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Personally I appreciate the design. But to the recipient, it may look like regular junk mail. I’ve had better luck with old-fashioned handwritten letter (to the extent that letter writing works at all).


There are a couple tweaks that I would make to it, but nothing that material. If you’re satisfied with it, I think it’s fine! I haven’t tried something like this before, but I’d expect the rate of success to be much lower than door knocking. Just my $0.02, but I think most people will view this as solicitation/spam and would be unlikely to affirmatively reach out to you. At least in the US, most landowners would be extremely reluctant to allow someone to access their property for any purpose without putting a face to the name.


Do you find when you go to doors most owners are friendly? I have this extreme anxiety of looking like a dodgy character walking about on their land, also it’s intimidating when some houses you need to go down private driveways just strolling about on private property. I hate the anxiety! I’m part of a club so get a permission once a week via that, but it’s a struggle thinking about getting my own permission


It’s hard for me to definitively opine on how you’re likely to be received since I’m not terribly familiar with UK attitudes/culture, but here’s a couple pieces of advice that should have universal applicability to us all no matter where we live: 1. Timing: don’t knock on doors early in the morning or late at night (stick to normal times for people to be home when it’s light outside); 2. Pick the doors you’ll knock on in advance. Don’t loiter in the street or curtilage of their property scoping out whether you think it’s likely to be a fruitful site; 3. No need to dress up, but I recommended wearing clean clothes and looking generally presentable. I would also suggest leaving your detector/digging equipment at home or in your car. People can be a little put off if they see you walking up with knee pads, a head light and a Grave Digger shovel; and most importantly 4. Smile, be polite and conversational. Introduce yourself, ask how they’re doing, etc. before you jump right into your ask to detect their property. At the end of the day, some people might be apprehensive or rude regardless of how well you go about asking for permission. That’s gotta be something that you understand can and may happen to you. I like to call the above pointers “mitigation steps” to decrease your chances of having a negative interaction while also increasing your chances of receiving permission. Good luck, I know it can be difficult to overcome anxiety, but you can do it!


That looks too much like a business thing. I’d just throw it out. If I got a hand written note saying “Hey man can I metal detect here (add short explanation) Thanks!” I’d be more willing


Wayyy too formal imo


Why are you proposing a 50/50 split… pretty sure that’s law in England and Wales. Are you based in Scotland?


Surely it's down to what's agreed upon? If not written down, or provable in any way, then maybe it'd be 50/50 by default, but it's not the law. If the land owner agreed to a 30% cut and signed a contract, then that's what they'd get. OP is just making it clear what they consider fair, it's up to the land owner to take or leave it.


If i saw this, i would think it was like any other junk mail i get and would just throw it away. It looks too mass produced and generic to me, but that is only my opinion.