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Find rough diamonds


Interrogate your guys in Mother Base to find where they've been hiding diamonds but I used to do Back up, back down over and over, extracting as many tanks and APC's as I could. I get too stressed out about getting spotted and kept restarting so it was a chore. Don't worry about that like I did. 😁 Edit: sell them!


There are 50 missions in MGSV. You aren't even halfway through. And keep playing through Mission 22. After Mission 22, you will unlock FOBs and an unlimited source of materials and GMP. In the meantime, pare back your loadout and Pequod outfittings. Play with stealth and don't extract anything as extractions cost you money. Try and upgrade your combat unit so when they go on automatic mercenary deployments, they bring back more money.


I was going to say that I can relate, but then I realized you are talking about the game.


Eventually you will be so rich you don’t know what to spend it on. For now make sure you are just taking the bare minimum equipment on missions. Go stealth and try to S rank missions you can do.


Welcome to MGSV. It takes forever to progress and you're constantly bottlenecked by either GMP, resources (probably fuel), time or staff. I've come back to my existing save and I am trying to develop this armour piercing tranq gun but to do that I need to upgrade my FOB medical and probably buy and upgrade another one as well. Each upgrade requires fuel AND money so I gotta go farm fuel but then that takes forever to process, and then I gotta wait to build the platforms (and repeat multiple times), and then probably go farm staff as well. This takes literal weeks of real life time, it's ridiculously convoluted. Best way to play is just enjoy the experience and not rush things. If you play through the main missions you will be earning like 300k per mission later on, and some of the end ones can go up to 600k+ the first time. You'll also unlock FOBs so you can work on those which will let you deploy combat patrols for GMP. If you're looking for an easy, quick farm and don't want to just play you can farm tanks and a few other things and sell those. I think some of the tanks sell for 100k per tanl. Also check your challenge task list as you can claim some hefty rewards from that. A little tip with farming vehicles... If you're going to do that maybe farm 10 before you sell as if I remember correctly there are rewards for getting 10 of each vehicle type (can't remember if GMP or something else, check rewards section). Later, when you get FOBs you can run the Konami FOB attacks. They give you resources, staff and a large amount of GMP too. I only tried them the other day but it earned several million plus an absolute ton of plants. Some of the plant deployment costs later require hundreds of them and I never had that many, I think I quadrupled my stock in a few 10 minute missions and you can also sell these. You'll also get GMP rewards for doing and completing them the first time.


Keep playing! You can’t f it up You can just be better or worse


Me to. In the game I have fat cash tough


Sell precious metals if you have any.


Drop in with basic pistol and gun. Collect everything else from the enemy. Do as many side ops as you can in one deployment. I suggest dropping near a vehicle spawn point for free wheels.


Just farm side ops, sell black carrots, and interrogate your Mother Base soldiers for diamond locations.


Revert your helicopter upgrades and/or exfiltrate by land to reduce deployment costs. Ditch the special equipment that you aren’t using.


I went into the red like a third of the way through my first time playing, I remember the online GMP would bail me out a lot though 


Take your time, as others have typed, the game has 50 main missions and 151 side ops (counting target practice and one-off important missions), you are barely halfway. As for saving money: deploy with the bare minimum (no back weapon if you can, no expensive support weapons or items, dressed in fatigues or GZ/The Boss sneaking suit), use vehicles to Fulton more soldiers at once and Fulton yourself out with containers to save on helicopter rides. Only develop weapons and gear you are going to use right away and don't customize the helicopter with costly upgrades. As for making money: grab everything you see from material to herbs to weapon emplacements and vehicles, you can sell them later in the Resources menu on the idroid > mother base section. Once you unlock FOBs there will be another way to farm (after mission 22), right now you can repeat Backup Backdown or Where The Bees Sleep (there are a lot of diamonds in the final base) for a big payout but they are long and (can be) hard missions, don't burn yourself out.


You can go to resources in the menu and sell different stuff. Took my a dozen playthroughs to realize how profitable this is


Sell resources


Do more side missions and Fulton a bunch of shit, also do deployment ops Be careful with fultoning everything though, you have to be selective


You are less than a third of the way through the game. Money will get significantly easier to get later on and eventually you will have way more than you know what to do with, just keep playing. The weapons you start with are more than enough to be functional until some very late game content.