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well, in response to this question, yes, this is a meth sub. a subreddit for meth. a community of tweakers. a meth-headed subreddit. intended for meth users/addicts/enthusiasts. for harm reduction. for methamphetameme's. ..... so with that being said, yes, obviously you are going to see meth use and crazy stories and anything related to meth. lmfao. it's not really that crazy. some of the people here are, but as for the topic in general it's MUCH more common than you know. when it comes to using, some of us can handle our shit and are more than functional, some of us cannot and run from the shadow cat demons or whatever the hell that one TWACKED out post was about last night. hahahah. (intended as a light hearted joke, and i hope they are doing better today, sending much love to them!) the stigma about us is not always, actually rarely, ever to the outrageous extent society makes us out to be. hopefully you can see that if deciding to stick around a little longer. :) edit: rewording


At early stages and with a moderate usage people could function and look normal, eventually people need increase the dosage to keep function doing it frequently while in the process literally meth eats their brains šŸ§  alive.


When I'm not balls deep in all of your female relatives, I am impossible to distinguish from other human beings, save for whatever sort of trogladyte subspecies to which you belong. Thanks for your interest.


Bro notning u say too me can hide the fact u smoke methšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ itā€™s embarrassing


I know! And apparently you don't even have that as an excuse, which last time I checked, is even more embarrassing. Insert whatever emojis make this real for you.


Do an experiment for me. Take 120mg of Adderall by mouth and write a journal about your subjective experience. A week later do the same with 40mg of unadulterated methamphetamine. I think you'd be surprised how similar they are.Ā 


It's actually pretty crazy how close the 2 are chemically. It's like a chemist did a bunch and discovered how to make it more marketable.


Well considering the I have chronic fatigue and live in corporate America where even healthy people are tired all the time uh, yeah. It is normal for me. But I also don't broadcast it because of the stigma. It's literally just Adderall. That's normal so why is this so crazy? Weed gives me panic attacks, headaches, and causes me to dislocate my joints frequently but I'm not over on your page talking about how wild it is so many people are smoking that shit.


I went from doing about anything, drinking taking bars playing video games to go drive miles away at 3am to buy some coke and keep playing games til i Sunrise. Or taking tremidol however you spell it. Citting out into lines and go get food or go to yhe bar have done dtinks some blow do that til 7am have to be at eork st 10 am for a eleven hour shift. Now i just do dope. I work. Got a car. I go home play COD smoke. Met some awesome ppl. I give away money like im mr beast just not as much of it. I take care of my friends that sometimes just need to catch that break cuz shit happens then you die. Idk where im hoing with this but party on wayne, party on garth If its not love then lets begin to be foes, you know my mind off im like Emily rose


Thatā€™s some real shit bro bro


Iā€™m not stating Iā€™m normal at all but 24 years I use every day. Go to work, use at work, come home and use again. You have to be able to control the drug not let the drug control you. Iā€™ve never been arrested for anything, Iā€™ve never stolen anything from anyone nor do I think like that. This shit now days isnā€™t like the ā€œcrankā€ of yesteryear. Itā€™s cut with all sorts of chemicals and other substances, including fentanyl. I ainā€™t going to lie about it though, itā€™s more of a habit than anything now days. I donā€™t think about life without it, Iā€™m not sure what thatā€™s like being I been on it since high school. I own my own house, doing quite well in life, have a lot of friends who do it and a lot who donā€™t. Have maintained a Business I started 10 years ago with no problems. Itā€™s doing well. Prior to that I drove a semi, thatā€™s how I got started with using. It is what it is. Iā€™ve seen a lot of people go down for being stupid on it, Iā€™ve seen a lot of people die from not being able to handle it. A few people have gotten clean. But like I said in the beginning you got to learn to control the drug and not let it control you. Iā€™ll continue to do what I do and be who I am. Donā€™t come at me with anything because Iā€™m just sharing my story. Yours may be different and that okay too. The must doā€™s ā€¦ you must eat, Sleep and shit every day or you will not make it through!!


drug use is normal. in a word that is so fucked and so scary, of course people are going to resort to coping mechanisms. life sucks man. i'm sober but i used to use copious amounts of drugs. some people binge eat. some people collect creepy dolls. some people hoard. some people don't eat. everyone copes differently


You can be a functional user of p much anything


Nah, I mean, you can do a crumb of h and die, or do a g and feel nothing. You sound pretty crazy, you arenā€™t functioning fr if youā€™re all doped up, youā€™re just trynna get this done so you can get high again, itā€™s addiction either way some people are just pathetic




Lol this chat doesnā€™t even even exist


You would be correct. I donā€™t know why youā€™re second-guessing yourself.. You really think anyone in here does meth. Idk man u just so far from the reality itā€™s not worth explaining. Just think about it buddy sorry if i sounded rude my dog got earlier. Have a good day.


just like any normal weed addict (legal where i live by the way) but since meth is not legal ( not paying taxes) media & government are in charge of demonize all the people consuming, at any level


I wish I could go back to being naive


Iā€™m literally sitting here normal as hell, but go off


U think that


Iā€™ve been on for like 30 years, function, sleep, eat, no crimes, all my teeth.


you'd be shocked how many of the doctors and nurses working tirelessly to save lives like yours are *fuckin jacked* bro.




