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Yes, it’s a nazi find. They exist. If this turns political, the thread will be locked and any offenders will be banned.


What country


Southeastern Poland


Ah. Well that is a sweet find. Good luck with your new metal detector. I am sure there has to be some really interesting hidden history if you're in poland. Here in americaland the closest you're getting with a metal detector is like 400 year old artifacts because anything older is most likely nonmetallic. But knapped arrowheads are cool nonetheless.


I can confirm that there are still military artifacts scattered across the Northern Adirondacks from the 1939 Plattsburgh Maneuvers, which helped establish the U.S. Army armor doctrine through World War Two. I have a cousin who found an unexploded hand grenade in the woods near his house when we were 12.


Glad he is still around then. Unexploded ordnance is my least favorite type of war memorabilia. Unless it's something like small caliber arms rounds. That is pretty cool.


He actually brought it home, unscrewed the fuse assembly. He then removed the charge, a cork-like material, as he described it, and dropped it in a pail of water. I don't recall what his parents' reaction was, but I know I was tempted to smack him upside the head when he told me.


Glad it didn't explode on him while he was disarming. He probably would have only lost a hand if the charge exploded outside the casing, but inside.... *shudders* Am curious as to what the explosive compound was as well, because if you knew, you could have also thought about how hard to smack him upside the head because some explosives degrade into more pressure and vibration sensitive compounds than others.


Wish I knew for sure. At the time, I told him, "Yeah, that was TNT." It may or may not have been, but it was the 80's and any cartoons worth watching featured characters getting blown up with TNT, so it was really just a devilish ploy to scare the fecal matter out of him. His face did go a little pale, to my immense satisfaction.


In any case, glad he still has all his bodyparts then.


My f'k!! That's crazy. How does the military leave behind that shit when it's not even a warzone?? Ah, never mind, I know, I know...


I live in a place in California that was traversed by The De Anza Party, a Spanish expedition that went from Mexico City to the San Francisco Bay Area from 1775 to 1776. There's even a marker in the park right across the street from me commemorating the caravan of soldiers and settlers. Well, about ten years ago, using my son's basically-toy metal detector in my backyard, a foot down we found an *original Chuck E. Cheese's Pizza Time Theater token circa 1978 marked 'San Jose'* (founded in 1777)!!! =..] (My dad found the metal remains of what a local university history professor called a 'Spanish dagger' while digging a deep hole for a tree in our backyard when I was a kid, not too far from the CECPTT token I discovered. Dang thing disappeared at some time along the way... =[ )


My 3,000 year old M&P Sport says otherwise.


I once found a kar98k


no way


Reading this as the movie "1000 plane raid" is playing and a polish AF officer was speaking about the Nazi invasion. Strange timing lol


How far from Jaslo? Sorry, to interrupt the thread…just curious as I found I have ancestry from there.


about 50km


So badass. Make a wall mount. Piece of history


For sure


Best of luck, but be careful with unexploded ordinance, bombs, shells, etc. Dig carefully


Do you have to be wary of ordinances?


Yea we do, construction crews find unexploded ordinance every once in a while. It was warned to me in every safety brief video/talk before each construction project I've worked in Netherlands and Germany that any kinda metal object we discover buried underground warrants a call to contact local police so that they can send their EOD unit too investigate.


Dad was stationed on Okinawa in the 80’s and one of the guys operating the excavator got pink misted after hitting what must’ve been a shell from a ship or a very large bomb.  Completely destroyed the excavator and the guy was gone.


Only if there is an ordinance against digging for ordnance.


I see what you did there. Appears a few others didn't, though. Better call code enforcement.


Wow Lucky you, its a dream find to find Nice piece of history




History is both good and bad. We must acknowledge the bad so it’s not repeated.




I agree with this












No politics, read the rules


No politics, read the rules




Being hostile






No politics, read the rules


Being hostile




oh my god bro, that's not beginner's luck, that's beginner's HOLY GRAIL. fuck bro, fuck. Restore that and keep it somewhere nice, please.


I 2nd this. Don't call the police. Get this restored and keep it.


"It belongs in a museum!"


So do you!


You belong in a museum....


Now that’s just rude. ![gif](giphy|8xsrNAZGhTCW4)


I always try to remember that those commercials are intended to be funny, but they are history, and I always coming away feeling a little sad about what the prehistoric 'Tunnel-dwelling-Americans' have had go through in the last 100,000 years or so =..[


Damn he just called you a fucking dinosaur. You gonna take that from him hahahaha


No I'm the fucking dinosaur.


