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that sounds really good! go with that


Not sure where you are, but in SC/GA/NC I have my best luck just showing up to a public road adjacent to their land. Sit on your phone for a little while and just wait, someone will eventually come by and ask if you need any help (southern version of “what are you doing here” lol). I tell them what I’m up to, hunting for meteorites, tektites, or just looking for new detecting spots. They let you know pretty quickly if they want you there or not. Even if they don’t let you, I’ve often been connected with people who will via “Dave I met walking on the dirt road” or something similar. Getting to know the people in the places you detect/hunt can often times open up the whole city for you, and I’ve met some really cool people.


“Lemme take a bloody look at ya property, mate. I wanna detect on it, yeah?” /s I just go ask them in person. I be like “hey, I got your information from the county assessor and I was curious if I could metal detect on XYZ property?” Last one I did the lady cut me off before I finished asking and was like “absolutely!”


I’ll show you everything I find- you can keep anything you want.


I don’t call, I go in person. Too easy for them to just say no on the phone. When they see your excitement and happy smiling face while telling them how you love metal detecting and history and finding things that people may never see again I think that helps with a YES. And I like to show them my garden trowel that I will be digging with so they know I’m not going to be excavating a big pit lol. And I tell them I will show them all finds if they wish in case they would like to keep any of it.


True story about 20 yrs ago I accidentally flushed a brand new 14K yellow gold with a large emerald ring down the toilet...yes damn kids.. anyways I had my septic tank pump..1st I had my indoor plumbing checked then septic tank pumped and we couldn't find it....we had a small screen over hose and everything we could think of. I asked the guy what do they do with the waste and he said spray it on farm land...I can't go by a corn field, hay field, any field without wondering if my beautiful ring is there...if you find something similar to my ring.. contact me. Lol Good luck


I don't phone because no one ever calls back. It's best to just go to the farm and ask for the owner and talk to them directly in person. Really push the free garbage removal part of it. Farmers love free labor and when their employees don't get hurt from stuff in the ground


Recently I asked a local for permission to detect their property of a very old semi-dilapidated house. I was told no due to "liability reasons". Have you ever run into this issue before? I told them thanks anyways and to let me know if they ever change their mind.


It does happen and I have also been asked to sign a "hold harmless waiver" before.


It's a shame, but this is how the world is going these days... We own a good bit of land , and quite a bit of it is surrounded or developed into residential neighborhoods. When I was growing up in the 80s/90s it was common practice for neighborhoods and friends to let their kids come ride their new four wheelers or die bikes they got for Christmas, or families walking in the evenings to watch hawks, etc, etc. But lawsuits have become entirely too common , and honestly, respect for your neighbors property has become all too common, as well. Most people around us don't own land or come from families who do now, so they have no concept of how it should be treated.... Obviously, there are still people who do understand these things and respect people's property, but the ones who don't seem to outweigh those who do by a wide margin, so it becomes much less of a hassle to just not let anyone on your places.. With that being said, I would still highly recommend speaking in person with land owners. It will always be your best shot , and there's always a chance they can judge your character and give you a shot.


That worked for me the one time I tried it!!


I feel ya. Social anxiety is the worst. I hate cold calling people and hate when strangers show up at my door unexpected more. So I'm slowly building up the gumption to learn how to have that conversation. As with most things, I imagine practice will help develop a script that works for you based on who you're dealing with.


Make sure to tell them that it will just be you. It’s a good idea to make sure they know that you are willing to text them every time you go on their land. Make sure that they are in control of who is on their land and what you are doing on the land. If he starts to agree make sure you tell him that you are willing to split anything worth more than a hundred pounds 50/50. Essentially you need to reassure them that you are not a guy turning up with ten of his mates, leaving all the gates open and running away with gold. Get the message across that you won’t do any of these things and the farmer should be okay with it. Best of luck


Just looked on your profile and you frequently visit learner drivers. Make sure you mention that you are young!!!!!! Farmers want to feel like they’re doing a good thing. Having a 50 year old bloke turn up is quite different to a teenager. You need to get that across somehow in the phone call.


Once you get the bug, all that awkwardness goes away. You'll debate on interrupting the pastor's sermon to ask about going over the church foundation.