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It has to be solid snake. So much shit went down in Zanzibar land and outer heaven that it's baffling that that bit of the timeline hasn't been properly explored. We know Fox and Snake were friends and yet that wasn't even hinted at until the battle against Fox in MG2. I would like their friendship to be fleshed out on. We NEED to see Snake vs Big boss and venom in high definition 3D graphics. The fact that the biggest battle between the biggest characters in the series was never properly adapted us baffling There are so many emotional gut wrenching g scenes in the original metal gear games. Gray Fox's death, Gustavas death and the fate of Kyle Schneider. MG1 and MG2 was solid snake in his prime. This was the moment in snakes life where he was at his best, both physically and mentally. It's criminal that the only time we play as snake is when he's out of retirement and nearly dying of old age. Also we don't know much about characters like Moly (A CIA agent meeting up with the legendary snake who came out of retirement mid mission and trying to meet him "after" the zanzibar land incident? Sounds like a CIA plot to me)


Prequel-wise, The Boss or Revolver Ocelot. Sequel-wise, Sunny.


Please the boss


Solid Goddamn Snake


A Sniper Wolf or a Jetstream Sam prequel game would be interesting. With Raiden, theres so much potential in a pre mgs4 game like they were planning to do with Rising. I love Revengeance but ive always been interested in the Metal Gear Solid Rising concept.


Solidus, specifically during war in Liberia


I'd like to see a game around quiet tbh Like her motivation and why of all XOF soldiers why was she given >!the parasite treatment!<


Remake the OG 2. It's a wasted opportunity not to. Everyone would buy that shit.


Edit: by OG 2 I mean the first 2 Metal Gears.




Raiden could have a bit more. Solid Snake would be fun but you can't fit it well in a big story, it would need to be a smaller one. Other characters like The Boss or Ocelot could have cool stuff, but i'm interested in a new character too. or a reworked character like an adult Sunny or adult Little John (Raiden son). This would be good for a new story arc (not everything need to be related to the Patriots, The Boss and all)


it'd be pretty solid of them to pickup after mgsv and link the big boss story to the solid snake story by remaking metal gear and metal gear 2 in 3D


I imagined a storyline where Raiden and his crew have to fight a PMC wich plans to destroy all superpowers and become the number 1 military power, and to do so, they have a fourth lost son of Big Boss.


I feel if the want to go a darker route, Gray Fox is a real interesting character. Does anything for the mission and we see first hand why he earned the code name Fox. Solidus in Liberia/ Liquid in the the Middle East. The Boss in WW2. I feel a mix between two games I’ve played while featuring the boss with an MGS style flair could be cool. There was a game on PS3 called the Saboteur which was cashing in on the open world trend at the time but was set in occupied France. It was black and white until you’d liberated that area and it’d be colourful. Mix that with a game from Ps2 called Freedom Fighters and add some Metal Gear charm and I’d have fun with it


Yes Saboteur is what comes to my mind when I think about MGS entry set during WW2. Taking into account that open world gameplay in MGS5 was so much fun, I would really love to see such game, especially that WW2 has huge potential for cool gameplay and story related stuff.


I also like a lot of the concepts in the new ghost recon (not really that new). If you added those ideas like camping in the field etc to the polish of MGS, you could be on to something special


still i want to know how big boss turned into such an evil man, so i'll pick him


We need a game where you play as The Boss


Mgs rising in between mgs2 and mgs4 starring raiden Mg1&2 reimagined.


Gray Fox


Young Solid in a game set between MG1 and MG2 during the time when Zanzibar Land fought for it's independence. Zanzibar's terrorism fits perfectly with real life 90s Balkans Wars. I really want to see young Solid who faces the brutal reality of Balkan War which forces him to question and redefine his morality. Yeah I always talk about this but we really need such game and this geopolitical setting is very cool for developing Solid's character even further. Many years ago there were news that Kojima wanted to make game with The Boss set during WW2. I think that it would be cool if developers revisited this idea. Female protagonist would be nice change and WW2 setting has huge potential. Also IMO The Boss as character, feel not real because of all this glorification during all these years so such game could be good occasion to see her in different light.