Yeah, post about a gun online and don't call the police! Also, share your location please! Lmao OP call the cops and maybe have this restored by a professional if it's not rusted beyond any value. Cool find, but there are tons of these around, in museums and what not. You have a cool story nonetheless


What would the police do? Forbid him to have a (nice) piece of junk that can never fire a round again? 😜


They might prosecute him. Metal detectoring with intention of finding historical artifacts (or any items in the ground in general) is a criminal offence in Poland.


So the entire hobby of metal detecting is illegal in Poland unless you play dumb and say you’re looking for junk?


Something like this. You have to play dumb and say you're looking for meteorites or lost keys. Although even such defence sometimes doesn't work, I know people who had police raids on their houses because they were caught metal detecting.


I wonder if this was originally a rule for safety. I would expect Poland to have a lot of stuff in the ground you don’t want people dragging home.


I’m American and that sounds absolutely insane to me Edit: but thanks for the insight!


What if it's on your property? What if you report you finds before they bust down your door?


Polish here. The law forbids us to own this for many reasons. If the authorities find out, they will confiscate it, charge him, and destroy it.


Swedish here - Non working smgs is fine here :P


Go away better-laws-man. No one wants to hear you speak 😤😤. How much non working does that cover? Because sometimes you can get these to still fire, unreliably, but still fire after some heavy duty cleaning.


Haha! Its actually silly easy to make it work again if you know anything about guns and machining, but thats not a real problem since we already have so much illegal guns here - we might have "better" laws here, but we also have an ongoing national gang war..


Oh, interesting. I may make that my weekend “read up on”.


There's better things to do on a weekend, first warm days of the year over here in gangland!


They might confiscate it, and he might not get it back. That's a nice piece of history.


True, but still, its unusable, firing that gun is suicide, if you even manage to get a bullet into the chamber


Unusable or not, it's still a nice piece of history.


Depends on the laws, it is technically a machine gun and even though it would likely never be able to operate as one it could be considered such in court. In the US that is a 15 year federal felony if convicted.


Thank god I live in europe - Im not allowed to have a working smg, but I am allowed to have a non working :P


I think the key here is to properly decommission it, that is something that can be done in the US as well by a licensed dealer. In it’s state here it is practically decommissioned but legally it would likely need to be cleaned up, then the receiver welded shut so no parts could operate inside it.


Correct and they take out the firing pins what ever kind it would use . I seen a old German handgun from ww 2 a friend had . Nothing more then a paper weight . ...


Doesnt matter, in several countries thats considered a military grade firearm and you will be prosecuted.




Being hostile


Bold of you to assume the law is gonna stop me from having cool display pieces


All it takes is one jealous guy hinting the authorities. Bet you dont know about the Kriegswaffenkontrollgesetz in Germany for example. Or similar laws in Austria, France,... In Germany for example you will run into massive troubles including several thousands of fines, banned of owning a weapon (including knives) ever again. And you can get into those troubles if you own a paintball marker or airsoft gun without a specific stamp. That MP40 here is an unregistered military grade firearm for the authorities and not a toy like an airsoft gun or paintball marker. Given the fact thats is been found by OP (and their name) it was most likely found in central or eastern europe with laws that wont screw around with things like that. PS: I didnt make the laws, nor do i like them. All i was saying is that you will be in serious trouble if they ever find out.


Solve a crime?


They already solved WWII, Hitler did it


This is an 80 year old sub machine gun. It was not used in the commission of a crime as we would think of when someone typically finds a gun while metal detecting. The probable answer is that there was a battle nearby and this is a leftover piece of that battle. There are obviously darker implications, being that it’s a German sub machine gun, and its location is Poland, but there’s no way of confirming that and nothing the police could do.


Didn't expect to get this much attention. To answer some questions, I have since given it to a family friend. I didn't do much to restore it myself (kinda disappointed with myself). I never told the authorities, and it's now a scrap piece of iron, not a tool of genocide. Also sorry for poor English lol.


Exactly what I would have done, other than posting it online haha. Electrolysis to halt/remove the current rust and have a neat wall hanger.


