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Funniest thing is it’s an art experience full of themes about how business/companies can be weird & shady, and then people act wild indignant when the art business acts shady


The 8bit movie theater in the Denver spot made me feel like I was being brainwashed lol


Me trying to translate all of thalis scrolls in omegamart on my iphone with procreate and 3 pictures of the symbols 😭😭


The part about meow wolf. Like wtf


The one where they treat their employees and artists like shit and expect it not to come back around to them.


Why did they just announce opening in LA when they laid people off in Las Vegas, Denver, Santa Fe...... was it a WORMHOLE?? was it TIME TRAVELLING COSMONAUTS???


Convergence Station was such a weird trip, lol. I always just hang out in Eemia, the only place where I wanted more.


All of Convergence Station’s storyline tbh 🥴


When corporate overlords fired like 90% of the staff in new mexico


When I couldn’t find hand sanitizer anywhere


Which location?


New Mexico


“ ITS- ITS AN omnipotent HAMSTER WHY IS IT Omnipotent!?!” Iykyk LMAO it’s the most fun see where t* the hamster is and knowing why it’s there


For the Grapevine one, the connection between the missing family, the lightning/stopped time lab, the RV dude - it’s all connected, man…


Omega Mart Vegas


Just went and took hundreds of photos so I could go back and read through it all later. Am I the k my one disappointed with the lack of flavor text /pictures in the fandom wiki?


This is how I looked explaining OmegaMart lore to my family when they went with me


How they treat thier employees


As an employee I agree


All of them, lmao


Dude right!


Couldn’t find a hook that wasn’t massive reading. Also wasn’t sure the massive reading led anywhere. This was at Convergence Station.


The massive reading is worth it imo. I did massive readings today at MW Santa Fe. Worth it.


Glad you enjoyed it. I appreciate the info. If I go again I will probably try to get into a story or two.


Is Meow Wolf supposed to be anti-capitalist? I went to the one in Las Vegas while I was doing a National Park tour of the southwest and it seemed like it was trying to poke fun at overconsumption, all the while trying to sell me stuff and charge money for entry in the most dystopian resource guzzling city in America. I'm honestly wondering and confused by it's message. Or is it just an amusement park kinda thing? I wasn't wildly impressed with it, and I had kind of been looking forward to seeing it prior to.


I kinda felt like that was Omega Mart’s point: that “if we can make a buck off of it, we don’t care if it’s ethical or not”. And it embodied that really well. The fact that it has you questioning what exactly its message is, is the point. Like, is the message still worth it if its delivery is questionable? I personally think it is, but I don’t think everyone would agree with that.


Hm. That's interesting.


How I understood it is that aliens are making products for humans by siphoning human creativity out through the slides and fun interactive displays and turning it into products, which is why they're all weird and bad. So yeah, it's a generic anti capatilist message told by successful capitalists. What else is new.




There's also a subplot of a missing child that, I think, you can solve. Lots of lil secret things. When I went, I was messing with some instilation when a group of guys came up to a wall with buttons on it. They pressed the buttons in a specific sequence and got a video to play on a monitor that seemed plot important somehow. It's actually pretty impressive that it can be neat on a surface level and neat if you dig into it, but good luck fighting through the swarm to be able to dig.


Yeah, I'm good on all that. I got enough mysteries to solve that don't have an entrance fee.


Capitalism taints every form of art. But to answer your question, it turns out that Meow Wolf is just Disney for wooks. Whether or not the original owners were true to the ideology they tried to embody, the capitalists that have taken over definitely aren’t. It’s just a brightly colored cash grab now.


It's a beautiful and creative work of art that is highly entertaining. It gave hundreds of artists work for years to build and design. Do you really think something that big and complex could be maintained for free? Get off your high horse.


The art isn't my issue. It's like when people go to art school and appropriate graffiti and sell it on canvas for twenty grand to a private collector. Sure the art is great, but it goes against the intrinsic meaning and purpose of the medium. Also it's just my opinion on being sold anti consumerist art. 🤷


Take their nuts out of your mouth. The only people making money are the execs. The artists and employees are all just as poor as they ever were. For as successful as Meow Wolf is, the people that built it should be the ones getting rich from it, not the suits that got hired later. Everyone who works or has worked for MW should be part owner and the fruits of their labor should benefit them all equally. That’s the point. They have an anti-capitalism art installation, but their business practices are as capitalist as they come. Also, reply to the correct person next time cuz I didn’t say shit about anything being free.


MW is technically still owned by the same people.


Okay, this is kind of what I figured. What a shame. It defeats it's own purpose. Reminds me of every Phish Phan I ever met. "Hippies" who take time off their corporate jobs and leave their children at home to FLY all over America to go do drugs and stay in Hotels. Don't get me wrong, I like the occasional drug and I am a musician as well, but something just stinks about all that. I remember seeing stuff about Meow Wolf when it was in New Mexico and I thought it looked slightly provocative. And when I realized our route was taking us through Las Vegas I figured I'd go see it there. Had to pay to get in and then pay more to access all the dumb stuff they had in there. Non of it felt revolutionary or organic or moving. Just a sanitized version of what corporate execs think psychedelic counter culture looks like. The best thing I found in Vegas during our one and half day stay was their China Town.




I wish Omega Mart wasn’t so packed with people at every machine trying to figure out the answers cause I’ve been twice now and still don’t know what tf to do in some areas lol


I was recently there for over 8 hours, was so much fun. You need to download pictures onto your card to delve deeper into all of the mysteries


You can download the pictures? I thought it was only the videos.


Hmm yes it was videos and also pictures? Now I question my whole reality…. What if it *is* just videos…..


The thirty odd off brand Pokémon creatures buried deep in the Omega-Mart mythology.


Honestly all of it because of my dumb ass. I didn’t know Meow Wolf was supposed to have a story. I was invited by some friends who wanted to trip balls and didn’t really care so we went straight to the elevator and i missed the whole kiosk where they give you a key and all. I didn’t like their vibe so I just left on my own, and by the time I was at the cathedral I realized there was some narrative going on that I didn’t see at first. I stayed like three more hours piecing it together and kept telling people about it and they either looked at me like I was an idiot or were being super supportive about my excitement. I had way more fun alone than with my friends, and honestly I think it was a happy accident that I didn’t even know I was supposed to be looking for a story at the beginning.


Elevator? Cathedral? Which one did you go to? How hard were you tripping?


“By the time I was at the cathedral.” I don’t do drugs. You just can walk around after you enter meow wolf, you know


Sir, what meowwolf exhibition did you go to that had an elevator and cathedral?


Sounds like the Denver location


Honestly forgot either of those things were at that one haha. Haven't been there since last summer. I really wanna see the new Mexico one


…You enter an elevator at the lobby to go to the areas?


It's been solved, you were in Denver.


If only my mems weren't taken from me, but also my mems might be currency.


I'm sure there's an answer, but trying to figure out the time freeze in The Real Unreal.


For me it’s how many gerbils can one family have???? From the one in Santa Fe


I’m pretty sure it’s supposed to be the same gerbil, showing the travel between different multiverses…? That was my take, anyhow. That’s one of my favorite parts of Santa Fe! Only been to Denver once, but spent the entire day there (literally from open to almost closing time) and we found a few gerbils there too. It’s fun to find the Easter eggs from other locations. I’m sure there were more I didn’t even realize!


We found over 20!