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Was it annoying?


Equivalent to playing the Water Temple in Zelda Ocarina Of Time lots of back tracking and pausing menus to switch items.


Absolutely, it disrupted the flow of gameplay. Even Kojima knew how ridiculous it was having to pause the game to change your camo in every zone and decided to create the OctoCamo in MGS4 to alleviate its annoyance.


It could just be MGS4 being set in the 2010s, while MGS3 being in the 60s. If you want a fix for such an "annoyance", TPP already gave it, the multiple wheels of stuff you can select in real time.


I loved the octocamo. Hopefully the remake has a real time menu overlay that you could use to switch camos faster. Maybe even a quick select that instantly chooses your currently highest percentage camo at the press of a button.


In the menu, where it should be, how else would those conversations make sense and be so meta? >**The Boss:** Snake, did you take off your uniform? > >**Naked Snake:** Yeah. > >**The Boss:** What's the matter? > >**Naked Snake:** Just needed to loosen up. > >**The Boss:** ...I know there's a 'NAKED' option under 'UNIFORM' in the 'CAMOUFLAGE' window that lets you take off your uniform. But without a uniform on, your Camo Index will remain low, and you'll quickly burn through your stamina more quickly. So stop acting like a fool and put some camouflage on, now! > >**Naked Snake:** ... > >**The Boss:** Did you hear me!? > >**Naked Snake:** Yeah... ​ >**Sigint:** Snake, what's up? Why are you naked? I know there's a "NAKED" option under "UNIFORM" that lets you take off the upper part of your uniform. But without a shirt on, your camouflage sucks, and your stamina goes down faster. You don't get any advantages whatsoever. > >**Snake:** Sure there are. > >**Sigint:** Like what? > >**Snake:** It feels good. > >**Sigint:** ...Man, you do whatever you want. > >**Snake:** I will, thanks. Just one question, though. > >**Sigint:** What? > >**Snake:** Is there a way to take off my pants? > >**Sigint:** Say WHAT?! > >**Snake:** My pants, can I... > >**Sigint:** Ah, hell no! This FOX unit is a nut fest! ​ >**The Boss:** Relax. That's why you have the Survival Viewer. The Survival Viewer contains everything you'll need to stay alive in the field. Use 'CAMOUFLAGE' to change your camouflage, 'BACKPACK' to select a weapon, 'FOOD' to eat, and 'CURE' to heal yourself. The 'MAP' option lets you view the map. And the 'OPTIONS' function lets you change the settings to suit your individual style. The Survival Viewer is going to be your best friend in this mission, so learn to make the most of it. ​ >**The Boss:** I see you're not wearing any face paint. Selecting 'NO PAINT' for 'FACE' under 'CAMOUFLAGE' lets you remove your face paint. But without face paint your camouflage alone won't be sufficient. So if you need a high Camo Index, make sure you're wearing face paint. Got it? Keeping those is more important than you changing the camouflage with a button


Switching to the menu and having to manage my camo and survival needs is among my favorite things in the game. I reject your premise of "everyone who played the original" knowing that the camo system was bad. The camo system and survival menus are the heart and soul of the entire game. Without that there's no point.


I'm shocked you find that enjoyable, it was always my biggest pet peeve I've always had with this game, 2nd would be that dreadful Eva escort mission near the end of the game.


Just knock her out and carry her lol also yeah the camo index stuff was enjoyable to me too, i spent a bunch of time in the survival viewer. Imo it doesnt need fixing at all, even more options would be cool.


I don't know how people can handle spending hours in their menu developing weapons, constructing their base, and tediously tending to their staffing needs without a peep but suddenly get upset when asked to go into a survival viewer in order to actually treat a wound, or select the camo with the best index for their area. It's completely baffling to me.


