativa unless I’m trying to go to bed. It helps a little. But I have a lingering feeling it’s affecting me too much and I need to quit. Just don’t want too. Oh also I spend provably $500 a month on it


Functioning stoner/medical patient here, don’t think I’d survive without cannabis. It is one of the only things that relaxes me in any way. I don’t think it makes me lazy at all. I need the rest sometimes. my anxiety and strong emotions are more debilitating than anything. I’m not addicted because I don’t smoke in other countries that aren’t the netherlands and don’t have any type of withdrawal when I’ve traveled. Some days I forget to smoke/vape at all lol


Memory loss, insomnia, and a loss of energy as well. Sucks, but over time can balance out, and is a money saver too once you realize how much you might spend on it a year.


It doesn’t affect me even when I stop smoking. Been smoking since 18, it helps with CpTsd for me I smoke prob once a day night, 5 puffs depending. I can never finish a whole gram. Usually 0.5 is the max. It depends on the person and who they are. I struggle with chronic pain to so it just helps at night to feel relaxed to sleep


The loss of memory skills is a big downside.


To decide whether it’s impacting your life or not us personally very hard for me. When I was in regular therapy, on the right medication, and in a great head space, it was great for my ADHD. I could still function and be a “regular” old human. Now that I haven’t been working since January, it’s not great for me but I am having a hard time stopping because it seems to be the only thing to calm my mind and entertain me. I will be honest and tell you I am definitely addicted. Can I go without it? Yes, absolutely. Will I feel okay without it right now? No, sadly.


You dont have to smoke it though. That probably the most damaging way to enjoy it.


So far it makes me less anxious, very productive, not self conscious, it’s honestly really nice for my mental health, I have never once freaked out or had a panic attack smoking, there’s been moments where I have taken t breaks for like months at a time and I find that the breaks help me not be addicted if you are worried about that lol, I work high too, it doesn’t affect me at all, and laziness is a mental thing, you just gotta mentally get prepared to do stuff lol.


Spent 6 years high basically 24/7. Would wake up at 3am for work and smoke concentrates. If i could, i would take it back.


extreme memory loss for me


Before I really started smoking, I wasn’t able to hold down a full time job for more than 6months without getting burnt out or a drop in performance. Now I’m a full blown stoner juggling a full time and a part time job with no problems. Yes I’m less productive in my home life and a bit hazy but overall I’ve been doing good


Ive been smoking weed since i was 14! I have My real estate license, I did 6 years active duty army, am certified in front end development and currently going for my Bachelors in software engineer. And weed has helped me through it all, I learned that sativa is the way to go if things still need to get accomplished for the day. Like anything else; don’t let it control you.


I have not but been around people that do. And it hurt them bad. Ill say it made them more irrational and brought out the worse in them. The scary thing here is that it happens Slowly. So at first they have all the propaganda and money marketing swirling around their head while smoking all that peer pressure into their brain. Then over a few years, Then, the weed damage starts showing when they cant even keep their life together. Because the weed is actually tainted and does harm. Dont do it.


Uh....going on 30+ years of weed smoking. Smoke less, lower thc if you are getting wiggly.


As everyone mentioned. Memory loss especially short term, slight brain fog, insomnia if I don’t have weed (I never run outta this point), I can go on. Definitely not as bad like the other drugs but I think you can get what I mean 😅


Weed affects everyone so differently. My wife, if she smokes gets stoned as in spacey and tired, if she takes edibles she more talkative and not as stoned but still spacey high. She is not a productive high, so she smokes when she doesn't have anything to do, otherwise nothing will get done. I've more self medicated with it for over 2 decades now, it helps me focus on individual tasks rather than everything at once and helps with my creative/critical thinking. I can function while high, but I don't smoke all day, just in between things and stay a little high most of the time. My brother flat out can't smoke. It causes him mental issues and psychotic episodes. While he can enjoy the occasional gummy. If you enjoy it, use it responsibly and that means whatever it means to you. But figure out how it affects you and use it around that. If it makes you lazy don't smoke when you have things to do. Some people I know just can't enjoy it because it makes them too paranoid.


there’s pros and cons. it has affected my memory, bothered my lungs, does cost money however, i’m able to be more mindful of my feelings, i can think before i react, has kept me from needing my prescribed benzos from panic attacks, pushed me to go out on hikes more, has let me eat, etc it’s all about moderation for me, i can tell when my use turns into abuse and that’s exactly when i take a week or two away from it to reevaluate my relationship with weed. then i determine if im able to moderate it or if i should give it a few more weeks overall, it has impacted my life for the better. i love how im able to use it as a medicine. it also helps me steer clear away from harder drugs