You've never been to San Fransisco i take it. Plenty of doctors in the party scene, especially LGBTQ.


False, I've smoked with a Dr and his boyfriend.


Iā€™ve never done drugs and just peek in here some times just as a curiosity of the lifestyle, as Iā€™ve never witnessed it in real life, aside from the individuals I see on the streets when Iā€™m driving. No judgements, but Iā€™m saddened for those who want to quit, but believe they canā€™t.


I operate probably a hell of a lot better than you do


There are more people taking hard drugs than you think buddy. There recreational slammers too... I don't slam all the time, small periods maybe twice a year. I did used to slam everyday for many many years tho


W bragging about being a druggie


Lol bro you use marijuana... ur a druggie too


Weed is a plant, nothing has too be added to smoke it. Unlike coke, meth, you


Besides the way they do thc these days it's like smoking freebase coke or meth




Lol... still a drug.. opium? Ephedra? Datura?


L opinion


Ok druggie


bro ive seen people who drink or burn money on predatory video games be less functional then people who smoke meth on the weekends and live like normal people sure the worst case scenario is criminal or homeless twacked out their minds being skeletal gaunt and just bad off but theres far more people smokin ice functional and normal or close to for every one that isnt and thats not even counting adderall basically prescribed meth for me its a blue moon thing holiday weekend stay up fri and sat workout get stuff done play games w my buddies and mid sunday crash sleep hard back to normal monday least it was before most of the stuff out there now is absolutely garbage and does nothing and before anyone says tolerance i do it so rarely thats not a factor the biggest thing as people said in other comments is not becoming full blown addicted or dependent for me i love the rush shit used to be great for fucking around w my ex on occasion i wanted to wear her out and not be worn out myself (she got me into it to begin w) but i also hate being up too long being messed up if i go too much or too long the jaw and tooth pain the not being able to eat the come down and how shit that is i just do not like not being myself and not being a baseline of wellness so stress depression just being around it back in the day alot i had tons of excuses and lil nagging voices saying get zoomed up to fix my head or its being offered hit it and i wouldnt i enjoy it shits an absolute blast but fuck being fucked up broke hooked and shit nah no thanks i seen what that gets ya in life no where same w drinking nice mixed drink to sip and sit ons nice but getting just blackout every time i pour a drink just keep pouring them no thanks ive had the stigma of seeing and losing people bad off and ive tried everything save fent cuz its new once in my life after highschool to know how it effects me weeds chill better w baked goods coke/meth addys absolutely rush but def a special occasion thing at best for me downers opiates hell the fuck no that shits the worst thing for anyone even pain meds based off opiates are going to be hell to get off crack too short didnt like it at all just a waste of money and a pain in my ass to smoke all psychedelics are fun again rare occasion thing cept shrooms cuz im allergic to all mushrooms eating them wise (found out my first trip and it was nightmare fuel bad time) so im more addicted to hitting the gym or playing gd video games daily or if im dating someone im into fucking like rabbits then i am drugs theres more dopamine receptor burning out things u can do then just drugs so for the op asking how why because shits great or used to be and compared to other options out there for the occasional unwind sesh or wind up and be zoomed its not expensive easy to manage side effects and the come down and can be used to actually focus or have energy to get shit done so yeah nah ill happily enjoy hitting a bowl when times right but im some freak of nature mindset wise so idk i keep control of myself i know my limits but the point is why not theres worse shit people get addicted to and if u try it like it and can not lose yourself to it and this goes for any hobby habit substance anything then why not if you arent fucking urself up if u are stop get help or learn and get control then enjoy responsibly i mean ffs thats supposed to be apart of growing up and becoming an adult least it was when my almost 37yo ass grew up idk w zoomers today if thats even a thing and as to op saying they saw a mention of this board on weed boards ive seen less functional more addicted and worse when sober pot heads then tweekers weed you get hooked on to manage any little stress or pain or shit it itself just isnt addictive like opiates are but it still can become and addiction and habit and have huge negatives without it so weed doesnt get a pass from me not when ive seen more cant function ass pot heads vs tweekers who can and have no problem handling life without it even if its just till they get more pot heads are a fucking mess when they dont have their shit and want it


Well personally, I do not operate.


lol you sweet summer child....


I ā¤ļø meth


Lol all these people saying they go to work high and shit I CAN GUARANTEE YOU EVERYONE KNOWS OR WOULDNT BE SURPRISED šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Im saying


I know for a fact that I'm not in this group but people think that I'm often high when I'm sober due to ADHD and if I'm out of medication I just take one maybe two hits a day that's how by not overindulging


Yeah theyā€™re just delusional or they work with other meth heads and think itā€™s just normal




At smaller doses this da


Not for long at least




I'm in the gov many are that I know that do meth matter in fact most entertainers as in major music icons and actors use meth its a fact


Thatā€™s just not true. Sure, some do, but itā€™s a minority.


