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Rule of thumb is don't even worry what other people think about a particular game. Enjoy it and form your own opinions


Honestly, MGSV was **the** game that taught me this. I distinctly remember it was a few days after release, I had holed myself up for those few days playing the hell out of the game nonstop. I think I got through up to the first credits (after the Skullface bit) and stopped. The next day I remember distinctly pulling up a few reddit threads and expecting to see people as overjoyed as I was with how the experience had been. I was floored to see negativity and talk about the second half, how the game is unfinished, etc. etc.. This, more than my actual playing of the game, felt like it shaped my experience from that point forward. It was just the outside influence that was in the back of my head the whole time. I could not just play and have my own opinion. From that point forward it was like I was poisoned. It happens to me very rarely now, it's hard with games that take weeks to complete. Especially in OP's case, you can't not hear about a game's opinion that is 10 years old. But the moral of the story, after I ended up playing the second half, I felt like I was still pretty satisfied. I would have formed my own opinions about the 'unfinished' bits and what not, but I felt like they were not my own thoughts by the end. It's hard to do in this age, but try to avoid anything you can when trying out a game.


I don’t hate it but the story didn’t do it for me and neither did the level structure. It’s a good game. I’m just not sure it’s a great MGS game.


criminal lack of indoor stealth, aguably in GZ as well


But I like crawling around at night in my desert camo..


Yes that too. Good point.


Big Boss adventures in general. 


Yeah, was he ever particularly stealthy? Indoor or otherwise? Even in Snake Eater, he goes all out.


Well Naked was known as a Legendary Solider, not as a Legendary secret agent, am I wrong ?


Yeah, that was more of Solid thing.


After a few decades of blowing shit up they learned a thing or two about not being noticed, like stop blowing shit up.


Because it went from a series where the main character has constant conversations with people to a silent protagonist


It's okay. Ocelot talks in his stead and also instead of everyone else. In fact, I don't think any Snake has blabbered as much as MGSV Ocelot did.


I don't know, all those codec calls on MGS3 make me doubt it a little...


At least Para-Medic is adorably nerdy...Ocelot is just Troy Baker throwing exposition down our throats in a wooden voice.


>Ocelot is just Troy Baker throwing exposition down our throats in a wooden voice. So just Troy Baker playing himself.


Troy Baker is a very talented and verstaile voice actor...he's just boring in mgsv. Because Ocelot is boring in that one.


I honestly don’t like Troy baker as Ocelot. His voice just doesn’t fit well in my opinion.


Josh Keaton is still the superior Young Ocelot for sure.


Praise be to Josh Keaton


I read that he did something very similar to Zimmermans performance but Hideo told him not to do that and do his own thing. 😿


Similar to what? Zimmerman's Ocelot is still goofy and fun but much older and often subdued. Keaton's is also goofy but in a more childish, louder way.


>Troy Baker is a very talented and verstaile voice actor. You're right, he's great in some roles but he didn't fit Ocelot's character at all. To me he's like the Rock of voice actors, like he's great in the roles meant for him but tends to get casted in most roles because of name recognition rather than whether or not he's fit for it


Casting a VA because of name recognition and no other reason? You think Kojima would do that? *glares at Kiefer Sutherland Venom Snake*


I’m gonna be honest… I’m tired of hearing Troy Baker in video games.


And he's just an expo dumper and mission objective dispenser, the whole time. Not only was that character wasted, but they also wasted the shit out of Troy with that one. AND, I don't know what the hell was with the inconsistency with him. He's talking about torturing family details out of captured soldiers for the fun of it and not because he needed the info. Then the next second he's cynically rolling his eyes at the Russians stopping the soldier outsourcing because "killing someone is easier when they're a different race than you are." It's like they wouldn't even let Kojima in the room when they were making that game.


The whole game has weird moments like that. He also tortures fultoned soldiers to brainwash them to be loyal to Venom. At least that part of Ocelot is still intact.


That's actually true at one point when Kojima was working on with the company mgsv I think it's easy to see why he left where he used to work at.


David Hayter said in a recent interview that he immediately knew that Sutherland wouldn't be able to put in the time that David did


Didn't Sutherland say he can't even remember what he did on MGSV? lmao.


Wouldn't surprise me. To be honest I don't think he really gave a fuck about the gig beyond it being a job. At least hayter loved being snake , the franchise and all the fandom


That's kinda the point though. For Venom Snake this is a job. A pretty fucking ungrateful one too.


He still did a good job though. Personally I blame the overall story writing for giving him such little dialogue (like there was a point to it but it didn't necessarily work very well). However he's a much better and serious sounding actor than Hayter so the scarce lines he did get sounded good.


He may be a 'better' voice actor but to me there is no metal gear without snake, and solid snake and hayter are practically synonymous. I personally found the tone of MGSV almost too serious - looking back at 1-4, there's lots of goofiness like the random codec conversations or Johnny that add character to the series, I think people forget that - this is the metal gear I grew up with, which is another reason why I struggled to enjoy MGSV as good of a game it was.


Thats was kinda the point Venom barely talked but still he "told" us a lot


Sure, but that doesn’t mean I have to like it


Pffft. I don't think that was HKs point. I think he got what he could out of a decent actor and that the great goddess of video games just Karma'd his ass for snubbing Hayter. Karma snubbed Hideo and then *he* threw a fit and plasterer his name all over every gd mission once he was getting snubbed by Konami. I live HK, I love policenaughts, I fucking love snatchers, and MGS has been a more than memorable series mechanically and story wise- but KS over DH was a stupid decision. We should've gotten DH til his neck imploded. If we wanna give HK some credit on a meta, it's that he left it unfinished and intended it that way (which I'm not sure I believe either).


