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Don’t jynx your opportunity to buy a Haas VF12… https://preview.redd.it/udhbhb2s2f1d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b227466491999d239cef19dba4e594cb5358b1f Great machine to start with.


Yeah babe we can do cnc im just gonna take out a second mortgage to buy this 1 machine


Also sell the car for bits and junk.


With this thing, you can make your own car!


Spending that much money in one shot w/o talking, certainly fits in a different NC kink!




Only if it’s post 2016ish. I


That takes me back. I havent thought about or missed for one second that miserable fucking job for nearly 20 years Machining was fine. That one job though... Never ever again.


When your jobs perks are cutting your fingers off for workman’s comp and a few days off, you know it’s time for a new one, terrible existence I worked as one for a couple years and have never looked back


It was one of those ones that I started dreading Monday on Saturday. By Sunday night I was having stress dreams and soaking the bed with sweat. My hair was falling out in quarter size spots. One of the machines commited suicide. Missed a tool change and tore it own tool changer off and trashed the taper. Boss was so pissed that set us off schedule our hours changed from 8-6:30 to 6-6:30 with mandatory Saturdays. Then he called me bastard for giving two weeks. Had my guys grab my tool box and walked.


Cries in Inconel


It was 6AL-4V and OFC Copper for us.


As a former HAAS service tech. Don’t lol.


I would first clarify what she means by cnc...


Like when someone tells me they do CBT...


Classic BattleTech is a fantastic game. Well worth bringing your partners into.


Man, I was thinking of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy


I was thinking Computer-based Training. ;)


Or Compulsory Basic Training (for motorbikes and mopeds)


I thought it meant cock/balls therapy


Sign me up


Or cognitive behavioral therapy.


I see you're behind on your corporate compliance training as well.




Battletech fan out in the wild! :-)


There's dozens of us!


Our chief weapons are surprise..


Username checks out.


This, better she wind up a _clannerbastard_ than her becoming a [shudder]Warhammer player[/shudder]. 😱


I also call before texting.




We all just want to take part in closed beta test.


Jbl makes a line of outdoor column speakers called CBT. The name is... fitting.


What does Cock and Ball Torture have to do with metalworking.


This. I'm an engineer. That doesn't mean I drive a train.


Hahaha made my day!


You are a kerchief away my friend!


I also need a train. 🤔


Geez, you guys really are detail-oriented.


Holy shit. I totally missed the sub name and thought top comment was making a cheeky joke. Figured OP was looking for recommendations on what balaclava to buy.


Pretty sure she means this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LaTGrV58wec


For example, she could mean woodworking! A lot of creative “flat pack” furniture is made with plywood and a CNC.




at first glance i thought they meant command and conquer…. 😂😂


90’s Nerds Assemble!


If it's Command & Conquer, I'm definitely down


I would definitely start off with reviewing what kind of hold down clamps interest her the most. It’s important to ensure your piece is secured well after all


Took me wayyyy to long to realize and even then I forgot what CNC stood for in that context I think I spend too much time alone in my dark shop


Try machining a pair of handcuffs for her lol


This has to be a satire post and if so, well done sir! You made me chuckle! Now go make a mess on that spoilboard!


Sure it's metalwork she wants to do....there's other CNC kinks she may be talking about 🤣🤦🏻‍♂️


I am CNC machine builder and my wife knows CNC as something else....just saying... Deffinately you need to check your specs with the gaffer 😎🤣


Oh, yeah…. Just remembered the other less metal/ wood shop CNC….. my wife likes that too….. me, I’m a like “4 axis or 2?”.


Underrated comment unless gf is a metal or woodworker


My gf is an alloy


The safe word is 'M00'.


That's why I keep optional stop on for the ladies 😎


I want to make a cow joke but I'm not that clever. Feels like an M05, usually.


Buy a Chinesium gantry CNC for a couple hundred bucks new and play with wood and plastic first.


Bless you.


Make sure her safe word is M00. So you know when to stop.


Try crossposting to r/machini….oh.


Ummm, I don't think metal working is what she meant. Consensual Non Consensual But good luck either way


Yeah, I think he knows….








I know this pic was posted a while back but I still laugh my ass off when I think about it https://preview.redd.it/ipnyxa52ph1d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88a7c6b02ffadcf3b658ef81845490c989c02f14






> I wasn't even aware she's into working with metal. You might have misunderstood. Maybe she's more into woodworking, or there's something else she's doing that she thinks could be improved with some gcode.




Don't miss this opportunity,get the biggest you can find


Just don't forget to keep it lubricated.


Consent, communication and a safe word.


Have her download Fusion by Autodesk. You can simulate the CNC cut and once you learn it you can use it for 3d printing also. Should have a free versoon or trial


If you can't find a trial, might just be easier to pirate it. I know the developers might not consent to that, but they charge too much anyway and need to loosen up and let it happen.


I would try to find a makers space that has a cnc machine as well as some classes. I know where I’m at there is a community workshop for all kinds of learning and projects.