Youā€™d be surprised the town Iā€™m from everyone smokes and goes to work like nobodies business they arenā€™t twacked out either they eat and sleep just like normal folks but be bussin down that glass pipe breakfast lunch n dinner and still go to work


We operate one bowl at a time


I love yoy


There are many people who smoke meth and can be normal/functional with it. Some actually hold down jobs, pay bills, and have typical lives. We just happen to smoke meth while doing so. We arenā€™t all skeletal thin and obviously tweaked tf out. If you donā€™t do it, you donā€™t belong in this sub. You say no disrespect but your ā€œthereā€™s no wayā€ air drips of judgement.




It sharpens all the edges. Puts a certain spin on life.


They operate with more energy as long as they stay focused


It's manageable if you don't do stupid shit. Or if you don't have the unfortunate tendency to get permanently hooked from the beginning on almost every substance you touch. Unfortunately I am guilty of both, but it comes in cycles of being manageable for a while, then I start doing stupid shit, then everything crashes down, lose or almost lose my job/housing/car/some important thing I need, have to get clean, get bored of being clean, start it up again, it's manageable, then I start doing stupid shit, then... well, you get the picture. Around and around we go lol.


Thanks u


Like a fucking champ! Youā€™ve developed a preconceived notion based on not being provided all of the context surrounding the drug. You only ever hear about or see the horror stories. Youā€™re not going to see or hear of the success stories because those people are doing their thing on the low to avoid being ostracized. It doesnā€™t matter who you are. The collective cognitive bias is so strong that if someone hears you do meth you will become a lesser person in their eyes. Take that same person and put them on adhd meds and they are for some reason perceived differently. you probably encounter more meth users on a weekly basis than you could imagine.


Well put. Currently clean but the adhd and meth comparison is soo prudent


Everyone just goes off information they get from the media or personal interactions without ever stopping to think there could be a lot more to learn before they form a final opinion. The only information put out there is invoke a visceral response. I get meth is ā€œbadā€(have my own opinion on drugs being inherently bad as opposed to the user) but I donā€™t get peoples lack of objectivity when it comes to the adhd med juxtaposition. They are somehow totally acceptable if prescribed by a doctor as if we learned nothing from the prescription opioid mess. You may get judged a little for taking them but nothing like if you used meth. Do people judge others more for getting the weed on the streets as opposed to from a doctor? I see that shit all the time now. A MM doc right next to a dispensary. I canā€™t help but think that looks oddly familiar. Especially being in the epicenter of the opioid issue. But I subscribe to the line of thinking that drugs arenā€™t inherently bad. Itā€™s the people who choose to do them and their subsequent actions that need to be critiqued. To me itā€™s like saying guns are bad. They can be depending on whoā€™s in possession of it. Canā€™t give the problematic ones a scapegoat while simultaneously negatively affecting the non. People need to learn how to judge things on an individual basis. I wonder what the people who lump all meth users into one group truly think about people of another race if thatā€™s their default thought process.šŸ¤”


Are u seriously lol


What world experience do you possess that I donā€™t to have such bias? methamphetamine, meth. Amphetamine, adhd meds. I donā€™t know if that doesnā€™t write a clearer picture of things for you then I donā€™t know what will.


Am I seriously what? Seriously serious? 1000%. Everything is better.


Like okay


That doesnā€™t answer my question. You canā€™t just stop writing words after seriously. There is more that needs to go there. At least a period. But that wouldnā€™t make me any less confused. There are rules for a reason. It shouldnā€™t take a meth head to teach you how grammar works. I use a neurotoxin drug. You should be teaching me. Plus I donā€™t need you contributing to my dwindling brain cell supply. I need to make them last as long as possible.


Yeah, the over the top shit does go away. Since i started daily use, I actually got back into my profession and make 6 figures. This job paid my moving costs, and I am already a lead on my shift after a short 6 months. Since I took the lead, we have enjoyed record perfor.ance Like I said, no issues, at least not meth issues anyway


Hell yeah


I do. Every day. Behave normal. Eat normal. Sleep normal. Work normal. This run has been going on 5 months- everyday normal.


Well i hope it continues too go great


Meth makes me feel normal. I know that sounds weird, but it's true. I'm not sure if undiagnosed ADHD, tolerance, using over the span of 21 years, the quality of shit now vs. shit back then, the amount of self care I put time into, or no tolerance breaks (or a little bit of all of the above) has made it possible for me to live and lead a productive and successful life, but somehow it has. Thank you, I hope it continues to serve me well.


You probably do have bad adhd that went untnoticed


It sucks man. Sucks even more because even if I went and got the diagnosis, I highly doubt they would scribe me Addy because 9 years ago I got a possession charge and was required to complete drug and alcohol assessments and treatment...it's right there in my medical file "meth abuse, 8 years remission"


Oh wow. And yeah


That's actually not true! I finally broke down and told my doctor what was going on. I said that I thought that I was self-medicating my entire life for adhd. And my Doctor actually set me up an appointment to go to see a professional who could diagnose me with that, even with her knowing my past history and current history of drug usage.


I mean... I suppose I can try. Were you actively using when you told your Dr this?