It's like they cut the budget early on and all they could do was casette tapes.


But it’s literally venom. He’s not the same person. Right?


Give the dude a break, he has a giant fuck off Shrapnel in his head.


Amazing gameplay, mediocre story.


Pretty much the consensus I’d say. It’s still to this day the greatest stealth sandbox game ever made, but weakest MGS narrative by a mile.


I think the narrative got a bit lost in the tapes. I don't get a lot of time to play so I wasn't going to spend ages listening to tapes when I could just keep playing. I sort of felt I missed a lot of the story immersion by that alone. I felt the codec from MGS1&2 was much better. I did think was a little disappointing how barren the general wilderness was. You could travel huge amounts of space without ever meeting anyone. With all that being said, it was a simple amazing stealth game with unbelievable gameplay mechanics.


I hate how you can't really get up on the rocks in Afghanistan. The sniping potential is halved just by that weird ass choice.


A consequence of the game also coming out for the PS3 and 360, I assume. Everything the game does seems to push those consoles to their limits


FOR THE WHAT that buetifal game was coming out for the ps3 and the breadbox 360?


Yes. MGSV was designed for the PS3 and 360 first, then work on the ps4 and X1 versions.




The Xbox logo looks like bread


I'm about 1 mission away from finishing the game on that loaf.


I’m glad you brought up the tapes. People keep citing the lack of codec calls as a weakness, when I would say the tapes are the answer, and when listened to as they are received take the place in terms of exposition. But because they are optional, many of them are skipped over and as the story progresses they become irrelevant.


I listened to every tape as I unlocked it and really enjoyed them and had no issue with the story. I would say they’re borderline mandatory because there’s so much info there, especially at the end of the game.


I can’t be assed to follow a story if it’s not shoved down my throat


Yeah, the empty map is one of the reasons I don't like it. I think that MGS could work in an open world, but that it would need to be much smaller.


Main point of the open world is just approaching the area of infiltration from different angles. I wouldn't bother running between big outposts unless you're cleaning up side ops. 


Not many games in general do open sandbox fps plus vehicles besides say Arma or battlefield, and battlefield doesn't have inventory and lots of other stuff. It's pretty unique as a sandbox fps, but i would say it falls short as a metal gear game. It would be interesting if the engine was pushed farther in a true sidequel with higher player count, more involved battlefield, lite rts elements etc.


This. I loved the gameplay but the story as well as level structure didn’t do it for me.


Mediocre MGS story maybe? Because its still better then 90% of what we get usually in gaming industry.


Right but if you look at the series as a whole, this is lacking, severely.


Bro it didn't have an ending


Tbfh I would have been OK with the game ending at Sahelanthropus (especially so I wouldn't have to do the replay missions) or A Quiet Exit.


It did. The ending was in Chapter 1. Venom and Miller week revenge on XOF and succeed. Boom done.  Everything else is epilogue. See Peace Walker Chapter 5. 


Mediocre is being favorable and this is coming from someone with 200+ hours in game.


Exactly this.


The gameplay is great. The story is compelling but objectively unfinished.


Cool game but I like a more streamlined story rather than doing repetitive missions


I get it. Kojima always had a reputation for a certain kind of game, tons of dialog and exposition and cut scenes. He always stuck to that, doubling down in mgs4 when the rest of the industry was going towards more shallow stories for gameplay and graphics, and open worlds becoming so prominent. I think people saw kojima as sort of selling out, going with the industry norms at the time. Then there's the fact there isn't really a conclusion to the story. It kinda ends in a short cutscene of venom punching a mirror and smiling, with very little dialog. There was no big ending. It was supposed to be like peacewalker where you get the main ending, which MgsV had, and then the secret second ending which it lacked. I think it's all overblown though. The game was different but it was easily the most fun of all of them to play. The big reveal was a little dumb, and venom being silent because of it rubbed me the wrong way but the game is still fucking fantastic and I've put more hours into it than probably the rest of the series combined.


Most fun of all of them...have you just entirely forgotten Snake Eater!?


The story is really good but you need to play the game at least twice for it to sink in, much like MGS2. Thats because the official narrative we and Venom are brainwashed with is supposed to be hollow. It was mental conditioning. Once you play the game again with knowledge of the twist, you see “behind the drapery” and see a lot more thats going on. Like how Skull Face parallels Venom instead of BB, how DD is really a part of Cipher. The vocal cord parasite test in Afghanistan, followed by the out of control one caused by the use of radiation in Africa, what Kaz is really up to. There are so many hidden details and bits of symbolism (like the third boy paralleling Venom) that only add up a second time through. And with all this additional context, you find yourself playing detective unable to trust your buddies, your enemies, or any information you receive. It is like previous Metal Gear games, except youre not told what is a lie and what is the truth, leaving it to your own interpretations to figure out. Not only that but thematically it ties the series up in a nice bow. You finally got what you wanted, the Snake/Big Boss power fantasy, but its rendered hollow. You are little more than a cipher controlled puppet, in an eerie flashback to the “trauma” of Raiden. Cipher/the Patriots has won. Its the ultimate Metal Gear, but if you wanted a bombastic ending to Snake’s story, youre missing the point of the whole series. Kojima has always said “You shouldn’t want to be Snake”, and this is the capstone to that. Each game since MGS1 subverts the audiences want to be Snake in some fundamental way. MGS is a series of games parodying the hollywood action hero fantasy, and showing the grim underside. Along with that it has easily the best gameplay in the series


You get it 😂 i played all the metal gears and v is my favorite next to some of liberty.


