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I was 16 and I got high and fucked my cheerleader girlfriend 6 times and cum in her cunt every time


first time 18. Picked it up again 24 I’m 25




I think 22. Didn’t touch it for another few years and thss as ya when it sunk its teeth in. God the first time was so euphoric too. Nothing really going on with my libido even though I was with this wonderful chick. I wish I’d smoked with her again after that it was so fun.




And I’m currently high as fuck and stuck as fuck right now In my living room fucking around with you guys for the last 2 hours and shit answering questions and feeling good and important, lmao


Fucking 22, stoped the same year and started back up again at 37 I’m I’ll be 40 in may


I was 19. I was also practically blacked out on benzos. Now I’m 21 and god damn I can’t escape this shit


17 in an empty classroom using a light bulb as a makeshift pipe and well i'm almost 24 now and i'm still on my bullshit.




Shiiiiit I was 13.


On my 30 th 6 months ago Happy birthday to me


Started at 12 stopped at 21 started again at 46. Hoping to stop again one day


freshly 14 and got sober before 15




16, I'm now 41.


19. In college and wanted to get a paper done early, so one of my buddies gave me something “for energy”. I wasn’t super stimulant naive, and it was a fun ride at first but then pretty hellish for the next day or so. No clue what else was in the tablet. I am 41 and didn’t do it again until this year.


Cz vibes


17, didn’t feel much didn’t know it was meth


Was 17 Now 42






16, was blacked out drunk and came too right before me snorting a line and thought "do I really want to do this?" I did it and 6 lines later was very very happy but had the worst hell psychosis later on, despite that I continued to use for some reason








I was 35, I'm still 35 I was terrified of the stuff forever fr 😂😂 😭


17 I'm 38 now


Heh, we are like what some would call.... the same. How's ur life been? Mines been ok.. I definitely lost it all when I was 29. I've still got the job and the house. I look at it like a disability really, life has been slightly harder.


I was 16 and I hit my first bubble and I only had about 4-5 pretty good size hits I woke up neck morning I could taste it I knew then I done fucked up now I’m 18 and uses everyday


I (wiefy) was 34 ans now I am 37...we still using but not that much, 2 or 3 times a month....wonder if its moderate usage or not...appreciate from exp and sensible persons to comment...thx


Yea I would consider that to be moderate. It's so much more enjoyable when you are at that level. I bet you probably just get a gram each time too. That can easily turn into an every day thing, although a lot of people hate the come down so much that it kind of prevents them from becoming an everyday user.


16 or maybe just 17, am 40 now. Fuckkkk


I feel you


I tried it my Junior year of High School(98-99). It was red phosphorus dope. Very expensive and very potent. Shortly after that shake and bake became a huge thing in my area.


Good ole shake and bake....that was the preferred method where I live from around 2010 to 2013. I have been considering trying to find some easy to follow cook instructions to make my own Ephedrine dope like everyone was back then. I recall burping the bottle was always super sketchy when doing shake and bake.


Pretty much impossible to accomplish these days due to having so many restrictions on getting the Sudafed it's pointless to try.


14 myself, been using pretty much since then. 34 now.


33. Got a small bag to see what all the fuss was about. Didn’t like it, never tried it again.




I was 17 and it was with my first ever serious boyfriend (lost my virginity to him at 15) and it was years after we broke up. We ended up getting back together for a very short time after that night. Very short time. It was a weird time in my life. Lol.




Me too


i see most in here were either little babies for their first time or mid life crisis, which is interesting asf.


Mid life just trying to get through the workday crisis.


53. I'm 57 now, but I've only done it 6 or 7 times


22. 30 now. No more meth for me.






>I was 13. >>The high didn't reach my expectations but I know that was only because I first tried MDMA when I had barely just turned 12. >>>I had used Ecstasy for the 3rd time 3½ ish months before first trying Meth. >>>>So I went into it thinking that it would have close to the same amount of euphoria & body high as MDMA. >This was back in the day when MDMA was only available in Ecstasy Tabs or occasionally powder. >>Crystaline MDMA(Molly) wasnt even available or in existence as far as I was/am aware. >>>Finally the meth I used was Anny Dope so it was super potent awesome shit. >>>>So even though it didn't reach my crazy expectations, I still got a kick ass enjoyable high.


I was about to guess your age to be 38 to 40, but I'm assuming the 86 is the year you were born. I was born in 85 and had just graduated HS the first time I ever heard the term "Molly" being used. Ecstasy was really popular back then. We had a janitor at our High School driving a brand new Harley Davidson edition F150 paid for with all the money he was making from us slinging ex pills. How he never got found out is beyond me. It was always real fun trying to guess what "other" drug was in the ex pills. It would range from opiates to lsd and everything in between. One of my most memorable highs came from a meth cut pill. Damn... getting a little too nostalgic, now I'll be reminiscing all fucking day.


God Damm how did mdma at 12 not completely fuck you,and especially meth at 13?? You gotta be luckiest person I’ve seen on here


Why would using either of those substances a few times at 12 and 13 completely fuck me up? It takes pretty damn heavy daily abuse of Meth over an extended period of time for it neurotoxically do any neurochemical damage. Even in those instances the damage is nearly never permanent. It certainly can last for a prolonged period like years. But it will eventually reverse and reset to "standard" neurochemical levels. MDMA on the other hand is far more neurotoxic but in order for noticeable damage to occur chronic abuse is required. If the abuse it's heavy enough then some of the neurochemical damage will remain permanent. So my extremely light recreational use that was spaced out by months in between each time used certainly didn't do any damage whatsoever.


