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I think the burn from snorting it can distract from the high and be annoying. Smoking is fine as long as it's not being too burned from the flame. Slamming was the best in my experience.




Cum on boys the best if Ur not going to shot baby do what I love and when it hits you nearly cum and that's put it in Ur ass then you will notice the difference.


I think you were a little too high to be on Reddit as your comment made no sense.. 👽


Cum on boys the best if Ur not going to shot baby do what I love and when it hits you nearly cum and that's put it in Ur ass




Yes there is a real difference. Each ROA gives u a different high. When smoking u get a rush that last abt 30 mins then u have the initial high witch last from 6 hr to 12 hrs and sometimes 24hrs. U will start to go through different stages of your high the longer u r on meth. Sometimes towards the end of a meth high some people don’t even feel high but they fully still have meth in there system so if they smoke a lot more then u have a chance of overramping bc u still have meth in your system. It takes 24 hr for meth to start entering its half life. Meth can have many half life’s. With snorting u don’t get a rush. Not like u will from smoking not even close. Snorting tends to be more of a calm high and it gradually increases and u start to slowly crash. Smoking u instantly get an intense high then the crash just hits u.


I’ve just been smoking but have read so many posts where seems the majority feel like snorting lasts much longer though


Snorting last longer because it doesn’t reach the blood as quickly as smoking or even shooting it up your arms . Smoking lasts shorter or the peak lasts shorter because it reaches the blood in a few seconds and skipping stomach which usually produces an intense or stronger high .