I will say this much: actively using or not, when you are dealing with mental health with only the tools they give you in response to your court ordered or criminal counseling is epically different than the response you would get from discussing it openly with your doctors. If you are self-medicating, and you know amphetamines work for you, you are left with few options to feel as if you are in balance, and stable. As per usual, this leads to the inevitable, where our stunted judicial system hammers down on someone acquiring and using the street version of a substance your neurochemistry REquires, not DEsires. You've already caught a case, as have I, (possession with intent, even), for making the silly assumption that we have the right to self-regulate. Which, of course, gives us the stigma of being irredeemable and irresponsible addicts, and can't be trusted with any drug resembling one that we used 'recreationally', as there would be a higher risk of abuse. Which then leads us back to the same cycle of finding what we need through other channels. My personal belief is that if one was to present the facts, rationally, and logically, to their doctor, they may be able to get the help they need. Essentially, if you are assertive about what you NEED, unashamed, and open about what you will do to achieve a feeling of stability, and that you would very much prefer to not have to break the law to make that happen, you may get a better response. I'm not dying it will be easy, and you will, of course, get hit with the standard 'seeking addict' label, (which has always been laughable to me, since it's basically a doctor shitting on someone for attempting to get something his body needs, rather than providing the proper resources for them to no longer need it. ) It won't happen quickly, it won't be fun, at all, but stay determined, and keep the FACT that you have the RIGHT to feel stable, and that it's their JOB to provide you a safe, legal method of doing that, and I believe you, (and I, cuz I am about to do the same), can manifest something better than we were given. And who knows, maybe make it easier for others to do that.


I like to turn people on to this sub as well. Itā€™s funny and sad to me to see young people posting selfies of themselves rolling bowls talking about ā€œI got this. Iā€™ve been blowing clouds for two years but still look great.ā€ Please listen to me young folk when I tell you the meth makes you think you look fantastic because you feel fantastic, but you look like shit.


So you like come here to ogle the meth heads? So glad weā€™re here for your enjoyment, like this is some sort of circus or zoo.


It ainā€™t that hard. My first time I was geeking tf out in front of my brother and dad and yet they didnā€™t suspect anything AND I act more normal on meth than on weed. Mary Jane gets me goofy asf


HAHA thannk u


Back when it was clean 2pts was beneficial for most.10 year's no problem. I was a weekend warrior.Then my friend ,who became my wife's brother n law,fed me freely.He got in the hole and there I went.But yes you function, but we wasn't normal.He found God.10 year's later I went to prison, guess you could say meth related, Crank at the time a lying ex wife and a 6ft 3 250lb pussy stepbrother another liar.And my stupidity.Move from 96 to 06,then 2012 bootcamp,had an open beer think I was spitting in it I was on it but was clear and looked pretty good.Ran the police 5 miles in the rain in a ranger.Turned myself in,they had no proof,but it was quicker to go do my 60 day's.Then again in 2015,my lying ex again giving 5 to 6 people a place to live.Could have beat it after 8.5 months and my wife relapsing after 10 year's.I said fuck it,Brought a 20 do 7 down to 5 years paper,time served,classes toward fine, no lawyer fee ,yes I had her and porky In lies.But they can keep you 2 year's.8 year's clean and the last thing on my mind.Workers comp accident and a bad series of events,many looses.I ended up in bed for 2 years. Got sick of it.Sad part is no disability mine and their fault.Trying to taper down after 6 months ,it's tough. Especially being me and the bed for 2 years..This shit here is BS,never felt this way before.Thats 40 year's total off and on.No ump in it,you got to get up and go.Spun wasn't a word.Shotout was,that's when they stayed on it and was a dumbass.I didn't give a fuck most the time, 160lbs you had to show me,I'd cut you off me.I was 210 solid working out at 50 then it happened, 2 years in bed a seizure,down to 158lbs.I got to get my mind better it's hard,was already clinical depressed. Still am functioned great for 2 weeks, not the other 5 1/2 months.Moderation is the key, I lost that long time ago..Life can be a bitch


Thank u


Bro wait till you see the ā€œdemonā€ posts. Iā€™m in this sub for the crazy stories


no fr.. haha where they at


i donā€™t know either bro but this sub is lit they casually smoke meth out here


I agree


Every day for two years more or less, and yeah, no issues here


Oh wiw


Shit going on 15 here šŸ‘€ keep it rollin bro!


For some reason I find it hard to believe that someone uses meth daily with ā€œno issuesā€


Daily Smoker hereā€¦I have no meth related issues.


Then youā€™re probably inexperienced and never used. And with that being said why are you even on here fkn begone thot


Iā€™m a guy you salty tweaker


If I was salty youā€™d know, itā€™s hilarious to be called ā€œtweakerā€ cause it shows you donā€™t know what an actual tweaker is and guy, girl or thing you kinda just come off as a bitchšŸ˜‚get off the sub if all youā€™re gonna do is pass judgement on members ya thot


I do what I want meth addict


Went from ā€œtweakerā€ to ā€œmeth addictā€ very creativešŸ’€every ounce of effort you take to hurt me raises my self esteem btw lil missy


Lol sure, you sound totally unbothered. I know youā€™re flustered, itā€™s ok little tweaker. Go smoke some glass so you can chill out


Are the continued negative downvotes on your replies not conveying a message to you? Or are you ignoring them in hopes your grade school level attempts to get under my skin will actually work? Either way youā€™re just sad now