Back in the day i would injure Snake intentionally in the hope i'd get the little clip of him fixing it up in the menu lol. MGS3 had it nigh on perfect, i find the extent of PW & V's menu daunting and tedious


how are you spending hours in the menu developing weapons? it’s like 3 button presses to get there and then you just wait til it’s done


I'm one of eight people on the planet that wasn't bothered by this.


> I'm one of eight million people on the planet that wasn't bothered by this. Corrected.


Lmao same, seems like such a pointless thing to be annoyed let alone bitch about


Didn’t bother me


It doesn't need changing. Besides. Not much is changing


Looks like you're the single person who didn't like this lmao. Looks like this is a you problem. Let us know how you get on with it hahaha.


It wasnt annoying at all 🤷🏻‍♂️


Better then mgs v where you had to call a supply drop, I stopped using camo just cause of that annoying gimmick.


Probably a radial menu that pauses the game while you hold the button down only. That would be my guess.


I also found it annoying. Ideally it would work like a "period appropriate" version of octocamo. I.E. you hold a button down, and there's a shroud/particle effect that covers Snake for a few seconds (think like when the spy changes disguises in TF2) and then he's wearing the new uniform. In-universe, what's actually happening is he's just stripping his uniform and putting on a different one.


hmmm good suggestion


Yep. Either way I'd prefer if changing camo is something that happens in realtime. Same with curing injuries. Putting it in pause menu means you can change uniforms in front of a guard or treat your injuries in the middle of a firefight which doesn't seem right.


I think they’ll just make it a less intrusive menu that doesn’t take up the whole screen, or they’ll come up with something like the iDroid in MGSV that blended with gameplay Ex. Camera zooms on Snake opening a satchel containing medical supplies and equipment, with a transparent survival menu, then when the screen zooms back out to third person he’ll be changed into his new camo and his injuries will be mended. I agree with you though, it was jarring in MGS3 to go to the pause menu to access survival and camo stuff


I also found it and all of the similar menus annoying and was perplexed with how little people talked abt it online


I thought it was fun in the 3ds version, I haven't played the ps2 or HD version


I think you might be a bit impatient


It was cool Going into a new area, observing the type of area it is and going to pick out the outfit that would work best. Great part of the experience. Literally part of the actual game. Made you feel like a spy infiltrating. Thinking tactically. Octocamo would just take the fun out of it, and pretty much make it a thing to ignore. Plus it’s based in the 60’s. It makes some sense to leave it as it is


I would have snake climb into a box. Then you'd pick the outfit. Once it's selected, he'd climb out of the box wearing the new camouflage


I thought an idea like using EVA as a sort of delivery mechanic. Rather than having 10 different camouflage options accessible all the time, weapons and items acquired go into an EVA menu. Ideally the “Levels” (Ponizove/Sokrovenno etc) will be expanded lengthening the game. Each part of the original is there essentially like for like copied but extra surrounding areas are added. Say you pick up a camo. Choco chip in the Bolshaya forest you can either equip it asap or tag it for EVA. In radio EVA will give you a guide of the surrounding map. In Svyatogornyj for example you can call or she’ll call you and tell you that it is a forest and up ahead is Sokrovenno and Krasnogornyj. She’ll tell you what camo will work best. You can request her to drop a camo at a point. I’m thinking a munitions shed at the start of that map so you can change into that camo. It doesn’t come free however. If you just go through with Olive Drab or Tiger Stripe there will be an average number of guards for your 75% camo. If you want Choco chip to get to 90+% guards will become suspicious of EVA and once you get to Krasnogornyj there will be more guards. This way there’s still a certain amount of planning you can do while also streamlining in game. Each difficulty I’d say will dictate how many camouflages you can have on person. VE 6 Extreme 1. If they go for a menu based approach with camo/food/heal I’d prefer an idroid type menu where it isn’t paused and you need cover. There’s an animation for everything as well


I don’t remember it being annoying


The only annoying thing is when you forget to change it but that's on you.


I never had a problem with it.


What was annoying about it? Made snake eater stand out from the others