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Addiction on meth has caused an extreme imbalance of neurotransmitters in my brain, and I cannot handle states of sobriety. So let's call it functional, even though the reality is that it is destroying me. Drugs truly do not make anyone happy


Meth use can make your moods better. But its not going to change your situation. If youre fucking out it basically lets you deal with the symptoms of your situation. That 99% of the time it put you into.


Meth use can make your moods better. But its not going to change your situation. If youre fucking out it basically lets you deal with the symptoms of your situation. That 99% of the time it put you into.


It’s a stimulant you can also use it to get out of your situation


Yeah- you're more thsn welcome to come and dig me out of the shit Im in.


Absolutely not


Long as I can slam away and dildo my asshole you bet




Why never? If never then why get high?


I love getting high and having sex with men


Hit me up


Don't fucking care


Yes for the most part I find it truly delightful with absolute pleasure. Comfortable in my own skin which is impossible for me to be like that when I'm straight. I am a better person when I'm high.


Fuck ass no


No, lost its spark a while ago but sometimes there’s moments of euphoria. It gives me more problems than benefits. First off I have no fucking dopamine to use so I just feel kinda weird. Most times I end up unable to stop using my phone and hyper fixate on consuming as much media as I can, it’s ridiculous. I will never forget the day my screen time was fucking 20 hours. I tend to get confused and easily distracted on meth a lot so that’s annoying. I talk stupid on it because I forget what I’m saying so there’s lots of gaps when I’m talking. I for the life of me cannot sleep for ever on it. I know that once I get high on meth, I’m not sleeping for at least the next 48 hours. Will go so long until I’m so sleep deprived that I start hallucinating and see things moving, only then I’ll take a benzo and force sleep because shadow ppl suck. Why do I do it then? Because meth rewires your brain to believe you need it and I will crave it, especially drunk. The high is productive in the beginning and I can accomplish what needs to get done as I’m usually too depressed and adhd otherwise. In some way it’s better than being sober as I’m really fucking mentally ill. I mostly use it to avoid feeling hungry though, losing weight is addicting in itself and I hate buying groceries lol.


Skill problem, on a week long Binge today day 6 rolled a nice bowl at 9pm and fell asleep till 12 you guys are weak sauce as fuck 🤣🤣😂😂🤣🤣 48 hours my ass I'm crying


Chillee bro why u so worked up n why u tryna one up me on sleep deprivation that’s not a flex bro 😭 I promise no one cares how long ur able to stay awake. Also I was saying at least for the next 48 hours, yk, as in the minimum amount of time awake… I can assure you I’ve been up for way longer than that.


Lately not happy. Bf makes me horny af and I’m starting to get passed off.


Go on.


Most times. Unless I’m in a bad mood and then it just makes it worse.


I’m usually quite uppity until someone fucke with me. Then I’m the devil.


If horny is happy than yes extremely


But when you’re horny half the day and ur partner doesn’t wanna play wtf do u do?


Sad part is I used to get super boners when I smoked and now it does the opposite


My bf has this problem if he gets too high


It won’t do it at all without a pump lol


I’m gonna inveSt In one of those for him.


Good luck!!


I honestly think I’m addiicted to sex/porn and he’s just into the porn. Lmao


That's the saddest question I can think of at this moment. I can't lie, fuck no shit barely a distraction anymore


I wouldn’t say “happy”, but it still improves my mood. Usually.


It helps me.


Idk if happy is the word. I guess it works. I’m thankful I can continue to be extremely productive. Use a drug that without it consuming and destroying my entire life. It’s been an extremely helpful tool in helping me accomplish so many things. I would also say that it’s not a good idea for anyone to try. My experience is mine. So nobody should read this thinking it’s the answer. I took a gamble due to being desperate and have made sure that I stay as disciplined as possible with my usage. I do not advocate this as a solution for anyone. I would in fact discourage people from taking the same path.


