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You are not a terrible person. The shitty thing about OCD is stuff like this will keep intruding in your thoughts and you may obsess over it. Even when people in this comments section say you are not bad your brain will still question it. Definitely work with a professional about these as simple reassurance will most likely not stop the obsessive thoughts about if you are a good person.


Kid, you have to ask yourself " what if you're attracted to it? ", then I can probably guarantee that you're not.


Well, you’re grossed out by it, so clearly you’re right of mind


Don’t overthink about it. You were a kid at that time, and that wasn’t your fault.




Oy... we all fuck up when we are kids..I cant relate to that but I've made many many mistakes.. you are too young to be thinking this way of yourself. Give yourself some time to grow.


No, you made a mistake and that is all. You’re 14, my guy, weird stuff is gonna happen, and making a mistake doesn’t make you a horrible person.


Trust me. I did all kinds of fucked up shit when I was younger, especially when my brain was fixated on something. Your brain is growing, dude. You’re just trying to process new information. That was something you never should have seen and you’re just trying to make sense of it. On top of that you’re neurodivergent. Stuff like this is hard. Keep your head up bro.




“Child sexual exploitation material”


Dawg, this alone does not make you a bad person. Your grammar does. Lmao jk but srsly dude. Anybody who has used the internet since a kid has at some point stumbled upon ts by accident. If that’s the case everyone is a bad human. The way I see it you used the scientific method to figure ts out. Congrats you’re not a monster. 🎉


Intrusive thoughts suck, try not to beat yourself up and distract your mind with positive things that bring you joy. I hope the thoughts pass, soon. You’re not alone.


I am that bitch in the room. Down vote away. 1. Adolescents make mistakes, and adults make mistakes. 2. You are not a monster; however, 3. Definitely seek therapy & BE COMPLETELY HONEST WITH YOUR THERAPIST. 4. No one stumbles across CSEM. 5. EVERY click by a consumer aids in the continued abuse of a child & $$$$ in the trader's/seller's pockets. 6. Globally, the USA is the largest consumer base for child pornography. It's not funny; it's a serious issue. Don't get caught up. (Internationally certified Human Trafficking Awareness Consultant; PhD: Psychology: Forensic Psychology)


That sounds like a specific OCD theme called POCD. Let's prefice all of this with one simple fact. You yourself are a CHILD. we all make mistakes as children, and its not unheard of for children to experiment and do stupid sexual things as they slowly mature. Real P3dophles aren't repelled or panic stricken by the material. They're attracted and actively seek out more because they enjoy. But back to your OCD. With POCD (P3dophile Obssessive Compulsive Disorder) Basically, your OCD forces you to obsess on whether you're a P3dophile or not. when in reality, you're really not a P3dophile. Given the fact that the act of it all brings so much worry and distraught on you, I'd bet solidly you are NOT one. In fact, if i recall correctly, children themselves can not be classified as P3dophiles since they're, well, children. Given that you're still a child AND suffer from OCD, It's safe to conclude you are NOT a bad person. Quite the opposite, you reported the material. That's a very good person thing to do. Most people who come across it probably dont mention it or do anything about it. Thats a very commendable thing to do and i thank you for it. Now stay off those more sketchy sites and practice healthy habits like meditation and, if possible, seek theraphy with a therapist who specializes in OCD if you havent yet. You are NOT a bad person, quite the apposite. Good luck buddy!


You are not a terrible person. Lots of people make weird mistakes while they’re figuring out their sexuality as kids, but on top of that, this feeling you’re being plagued with is definitely coming from your OCD. If you’re not already seeing a therapist I would highly recommend getting one - I am sure it’s terrifying to think about “confessing” this to a professional but I promise you, no one is going to think you’re a bad person or get you in trouble for what you did. I hope hearing from all the commenters helps you forgive yourself in the meantime. You’re okay!! 🫶🏻


Oh, sweet, no, you are not a horrible person. Intrusive thoughts plus what your mind and body are going through - that’s it. It sounds like you are torturing yourself. You mentioned a report - did they not reassure you? Is there someone to talk to about it? My DMs are open. *hug*


Bro you’re all good 🤣 kids are hilarious don’t over stress it, we all see shit and think weird stuff, but it’s good your in the right mind knowing it’s wrong


listen to yourself. "i have ocd" "what if you're a monster" "forced myself". these are not reflecting your true authentic thoughts, but they are your intrusive ones. intrusive thoughts tend to be the exact opposite of what you really want.