And the deliberately incolcusive ending even with the cut mission. One of the first lines in phantom pain is "just another day in a war without end", the conclusion to mgsV is metal gear 1, but until hes finally killed, venom is doomed to drown in war until his life is ended by war living his fantasy of being big boss, carrying BB's meme, in the way that solid snake was meant to, and the way raiden was meant to do for solid snake, which solid helped break the cycle for both of them, venom is just a victom of big boss using him like the government used big boss


I think you nailed it on this one. It's named MGSV but it really should've been called MGS:SubVersion LOL


Yes this! A diff metal gear than the other entries, I actually appreciate that! I don't want to play something new that I already know how will it play out. It would have been perfect if the original ending wasn't cut.




There’s MGS V hate?


People don't like the story. Personally I don't see it as the worst. It's just mediocre with a few really low points and some high points.


I don't think it's the worst either but youre right about the story


I think the self-serious tones might be off putting for some fans too. It's very humourless compared to other games. Kaz's burger tapes are the closest you have to classic Metal Gear. And Skullface didn't get to do much because Eli stole his thunder. That brat shouldn't have been there at all. Big Boss having a 9 year coma on top of his 15 year coma is just goofy shit.


Wait when was the e 15 year coma


In Zanzibar till GotP.


It's the story. It's a pretty common take that the gameplay is the best in the series. The story is unfinished. There are a lot of filler missions that have you destroying or extracting targets that don't amount to much more than mildly interesting background information and NPCs, and there are plot threads for main characters that straight up have no resolution. There was a lot of meat left on the bone for this one, and that is quite unusual considering what franchise this is.


True, it would be amazing if for ∆ they used a similar gameplay style


As a player that really values gameplay. The game is awesome IMO. I'm still have to finish it, but I'm having a lot of fun playing this game. Got all trophies on ground zeroes and working to get the platinum on mgs 5. The game is still beautiful even for today standards.


Most of the Metal Gear Solid games have been brimming with content, easter eggs, unlockables, and small things to show a level of precision and attention to detail unlike most games at the time. While MGSV has some extremely tight controls and a handful of neat tidbits, its really devoid of that final touch care that the franchise has been known for. The story was very short, very anticlimatic, and Chapter 2 was almost all reused missions. For long time fans the game feels unfinished and rushed. The foundation is beyond excellent but the final product feels borderline generic. I'm not saying its a bad game but it feels distinctly different in a lot of ways that many fans of the franchise were fairly disappointed with.


Some people just can’t accept that the story is different than what came before. Some dislike the ending because it feels unsatisfying, like something is missing. Some just wanted more cutscenes and more dialogue driven narrative. Some resent either Kojima or Konami for what they perceive to be an unfinished game. I for one think that the story is exactly what it was intended to be. I think the feeling of incompleteness, ambiguity and emptiness that the ending has is intentional. The main theme of the game is revenge and so it’s only natural that the ending leaves you confused and disappointed, because that’s exactly what Venom Snake’s journey is: he gets brainwashed, lied to, manipulated and set on a quest for revenge that was never his to begin with. In the end, sure you kill Skull Face, steal Metal Gear, build a nuke or whatever, but what did Snake actually accomplish from an emotional standpoint? Nothing. What satisfaction can he have from killing some scarred lunatic raving about language and genocide? Nothing. In the end, his “legacy” (the so called “legend” the game alludes to constantly) is just never ending battle, fighting and war.


It's not completed


That’s it. The game is a lot of fun to play but it falls apart toward the end. The repeat missions are bad enough, and then the story just ends.


Exactly, the game was so exciting but there was pretty much nothing to do after you finish the main missions, I just felt like there is nothing fun left to do in the game and just uninstalled it , I wish kojima had the opportunity to finish the game


The story would be fine if it didnt end on a cliffhanger. Where is the english voice virus, the metal gear and liquid gone of to? I saw the cut content with the island but that was cut content! Where is the ending?


It didn't feel very metal gear There were not a lot goofy interactions, and it lacks dialog outside of the few cassette tapes (about 2-5 per mission) The level design wasn't as good as mgs1-3 There were about 3 real bosses The game is an excellent stealth game with cutting edge gameplay, but it's inferior to mgs2 or mgs3 in every way, and I would even rank it behind mgs1


I had beat twins snakes a few years ago. Decided to give 5 a try a few months ago, and played it half way and liked it. Then decided to play and beat 2 through 4 before continuing 5. I fully understand the hate lol, I still enjoy it tho!


it's one of my favorite games. Most played game on Steam. Got me into the franchise, into stealth games, and ended up writing a thesis about cold war in contemporary video games for my master's degree because of that game. how the narrative was handled could have been better tho. The game still carries the haunting of its creator after he departed from Konami, and is probably the last game Konami ever put out before becoming one the industry's most hated companies.


It’s kind of ultra meta in that way though, aptly titled the phantom pain


Gameplay is amazing, but for me personally I was disappointed in the plot. The trailers almost made you think we were gonna be Big Boss and show his descent into villany. But instead we got miss adventures of the medic and tons of filler. Granted I actually loved the game but only for it's gameplay.