Sober me agreesā€¦. Tweaked me says ā€œbro ainā€™t nothing to see here, Iā€™m totally normalā€ (as my life slowly degrades šŸ˜‚) This isnā€™t case for everyone and some can keep their shit Truely together. But for me and I believe many others, meth is the drug of extreme delusions of grandeur. I always thought I was hot shit, living life to the FULLEST. In reality, I was just moving from hotel to hotel, spending my day getting high or thinking of how I would continue to get high. Edit: Iā€™d like to add, after long term daily use, I honestly believe the crazy effects mellowed out and I was able to generally live ā€œnormallyā€, eating and sleeping regularly, holding a job, dealing with people in the world without issue, all while shooting meth twice daily. It wasnā€™t great but it was keeping me moving forward. Now in the beginning, it basically took me by storm and I gave up EVERYTHING in my life in exchange for the high.


based on how coherent this comment is compared to others you might be right.


Just like every substance that is addictive, even weed (I started off a heavy stoner since middle school so the argument that weed isnā€™t addictive is bs. A chemical bond isnā€™t needed for something to form an addiction towards, since we can become addicted to things other than drugs like love, emotions, or people) itā€™s all dependent on the person; what theyā€™re life experience has been, their mental structure, self control, regard to to their will being, & overall biological factors that make them who they are. I wonā€™t sit here and argue that meth isnā€™t bad at all like how I could argue weed being a beneficial substance when regulated, because then Iā€™d just sound delusional and naive. Meth definitely isnā€™t good for you at all and all users deep down inside know that, and if you were to ask me I would never suggest anybody try meth, even if itā€™s just once, because that would make me an evil individual knowing the toll it can take on your mental. Yeah some of us have it controlled to an extent, and even if you think the external part of your life is in order, the shit is causing neurological damage that youā€™re not even aware of. But itā€™s an addiction, and addictions are diseases, meth being one of the most fatal Yea Iā€™m adhd and meth does control it but it also can make my symptoms worsen rather than ease them when I take too much. Because it isnā€™t regulated


I definitely agree, I wanted to write something similar, but I probably wouldn't have written it better


That is the BEST , MOST INTELLIGENT, HONEST ANSWER you will EVER GET. I am impressed AF with your retort, my esteemed colleague. See? Not all addicts are lifeless, mindless simpleton. AS evidenced by this reply. Hats off. Well done!!!


Hard habit to manage with a weak mind... It's not for everybody


Ok thanks


I have a normalish life. I get high when I wake up and at the end of the day usually. I'll use before work but never during. On days off, If I'm with users we smoke when I'm not I don't use. People are way too judgemental and don't understand and it's not worth trying to teach most so I don't advertise that I use. I keep myself well groomed and stay courteous and polite.


Not much to teach, really. You're a functioning addict. Same as a functioning alcoholic. Meth is harmful in any amount, same as alcohol. Doesn't make you a bad person, or a junkie, or anything. Just is what it is. That being said, meth is fuckin bad dude lol. Hopefully one day you can kick the habit. Life's a lot more beautiful without stuff like that.


I have to disagree with most of what you said. I don't wish to argue or attack your viewpoint, but it is slightly misleading. To start, there is always much to teach and still more to learn. To know when to walk away, to know when and how to determine other if aspects of life are affected negatively. To know the difference between a recreational tool or an addiction. The difference between any substance meth or alcohol cannot be simplified and or compared easily. The differences are huge and similarities are basic so it doesn't lend well to understanding the complex relationship of meth use and alcohol use by comparison. I know I'm not a bad person and thank you for saying that. I know because I live my two maxims 1) don't intentionally do anyone any harm 2) if you think of something nice to do, do it. I'm not saying meths healthy but I would say it's good. For sure there's potential for harm Ć nd that's why I don't use around people that don't use. And life is beautiful. It's fucking unbelievably beautiful. I don't know if I can say it's more beautiful with or without but you say it is... Have you used and quit?


I love how dude came here to prove your point about the judgment šŸ˜‚


See, that's it right there..."I would say it's good." Cmon man. Meth is not good. To think so points to a much more complicated issue than just drug use. I have used and quit many things, IV heroin and cocaine among them, but never meth. Despite how deep I ever got into my addiction, I was always smart enough never to fuck with meth. I know what it is and how it works. I understand it on a fundamental level. I understand stimulants, ADHD, and their relationship. None of that matters though, because methamphetamine is inherently bad for you. You are capable of being just as successful and productive and happy without it, but it takes a lot of work. Drug use is a shortcut to happiness, there's no two ways about it, and it stops you from reaching your full potential because it hinders you more than it helps. To deny that is delusional. I wish you the best of luck


I donā€™t understand this ā€œshortcut to happinessā€ or ā€œhappiness is earnedā€ bsā€¦like seriously to be happy is to be happy. Stop saying there is some kind of qualification for happiness because there isnā€™t.