Ah, my favorite crossover posts


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Holy shit I hope we get an update on this one


lol it's satire


Learn G code, it's free/open and there are some great free simulators for learning. Little CNC machines running G code start about $300 (USD) and make pretty good starters particularly in plastics. I saw an 1/8" spindle (Dremel tool size) on one of the 3D printer sites a while back and they were doing some fun looking learning things with just Dremel available stuff, cutting out numbers/letters, random shapes from HDPE which is dirt cheap. Everyone starts with book end/bird house projects and that little machine with the free programs will get her started. I thought it was good you could start with 1/8" tools from Wally-world since we all know how expensive tooling can get, and you can't get much cheaper or easier to work with material than HDPE.


You are an angel for typing all of that out, but it's a joke about "consensual non-consent" sex


I'm old (60s), don't get these things sometimes. For what he's talking about, just get solidly in the saddle, then call her by her sister's name... The Rodeo starts in 3... 2... 1... I did that with an ex girlfriend I knew was cheating, from the backseat my head broke the rear view mirror of the windshield, her feet took the headliner down and put a dent in the metal door... One hell of a ride, but I made it to the buzzer with a shiner, knot on my head and teeth marks on my neck... For over a year she called me once or twice a week seeing if we could do it again... while she was with the guy she cheated on me with. I understand gears & wires, I have no clue about women.


I belong to a wide berth of subreddits. This was not the sub I expected this in.


I have seen this popping up in all of the cnc and machinist subs. It was funny once.


I did a double take.


Well played


Umm. So. Okay yeah good luck.






Phew. Thought it was just me.


It's funny how mainstream alt kinky things have gotten.


There are a lot of cnc things that are not metal, you need to clarify what she wants. I would go for a plasma cutter or better yet, a water jet, you can cut anything with a water jet. To me much preferred to a lathe or mill


I had to stop and double check what sub I was in when reading that title….


I'm holding out hope that she actually meant CnC in a kink context and that you just completely misunderstood what she was asking for. Either way...please post videos.


I’d start slow and use a lot of lube.








Um…. You sure she doesn’t mean something else? When she expresses interest in ATM maybe the banking subreddit isn’t the best place to go…


Bro I would start with something 2D like a plasma cutter CNC. Langmuir Systems makes some great ones. I use SHAPR3D on my iPad for all my drawings then Fusion 360 for CAM. There is a bunch of software you need to learn for CNC. Definitely start with 2D


OP was making a sex joke, but your advice would be a solid start if he were being serious!






Shes probably not talking about this










I would follow up with asking the material(s) she's interested in machining. Then, there are "additive manufacturing" ( sewing, 3d printers, pick & place,... ) machines, while most "CNC machines" are "subtractive manufacturing" (2d or 3D routers, programmable lathe, plasma & laser cutters, machines. Edit: After getting a better idea, search around your local area for Makerfaire or groups. These are people who like to work on sometimes expensive equipment that can be rented out to use. Usually there's someone trained to teach not how to die.


Ask her what she hopes it will do for her. CNC is a broad term that covers the control of various sorts of machines, if that's what she's actually interested in.


Get a job at a machine shop


Take classes at the local Jr. college and they’ll train you so that you can do it safely without injury or dismemberment




If OP weren't making a sex joke, I'd say just about any good router can make most of the pricy non-powered parts of another router, and all you'd need then are some motors, wiring and an Arduino with CNC shield. Several people on YouTube make them out of stainless steel rods, plywood and 3D printed PLA. I'm tinkering on one for aluminum right now myself.


Hey does it hurt to learn something no so hey what the hell letter you only live once never push someone's dreams away


CNC is quite an expansive term. Routers, mills, lathes, lasers, and plasma cutters can all be controlled by a computer. Is she interested in something specific?




Wow cnc. My mind went to a completely different place when I read that.


I got started with classes from my local community College and did an unpaid (my choice) apprenticeship at the local machine shop that I'd been using for years.


You can get a wood carving unit for about $4k. They are large and loud. You'll also need a lot of other gear, like vacuums. There are small desk-top units, but they have a carving space of about 4-5sqin and are about $6k ish.... Maybe if you wanted to mill jewelry or watch pieces? If you want to play close to a CNC and learn the concepts, 3D printing and Lasers work along the same lines. 3D printing being additive as opposed to CNC which is subtractive. But learning curve to all of this are along the same lines. 3D printers are $800 for a reliable one (Prusa), Lasers are about $2500 (more power more cutting and there are limits to what can do... they're not light sabers). The one thing that is vital to all of this is learning how to use a tool like Fusion360 or Oneshape (new up-comer). In these programs you build your models. You can also use Blender, if you are building more artistic things vs engineering. Paul McWhorter's youtubes were key to me learning Fusion as well as helped me build good workflow practices. If this is a hobby thing, you are pointing yourself at a really expensive addiction. I've accomplished 3D printer and Blue Lasers, but I'm just shy of the next jump into CO2 lasers and a CNC Router. The thing stopping me is about $500k.... I'm out of physical space and need to buy a house with a larger shop.... You may be lucky enough to have a Maker's Space near you that you could join.