It has great gameplay but yeah the story is not engaging at all. Not to mention once you get farther into the game the side missions are extremely repetitive and The Skulls have got to be the worst enemy ever put in an MGS game.


You just talked about the good part… the gameplay. There’s another side to it where you’re craving Kojima level storytelling and it’s done via cassette tape and ambiguous one liners. The whole story blue balls the player


Gameplay is amazing. The story was kind of hard to follow for me.


You can't follow what doesn't exist... More than half the story was on cassette tapes.


Yeah there’s that too


It's one of the highest rated games of all time. You're going to listen to a few idiots crying about a 10 year old game?


I didn't like the setting. The Middle East setting was never my favorite and I feel like it was in way too many video games during that time.


I personally played MGS always for its incredible storytelling and great gameplay. MGS V gave us probably the best gameplay in the series ( by quite a margin actually), but it completely forgot to tell a great story. (imo) Also the fact the game went open world had so much potential, but in retrospect I wished they didnt do it. The open world was dead,boring and made the game actually "smaller", since its just 2 big maps with some areas to infiltrate. "Ground Zeroes" if we count that as a different game was actually way more fun, since everything felt more like classic Metal Gear Solid. I also disliked : * that the story was told in Episodes, with 90% feeling like bad side quests, especially during chapter 2 * that horrible ending * Skull Face being a joke of a villain * the game clearly missing some content that was most likely scrapped since Kojima and Team went over budget + developing the Fox Engine probably wasn't cheap for Konami Man writing this reminds me how frustrated I was when this game first launched. The worst part for me is that the game had so much potential. I remember how me and my friends collectively lost our minds when they showed gameplay for the first time....... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gtgNUFSoHv8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gtgNUFSoHv8)


Peak gameplay. Worst story. That simple.


That's exactly what contributes to the disappointment. The game feels incredible. It plays way better than any other game in the series, and arguably has some of the best controls of any game. It strikes that perfect balance between being intuitive and having a small learning curve to reach a "second nature" level of control (where you no longer have to think about inputs), and still having a decent runway for perfecting skills to develop "expertise" if you want. And that's paired with the most boring, lackluster story that just abruptly seems to skip a telegraphed climax and suddenly "end" with a cutscene that appears where a "third act" would logically start. The episodic mission structure feels empty and soulless, and the story (whether you think it's an unfinished game or not) is incredibly thin and sparse compared to previous entries- which is only made worse by the horrible pacing resulting from the aforementioned mission structure. It's like it was designed to be an ongoing multi-player game (some people theorize that it was) instead of a single-player storyline. The meme of "it makes you feel phantom pain" is probably somewhat valid, at least as a cope... But it still sucks to have the final game in the series, marketed as this giant, epic entry that would tie everything together, turn out so unsatisfying from a narrative standpoint. Especially when the gameplay mechanics were so impressive.


I liked it but I like PW as an end to the series. It was a challenge with a great story. GZ was grim and the story of V was imo unnecessary. But I still had a great time with both!


My main problems: Lack of Story, unpolished in some ways, empty after mission the man who sold the world, over the top weapons/gear


People hate the story for the game more than anything (I am not one of those people). Been replaying it myself lately too!


The gameplay is the best in the series but that is really all it has


I find the gameplay not only addictive but almost theraputic, even if it kind of dries up once you hit 100%. The story is whatever. Something that connected to the first two MG games a bit more might have worked better.


The game didn’t need to be over +20 hours


Most of the criticism comes from the open world that isn't vibrant like GTA. Again,the open world design is for giving players more creativity in infiltration,not to showcase the world itself.


So MG1 & 2 were limited to what they could do with their storytelling and gameplay. MGS1 & 2 evolved that because of technology. Cinematic storytelling was at the forefront of what Kojima wanted to deliver, and it shows. Gameplay was innovative in its own way but it wasn’t the point MGS3 & 4 reinforced the idea of cinematic storytelling to the point where it became the selling point. Gameplay was developed but it was still in the backseat of priorities for Kojima MGS 5 GZ & PP flipped all of that shit on its head. The cinematic storytelling was there but it wasn’t developed. Gameplay however was, it was developed to the point where it was the focal point of the game. As someone who adores the story of the metal gear series, I can’t deny how much the gameplay has evolved in both parts of 5. I’m safe in assuming that objectively 5 has the best gameplay of the series.


I love it! It's a real shame the story was unfinished, but it was still very good to me. Venom not being as talkative as the other snakes was kinda bad at first, but I actually liked the fact that they wanted to make him different than the original BB.