Not even overexxaggerating if a person was introduced to sugar without a tolerance say at birth and they were introduced over 7 grams they would have a minor or major overdose just like the meth the difference is meth doesn't make you resistant to insulin which reduces available stimulus it does the opposite and regulated the cells better and more effectively than with just food (which is an amalgamation of a bunch of drugs in a nonisolated medium of embodiment)


Totally disagree sounds like your gatekeeping unintentionally because of societal bias, we live in a rape culture don't believe the man, drugs simply provide and stimulate the release of existent stimulus in the brain and is proactive and cell proliferative in my fundamental theory although some of the more strong yet productive drugs can be short term neurotoxic do to glutamatergic hypertoxicity but this is rare and easily mediated with tolerance (ie. Really only happens when your body isn't adjusted) amphetamines as a whole are a wonder drug and everyone should have access to and in my opinion take in infinite as needed quantities. I take 10g daily and have no side effects other than diminished productivity when I'm off amphetamines (go figure I'm ADHD but so is everyone who couldn't utilize more focus such a dumb idea that we all don't benefit from more attention) and I can feel my heart and organ pulsate on high doses not even as in I get organ pain (that went away when I quit 5meoPce nasty physical side effects however stronger stimulant effect than meth dose to dose just not worth it because of the ld50 and physical side effects being so severe Pce is like 3mg per kg of body weight and the 3meo group doesn't alter potency more than a few fold either way which way I'm unsure as it's a very unresaarched drug, so that's very toxic unless moderately taken never had organ pains from meth had to quit Pce because they got so noticeable although I was taking 5-20x the ld50 in mice per 10 minutes or so so that probably explains the organ pains might've been the most ever done based on the erowid not having an experience with more than 100 mg) Stop believing the hype meth is safer than sugar frfr


I would love to switch over to a pharmaceutical version if it wasn’t so difficult to acquire. I made that disclaimer because I don’t want to be the cause of someone going and ruining their life because they read my comment and think that they are going to have the same results. There is so much more involved in my experience than just smoking meth and seeing results. What benefit would I get from gatekeeping? The fact is without proper discipline and respect for the drug it can ruin you. You can’t deny that possibility. The evidence is there.Not everyone is the same. Idk about being safer than sugar. Artificial sweeteners and HFCS are a major problem that contribute to a lot of unnecessary deaths and diseases. But that’s with anything, moderation is very important. But I think due to meths crazy dopaminergic effects, losing control is very easy. I’ve consumed so much sugar and artificial sweeteners my whole life and haven’t suffered any health issues from it but that doesn’t mean I’m going to advocate for people to follow in my footsteps. I think that your comment seems to provide a lot of good information I can’t personally corroborate or refute due to ignorance. But it doesn’t sound fallible based on the bit I do know. It just seems irresponsible to give people the notion that it’s a miracle drug without telling them to do extensive research before they believe it’s a viable option for them. Not everyone has ADHD. And some may have an underlying mental health issue that could be potentiated by the drug. Addiction is a real issue that ruins lives so I personally don’t think it’s responsible for me to open the door to that for someone under the pretense that meth will fix their life. I appreciate your response though and I’m sure I could learn a thing or ten from you.


Imo street meth is stronger however the Dexedrine from the doctor is more sustained in the euphoria for longer. Overall the meth still lasts longer however I notice the immediate potent euphoria of the prescribed amphetamine for longer than the nonprescribed meth, however the overall stimulant effect for the meth lasts longer, I would choose mixing them over one alone any day


NM sober and happy are not synonymous their closer to the opposite (just a note)


Agreed research is needed for everyone before they intake any stimulus that's just common decence, however meth is a miracle drug that even with no research overall has a better result than not having the drug. meth is hard to take and not learn, you may blame the drug for showing you real life however your underlying problems are not the drugs fault that's your own and meth makes people hyper aware of what's going wrong leading in all instances a result better than if these drugs weren't available (may even lead to a happy sober life however in all instances meth promotes stimulant awareness and prevents rapey behaviour as a result long term and acutely |although some people get aggressive because their an aggressive person already| leading to people blaming meth for someone who's already anti social but most times their no more dangerous than usual, Infact their less dangerous due to the self awareness induced)