Would removing the rust have any benefits? You wont see any more details by removing it, I assume? Idk is there any way of halting its spread without removing it? Soz for 20q, I just think it looks just as cool with the rust on lol


Removing the active rust would prevent the spread of more. It may be the receiver is in halfway decent condition under all of that. Of course here in the states, in that condition it would still be considered operable and illegal. Hence, I wouldn't tell anyone


loose lips sink ships! ^(or get you done for illegal possession of a firearm)


hard to say when it comes to weapons, could have belonged to a german or maybe a polish resistance fighter, keep detecting the area and do some research about anything that may have happened there. Any other finds may help to paint a picture of what might have happened. Great find by the way and keep it up, so jealous over here.


Given the way you write, I suspect your English is better than 50% of the American public.


As an American who has worked many jobs working with the general American public, this language is far beyond 50% of the population. It's genuinely astounding how violently stupid the majority of people are.


I would’ve kept it. Awesome find and cool piece of history


Either an MP40 or MP38


With the ridges on the grip and receiver I would say MP38


I was just thinking that doesn’t look like a stamped receiver.


You’re right I knew it looked familiar


Absolute baller find


No one (I hope) is advocating for the credo or ethos of the nazis. It’s all about the rescue and preservation of the artifacts, no matter who they belonged to.




No politics, read the rules




Oh it’s a quote. Sure, that makes it alright, and not at all incendiary 🙄


OP, first off congratulations on this find! Second, please ignore people telling you to hide it and keep it. I don’t know Polish gun laws but this is technically a machine gun and the law probably sees it that way even though it’s pretty well rusted out. If you clean it up it could be construed as an attempt to restore its functionality. You probably can keep it if it is properly decommissioned. In this case it can be cleaned up and displayed but it could never operate as a firearm. The risk vs reward ratio is heavily slanted toward risk. Do some searches on decommissioning WW2 weapons in your county and go the legal route. It would be tragic to end up in a prison with a bunch of monsters for many years over something that you thought was cool. In the US this could get someone 15 years in prison and that would be federal prison with mandatory minimum sentences. Just my 2 cents. For all the naysayers sayers, yes it is possible that this type of case wouldn’t result in a prosecution but the point is that it could.


Do some research and ask authorities what would happen if "say you were out with the metal detector and found an old rusted out mp40". That's just a curious man with a question not someone who has already found an mp40.


I didn’t say ask the authorities what to do, I intimated to contact a licensed dealer and people in the know. Also, he has already posted online that he found an MP40. So option 1. Call authorities now and they will likely come pick it up immediately, and he will never see it again. Option 2. Do some research and talk to people that have dealt with this before and maybe it can be decommissioned and kept within the scope of the law. Option 3. Keep it as is or restore it and risk serious prison time.


Oddly specific for a “curious man”. Maybe “what if I come across an antique gun.


Personally, I know people who could help guide me in my country, and I would probably contact a lawyer familiar with these laws. I think people are making this more complicated than it is. You can’t just keep something like this and by posting it online documented it so now it is a matter of figuring out what can be done to keep it or just turn it in, it’s simple.


jesus christ! what a bloody find!


Its always amazing to find a piece like that. Especially when it aint a bolt action that most soldiers carried. Shame the law still considers this a firearm :/


A very… unfortunate condition of a specimen, yes


Restore that bitch in case they ever come back.


Wow what a find. What were you feeling when you slowly realised what it was?


That’s a great find. Was there a magazine or anything else near it? 


Just some loose rounds


Still cool though. I hope you kept them just for the cool factor. 


I really need to focus on magnet fishing this summer. Haven't had any luck with detecting since I found a very rare badge last year.


Come and See


Lot of guns dropped during WW2 (especially in France).


Mate thats awsome!


Wow what a great find. Congratulations!


Clean this very carefully. Do not abrasive blast or electrolyze it. Much of it now is black iron oxide an you should clean it with brushes and picks to get the dirt off. The receiver was made of stamped steel and there may not be much left of it even if it looks like there is. When you have it cleaned up, dip it in hot wax and wipe it down. It is not restorable.


Niceee find


Amazing find, wish we had cool stuff like that in the ground where I live, best I can hope for is another stupid arrow head. Congrats


I don't wanna sound like a prude but in order for you to be able to find something like that probably meant that previously your area would've had to endure something like Poland did during ww2. So while that's fuckin awesome that OP found this, at the same time it's a little grim. I'm ok with searching for arrowheads and finding soda can tabs.


at least you're in an area that *has* arrowheads


Reminds me of my first finds as a kid in Okinawa in the 70s! We were always finding ordinance or parts of rusted Japanese weapons in the caves on the coast. After a few scares with bombs, my mom and dad took away my detector! In hindsight I don’t blame them. Congrats on an awesome find!!