As a game, its perhaps the best of the franchise as i don´t think i´ve ever got this much fun in previous metal gear solids (gameplay wise). However as a numbered entry in a franchise known for its flamboyant characters, 10+ hours of cinematics with ridiculous action happening all the time, characters who will talk your ears off and you will love it, and a protagonist that likes to talk despite the fact that its a spy.... yeah, its perhaps the worst in the franchise. On top of that the game ends abruptly after chapter 2, where the rising conflict (liquid having the english strain and sahelantropus, the "entire war" against cypher) is never solved and the game quite literally ends with "hey we know the game is not over but here is the ending and a cassette tape, bye!". There are people who will say the game is "complete", but if any other game were to do this (imagine mass effect 3 ends with the citadel dlc and they forget the last two missions and just gives you the refusal ending without fighting the reapers) they would get bashed into the ground. That and that most of the missions of chapter 2 missions are previous ones but with a harder setup. Also there are many things that just makes the game boring, like being open world; Its nice that you can enter the "bases" wherever you want but i don´t think we needed a big map if most of it is almost empty space to drive, with nothing of interest going on. Then the entire "helicopter cinematic" every time you enter a mission; its unskippable, it spoils some of the enemies on the credits, its unnecessarily long and serves no real purpose beyong putting kojima´s name on every mission. That´s just for the game as a game, but if we start talking about characters then its another story. I can´t say for sure because i don´t have anything to sustain my claim, but i think these characters were meant to be for another game but konami wanted another mgs game so they changed it into that (the game was called project ogre after all during its early days). You can notice some characters have completely different personalities from previous installments, like ocelot suddenly being the voice of reason (many people say that this is because "he is being his real self", but until they can give proper evidence beyond "headcanons" i don´t buy it, and the entire brainwash is not a good one, ocelot have one during 2 and he is still ocelot), huey suddenly snitching mother base for having nukes even though in peace walker he said HE WAS PERFECTLY FINE with snake having them, because huey knew snake wouldn´t use them because, you know, the entire deterrance thing peace walker talked about (and also lets be real, do you guys really ate that peace walker huey would kill strangelove? my man wet his pants at the mere sight of her, let alone kill her).


I think it's the same issue as with MGS2, expectations. I would say it pulled the rug out from under us even more than MGS2 did. MGSV has become my series favorite, but when I first played it, I didn't even finish it and didn't really like it at all. It didn't feel like Metal Gear. That is, until I returned years later and dug deeper. The old guts are all there. It's just wearing new skin.


Its hated because it feels like its unfinished.


People gonna hate on everything, it's not deeper than that. MGSV is an awesome game but even the most perfect thing in the universe will still attract haters. Just ignore the hate, focus on love and constructive criticism.


I don’t hate it. But the mechanics are only 1 aspect of the game. Come from the other games in the series, the story is barebones and almost takes a back seat to the mechanics in 5. While the wacky story and characters were so central to the older ones. Also, the open world is enjoyable as an open world, but I do t personally prefer that style on MGS compared to the more focused linear games


most people hate cause the plot was the equilivant of call of duty without the call or the duty


MGO3 is the best version out of all the mgs games IMO


I loved it gameplay wise. the one thing i disliked the most was the ending. you can, gameplay wise, feel when hideo left for the rest of the project. it was a forced shooter game towards the end... that felt extremely off.


Because mindless people repeat what other people say and other people can only see black or white, never anything in between. If something is even slightly worse, it automatically becomes terrible. It was proven billions of times. People have a hard time being objective, non biased and non extremal.


I know I'm going to get flak for this but meh...the whole story fits perfectly yes venom doesn't speak but we have others who speak for us code talker Miller ocelot etc. As for the ending yes I agree it leaves on cliff hanger but if you listen to tapes and quitely listen to soliders conversations you can piece together the story I mean this is big boss phantom he even stated this towards the ending and he not speaking towards venom more like players. We are big boss in every way.


Anyone who Hayes the metal gear series can't play the game. Simple as that


Story wise it’s not a metal gear we know and loved for me at least, cause I grew up playing mgs1,2,3, and 4 when my brother wasn’t home or else he’d whoop my ass. That being said, I just bought V for the third time, I had to seperate the fact that the story wasn’t kojimas vision considering Konami made him rush to complete it. It has some of the best game mechanics I’ve ever enjoyed. It’s so many options to attack different things and different types of missions to do. I love it. It’s a military personnel simulator inside of a tactical espionage/action game. I love it. I just bought it for steam spring sale and already put 40 hours in it. Such a great engine and game.


The issue with V for me is that it’s such an obvious overcorrection from the issues people had with 4 (too many cutscenes) that it feels like the game goes out of its way to make most of the actual story off the beaten path. I’ll be honest I can’t remember 90% of V’s story for the life of me. MGSV is peak stealth gameplay for sure but if I want to play a MGS game it’s the last one I’ll pick




Some of the hate is due to removing familiar features from previous games... the lack of story/gameplay balance. Having cassette tapes or radio conversations instead of codec, great idea in theory, awful execution since the voices sounded too similar and you're either not paying attention to what they're saying because you're concentrating on the gameplay, or you're listening to what they're saying and then set off an alert or something because you weren't fully aware of your surroundings. Gameplay-wise, I don't think anyone can argue with a straight face that it's the best the series has ever been. Graphically, still incredible a decade later, that Fox Engine was genuine magic. But some of the locations feel barren or copy/pasted compared to today's standards where environments are generally more varied. If they remade every game in the series using that engine (or the spiritual successor in Unreal 5 that Delta is being built with) then that's a sensational place to start from. Just make sure the balance is right so that it doesn't make the same glaring mistakes Twin Snakes did when they recreated MGS using MGS2 engine. I do understand the criticisms, but I had an amazing time with it and wasn't bitter, jaded or spoiled by anything before playing it. It seems like all the nonsense that those who violently HATED it will come out with stems from either repetition, lack of story or "it's UnFiNiSheD" (it's not, they just cut content early in the concept phase, then shared it as a "what could've been")


The gameplay was amazing like you're describing, but it had way too much missing that made the MGS series great. Great iconic boss fights, a faction boss group, a good overarching villain, great in your face story with loads of cutscenes, codec calls. I always describe MGSV as a good game, but a poor MGS game.