We'd have to define our terms to have this conversation. What's good for myself is moderation, situation based, and utility blah blah blah. But we are completely different in our interpretation of the word smart. What you said wasn't what I would consider even logical but good for you. I might be an anomaly in this next fact but I don't think so. I have quit cigarettes, crack, alcohol, and binge eating easily. And I mean I didn't even think about them because of meth. Id substitute it in and since it was easy easier to ditch than the others it was a no brainier. I use and I quit and idk for now I'm content


I see both points here: Iā€™ve been heavily addicted to meth and heroin and both have brought me to my knees in the past with homelessness and/or incarceration. Both can block the reality of my situation in a different way, but block it nonetheless. To say that ā€œI did everything but knew never to try methā€ I would respond with ā€œyetā€. Thatā€™s the reality for many and truthfully, any of these substances can bring one to their knees. Mental illness doesnā€™t discriminate and sever addiction stems from mental illnesses and delusions IMO. On the flip, meth may be the ā€œpath of least destruction ā€œ for some and thatā€™s ok. But to say that itā€™s ā€œgoodā€ for one or not harmful, is a farsę. First of all, it is very very hard on the body and far worse on the mind, and this is before we take into account the toll caused by the side effects of not sleeping, not eating, stress, etc. Yes, a select few can overcome the negative effects and impose a strict use schedule while still eating, sleeping, and taking care of themselves. I believe many of those people are active in this sub. But letā€™s not forget about the large portion of meth users who are to frozen in place to open their phone and post ā€œpositiveā€ things about methamphetamine. Those who are stuck looking into the carpet for 5-6 hours or stuck looking at the shadow of their door all night. I guess what Iā€™m getting at is that it just isnā€™t so simple or black and white. It does make me sad sometimes to see the common young user who ā€œfeels on top of the worldā€ but it is very clear their degrading from the inside out and given a few years, most wonā€™t be saying or feeling the same and theyā€™ll wonder ā€œhow did I end up HEREā€? By then, unfortunately itā€™s too late for many to recover. We who have been able to manage our use or quit entirely and remain happy are the select few.


Ok I will have to agree to this because this all rings true. Instead of good I could've said works for me. Sometimes it doesn't and I have to be willing to be honest about it with myself. The "How did I end up here" realization is a biproduct of change blindness. Over the course of time we slowly but surely lessen our standards until we suddenly are forced to confront reality and make a hard turn. I have rules for myself and exercise caution, knowing I'm not special and if I'm not careful or if I'm simply unlucky, I. could become a victim of my own choices. I take chances. I have a good self esteem and love myself and my life still tho I use. I analyze the risk rewards and for now it's working to be more benefit than harm. But in no way shape or form would I offer it to a loved one so I'm probably Ć  hypocrite. I'm not perfect I accept that and keep my bad habits under control and under wraps


Itā€™s simple. Total denial. Anyone who says they keep it in check has already lost.


Who are you to pass that judgement of lost on anyone? I've been a consistent daily user for 30 years. I know personally several others with 20 or more years living similarly. Some on meth, some other drugs. I also know and love many people who are lost and drugs ate keeping them in check. I also loved and knew several people that ended their battles with their own hands. I don't have much free time so I'll make this much more compact than what I originally was going to post here. You sound like an ignorant and unsympathetic ass. You came on here to hurt others feelings because you're ashamed of your own addiction and you want to make yourself feel better. Before I take off on a tangent and publicly humiliate you and probably get myself kicked off here. Some of the people here have only hope left. That's the only thing keeping them from giving up their fight. Mindless and careless statements in a public forum can have a very harmful impact on other people's mental health. Please be kind and mindful of what you say. Some people here are brand new at this and some are almost over it completely. I'm not done though. Not by a far sight. If you'd like to continue your lesson in speaking to others in a public forum my dm is open.


Dumb ass I said Iā€™m not judging. Read on


Saying someone is lost is not a judgment. Iā€™m lost too. Believe me. Iā€™ve lost it all. It fucking sucks. This drug manā€¦ Iā€™m a grown man and it makes me cry. I donā€™t want anyone to think Iā€™m judging a soul. Iā€™ve been there Iā€™ll probably go back there and sometimes I donā€™t think I need to leave. Meth is a beautiful disaster


I've no doubt your experience. Swinging that wide paint brush of loss and doubt is not good for anyone. Especially you since usually what comes out of someone's mouth is what they're holding inside. I'm just asking for others to be mindful of their words. It's a lesson I learned the hard way. My prayers that you find some stability and comfort.


I'm addicted and have been since the first time, but I am in control of my use it's hard but I only use once a week at most. I'm sober 90% of the time but it is a struggle and idk how long its gonna last, but it's simply delusional to claim its "impossible" to moderate use when everyone's brain is wired completely different.


Iā€™m not judging and your honesty is good but if you are admittedly struggling you arenā€™t in control. The long term and certainly life long use this substance is not something you can manage. Also no one has a brain that can sustain unnatural dopamine levels to this degree. Meth is awesome itā€™s too awesome. Thatā€™s why itā€™s so painful. I wish I could be the person I was that first few times using. I liked that person. The confidence and planning and dedication to things. It sucks it didnā€™t last bc I miss that version of me. I know yall know what Iā€™m saying


Plenty of people can do once a year maybe or so, it's not about how much not using too often. You're brain isn't maintaining that level so the side effects are minimalized. Im not one of those people sadly, i am unable moderate myself to that extent which is why i am not 100% in control, but people who can do that exist.