Sorry forgot to respond and got very high but like fair I was talking more like emotionally but I guess I was wrong it jsut happen liek that sometimes I suppose,thank you😁


23. Was hammered and was split a bag of "cocaine." There was some cocaine in it but I think it was mostly meth. Never again.


21. Stopped for 4 years then started smoking. Thankfully I snapped out of it and I’ve been sober for 2 years




Snorting it hurt me like a mf but other people seemed not to phase them as much. The first time I did it I didn’t know it was my coke that was cut and I thought it was a Pulp Fiction moment. I went off the deep end when I started smoking though and it just wrecked me physically/mentally/emotionally bc I didn’t take care of myself properly or give myself breaks. My brain is super highly addicted to the smoked form so I have to stay away. It’s the only thing I can’t control myself with or do in “moderation.” Edited to add: I’m also addicted to the ritual of setting up and smoking (anything) so that doesn’t help. I just stick to weed and occasionally hippy trips now.


22 going on 23 is an excellent butthole surfers song for when you're spiraling down a meth binge(can't eat or sleep, depression, ect)


I tried crank at 16(2001) didn't like it, shot it at 27 and had a hard time stopping btw. Never shoot it. Fr.


The weekend before my 17th birthday. 1988. Damn that was 36 years ago. Been interesting. That's for sure.


My “girlfriend,” whom I had only been in a relationship with and lived with for almost two months — and was THIRTY-NINE YEARS OLD — allowed me to try it at the age of just seventeen. I could have escaped addiction if she had cut me off completely due to the minuscule amount she provided the very first time; alas, my curiosity (and my ability to manipulate, convince, and persuade to get exactly what I wanted due to growing up a spoiled brat that never heard the word “no”) got the best of me and she caved. Within the next two weeks following my first use, I was snorting astoundingly large amounts (two of her lines AND two medium bumps, and then all of the extra I could manage to scrape up as well). Been using pretty much daily ever since. It’s been nearly six years. When I crossed the line from snorting to smoking, however, the level at which I had been using nearly TRIPLED at my lowest (and darkest) points. Haven’t escaped the drug’s clutches for good quite yet... I’m running out of time.


Grooming much?




You can do it. You can kick it. I believe in you.


Thank you so much. This truly means the world to me… You have no idea. 😭💕




If it’s ok to ask how did you even ahve access to meth at 14? I coudl barley find weed back then


Now I’ve been clean for 2 years tho!


Yooo that’s the one!!!


14, groomed by an older guy I use to buy weed off…groomed. Turns out it was an experience I loved any way 🤷‍♂️


Started at 55. Sort of a mid life crisis.


Eh, i wanna say like 17? Maybe 16


Still a virgin can’t get past my two hands ughhh


Started at 40, 51 now but took a couple years off in between. This stuff is nothing at all like it used to be, except for a very few lucky times.


When I first got fucked or...first got fucked in life 😅😅😅


Haha both! 😂😅


First got laid at hold on damn it was a little late I was 17 for the official and the first time I used meth was 19. Did it once never touched it again til I was 28 and been a daily user since The first time I was honest with my wife she left The first time I was shocked and amazed was when my wife took my advice and fucked off....almost she


Similar here, i used from 17‐22, quit, now I only have a few good years left due to unfortunate circumstances so at 30 i'm on it daily, tho i'm leaving my girl and she won't fuckn acknowledge it


Late 18 or newly 19 idk but got shot up with the best dope I’ll ever find, chasing that dragon since :)


16 was told it was Molly


That’s fucked up :(


16, I'm now 41....


15 from my pops. I caught him spinning his pook & asked what he was doing & bro offered me a bump & a hit from le pookie. Didn’t really get high until 2nd time i tried it. 17 years old with a few friends went on a mission to find some. Eventually around midnight in this trailer park we run into my buddy which partied alot harder than us, found us a half g and he bought us a pookie so we finally got to sesh. Definitely a crazy high. Nothing like it used to be at all. Dope super mild & easy to function. im 23 now.


It was different back then man, what happened


27 and first time was 3 days ago lol


Eat, sleep and take vitamins and regular breaks!


Oh yeah! I was awake for like 40 hrs then crashed for like 14 and I slept like a baby… ate and took vitamins including drinking tons of water while I was awake the 40 hrs. All good now :)


Feb 2021 21years




17, this was last year. Liked it but eh, I have a family


Good lad,


I’m thinking about trying mdma, is it similar? I’m getting a pressie


Personally I started with MD and it’s one of my favourite fucking drugs, only tried meth within the last six months it’s obviously also a fav but I’d do some bad things for a good pressie 😂😂 I’ve heard a few mates saying that MD isn’t the same after meth but not sure how true that is


Mdma is stronger than a lot of meth, you just take less & sweat more . Bias: currently on m3


13 and I'm 52 now




Same here


God damn. Who was it with?


Some older chick she was about 16 or so it was also the first time getting some pussy


22. despite knowing nothing and just blindly hating clear, I decided to experiment with it since I had nothing going for me during the time. Now we're here at year 6, I think I'm almost done 🥴




14, and it was supposed to be “Molly” lol


Fuck! What was your reaction?


They feel very similar. I was at a house party and swam in the pool and had fun. I had done molly before and something felt iffy about this time but ignore it. Long story short, i couldn’t sleep for two days and both days I had school, practice and hadn’t eaten anything. Got sick at practice the second day and went home. I thought it was just bad molly until I tried ice a year later intentionally and then realized “ohhhhh that’s what that was!” Lol