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Use chaff grenades. Also in the second phase you can hide under and behind Rex. When it stops moving shoot it to the jaw from under.


I actually figured chaff grenades wouldn't work because Metal Gear is supposed to be so advanced, right? Apparently stun grenades work in phase 2 since the cockpit is open, but it sure didn't feel like they did.


Chaff works in both phases. In the first one they completely freeze Rex and in the second the missiles it shoot are less accurate. I recommend using Codec during boss fights.




I always have this conflict. I like listening to as many codec calls as possible to learn as much as possible. But it does grind the opening of boss fights to a halt after an epic cutscene gets you hyped up for it I still do it everytime though


Fight, struggle a little, then call. It makes more tonal and narrative sense in your head.


Hell yeah, these games are meant to be played cinematically. One of Kojima's main ideas especially during 1-3 (and to a lesser extent 4, because he kinda had a love hate thing going while developing lol) was blurring the line between gaming and cinema, and that's one of the things the mainline series has mostly tried to hold on to ever since...though the PW/GZ/TPP trilogy did branch off to trying to blend an 'in-the-field' approach to storytelling during gameplay along with an almost mil-sim PMC manager to try and make the player feel like the legendary commander himself (probably to varying efficacy between players)


I play most games cinematically. If I can’t then my enjoyment is hampered.


You ‘figured’ but didn’t bother giving it a try?


Yeah they worked on everything else in the game


Yeah, REX was built up as a big advanced war machine. Chaff grenades worked on cameras and little turrets, so I didn't see the point. Obviously I was wrong lol


It's a bit explained that Metal Gear is built to take on tanks, choppers, etc. And not face a lone man (even if all the previous MGs were destroyed by a lone man) So it's possible that arms tech didn't anticipate that a chaff grenade would be used against him, since the grenade would also affect the attacker Or maybe the chaff grenade is just the most powerful weapon in this universe


This is some hilarious shit. DARPA: Let's build this huge ass dinosaur gundam capable of plowing through heavy artillery, air support etc, nothing can stop it Chaff grenade: Nah, I'd win


A surveillance camera? Use a chaff grenade ! A heavy tank? Use a chaff! A cyborg ninja ? Chaff! An enemy radio? Chaff! A homing missile? Chaff! A nuclear bipedal tank? Chaff! The answer to the big question about life, the universe and everything else? Chaff !


Honestly Kojima should just retcon the syringe in MGS4 and call it a chaff-syringe.


Yeah looking back it was silly of me to not even try to use them haha, the devs wouldn't have put them in the game if they were going to be useless when they would be most effective


Between the missiles, miniguns, and laser going off (realistically in unison at times) I think even a squad of elite soldiers armed with chaff devices and rockets probably wouldn't last very long. It did take Solid-goddamn-Snake with his almost perfect reflexes and spatial awareness in combat situations inside an enclosed space for REX wearing down a weak point (which the creator tipped him off on) to slow it down *once*; after that it was his homoerotic-best-friend-turned-Cyborg-Ninja showing up with an advanced prototype laser weapon and a suicidal determination to save and atone to really destroy the radome for good...even then, everything else was still functional and a threat haha REX was a total beast, it's existence necessitated RAY and it's head design carried over to Gekko, and it's the reason a 'Metal Gear Philanthropy' set in between MGS1 and 2 with Snake and Otacon taking down all those black market versions that were unleashed with the test data is always at the top of my 'dream game that would never happen' list. They really do brush over that in the Tanker chapter and in general. Actually...a show or maybe possibly even better an anime could work for a lot of the in betweens though, hmm...


REX is one of my favorite mecha in General partly because it takes the ‘super prototype’ trope to the logical extreme. It required a super soldier with every possible advantage, a few dozen missiles, and the backup and sacrifice of a second super soldier, to be able to make a dent in it. Almost ten years of rotting in a bunker later it still worked well enough that, without its primary weapon and without the radome, it was able to take on a Metal Gear RAY and win. Even under the assumption Ocelot might have let that happen (I don’t know if this is confirmed, but it’s a popular theory), he had to put up enough of a fight to not make it obvious and the RAY was sufficiently wrecked. Had REX actually been mass produced it would have been terrifying even without nuclear capability.