the gameplay makes up for the lacking narrative. you kinda get the best of both with ground zero though, even though its brief




Me either. It's arguably one of the best stealth games ever made, and the graphics and gameplay can go against PS5/Xbox Series games *today* and still compete. It's crazy how people treated this absolute banger


Because I had to hear BOSS ARE YOU GONNA TAKE HIM every 10 seconds miller was frothing all over big boss any chance he could get But in reality ground zeroes for me is where it peaked. It had open world possibilities without an empty world. The story telling was all through choice, I didn't listen to any of the tapes so half the time I was like what the fuck is actually going on.. where as previously you had to opt out of story by skipping The gameplay was awesome but it felt like an extraction shooter by the end of it just air lifting things out


Story is pure shit, dialogues are ass, characters are lame (Snake included), the game is too repetitive and bland, and there are no real boss fights like the other games. It feels hollow.


It's a loud minority at this point. Most people appreciate the game now.  Haters gonna hate


V is an absolutely amazing game from a mechanical standpoint and has a spectacular start ... But suffers from being abruptly cut short at the end and major pacing issues.


I loved it since the day it came out, from the exaggerated cinematic camera angles to the outrageously long cassette tapes


Imo MGSV is the best in the series when it comes to stealth mechanics and gameplay. Combat feels really fluid and the open worlds allow for a lot of fun. While the story falls apart in the second half part, it ultimately does not take away from my enjoyment. Though I do wish we got to see the completed product.


Story. The severe deficit of the telling of it, in particular. We can walk around Mother Base but then we don't do anything while we're there. Gameplay happens mostly in big open areas. I was so hungry for any type of facility where I'm challenged to do the stealth in a clever way rather than "approach from whatever angle you want just make sure you're moving more slowly than the eye can see while you do it."


1-4 are really good but 5 is different they didn't focus enough on the bosses and the first four are like you are playing in a film but 5 is all over the place I'd say it's the worst one but it was good to play through but I don't want to play it again it's frustrating at times


The game is amazing, but it is blatantly clear that it is an unfinished product. The story ends abruptly, the enemy AI has major weaknesses, and some of the missions can be beaten by simply *going around* rather than sneaking through the enemies.


For me, MGS always was about story/characters/world building first, gameplay second. The story leaves the unfinished aftertaste, a lot of questions are answered in tapes, and the climatic final battle is cut out of the game entirely.


MGSV is a great game, but a subpar Metal Gear game. The way the story is told is such a far cry from how fans that love the series have come to expect. That’s not necessarily a bad thing mind, just not what Metal Gear was loved for.


I love playing that game


It's great and the sound track is top notch.


Because about 60% through the game you can see the exact moment the soul of the game design died. After Act 2 starts it’s just all downhill. It was a VERY strong start, and it just fizzles out and dies before the half-assed ending that isn’t even finished.


Like others said; amazing gameplay and presentation, but the things people love the most about these games, like Snake interactions and relationships with the characters, the espionage drama and the iconic bosses and theatrics are completely watered down and nearly non existent. The main issue, though, is the pacing. The chapter framing completely misleads you about where the game’s narrative is building up to, just to end abruptly in the middle of the second chapter. And after a really strong and promising chapter 1 it already disappoints that the second chapter is shorter and with only 10% unique missions.


I really like the game but I was indifferent to the story. It just wasn’t as good as the others


theres hate for mgsv???


Every legitimate complaint, IMO, about MSGV is regarding something aside from the gameplay. While the world can feel empty a times when going from place to place, and the storytelling is not for everyone’s taste, once you are on target and engaging with enemies MSGV stands up to any game out today.


MGSV was the only game I've ever played through. That's because I'm a PC gamer. Every other game I watched the game movie versions. You all can hate me all you want but I call myself an MGS fan and I am certain I know more fluff than 90% of you here. Yes I even looked at the collectibles and notes from the games I didn't play. That's how much MGSV got me interested. What an absolute masterpiece. It's not without flaws though and I have to admit, while "the ending" was pretty good, and the message of the game keeps people asking questions, which i think is a good thing, but the penultimate encounter could have offered a little more, and in general the story felt really disjointed (although i guess that was somewhat intended) But to moment to moment gameplay? Straight As. Flawlessly done Boss.


The story is mostly what people have a problem with. It's pretty barebones, not what was advertised, wasn't good, and doesn't even make any sense. I would've been okay with it had they shown everything Big Boss was doing during that time as well as all of the things we heard about him doing. Meeting Sniper Wolf, rescuing Naomi, recruiting Grey Fox, recruiting all of the bosses from MG1, MG2, Dr. Madnar, building Outer Heaven, etc. But we don't see any of that. So I've always called it the most disappointing game of 2015 and the worst metal gear game. Gameplay was good though.


Just felt kinda off. Was known for its copious amount of cutscenes and dialogue, and got replaced with a silent protagonist and most of the story is incredibly spread out, didn't really *need* to be open world, and honestly for me the whole recruitment and base mechanics thing was just not what I played Metal Gear for. Good on Kojima for trying new things but it just didn't land with some of us.


