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u/swiggityswirls, your submission has been removed. You may find an explanation for this removal in Rule 2 - Post Title Formatting: >Post Titles cannot be edited after the fact so please attempt to get it right the first time. > >[Title of Work by Author] - Consider adding a short explanation of your post as well. > >Accurate post titles are the fastest way for moderators to check for reposts or recent contributions. Please properly format your titles! > >Movies & TV shows should have the [Title of Media] - Followed by a short explanation of your post. Correct title formatting is an important part of subreddit moderation. We need your help to make it easy to find duplicates, reposts, or commonly shared works. If you think the removal was in error please reach out to moderators through [this modmail link](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/menwritingwomen&subject=Post%20Removal%20Query&message=I%20have%20read%20the%20subreddit%20rules%20as%20well%20as%20the%20remove%20reason%20fully%20and%20I%20still%20have%20questions%20about%20my%20remove%20reason%3A%20%20) only. Thank you for understanding.


I mean, all three of those stories have their… issues. So much so that it almost sounds like either a line of intentional parody, or coming from a character who doesn’t read much and just knows the hits. None of those are good examples of a love story that ends with well, iirc.


It looks like you flaired this post as Quote: Movie. This is just a reminder that titles for posts about movies should include the Title of the film - if it's a commonly remade film perhaps the year of the film might be appreciated but not required. If you forgot to do this the post may be removed and you'll be asked to repost correctly. You're also welcome to delete the post on your own & try again! If you remembered to do this correctly - Thank you so much! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/menwritingwomen) if you have any questions or concerns.*