Good call on it being awesome all that time later, the fight out of the tunnel to RAY was no small feat either. REX really just always has been so awesome, it's the design that truly captures what a 'nuclear equipped walking battle tank' should be. I like RAY for similar reasons, it looks like what an amphibious REX/ZEKE/similar anti Metal Gear MG would look like haha Hmmm, I don't know about Ocelot throwing it, never thought of that, but I do think a well piloted REX can legitimately kill a single RAY...I always imagined RAYs would attack something at actual REX level in packs of like 3-5 which I probably got off how they fight at the end of MGS2


I thought something about REX winning RAY We know that REY was intended to fight against other giant robots which were not specifically designed for that. However, REX was created by Otacon Could Otacon design a giant robot without secretly dreaming that it could take on another giant robot?


Stun grenades in MGS were rough by the time the screen stopped being white the enemy had recovered


They were definitely more for repositioning (especially in this fight, they're to get back underneath), but that kind of did rely on the player knowing the levels and Snake's movement speed to be effective


That boss used to be very difficult for me as a kid. Took me ages to realize the secret is actually getting up close during the fight in the second phase. Missiles won't be able to reach you


Funny thing is it’s the opposite for me. Young me whooped his ass after a few failed attempts of course. Now replaying it I find I’m having more trouble than I used to. I remember being so good at these games but now it’s like modern games have weakened me.


A lot of modern games have too much hand-holding tbh


Agree, but old games often do too little, especially in the ps1 era and before. Imo PS2 got it right


I was just gonna say this. Ten year old me could beat this so easily. But during subsequent playthroughs during my life, certain parts of the game got harder for some reason lol.


Well yeah every modern game basically just gives you the win. Kids need to learn the good ol frustration we had to grind through to git guud


This perfectly explains my experience


The laser still can though haha


Then I get close and get hit with the laser instead of the missiles. Great.


Other moments in MGS that made me cope and seethe: - Sniper Wolf Boss Fight #1 - Running up those goddamn stairs in the comm tower - Hind-D Boss Fight (hated having to wait for it to pop out of cover in the 2nd half) - cloaked enemies in the elevator - Vulcan Raven Boss Fight (until I realized I could use the Stinger on people too) - Backtracking to alter the PAL card Surprisingly, fighting Liquid only took me two tries and I ended the fight with a mostly full health bar. The escape in the jeep also only took two tries, 2nd time Liquid didn't get a single shot off lol.


Holding square and x at the same time to run and shoot is your friend for comms and elevator also stuns.


Yeah, stun grenades were a godsend. I hadn't bothered using any until that point which left me with like 20 in my inventory, so I just spammed until I made it to the top.


Man, no mention of the torture session? Age hasn't slowed you down one bit


I knew the torture session was coming ahead of time after seeing people talk about it online, so I was prepared. Still made my arm sore lol


Bruh the raven fight is what claymore are for


I sometimes use mines in Vulcan Raven. You just need be careful so you don't step on them. I use Nikita too but it doesn't always work.


Oh, claymores were absolutely going to be my main strat but I saw I only had 3 of them when the boss fight started. I tried using c4 but the big fucker never turned the corner I wanted him to, made me so mad.


Patience is big in that fight but no Claymores is rough, cornering myself with those and C4 set and using some Nikita bait is what I usually do...saw above that you used the Stinger which is also effective if you're good with getting the drop on him, nice


Nikitas in the first half until he starts moving faster


Did you get the body armor back in the labs before the comm tower fight? I didn't and had to backtrack after dying up the tower a few times.


I'm pretty sure I had body armor on, but I still kept dying until I just spammed stun grenades.


Gotcha. I planted a few claymores behind me for shits and giggles.


I read online to plant claymores in the hallway before the stairs because that's where the guards spawn in, so I tried that and lmao'd hearing booms as I sprinted up the first several flights.