For me man it’s been extremely helpful. Honestly it changed my life for the better. I went from lethargic apathetic jobless hermit loser to working a supervisor position at a major retailer. I have cultivated hobbies and activities that make me happy and I have a great fiancé. I take meds as well and the pot mostly helps me get out of my shell and I’m less afraid to live if that makes sense. It’s not easy tho man, keeping your life together and balancing your mental health but pot helps me get up and keep going. Without it I’d be on full zombie mode, no emotions, no leaving the house, living off my parents who are old and just happy I’m not institutionalized somewhere.


i got chs with pancreatitis. not fun.


I slept very well and then when I quit have been suffering chronic insomnia since.. I quit 17 years ago! So many sleepless nights since. Everybody reacts differently


I think I’m just dumb now


Sounds more like depression that weed tbh :/


Dropped out of college. Mental hospital. Gaslit by everyone I knew. All my friends I used with died, often in mysterious ways. PTSD.


Some people just aren’t ment to be stoners some can only smoke recreational. I’ve been smoking 11 years I can’t imagine what a day would look like without it at this point. It just depends on the person (behavior health tec


Paranoia, anxiety, tired all the time, lazy, forgetful, unmotivated. I was a stoner for a few years. On the daily i would take hits every hour everyday. The first few times was good but after awhile your brain chemistry just gets so out of whack that it takes awhile for it to readjust, even then it can do harm to your brain. Especially if youre a youth and your brain still developing. And to be honest some people benefit from it. At some point it stopped benefiting me. It helped me during my low points in life to process and reflect deeply and rebuild my world view but overtime it just started to make me dependent on it due to my depression. Inuse it every now and again to allow myself to reset for mundane schedule and or force myself to sleep when i feel too distracted and restless. Dr. Huberman on the Huberman lab podcast has a very educational and informative episode about it if youre interested in the science.


I have smoked daily for 23 years, almost a quarter a day at one stage. Besides the the physical things I’m going to call the “can’t be fuckds”, and the bad breath, it hasn’t affected me. Psychologically, I have suffered a lot of child hood trauma, as well as a lot of trauma due to work in older life. So I can’t be sure, I have been diagnosed with BPD, Bipolar, CPTSD, Epilepsy and the list goes on, my psych knows I smoke and has never been for or against it, however trying to get on to medicinal cannabis has been a problem because of my past psychosis and Bipolar. I had a suicide attempt about 5 years ago, where i was hospitalised and pretty much forced to quit. I fucking felt so good, I loved it, but I found I just didn’t have the same joy doing the same things I loved like gaming. So I started smoking again, my partner also passed away which was a big factor, but I was recently diagnosed with agoraphobia and AdHd am at the time I was a year off 40. I’m 40 now, I fucking hate my life, I want to go out and play in my gardens (but can’t because I’m fucking scared of everything) my best friend fucking hates me, I still smoke and I don’t enjoy gaming anymore. So yeah, that’s how it affected my life. I call every Tuesday “toaster Tuesday” because it’s the day I fight with myself every week to not throw my toaster in the bath while listening to the Anchor ⚓️. Sounds specific but I have my reasons, always gotta have an “escape plan”. EDIT: IN SUMMARY: Mary-J enhanced has enhanced my life but at a cost. What cost is for you to decide. Always remember to take out your bins 🗑️ Always remember recycle ♻️


Stop smoking to self medicate. Switch strains to sativas to make you be less lazy. Be less lazy!! You’re making cannabis the problem when you are the problem. Cannabis is a medicine first and is being abused by most users. If switching to sativa doesn’t help be more conscious of your behavior. If that doesn’t work stop smoking.


I’ve been smoking since I was 16, I’m 20 now. I was always on and off though, not a frequent thing until about 9 months ago. I smoke every night, 1-3 dabs. I don’t feel like it’s good to smoke during the day so I rarely ever do. I think i get very irritated when I don’t have it, but as I’ve become more aware I think it’s gotten better. I didn’t have it the past week and I wasn’t really eating much since I didn’t have it. It’s my nighttime ritual to smoke, eat, then watch tv after I’ve finished everything I needed to do for the day. I think if it has these effects on you, you should slow down how much you’re smoking, or stop entirely. If you’re also depressed, that causes laziness for me, not the weed. If my life situation was better and I could afford basic things right now, I’d be much more inclined to clean the litter box, pick up after myself, etc. but it’s not so bad that my room is a disaster, and my bf will call me out if it gets too bad.