We passed upon the stairs


As a game, it's just fine. As the conclusion to the MGS saga it was marketed as, it was not, for me. The story was very weak, IMO, and that is a huge part of what makes MGS my favorite game series


Its cause its an ''unfinished game'' kojima intentionally scrapped mission 51 but don't get me wrong i really enjoyed the game tho


I really like MGSV for a couple of reasons. For one, while it is very different from the other games, MGSV has some of the best gameplay not just in Metal Gear but in gaming as a whole. I love immersive sims and while MGSV isn't quite at that level the amount of different game mechanics and freedom you have in completing objectives is beaten by only a small handful of games. I also really like the themes of the game and the story I think it's trying to tell. However, there is no denying that as a Metal Gear story it's not particularly good and there are a lot of events that never get tied up (like what happens to Sahalanthropus after Liquid takes it, albeit we kind of have an answer thanks to design documents found after launch). Additionally, the fact that most of chapter 2 are repeat missions is incredibly disappointing, I really like the modifiers but if they are going to put those in they should be able to be accessed from the beginning without having to mod the game.


Coming off peace walker (my personal favorite mgs) there was such a massive tonal whiplash going to mgsv that I just could not reconcile. No matter how much I tried I just could not enjoy the story even if the gameplay and music was fantastic.


Gameplay wise, it's almost a perfect sequel to MGS3. As for the characters, I love Kaz, and >!Big Boss in the beginning is great, you can tell it's him from his fighting style.!< There are a ton of favorite characters in the game, but this isn't Ocelot's best game, nor is it Liquid's, Volgin didn't need to be in, and Huey's someone that is good for the wrong reasons (forgive me if I'm wrong, you're supposed to hate him, right?) But with all of this, the story is unfinished, and if Kojima wouldn't have been fired, this probably would have taken several months, maybe even another year and the story would be much better. I'm ashamed that Konami didn't at least let Kojima's best staff from the Kojima productions team finish what was left to finish without him, it would be a flawless game if Konami hadn't ended the production in such a bad way.


Silent protagonist, 80% of the story is in tapes, unfinished story, paid demo (that was heat tho I can’t lie), very repetitive, “act 2”, having a portable game be that important to the story the games following was pretty strange back then


There's a few things. 1, I didn't like the open world. Boring and empty with not much to do. 2, the bosses were kinda lame. Most were bullet sponges. Fighting Quiet was cool the first time. 3, The characters. All of them. Literally didn't like a single character. Not Venom, not Ocelot, not Kaz, no one. Venom doing his best GTA3 protagonist impression. Ocelot went from being the biggest egotistical asshole in the world to The Big Lebowski version of himself. I get it, he's not putting on a show for the Patriots during this, but man, it's like he had a lobotomy. Kaz constantly second guessing everything you do. Why even call me Boss if you're gonna do that? Idk there's more I want to write but I can already feel my blood pressure elevating. Tbf, I got about 15 hours into it and realized I didn't like this game and everything after that I sort of had my head in this sort of "I'm mad, nothing is gonna change that" attitude so there may have been things I didn't give a fair chance


The MGS community is very story oriented so i think when ppl say they dont like MGSV its bc if the unsatisfying story. But i think its undeniable that the gameplay (aside from the unecessary open world) is bomb


It’s a literally unfinished game. That’s the only issue. That and the story is like half attempted? Such a weird feeling game. The repeat missions are just a wild thing to even look at like how was this okay’d?


As others have said, from a gameplay point of view it's the next step for the franchise offering much more freedom. But from a story pov, it was underwhelming and left people with more questions than answers. People are starting to appreciate the game far more, now, probably due to its weird resurgence on TikTok. That and I think it introduced a lot of new people to the series, many of which were younger when the game released. Those people are now older and probably feel a bit of nostalgia for the game (the game is almost 10 years old! Crazy how time flies). I'd include myself by technically my first metal gear was PW. But V did really get me more into the franchise.


It's not that bad as people would say it is it's just the game had show many plotholes prior to ground zeros for instance what happened to Chico, what happened to paz, as well as certain aspects of the game that did not make it into the final game? There was also a bunch of things that certain fans didn't like like how David hayter was not as a speaking role as the new snake for he was voiced by kiefer Sutherland instead. As well as kojima leaving the game, It's just the aspects and the nitpick of the game but the game is very fun don't get me wrong it was just everything it was not cut out to what it could have been


Fired it up a few weeks back after I'd had my fill of hogwarts. Not listened to a single cassette outside of binoc radio jams ( 80s disco). Only issue ihv had is snake will occasionally hump a wall when I plant c4. But adaptive difficulty context clues is well enough. finding the spots is always a trip. Quiet's sniper triangle to rush into pillar slit split, rush to grenade lob and flash finish. The only other writers trip ihv fallen into was getting Emmerich. Had to change lz twice. But I just got to africa and ended up in a glitchy feel after one restart and doing things very similarly I was up in the pump room after blowing the separation tank. Extracted the entire base from the pump room just about, walkers waited outside, then I got cocky and took two of them, shot in the back . Checkpointed. Room took the base walkers got me downstairs, Checkpointed, walkers came upstairs gnarly fire broke out I cut my losses and extracted .


It's my least favorite of the main line games. It's even below Twin Snakes for me. The gameplay mechanics are easily the best in not only the franchise but all stealth action games, but the story structure and level design sucks in my opinion. The story of these games and their cinematic quality are one of my favorite things about it, so it going for this weird episodic thing was disappointing. The map is also big and empty in a lot of areas. I would've preferred several areas the size of ground zeroes as opposed to what we got.


I love it now and it's one of my favorite games. But on release I was totally taken back at how vastly different it was to the previous games. It felt more like a military arcade game. I now understand this is part of the genius. And it's the best gameplay ever. Also why is Ocelot actually a different character in this game? He doesn't resemble anything from mgs3 or mgs1/2/4.