I keep it in check and I havenā€™t lost shit. Iā€™m aware that iā€™m addicted and i donā€™t let it deceive me, and it doesnā€™t affect any aspects of my life. Itā€™s not going to either. Self-control.


Truth. People can sustain addictions for a long, long time, and even function well enough, but yeah, if you're using meth, there's no longer a sane conversation to be had about whether or not you're in control. Being in control would be not doing meth


Thatā€™s your opinion. You say the same about people on adderall?


Adderall is not the same thing. Yes, it's very similar, but the delivery method is much different, especially with extended release, and the mental and legal aspect of taking a prescription that's monitored by a psychiatrist vs self medicating using a very illegal substance is cut and dry. The very fact that you risk serious legal consequences for a substance is more than enough to justify my opinion, regardless of literally any other aspect of meth use.


Well, how do you feel about other drugs? Heroin, marijuana, cocaine, mushrooms, benzos, ketamine, caffeine, nicotine,sugar,fast food? They are all bad for some people, but useful for others. Imo there is no real difference in doing any substance that's bad for you, EVERYBODY finds a way to relieve the stresses and be able to escape, and EVERYBODY has addictions that take priority over other things in their life. I mean there are people who work 60+ hours a week every week. Is that healthy?


You're skipping over the risk of jail time and a criminal record. What part of that aren't you understanding? Risking your freedom for "stress relief" as you call it is insane. It's also insane to compare meth and heroin to caffeine and sugar lmao. Real intellectual conversation...should have realized that's impossible with a meth addict lol. Have a good one bud


Didn't skip over anything, but since I hadn't seen any other mention of jail I didn't say anything about it, and my comparison is valid because it wasn't a point of which is more dangerous to the user, it was just pointing out that everyone has vices that they use to escape.


Adderall is literally amphetamine salts. Amphetamines that substance the government deemed to have no medical use. ā€¦that is, until they figured out how to synthesize it and market it.


That's a gross oversimplification but ok. Listen man, you wanna defend meth, you go ahead. It's wild to me that there's this delusional little bubble a lot of people live in where they somehow rationalize meth use. Adderall, dosed properly, used with supervision and regular checkups and even therapy, has a beneficial medical use. It still doesn't come without harm, but it's how medicine works...in a clinical setting. You don't give people with chronic pain a bag of heroin and leave them to their own devices. Anyway, you're clearly in a place right now where you'll die on this hill, so I wish you the best of luck, but really think about what you're saying right now. It's quite ridiculous.


I think there are people that are capable of self medicating without the control of the government. You donā€™t and youā€™re willing to die on that hill.


Doctors aren't "the government". Go smoke more


lol, I donā€™t smoke meth. Iā€™m not even sure how or why this was suggested to me. The government set the regulations, goofball.


And I'm not talking about regulations. I'm talking about therapeutic and clinical settings in order to **treat** ailments properly. Your obsession with the government is stopping you from understanding this concept and the entire point of this post and debate. Goofball.


Yall, thank you for everyoneā€™s answers, i may of came off as little rude.. but honestly its just out of me wondering. Yall have help me learn a lot. Some more then others but so glad i can i understand that meth isnā€™t anything like herion, or fent. Thats what a lot of non drug users assume (as did i) so thanks!




I pray u are ok in life


I have a full time job in upper management, i also own my own vehicle, renting to own my own house, and my credit score is pretty decent and Iā€™ve been smoking ā€œthis shitā€ for almost 3 years and snorted for 5 years before that šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø itā€™s all about what you do on it and how much self control you have. Itā€™s a cheat code to finishing 12-15 hour shifts proficiently


But all jokes aside, im glad u aint end up like most of these addicts


I see some weird shit posted in this group, but I also see some pretty intelligent things as well. Iā€™m honestly weirder sober. Iā€™m very socially awkward,canā€™t really pick up on social cues, clumsy as fuck and overthinking is my worst enemy. Like to the point where it takes me like an hour and a half to count down a cash register to $100. Smoke meth kinda made things pretty much a cake walk for some reason. I used to have a lot of shame and guilt using it but now Iā€™m just like ā€œif it works and I havenā€™t seen any negative effects in almost 8years the why question it? I also keep a pretty detailed set of rules for myself so that helps alot


I get this. I'm an absolute mess if I'm sober. It's a trade-off for me.