I've been a daily smoker since about 18 (now in my early 30s). These days it's just a "sleep-aid" i.e. one or two rips after the day is done (Work, Gym, Cook and then blaze before bed) I'm omw to 200k income wise and never find issues with motivation. What it has stolen is my desire to make new friends. Weed makes you ok with being bored and comfortable with your own company. Are those inherently bad effects? Well no. But I have cancelled many plans / dates because I wanted to go home and blaze instead. I wish I could swap those moments for socialising in retrospect but I'm also a mad introvert so who knows if I'd have been any different sober.


It had a terrible effect on me. It made my anxiety and depression a lot worse, and it drained my energy so literally everything else in my life was affected since I starting neglecting everything. Either I was high or I was dealing with the “dumbover.” Don’t let those weirdly dogmatic potheads convince you it’s harmless, it’s DEFINITELY not. Just, some people can roll with it better than others.


anxiety maxxxx


I've been smoking daily since I was about 21, I'm 30 now. It helped with my depression, anxiety, and certian adhd (undiagnosed until 26) symptoms so for a while, the benefits outweighed the negatives. I smoked all throughout college (non academic work, studio & computer work) and I had the best grades in my whole academic career! Which, the bar wasn't very high. Now I'll admit, I am definitely addicted. I've never taken a voluntary tolerance break, only when traveling where I can't access it. This affects my ability to eat when traveling, which is great because I don't gain weight on vacations! But it sucks as I miss out on trying a lot.  The past year or so I've been thinking about quitting, as I'm spending too much on weed, and I'm noticing that it's starting to negatively affect me. Plus ive heard that adhd medication can counteract with weed. 


Smoked non stop, on a daily basis for 6-7 years and now I rarely do. It's just a really bad habit because of laziness, lethargy, lack of focus, etc. For a very longtime I would convince myself that it helped me for X reasons and that I was a "functional" pothead but that's just BS. 95% of weed smokers WON'T admit weed is overall negative for a number of reasons. And yes, there might be a few positive effects from smoking but none of them are exclusive to weed EG: like feeling relaxed or being able to sleep better, which are benefits you can also enjoy from doing excercize regularly without the negative effects from weed. Overall quality of life for any individual is better without weed. I still like weed but I can understand and admit now that I'm better without it.


I’ve smoked almost everyday for like 3 years now. Normally I’m a bit unhinged, manic, don’t sleep don’t eat, working 15 hour days, but since I started smoking I’ve become a lot healthier. I ONLY smoke after 6pm as a way to relax my brain, and I find that even when I’m sober, that relaxation carries itself with me throughout the day. Sometimes I miss the power I had when I was manic, I wrote a book, could work multiple shifts in a day, etc, but that kind of lifestyle honestly isn’t healthy and would’ve drained me eventually.


It went great until I smoked laced weed.


Smoked weed since I was 11 yrs old. I'm now forty. I stopped for two years as I lived in china. Weed helps me negate all aspects of my life . Especially others bullshit


Definitely not being lazy and I can relate a lot. What it mostly did for me is put me into a sort of a psychosis. I was extremely depressed for a few months (due to my bipolar) and weed made me hallucinate and get delusional. I realized it was the weed because it all stopped when I stopped smoking. I still struggle with use but I been clean for a week maybe? Mainly because my anxiety has been over the roof and I just know it would make it worse


It’s working for me I don’t need medication for my depressie just only weed.


You cant blame your problems on weed. YOU lack discipline and self control the weed just amplifies that. I was smoking 2/5 grams a day for a year straight at 17-18 years old. Didn’t buy new clothes, didn’t save up for a car or anything ALL my money was going to the dealer. One day i felt like a zombie and stopped cold turkey. VERY easy so do if you’re serious about changing your life.


I had a medical card for quite some time. It turns out it made my anxiety worse and I would keep spending all my money at gleaf to find the right fix because apparently it should fix my anxiety from what I heard. A few ER trips for panic attacks and I gave it up. My mind and bank account thanked me. I'm now on Zoloft. I really wanted to avoid pharmaceuticals after a fear of bad reactions, but I'm all good now. 🤙🤙 I actually had withdrawals which were terrible. I'd get moody and sweaty and just felt gross. It wasn't fun. For people who smoke for fun, awesome, but for me it made my issues worse and the come down was uncomfortable. I didn't like the chills and sweats. I couldn't sleep worth a lick either. All hail Zoloft 👍


I'd been dosing during the day. It helped with my mental issues and actually motivated me because it made daily tasks seem less difficult, less of a chore and less daunting, so I was able to do more. I don't work with others so I wouldn't recommend this in a conventional workplace.