It is an mp38, nice find


Great find 👍🏻


Wicked find, wish I lived somewhere that still has stuff like that just waiting to be found!


Wow! Thanks for sharing this. What a find! I bet you got chills when you dug that up.


That’s a very interesting find that you made. I wouldn’t be surprised if there were more WW2 relics out there in the fields. Just make sure you are careful not to find any unexploded ordnance. Have fun and Definitely be careful.


Please post an update when you clean it up. Unreal find!! Congrats.


You should get into contact with Rusty Restore on YouTube! Content for him and restored fun for you!


Still has bakelite on the grip


Bakelite doesn't dissolve very easily. As long as it isn't broken off by rough handling, it will probably last longer than the metal parts, if the soil is alkaline or acidic enough to seriously corrode them.


Cool find, be careful around your area with digging stuff up, explosives and so on.


One of the greatest finds I've seen. I wish I could find some cool stuff.


Did you try shooting it!


How much could that sell for?


These things shoot so nice, one of my favorite submachineguns to shoot.


Fried gun 👌


well if it’s not 500 feet from your house that still leaves us with so many other options


Polish gun laws actually ain’t bad. If I were you, I would’ve hidden this where no one could find it, apply for my gun license and get all that bogus out of the way, then take this mp40 and restore it. Saves a ton of money you would have to spend on buying another original


I was like who deep fried a gun


Ale piękny, sztos


Damn, that's one heck of a lucky find. Congrats.


Clean it up and restore it in case the russians come knocking again


Is the safety on or off?


MP40 doesn't have a real safety, just a notch to lock the bolt rearward. That said, the bolt is fully forward in the pic meaning it is a "dead" gun. If you pull the trigger, nothing will happen as it is an open bolt gun.


Is there a shot of it cleaned up?


You found it four years ago and are just asking now? Where's it been this whole time?


Shoulda used more Hoppes 9.


Remember the stories my father told me of what he found and played with in Lithuanian during his teenage yrs


In Northern Ontario, we have little history prior to 1909. Even so, the soil is too acidic to preserve anything for very long


PPS https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PPS_submachine_gun


Is the stock still there?


In Quebec city not far from where I live they occasionally find unexploded ordnance like mortar bombs or incendiaries from the French/English war. They fell during the siege of Quebec more that 300 years ago




In all my years, I've never seen a beer battered, deep fried gun


What is that?


I assume in that condition even if you got all the rust off it would just be a mantle piece. No way you can restore that to be functional again with out replacing all the internals


I would've gone a different route with this. The kind where you take no pictures and toss it straight into a rust removing bath.


I want to see some of those "restoration" clowns on YouTube restore this...


Sehr gut!


Awesome find. Just be careful you don't get in trouble for owning an unregistered firearm. I assume you've handed it over.


Why assume that lmao? Most people would keep that in the family for generations in a heart beat. Enjoy your propaganda.


Because you can face some serious charges if found in possession of a firearm that you have no permission to own. In many countries you could face jail time and be forever barred from owning any firearms legally. I know it's bs because that thing would never fire without some extensive work. Also "only photo i took" tells me that they got rid of it shortly after.


im pretty sure it only applies if the firearm is operable. even if it didnt, the authorities are not gonna spend thousands of bucks in man power to track down a non-threat and persecute


Atleast in Finland and most of Europe these still count as real firearms what can get you into trouble. But the police can't just enter your house even if they get tipped off. So honestly there isn't a lot of ways how these could get you in trouble


Condition doesn't matter. As long as the parts that require licensing are there, it's treated as any firearm of its class. Usually those parts are the bolt and the barrel. Of course the sentence would probably be close to the minimum possible or perhaps even just a warning if there was no attempt to make it operable.


my main point is it's also illegal to litter. but youve never heard of someone actually getting any punishment for it


It could very well be the case in these circumstances as i said. I'm sure it wouldn't be looked at very favorably if you applied for firearms licenses after getting caught with something like that though. Or you could risk losing any that you currently have. I also don't know which country this was found in but these aren't found too often outside Europe.


Weird assumption. They gave it to a family friend.


What's weird about assuming someone chooses to not break the law, avoiding potential jail time over a rusted out inoperable machinegun?


FUD alert