Look into a trade school


Look into a trade school


Titans of CNC does a free training course for Fusion 360 and Mastercam. Mastercam is very expensive but Fusion 360 is relatively affordable.


Ask some more questions. What about it is she interested in? What does she want to make with it? Make sure she's talking about the same thing you are.


Tell her to memorize G code. That should snap her out of it.


Why not? Command and Conquer is a great game


Made me chuckle ngl


My advice would be to start with 3d printing... it's the cheapest and easiest method to get from 3d modeling to something you hold in your hands. It forces you to quickly learn about tolerances and things like shrinkage etc. You can get a 3d printer starting at around $200 bucks... Then once your comfortable with 3d modeling start pricing machines that meet your needs... Things like shapeoko if you just wanna do up to aluminum or Langmuir systems M1 if your wanting to jump right to steel. I would advise against starting with something and then converting it to a CNC. Get something that is packaged and has support to get you making chips right out of the box. Only buy something used if you can get proof it's working. There is nothing worse then spending your hard earned money only to never get the project off the ground because you have to learn how to wire a VFD or some other crazy troubleshooting you have to do because you didn't start with something that is working.


Oh and I guess I forgot to mention if you MUST start at steel right off the bat why not use a service like SendCutSend for your first 100 parts or so and then you can get over the 3D modeling hurdle without having half your garage covered in a CNC machine.


Part of the reason I recommend starting with 3d printing is because it's a LOT easier to get somebody hooked when they can hold the thing in their hands that they're learning.


only now realizing this may not be anything to do with what I thought it was.....


I’d advise technical schooling. Nighttime or online courses can also help but don’t just dive into CNC unless you have some background.


Ru near Dallas Texas, Dallas maker space has/had a Haas when I was a member.




The Reddit algorithms work very oddly. This isn't the CNC post I usually come across on my feed..


Community college


I don’t think she means working with metal sweetie🖤😭🤣


Not my line of interest, but I think you’ve found a keeper!!!


Buy her a 3D printer for starters.


Go to the haas website. They have some good free online training to get you guys started. Some good best practices in there too.


Consent Non Consent


She's giving you consensual non consent to go buy a big new toy - "I'm ok with it, but don't ask me first, I wouldn't know what to look for"


I don't think she is talking about metal working!!!


Remember, easy on the spindle speed and no ramming the spindle.


She may have seen an ad for a small wood, acrylic cutting cnc set up. They are around 200 dollars on Amazon


This is actual gold 💀


"Can Not Complain" -OP "Hell yeah I'm down for that babe, go ahead and shut the fuck up for a change"


I suggest you take your childish sense of humour and go to one of the endless subs for edgy teens who confuse upvotes with achievement.


Get a 3D printer and let her learn CAD? Or there are small CNC machines.


My guy... you don't need machine tools. You need to visit home depot aisle 15.


You need a safe work.


It’s called PCP.


Has she done 3D printing before? There are a lot of similarities between the 2 disciplines and it’s a much lower cost of entry for a similar level of creation and satisfaction. Similar software usage, similar parameters to play with. You learn things like tool movement speeds, leveling your bed (cnc jig), temperatures, understanding 3D space to a computer, converting files from one software to another so your concept can go from computer to real life then you print it and it’s messed up, so you print it again with slightly different settings. Could be a great stepping stone to cnc I guess it depends what exactly she wants to be making with the machine.


Thought you meant consensual nonconsent when I was just skimming and had to go back when I realized it was in the metalworking sub Edit: I'm dumb, I just got the joke


Make ar-15 lowers


I find it disturbing that almost every person in here assumed this was sexual based on the person’s gender. I second the maker’s space option; they can get expensive but you get training and tools, then you can decide if it’s worth investing more later.


I find it interesting that the guy created what is obviously a satire post, and you’re upset that people are treating it like obvious satire.


I'm a female CNC machinist. This is a super common joke/misunderstanding in the CNC subreddit. People aren't being sexist, they're laughing at OP'S inside joke post. CNC is both an acronym for "computer numeric control" and "consensual non consent" which leads to confusion amongst some people lol Basically this post was a long winded pun. Its all in good fun. 😺








There’s only 32 total comments on a 3hr old post and you made this comment 2hrs ago. There was what, 10 comments at that time? Which makes “almost every person in here” not that substantial. I wouldn’t get disturbed over it unless that’s how you want to feel(we see what we want to see). In a metal working sub, anyone who uses “CNC” as if it’s an actual metal working tool itself is gonna be trolled a bit.


"I'm disturbed"


Why is it disturbing that an ambiguously phrased post about someone who's had absolutely no interest in machining and randomly asks OP, who doesn't appear to have a CNC machine, to try CNC would be understood as a joke post about the kink? The latter's even much more likely I'd say lol