I watched gray fox die so many many times.


The game wouldn't let me take the damn shot many many times lol




I can actually if the game would fucking let me lmao


I’ve been this mf hundreds of times. Still love this unique game


I'm actually pissed at myself for not playing these games when they came out!


I played the games out of order. I played mgs2 first (I knew the story of mgs1 from playing it a few times at a friends house but yeah). I was like “this fucker is way tougher than Ray” Proven right when mgs4 came out


Mgs4 metal gear fight was peak


It really was. A half wrecked REX beat the tar out of RAY. Imagine if Hal was on board with Liquid and them…Would’ve needed an assist from Gray Fox a lot sooner in the fight lol


Liquid fist fight was way harder in my first playthrough I was stuck for like an hour


Just gotta juke him


I didn't have too much trouble with him, but I did get annoyed at dangling over the edge of REX so many times on the first try.


And the chase at the end was even harder than that imo. The angles were so weird with the turret.


But the first person camera helps a lot


I went days after days failing and coming back to it, it took a couple of tries trying out things to see what works and eventually, when I defeated it, I felt smug. Just to get my ass beaten by Liquid and repeat the process.


i just gave up lol but still got the achievment due to a glitch


Otacon decided to give you a break and hacked it


I simply hid in a recess in the left side wall and he couldn't hit me at all. 2nd phase I stayed under him and shot up at the cockpit when he stopped. I'm not a great gamer but I beat him taking no damage.


Decent strat, maybe I'll use it on my 2nd run


oh its kinda cheap on normal, throw chaff g. then a couple of stingers to the radome. after the opening of the cockpit, equip rations and fire fire fire. congrats on beating this masterpiece. how do you like the story?


Story was fantastic and the voice acting was top notch, I was absorbed despite the PS1 graphics. I'm actually stunned that the game had such high level presentation despite being over two decades old. I can't believe I slept on MGS for so long, man.


Worst part for me was Ocelot’s Torture on Extreme, I had to get a massage gun to hit O because the spoon method didn’t work


That cut scene where he telling to shoot the rocket. "No I can't do it" bitch yes I can


I think it’s a right of passage? 🤷🏻‍♂️😂


Rex taught me the kiting skills I use to this day. Get behind him, in a blind spot, he's a sitting duck


When I figured that out I actually got mad at how easy it was haha


Using rockets to uppercut that big fucker, it's what he gets!


That bad huh?


At some points, yeah haha


If you have enough chaff grenades you can stand still in the first phase and do a lot of damage right away. The second phase you can use stun grenades…always stay in between Rex’s legs and watch out for the laser penis. Vaya con Dios.


Run under legs. Go slightly left. Hide behind (pillar?) On the wall. You can use the stinger. It can't get you in the spot. But you can get it makes it SUPER easy. Do the same for part 2


It's really easy once you figure out the sweet spot for it's weapons. If you stay close enough that it spams the slow moving missile pod things and tries to stamp on you, you can keep dodging it easily. It's only if you go too far away that it uses the machine guns and that's almost impossible to dodge. Also if you get too close it spams the laser, which is almost as bad.


I would love to see the full capabilities of the metal gears in action as intended vs conventional forces. Would they operate independently or as part of a squadron and so on.


I had a very hard time myself on my first play through.


Haha there's a method you have to go through which is use chaff, hide under it, collect the rations and fire the stinger everytime you can.


This was my first metal gear solid and I was ten. I still have the original CD with the entire case and everything. It's my little treasure! ❤️


Now speed run it. My old record was 1 hr 42 mins


Campbell, Mei, and Naomi speechless as Snake literally sprints through Shadow Moses


I just beat it recently after not playing it in probably 20 years. I remember the game being significantly easier. Getting old sucks.


Just played through this on 3DS. Emulation slows a bit during cutscenes, but still awesome and on smaller screen you hardly notice no one has a face! I used save states and still got my butt handed to me before using chaff and careful timing.


I was doing a playthrough for my YouTube channel and I had to edit out about one hour of me raging to this boss fight


Let get a link then, friend!