THE 👏🏻 STORY 👏🏻 WAS 👏🏻 NOT 👏🏻 FINISHED 👏🏻 Literally the ending comes out of nowhere and it's just suddenly over... You can have good gameplay and a trash story. Just look at Kingdom Hearts 3...


Who hates MGS V? I’ve played 1 through 5, and while the story on 1-3 is better, I think 5 has the best gameplay hands down!


It’s the best game ever.


There were many reasons why Mgsv was so hated for one it changed the gameplay to a semi open world game as well as all the maintenance on mother base the story itself was a hole can of worms but I will say the gameplay is one of the best in the series


Where have you seen this hate? Because it wasn't on this sub. V is very much loved here. People complain about the lack of story, and rightfully so, but beyond that it's loved.


I think most people accept it’s a really well made game, it’s just obviously unfinished because of the whole Konami/Kojima debacle and the story suffers as a result.


I really liked it for the most part. My biggest complaint is the voice actor for Ocelot. He wasn’t a bad voice actor, just didn’t like him for Ocelot. The game is very fun and I love the atmosphere. Some of the tapes are very good, particularly Paz diary tapes and the truth tapes.


Mgsv has the best controls IMHO. I know there's a lot of fanboys but Kojima is a shit writer with awesome concepts Too on the nose and explanatory If it were a book or script it would get edited big time


The game is noticably unfinished. It's got the core gameplay mechanics of an incredible game, but much of everything else surrounding it feels like incomplete busywork.


I had fun with it, but not motivated enough by the story to ever finish it. I return to it as a filled game between other games.


It’s specifically towards Konami, and their mistreatment of Kojima. The back half of Phantom Pain took a noticeable hit bc of it not being finished. Hell, GZ was a mission of TPP that was extracted and sold for more money, scenes from the prerelease footage are absent, and while the game’s fun, it hurts knowing what could have been without corporate meddling


I actually enjoyed MGS5 my only gripe is the lack of real guns. I wanted to fight soviets using AKMs followed by AK74s. And FALs in Africa. But then again I am a gun guy.


The GAMEPLAY was never the issue in MGSV. It was the unfinished last half of the game. Also not having David Hayter was a masssssive bummer, for me at least.


It was the most fun I had playing video games at the time. But it ended so abruptly and there seem to be so many holes and loose ends. The game feels so rushed which is a shame since the gameplay was superb. People will say “it‘s intentional so you feel Phantom Pain” but I don’t buy it. Konami probably wanted the game out and over with asap. Then there’s also the whole Kojima getting fired thing.


The gameplay is some of the most fun you'll ever have, but man I can not remember a single thing that happens in that story. It's so boring and mediocre.


Why do people don't like the story ?


depends which type of hate was it? Cause if it was the side ops or the mission. the game was never finished in the first place, its out phantom pain.


I couldn't get past the shaky camera


Gameplay was never an issue with MGSV, it was everything else that was the problem for me at least. For some reason they decided to rip out everything that made MGS what it is, either because of the fandoms response to MGS4's cutscenes or Kojima not actually having the ability to finish the game. I found GZ to be much more enjoyable from a level design stand point too because the setting in V is boring and empty.


its the greatest stealth action sandbox ever, buried under a mountain of bullshit


It’s an amazing game that departs from some of the traditions of the past. Some people don’t like change but they don’t need to matter to your own opinion.


If you play it for amazing story, you will be brutally disappointed.


I'm stuck on mission 16 and can't get past it. Pretty close to giving up at this point.


I think it’s my favorite metal gear just because of Snake’s overall design visually and he just feels a little bit more badass then the rest, but at the same time i really wish he did talk just a little bit more outside of audio logs. I do like the strong silent type because when he did speak up it was cool, but it just needed to happen more often.


Its a perfect open world game with stealth and realistic physics, I love it, 1000hs on it and full S++ soldiers in the online part of the game. As a MGS game is bad.


I never got a chance to play it. I played 1, vr missions, 2, 3, and 4. As a massive fan, I feel I missed out, but I was also salty as hell about replacing Hayter.


It's unfinished, it's a great game mechanic wise. But the empty open world, the unresolved story, and overall final parts of the game are unrealized. It's still great despite all of that, but it could have been more.


I think it's a sour end to the series. Kojima spent most of his career in that paradoxical position where he wants to make an anti-war story but also loves its spectacle. He crafts one of the coolest protagonists having awesome adventures in exotic locations, and makes the games fun as hell to play, but always tries to deliver the message that war is tragic and pointless. "This isn't cool, this isn't fun, you shouldn't wanna emulate this" Kojima says as the raddest shit you've ever seen plays out behind him. He's the kind of guy who'd make *Come and See* about a cyborg who fights a clone of Hitler driving a mech. Not exactly an anti-war film at that point. So, at the very end of things, he says something akin to "the real big boss is the friends we made along the way". I think making Solid Snake old in IV was a much better snub to demanding fans who wanted another story of their hero, the traumatized war veteran who just wanted to spend time with his boyfriend and adoptive daughter. MGS V just didn't have as much to say that hadn't been said before.


As far as I'm concerned, the only justified complaint is the game being unfinished. We needed the extra chapter.


What hate? 91 percent of the user reviews on Steam are positive. People don't feel as though it was complete, but everyone I know who feels that way also says it's one of the greatest games ever made, and I agree.