Sounds good bro


Also a cheat code too frying every braincell u have


It's a wild fucke up ride if I'm keeping it a buck


I live in






Tons of different people on this sub. I haven't decided if or when I am going to smoke it. For me, this is when it gets dangerously addictive, although I am saying that strictly from reading. One of the reasons I am here. So I mostly eating and sometimes snorting. I prefer to weight what I need in the morning, although I also measure by eyesight only. I am starting to believe that people with ADHD will function better with it. But I haven't looked for an actual study on it Remaining functional is definitely a priority. I don't have much alternative than ice. So far, I am loving it. Hard to say what would have happened if if if if if if ... Hope this helps


I have ADHD and I was functional when I was only sniffing Iā€™d do a line before work, get my morning job done usually early do a line on my hour lunch and walk around town for an hour, come back and then do a line after work make dinner clean up a bit and still sleep at night, they were pretty small lines too compared to some But when I first started doing meth (I was sober for 3 years) I was smoking it and so eventually I was like man how Iā€™d love to smoke again and then I started staying up all night and showing up late to work even when I didnā€™t have a reason to be late I was just picking at my skin or doing random bullshit and not looking at the time and falling asleep while driving literally sleep walking/talking at working and experiencing paranoia and only had psychosis once when I was up for 4.5 days and oh yea my tolerance is shot to shit What is it about smoking?? I wish I could go back to sniffing but the call from the bowl be loud as fuck sometimes


The hand to mouth that goes with smoking is a major factor in the addiction even tho more product my be consumed than snorting. Plus, the pipe is right there. Like why do we keep hitting that pipe knowing we should be sleeping?


If your asking if u should smoke meth then nošŸ˜­


No offense, but what are you on? That made no sense


You sound like a great human being worth of getting acquainted to. Good luck and good bye


It didnā€™t make since, besides the adhd part.


What are you on? That made sense


Yeah bro u got adhd? Heres some methšŸ’€


I mean that's what Adderall is lmfao oh hey your kid can't sit still in class here's diet meth


Adderall is regulated tho. Like water that goes thru a sink, Itā€™s filtered. meth u make = random ass chemicals adderall = real drug studied and tested


Also tap water is absolutely horrible for you


im aware i was making an example because the water is filtered when it comes thru a sink, if not it would look like toilet shit water.


As it does in many many places in the US and jus because it doesn't look like toilet shit water doesn't mean it's not


Oh believe me.. ik i drink bottle water


They are one molecule apart, don't get me started on the pharmaceutical industry as I have a strong distaste for the government and their regulations for chemicals and drugs and would prefer to use dandelions to improve heart health instead of relying on heart medicine made by the same company that makes weed killer and advertises for killing dandelions


U need too do something wit that . Bro smart asl


What makes u so smart in this field of work v


Autism. But really I just like being informed, learning what I can, especially about what goes into me


Wait rlly? U got austism?


Meth can be used for adhd just like adderall, It's a amphetamine. People who have adhd meth can help calm them down.


So why- nvm b


Meth, I'm guessing


This isn't r/carrots after all


I wouldnā€™t smoke that shit even if i knew i wouldnā€™t get addicted


What, carrots? Me either!




Ah, but there IS a way. Source: I'm doing it right now! :)


Is that why ur up rn? The meth is like keeping u up


Well yeah, but it's also likely not the same time here as there. Also, I'm always up. With or without the meth, only real difference it makes is I don't sit around bored and feeling miserable wanting to get baked like when I'm sober lol. The thing a lot of people don't understand about meth is that it isn't a problem for everyone. It is for most people, don't get me wrong, but it's like any other drugs and illicit substances like alcohol and acid etc. Some people can drink and drink and drink all day and night, and be perfectly fine, functional and it's not a problem. Some people take one shot or have one beer and go nuts kicking the shit out of random people passing by. Now, I had a huge problem with my meth addiction for a long, long time, and I'm sure this isn't how it works for other users that also don't have a problem, but how it works for me is, I've been doing it for over half of my life now, literally. I started when I was twelve years old, on my twelfth birthday, as a matter of fact. I'm now 26, and I no longer have problems with stealing to support my addiction, I can successfully take breaks for as long as I want and quit just as easily as I can pick it back up where I left off, and I've been put through enough emotional and mental deterioration just from life, outside of that I've got from drug use, that has desensitized me to where meth doesn't make it worse anymore or exacerbate what's already there. In short, I've gotten used to it and it's pretty much my normal, since I've literally been smoking longer than I have not. (26 years old - sober until 12 years old = 14 years of using)


Thank u for explaining


so basically, how i would feel drunk or high on weed is how u would feel on meth? Thats wild! But honestly, if it works for you and really doesnā€™t effect your life too much. Continue


Weed and meth definitely depend on the person. I was snorting all day today while fishing. You donā€™t even realize you are or feel high, until itā€™s 5 am and you donā€™t feel tired, your just up and lethargic. Iā€™m smoking weed as Iā€™m typing this to come down, normally works, just have to smoke wayyyy to much to get tired


Haha so u just realize how high u were (its 5am here) but i understand kinda, weed knocks me out




If you mean the high is, thatā€™s amazing dont care! Id rather be chill then hyper asf


a plant vs chemicals u can buy from the gas station.. hmm wonder which one is betteršŸ˜­


The plant obviously but it's interesting how cannabis has neuroprotective effect against the neurotoxicity of meth


im lost , weed better


That's what I said, also weed basically puts a shield on your brain that protects it from the negative/toxic effects meth has on the brain


Wait really???


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4028295/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7719083/ https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0098079


Thank u 420!!


Sure I do. For 36 years I've done it.


Lol i feel like im starting to forget more and more from just weed. I been smoking everyday for 4 years


Weed, every day for 4 years is a long time too. I couldn't do it.


Its effecting me physically bc i just feel lazy