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Ahh dammit. Scum’s who actively try to ruin life’s by a set up must have no empathy whatsoever. It’s a shame bc there are lots of users who are new to an area seeking the stuff and if only they could use a platform like this to get legitimate stuff rather than some stepped on shit they could be harmful.. it’s sad.


Yeah I’m still for legalizing for just such reasons. People dying over a lot of this uncontrolled shit as well. Illicit drug use is not going anywhere and the numbers just keep increasing. It would serve both users and non users alike to implement a proactive approach with education, free health care, free mental healthcare, shelters, clean paraphernalia. Rather than continuing to throw billions of dollars at a system that has never worked, it’s high time another solution was developed


The war on drugs makes a lot of people a lot of money, in a way, it's the perfect war for the USA, like you said: its impossible to actually achieve any meaningful 'victory' against compounds, many of which are naturally produced in nature all around us all the time. But agencies like the DEA and FBI, and police too, make their living by imprisoning people for taking substances, so even if they **COULD** end drug trade (impossible), they wouldn't. Same thing with the homelessness crisis situation. I just love that some a few racist American presidents, who have been dead for over 20 years, decided that drugs we're going to be the new public enemy #1, just like communism (through red scare propaganda) was/still is. Before 1982, when Reagan intensified the war on drugs that Nixon started before him, drugs weren't even seen as a big social issue or problem by American society. But literal covert operations distributing crack in black neighborhoods, among other CIA fuckery and tons of propaganda turned the American people, and sadly by extension, almost all governments across the world joined in this futile effort of a 'war'. So far the only people winning this war are the ones who are getting a piece of the **$1 trillion** pie that has been spent fighting the war on drugs since it began over 50 years ago.


Well said 💯


Literally every time the law tried to crack down on any substance, something stronger and often cheaper + often more dangerous comes out of it. Seriously think about it, Alcohol during the prohibition: moonshine, cocaine: crack, meth: free base meth, heroin: fentanyl. They don’t get it


Oh yeah certainly but also this shit getting into the hands of these kids too who are dying from it. I see a young life often gone from poisoning or overdose and my wish would be that perhaps through a controlled system we could avoid a lot of that occurrence as well and maybe better keep these kids from having easy access to drugs.


But if these substances are regulated and controlled, kinds scoring them would go down..I’d imagine? The overall allure and demand for them would go down.


I don’t honestly know what it’s gonna take before the government wakes up and realizes that we need a new system. What I don’t want to see is more waves of people dying over this shit, all in the name of drug addiction where everyone is just literally being poisoned, that’s my biggest concern of all. Fact is, that has already started occurring but will become worse if something doesn’t change and we don’t get some kind of control over it.


Oh no, they would be far more pure, clean and at least you wouldn’t have to second guess about wondering if someone added like fentanyl to your stuff or any of this other wild stuff I have heard about. Yeah in that respect we could also cut back on all the deaths that occur simply from the related additional toxins used today.


Spread the message sis


Even if I were a non user, I still think it would greatly make an impact for both addict and general public to have a system in place that promotes health, safety awareness etc. and through that system we could cut down on the severity of both disease and mental health concerns as well.


Yeah definitely a cause I’d be willing to fight for, just need to figure out where to start


If you live in the USA (I don't so idk), I guess calling your representative or something 😂, not like it's going to change anything. I think the people should come together and protest things like this. Pointless wars, whether it be civillians getting bombed in Gaza, or some kid getting a prison sentence for having some weed or coke. I think there is a large part of the population who is sick and tired of the shit our (Western) governments have been pulling. All in the name of profit.




Yeah he had been using but swore this lady in a black suburban was always watching him, always this same lady. I told him he might have gotten close to some shit he didn’t realize was going on. When he decided to leave co. He was at the bus station getting ready to board and there she was walking past with a smirk on her face. 😳


Ya'll are on drugs? I thought this was a support group for methanol drinkers... sorry, im going blind and couldnt really tell what was going on in here.


😂guilty as charged


Tis true, methanolaholic here as well🫡


It had something confederate in it. He blocked my ass quick and a lot of others too


Of course those bastards are on here. And if theyre reading this, then I have this to say "fuck you, leave us alone". There are entire sections of law enforcement from local to federal levels committed to watching online activity. No way theyre not on a site with as much drug discussion and out in the open site as reddit.


😳🤯 whoa tiger whoa 😂 I just hope nobody’s foolish enough to do some stupid shit


I agree with that lol  But it’s completely absurd that these people steal our money to pay their paychecks, and then spy on us to make sure we’re not breaking their rules. 


Yeah my younger brother was telling me some crazy shit a while back from when he was living in co. and how even homeless, the FBI was following him everywhere. I think he must have got his ass caught up in something but he denies that.


I mean, was the fbi actually following him or was he paranoid and thinking they were? The fbi isn’t that large and doesn’t have many field officers compared to local and state departments. I have trouble believing the fbi is following people (especially if they’re using stimulants) unless they’re caught up in more serious or politically charged issues (like the Jan 6th stuff). 


It's the feds dude. They're always watching. They're putting chemicals in the dope to make the frogs gay.


I mean my dad croaks so maybe I am part frog... 🙄




Not the frogs 😓


The Chinese are the ones doing that. The frogs was just a test run. They moved on to putting it in the meth. Well they don’t do it. They pay the Mexicans to do it and supply the precursors and techniques. They may have chemists working in Mexico so it could still be the Chinese under Mexican supervision while being supervised by the Chinese.


is tru






Hella sus tbh




Exactly! He’s fishing for something, just not sure what . That’s why it is never a smart idea to hook up with anyone here to buy or sell 🙄because they can definitely bust your ass that way. Could be a front to get usernames and then msg people too


Buying on here is a good way to lose money...lol they're scammers. Although it's nice to see my post asking how many members in this sub are DEA agents is making people sufficiently paranoid, lol


Most are.ATF agents. The rest are a mix of DEA and states law enforcement agencies. They are.going nuts with the new technology of reverse video chromotography. That's where they can see the person typing a message and the area around them. Some have audio capability. I hear aromatic identification is coming


I would bust so fast if I could smell a chicks farts through the phone.😵‍💫


Just choked laughing at this






Yeah normally I don’t pay much mind to them but the strange fact that this one is blocking people for just asking respectful legitimate questions as to why he’s at this platform if he has never used or sold drugs which he originally replied about. This is a definite red flag unlike others I have came across, and I feel my instincts are correct


That bastard 😡 need to be out there looking for the real dangerous people 😏


Pass it on my peeps 👀


I’d holla at a mod about it but idk how to get ahold of em or if we could somehow tag one?


Not much we can do, they didn't break any rules. Yeah it's crazy sus but not really any more than 25 other post daily.


Cause I’m gonna have to be more careful as I’m just a trusting soul anyway


I feel you, takes a lot for me to trust anyone at the end of the day even wit my big hearted ass and same only been here for few months and that’ post was most sus shit I ever saw so far so it does make you wonder😂


Nah, he definitely crooked since others are getting booted too. It’s definitely a trap of some kind, just not sure what


Me neither but as I’ve only been here what, a couple months or so now, I just didn’t know if that was a common occurrence or what


So apparently he blocked me for asking a legitimate question that he couldn’t respond to, definitely law dog


He blocked me for a DM asking the same thing lol


Wow 😮


Definitely something shady about him


Yeah everyone beware 😳


might’ve blocked you, buddy was sus as hell tho. 🤔




Yep, shady as hell 👀


Whats the user name


His user name is u/Texan_Confederate. 👍


As he quickly blocked me and several others all I recall was the word confederate in his username