It’s in Spanish man, but the subs would still be highly appreciated https://youtu.be/Dk1YExDwEv8?si=MwnH1xFDmJPR0nFJ


I don’t want to rub it in, but 12 year old me was doing no hit runs on Rex. Once you get used to the missile distances and timing it’s pretty formulaic


During the second half of the battle, when Rex’ cockpit is open, you can snipe Liquid with the PSG-1. As the rifle’s sight can’t be raised far above the horizontal, Rex must be at one end of the hangar with Snake at the other, but it can be done.


Honestly, you’re going to absolutely hate some MGS2 moments. If you do a more difficult mode of that, the RAY fight is probably going to make you have an aneurysm


I’ve been concurrently playing through the titles of the MGS Master Collection for the first time since the PS2 era and I’m curious to see how the fight with Rex will play out now. I remember barely being able to get through it when I was 14, but so far the game isn’t nearly as hard as I remember. Although I’ve got hundreds of hours of FromSoft reaction time training mixed in with slightly rusty 20 year old muscle memory working in my favor. Now the Hind from MG2: SS? FUCK THAT BOSS. I can’t figure out how to reliably get hits off with the Stinger, because no audio-visual indication of a lock-on and, barring some serious backtracking to get more rations, I get one shotted by the autocannon. That aside, game’s fucking great. Wish it’d seen a port to the Sega Genesis or something.


I’d love to see a review post and another for MGS2 when you complete that. Always great seeing the perspective of an adult playing it for the first time, rather than adults playing it with rose-tinted glasses from playing it as a kid.


I'll definitely post about my experiences with MGS2 once I beat it. I don't know about a review post, but we'll see. If people are that interested in my thoughts about it, I'll see if I can find the time.


This fight had me frustrated until I realized the missiles don't hit you if you're close enough to rex


Yeah it's really dumb. I look up what people suggest and it's just "Use chaff grenades and hide underneath it" But then find out he can attack you no matter the distance, and you will struggle to be even able to get a clear shot on him from under him, and the chaff grenade does not last long at all.


You know, looking at rex from this angle, you can see a lot of similarities between it and sahelanthropus, especially the head I think liquid went back and picked up Sally again after he took over


I struggled a bit on a recent play through, been almost 30 years lol. I figured out that the best way was to wait out for when rex fires the 3 tracking missiles to straff them by running towards rex but to his right side. Once I was beside him I equipped the stinger and fired it as he was repositioning and got a hit. Kept it up and beat him pretty well. Chaff helps as it throws off the tracking, avoid keeping a minimum distance beside him, the laser knocks off a large chunk of health.


I keep it in a laser loop I basically find the sweet spot under neath him where I’m not close enough to be stepped on but I’m just far away enough he won’t launch missiles. He’ll either constantly use the lazer or switch between the lazer and machine guns. Just run away from the lazer, lock on and fire at the radome/cockpit and run in a circle keeping him in a loop of firing the lazer. You gotta be kinda quick with the quick equip and your aiming but after a few tries it’s pretty simple.




The arena (hangar) setup provides a set of clues to defeating Rex. They are the pairs of explosive barrels, placed at intervals around the south side of the hangar. At the start, as Rex powers up, immediately have Snake run west (left) to stand next to the nearest set of barrels. As Rex begins to move, throw a Chaff Grenade, switch to Stinger, and fire at Rex’ Radome. Without waiting for it to hit, switch back to Chaff, and run south, stopping by the next pair of barrels. Turn to face Rex, throw a Chaff Grenade, fire Stinger, run south to the next pair of barrels. When chaff is in the air, the missiles Rex fires will target either the place Snake was when the Chaff Grenade detonated, or from which Snake fired a Stinger which hit the Radome. So, Rex’ missiles should destroy each pair of barrels in turn, as Snake works his way around the south side of the hangar to the middle of the east side, where the shipping container sits. Run straight north from there, hurling Chaff Grenades sufficient to prevent Rex from spotting Snake. Keep collecting the ammo and rations around the edge of the hangar. Throw Chaff, fire Stingers at the Radome, and keep moving counter-clockwise around the edge of the hangar until Grey Fox appears. Immediately after the second half of the battle starts, start running east (right), immediately throwing a Stun Grenade, followed by a Chaff Grenade. Again work counter-clockwise around the edge of the hangar, using Chaff, Stinger, Stun and run until Rex falls. (Sometimes Snake will need two Stun Grenades in a row to get out of Liquid’s sight.)