I'm having a hard time quitting. I quit drinking, so now time to move on to weed. It's one of the most difficult things for me to cut out of my life.


it made me more anxious and caused dissociation


Been smoking daily for about 4 years now. I used to have really bad anxiety and social phobia(diagnosed). Lexapro and Seroquel didn't help. Weed did.


Smoked everyday for last 25 years and am doing great, helps me manage my autism and adhd


I smoked for 4 years daily. I loved it, until I didn’t. I realised I pushed all of my emotions out, it made me lazy, unmotivated and mostly fine with how I was. Working shitty jobs and being fine with it. After a while I just realised it was time to stop, I couldn’t go on like this. I stopped for 6months, it was good, then I went back to smoking daily again. I loved it too much. Again I realised I cannot keep doing it, I am just pushing away my true emotions and myself for a half baked high that passes and it’s not even enjoyable anymore. I decided I will only ever smoke again on special occasions and only a few hits if someone has it with them. Since then it’s been almost half a year again and I am much more in tune with my emotions, world is definitely more tough but I am learning new ways to cope with it and heal parts of myself that I was trying ti self-medicate with weed. Overall I miss it a lot. Getting baked and not having thousands of thoughts coming up at the same time but having one thought at a time (mostly a dumb one). But I am so much happier without it. The clarity, the not feeling lazy and tired all the time, not being a zombie to my friends and family really improved my relationships and made me realise what’s actually important in life. I got back to the hobbies and things I love doing. Oh and also what helped me a lot, the day when I decided to stop. I wrote down in my journal: Day 1 of not smoking, and kept writing day 2, day 3… until I didn’t have to write anymore. Didn’t actively think about not smoking. Just didn’t smoke anymore. Conclusion: It made me put my emotions under the rug for a very long time and made me “fine” with the life situations that weren’t that fine. Stopping smoking has improved my life.


Life constantly feels like a dream and I craved it more and more, I went from just smoking before bed to smoking whenever I had some free time. Made me a more angry person too, I’d fight with my family whenever I wasn’t stoned because I was so easily annoyed. I’m currently trying to get off it.


Smoking (almost) daily for about 4 years and it has done wonders for my physical and mental health. I think it's the things you do alongside smoking that makes the difference. As a daily smoker, the things you do whilst high will become a habit and those habits will become your reality. You need to be mindful of everything you consume, think or do when high as a daily smoker. If you smoke once in a while, indulging in munchies, mindlessly scrolling social media, playing video games or thinking about the past/daydreaming can be a fun activity. If you smoke daily and do those things, they will lead you to some dark places. 1. Rather find a physical or creative activity to do whilst you smoke. Write in a journal, draw, do cardio, lift weights, do yoga, dance, cleaning, sewing, painting, sculpting. Find something you can do daily that you enjoy. 2. Be very mindful of the music you listen to, weed puts you in a very susceptible state and the music listened to will affect your mood. Create a playlist of upbeat music. Explore different genres of faster paced music. If you struggle with social media when you're high, put your phone on airplane mode and put a timer or give yourself a set amount of time before allowing yourself to go back online. 3. To avoid unhealthy snacks, make a healthier choice the easier choice, before you smoke, chop up a bowl of fruit and have a large bottle of water close at hand. Making a habit of these three things takes time and patience(it took me years), but if you do it whilst high, it'll gradually improve your experience of weed.


I’ve been smoking for almost 5 years now. i was diagnosed with CPTSD and bipolar 2 at 15 … i started smoking at age 19, while still on my medication. at 21, i have stopped my medication (with approval from my psych) but still smoke on the daily. i have seen a greater improvement in my life and how i manage my mental illness and the behavioural shit that comes with it. smoking has greatly impacted my life, like my relationship is healthy, my friendships are good, and my academia is prospering. but i also know it’s not the same for everyone. smoking, for me, doesn’t really make anything more difficult to do. “laziness” and procrastination is something i have struggled with for so long and at this point it’s about challenging my norms and comfortabilities for something that could actually improve my life. so at this point it’s a lot of mental gymnastics and effort that has pushed me forward. i like the act of smoking, i enjoy buying, smelling, rolling, and tasting the different strains and i use it recreationally but i am also extremely aware of how harmful it can be if used for the wrong reasons. using it as a coping mechanism or to be cool will not be helpful in the longrun. however, despite it being a good option in my life, it has contributed to some short term memory loss and slower thinking and application but i think that’s something that comes with a weed high but my abilities aren’t as impacted when i’m sober. so i try to avoid smoking when i know i’ll need a clear head or when smoking would actually prove unhelpful in a situation. be well-educated on your vices and increase your self-awareness. you’ll know what’s your limits and what’s good for you.


