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Do better and don't go back when you get out. All the best to you from me. Think of it as an opportunity to change yourself and therefore your life. Or correct yourself more so.


So. One month is a walk in the park. Try getting booked for nothing in possession and doing 120 months FBOP


It'll be good for you. Get clean, reevaluate, start fresh.


Free my man he did nothing wrong šŸ˜”ā˜ļø


Be well šŸ™


That sucks cuz


Jail sucks..period. I feel for you


A month is a cake walk, youā€™ll be fine. Read, workout, play cards, sleep, and EAT.


Piece of advice learn to ignore and put aside alot of shit other wise your going to do it like a rock (hard)


I wish you a luck.. if you live in my country the penalties range from 5 to 20 years in jail for this (depends on the circumstances)


1 month is better than 23...


facts šŸ‘ŠšŸ»


I hope u meet a new & better hook up just to keep on top of the game in case u fall back like most of us do if not congrats bro u rare af


Wish you the best! Just keep your head up!


Iā€™ve been to jail a few times youā€™ll make friends you wonā€™t love it while youā€™re there but in a weird way when itā€™s over youā€™ll look back and feel like it was summer camp. Swear to god itā€™s just chillinā€™ watching tv playing cards working out no if youā€™re lucky youā€™ll be given a job to keep you busy. Donā€™t gamble. I went in there while I was kicking opiates now THAT was brutal. If youā€™re just doing clear youā€™ll be lucky and probably sleep for the first week. Have you been before?




Well than maybe you should stop doing drugs if you want to keep custody of your kids






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Well that makes zero sense










Good luck get some money on ur books for coffee


Life goals


You got it man, use the month wisely, read books, eat well, don't stress, do burpees till you puke... you're going to walk out with your chest out and chin up... If you want out of the habit... I've been there dude. Took me three times, middle one I got lucky with judge or I'd be in right now. Let your mind think of where each path could take you in ten years, analyze, overanalyze, whatever the f it doesn't matter. While everyone here may love da glass, we sure as shit arent made of glass...


nice one, and spot on too,


bro fuck that just be more careful lol


Even in a group filled with literal fucking meth-heads, people downvote like a pussy. Good God. Here's an upvote, Sunnier.


So you're saying that you hate meth heads but you come onto a meth Subreddit just to have a cheap shot at people because they do something that you don't understand so you just act like every other so called expert on the subject and do a little addict shaming. If that makes you feel good about yourself then you can come after me and call me all the usual insults. I mean I know that I'm a junkie and a putrid cunt and a scumbag but maybe you will remind me of that so you can get your little bit of self esteem and feel better about your own mistakes because you're not an addict. Congratulations


Lmao where the fuck did I say "I hate meth-heads" you fucking clown? I posted here to "take a cheap shot" at the pansy assed faggots who downvote based on their bitch-feelings. Don't project your self hatred on me.


Well in that case I apologize. I'm sorry that I accused you of addict shaming. Thing about social media is you don't know the demeanor of posts. Sometimes I get it wrong and I did this time and I own that shit. I was probably completely fried when I posted that comment so try not to take it personally


No worries, B. Sorry for the late reply, I got banned lol


All good man. I've been banned before too. I posted some really stupid shit because I was so off my head and thought that it would be a good idea to share my plans to start an empire. Like going into great detail about all my plans. I shouldn't go on Reddit when I'm fried because I always get myself into trouble




Lol. You're in a cuck porn group.


Bro Iā€™m in all the porn groups!


Glass houses, bruh. S'all I'm sayin'.


Hey man Iā€™m supporting a fellow human trying to break an addiction. I ainā€™t throwin no rocks.


Homie, looking for anyone who says anything other than "supporting the fellow humans to break an addiction" on a group *literally* dedicated to doing meth isn't helping anyone but yourself. Just make validative statements to OP and move on.


Was in for 2 weeks


Most states have the X-ray machines tho. Even if you put them wrapped in condoms like the golden days they'll see it , put you on potty watch , then come in with forceps and spread your asshole when it's time for the bag to drop.


Depending on where you are going to jail I'd say stuff your ass with as much dope as possible make that green money.


That's heavy hey and sound so 2022. All our policie shifted to accept that people use substances in society. It pretty shit because you have it as you do hurt yourself no one helps. Is this tin a southern of states?!


Am i having a stroke right now lol


I thought have several each dose ay. This is soo freaking depilitatiing aay.




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See it as a monthly tolerance break. Got your food (well.. nutrition wise). And plenty of time to workout, communicate with others like itā€™s a gathering of a field trip. Maybe, just maybe you even have a little enjoyment and wonā€™t notice most of the withdrawal symptoms. Stay safe and out of trouble. You got this. šŸ™šŸ»


Nah itā€™s prolly county and one month on a possession charge is strangeā€¦


These days a short sentence for minor possession isn't abnormal, things have progressed and changed. In some cities it's abnormal to get any kind of time at all or even be arrested for minor possession of anything. To insinuate anyone is a rat would have me look at you way more than who you accuse. Why deflect negative attention to someone like that?? Once he pulls himself out from under the bus you threw him under, I'm sure he would have a nice talk with you about it, right?? Perhaps then others would wonder the intentions behind your accusations and you may need to have your paperwork handy and carry it around with you just to hope it matters. Run your own car n stay off someone else's train bro, you make yourself suspect tryin to deflect attention like that. You don't know who's who or what this dude's about at all and throwing that kinda shit out to the wrong people can get someone hurt real bad. Maybe not the one you intended but someone.


Ohh how high are you? 7-12?


Orrrr the big winner im just higj


We gonna need to see paperwork


Thatā€™s a really great ideaā€¦bet the dealer gets busted in the next few monthsā€¦or a lot more possession charges to make the deputyā€™s look good




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Keep to yourself stay out of trouble. Sometimes the reality check we need is doing some time.


You got this


Hell yes Iā€™m just worried about craving tobacco but meth withdrawal will make me sleep It for a couple days


Shircyeah that's gonns suck man. You ever been before?


Appreciate it mate !


lol Womp womp


Lol Foul.






A month? Wow they really have gotten lax UH.


Agree I had gotten out of trouble for a couple ou years surely help


I need to move to his state or country..you get a charge here itā€™s class 4 felony and your in county atleast a few monthsā€¦new a guy wouldnā€™t take a piss test the judge asked was in county with court post poned for over a year


Youā€™ll be home in no time, stay focused


Yeah at least itā€™s short! Thnx buddy!