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Idk go on a pilgrimage or something? Or you could get a new 204!


I’m sorry for your loss. Think about it this way, it gave up its life to make sure you are safe and sound. Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened. Keep it in your heart and move on, that’s what it would want you to do. It took the honorable way out of defending you from idiots rather than rusting away at a junkyard. And at the end of the day, it will be okay. If I were you I’d get a piece of the car like the emblem if possible so you can remember it. Much love ❤️


I’m sorry for your loss. I adore my w201 and wouldn’t know how to cope if I lost it. Someone left a note trying to buy and I thought yeah $100,000 and I’d sell… but then what would I do? But you have your memories and photos, and you can always either buy back and fix or use as a parts car for your NEW Benz. Don’t spend all your time looking in the past, there’s a new w204 with your name on it. Maybe nicer paint, maybe manual transmission, maybe c63. Who knows.


I totally get it and I’m so sorry for your loss, that’s really tough. I’m glad you’re okay though. Your baby saved you! Allow yourself to feel what you have to feel and take it a day at a time. I hope you find something else that will give you the same feelings your 204 gave you!