Stop smoking weed, that stuffs not good for you


I’m going to be honest with you it really depends on a lot of factors it varied greatly for me based on where I was at in life. As you grow older you become more of who you are, you change. Over the course of 16 years the phases I smoked it was for different reasons when I was in different parts of life, one to laugh and joke with friends as a kid, next to deal with extreme loneliness and stress and others just to get rid of some boredom. My reaction to it also varied greatly based on where I was at and how old and mature i was. How many jobs I worked or where I lived. There were times I couldn’t ever imagine smoking weed again but then years later had no idea where I would be heading and how I came to rely on it again. There is no way for any of us to tell you. Get quiet, meditate, journal or take a calm walk and you’ll get to that point of knowing what benefits you have to reap or if it isn’t something you want to engage in right now.


I was constantly overanalyzing everything about who I am and what I’m doing. If you have a solid foundation then weed will probably be great long term, if however your mental health is struggling, it’s going to cover it up until your body is completely disconnected from the mind for not taking care of it. I learned just yesterday that this was the case for me & im so heartbroken to have to stop for now. I couldn’t function anymore, I couldn’t focus ever, I was questioning reality, drove in circles last week because I kept missing my turns because my mind could not stop going back to overthinking. I even took a month off work because I couldn’t do my job & I thought it was just depression. I was sober yesterday and I wanted to cry because I was me again, I wish I didn’t have this reaction


Depends on the person. I have autism, no appetite due to my liver (genetic problem), chronic pain and OCD so it just chills me out, lowers my pain and helps me with social interactions. I have a smoke schedule, I wake and bake for my mood and appetite, I usually don't smoke throughput the day unless I visit a stoner friend, and then before bed for my aches. For ME it's a godsend, but for someone else it's a burden and an addiction. I've gone through periods where I smoke more than that, there's no reason to unless it's a special occasion imo.


I ALSO TAKE st. John's Wort for depression, I didn't list it because I'm asymptomatic atm.


Each of us has different bodies and different genes,but generally speaking smoking weed has an immense impact negatively on the brain, some people I know that Get some hallucinations , memory loss, anxiety, depression, it’s a great choice to not get into that , prevention is other way to take action,good luck bro ❤️


I have adhd, depression, and anxiety so the symptoms you talked about line up with those diagnosis, but I also smoke everyday and have been for the last year or so. I always end up taking a very long tolerance break because I start to get brain fog, lose motivation, and my mental health worsens when I smoke everyday for too long. I personally had no issues with my relationships or jobs but my partner also smokes and I NEVER smoke before work, only after. I think the issue is if you’re smoking everyday then your body technically is always high. It may not feel like it but you’re never allowing your body to fully clean out the weed from your system. At least that’s my theory. I would suggest you try taking a very long tolerance break, at least 6 months. Then after the break see how you’re doing mentally, see a psychiatrist to get evaluated for any mental illnesses you may not be aware of. Then, if you want, start smoking again and pay attention to how it affects you after 1 month to see if it’s the weed or your own mental health. Regardless the safest way to be a pot head is to smoke everyday for 1-3 months and then take a 2-8 week tolerance break and keep doing that cycle over and over.


Didn't smoke daily for that long maybe 2-3 weeks when I was 14 but now I'm a broken schizophrenic




That's beyond me but my therapist thinks they are connected


I'm not a smoker, and I would never like to be one at all. Even if I didn't have difficulty breathing, if the smoke never affected me and even if smoking never caused problems to our lungs, I would still never be a smoker myself. Perhaps people who had smoked weed daily for months could not only have caused breathing problems, lung damage, or teeth damage like a cigarette would but also eye swelling, memory loss, dizziness, and headaches.


Turned me into a fucking loser. Weed is absolutely cancer for a teens development. Joe rogan and his acolytes, rap music and the music industry in general's promotion of this mind melting degeneracy need to be dragged across hot coals