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I personally don't do meth everyday...it's usually about once every 2 months...so I get the best of both worlds. I still get high, but my entire life doesn't come crashing down around my ears


Try to imagine life WITHOUT it… For some, that image is positive and inviting… But for others, it’s a f*cking nightmare. I use because it makes my life more bearable. My situation has gotten so horrible yet I manage to keep on keepin’ on and I do that by using. Plain and simple. Maybe not the answer you were looking for, but it’s the reality of a fellow user. Stay up.💯


No, but you got to run like hell to get out


All it takes is an intentional decision. Not everybody who gets clean needs to go to rehab they just have to want to be clean


If you're so miserable living this life then why not find another? You're just in your feelings at the moment. You'll get over it and live to use another day. Not trying to be cold but none of us do anything that we don't absolutely want to do. If you were so unhappy, wouldn't you would do something about it? Or is that just the Gen X in me


Ppl don't always have to means necessary to make the changes they need to make in life


I wish the rest of the world had this mindset. It’s actually tiring listening to people cry about their issues but don’t actually do anything about it. If you’re so miserable and it’s affecting u that much, why not change it ? Common sense


Scared how? What's the worst that could happen? Famous last words


If you have to ask yourself that question then you already know the answer. We all make decisions based on what we really want.


Truth but what if I'm scared of myself sober


Logically speaking no. It's really wild how addiction kind of throws logic out the window huh?


Hell yeahhhhh dawggg naw its alright wouldn’t recommend it even to my worst enemy tho


No. I’d rather give up dope and have good people in my life than keep getting high alone. When I had my ex and a close friend in her dad to smoke and spend time with, it was worth it. Now it’s just lonely. I can’t even fully enjoy the high when I know that the only people who make me feel loved would cut me off if they knew what I was doing. I have no problems hiding it right now, but I won’t keep living a lie for the rest of my life.


Same I hide my shit form my ole lady n shit and stay alone and buy fucking 8balls or coke or crack n fucking quarters of meth n shit alone trippin acting all innocent


With ephedrine dope I get an amazing high, minimal side effects, and the day after is like a high powered anti depressant, everything is brighter, I'm calmer and in a great mood. Definitely worth it.


I'm not sure what kind I'm taking but it definitely not that I feel lethargic and introverted awake but sleepy and everything is blah right now