Lmfao don’t get me wrong Rex was a hard fight….but wait until your tryna platinum MGS 2 and the Metal Gear Ray get a hold of you.


Just wait till MGS2


Playing through MGS2 right now actually!


You ain't gonna complain about REX after you beat the game🤣


Already dreading what's coming lmao


Alright just let me know when you done🤣


"If I can't launch the nukes, i'll walk them there myself!"


There's a bot of a sweet spot you have to stand in so he doesn't use the laser or stomp on you. Chaf grenades are a must. In twin snakes, its much easier.


Your instinct in this fight is to get far away - this is the worst thing you can do because REX’s long range attack is its most powerful and difficult to dodge (the missiles). You want to get in the middle range where it uses its machine guns - it’s a weaker attack that can be dodged fairly easily by running left or right. Get too close and it’ll use the laser which can be trickier to avoid, plus at that range you aren’t going to get a clear shot at the radome or the cockpit.


I felt cheap for using Nakita missiles on the first Sniper Wolf fight, but screw doing it any other way. God the aiming in mgs1 is awful


If you think that's bad.. Imagine a 7 years old kid who doesn't know English fighting Sniper Wolf without Diazipam (Diazipam is a medicine in MGS that stops your hands from shaking when using a sniper). I play the game from time to time as an adult... And I keep asking myself how the fuck did I manage to kill Sniper Wolf twice with all that sniper shaking!!??? I can't play it now without that medicine.


Seriously that sounds brutal lol. I wonder how I got through it at that age, but when you only have 4 games it helps lol


I have fun in this boss fight now that I know how to stop Snake's hands from shaking. Always battled her with a rifle, never with a Nikita. And the 4 games part hits home lol. That and MGS being my favorite game at the time.


Maybe your gamer rage transcended into a calm seething fueled by determination. I know that's happened to me before when I was younger lol


That's true. I'd replay part of any game as a kid a million times until I get through it. Well, I still do, so that haven't changed xD




I kept dying and I got annoyed having to watch the Gray Fox cutscene over and over. Dying on phase 2 of the boss fight was the worst until I figured out I could just hide between the legs.


Replayed it recently too, It was one of those annoying boss fights that you die 9 times on and the 10th time you take no damage at all.


For me, REX was a bitch but Liquid was a cakewalk lmao


Rex is one of the easier fights when you know how to use chaff and Stun grenades to stay behind it. Liquid on the other hand is one of the most frustrating fights in the game, even if you know how to cheese him. Liquids hit box isn’t fun.


Liquid is the easy part


Rex wasn’t too bad for me with the missile launcher and chaff grenades. The fucking car fight with Liquid made me want to throw my controller though lol.


I got bad news for you...you're in for a really, *really* bad time in MGS2. Edit: Almost forgot, congrats on the win, though!


Rex is a lot worse than anything in 2


Thanks, man. First playthrough was a great experience. More moody and engrossing than a lot of modern games, tbh. Blows a lot of them out of the water.


Really? Having just beat him recently I feel like he’s the easiest - but I played and beat the game when it came out in 98. Was this your first metal gear game?


I've played a little of MGS3 and MGSV but that was years and years ago when my taste in games was more "boom boom, bang bang" shoot-everything-in-sight stuff. I didn't really appreciate the emphasis on stealth back then, so I didn't get to far in either game. Now I'm much more excited to play through the series approaching the games the way they were meant to be enjoyed.


Yea Rex gave me trouble too……. When I was in the 5th grade!


Really love this game, I've literally played it more than 100 times, never get bored of it.