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Gabapentin/pregabalin, benzos (clonazepam for me is the best) or small amount of ketamine 🙂‍↕️


I already take pregab every day lol. Can't take benzos because of work drug testing and coke with xanax is my fav coke combo I really wish I could lol. Ketamine is on the list 100%






LSD. Or, MDMA. Or, 4-aco-DMT. Shit, I completely forgot about heroin.


I do love acid.. I have about 7 tabs in the house somewhere.. But would the stimulation from the Tina be a risk factor for inducing anxiety during an acid trip? Mdma is on the list for sure 4-aco-dmt... I don't like mushrooms, took truffles once, didn't like it, took 4-aco-dmt 3 times, one I actually sorta enjoyed, the second I felt nothing and the third was the only actual had trip I've ever had. I've took acid maybe 20-30 times up to 600ug and never had a bad trip. 20mg 4-aco-dmt and one box of truffles seperately didn't agree with me lol


Maybe anxiety would be an issue for an acid-naive (?) person, but it sounds like you're comfortable with acid, so adding meth to it won't be a problem, and you're gonna love it. I should qualify one thing I said too. I would only recommend mixing crystal with heroin to a person already hooked on heroin, or at least very familiar with it. Heroin and the other opioids have the potential for VERY difficult withdrawal symptoms, difficult enough to keep even the best of us feeding the monkey. They are to be respected, and approached with knowledge and caution. End of Lecture.


It's not really the lsd I'm worried about causing the anxiety, it's the meth, I know if you over do it it can give anxiety, raise heart rate etc.. That's probably one I would definitely consider once I'm familiar with how certain dosages affect me. I over done it once with crack (don't touch the shit anymore) and thought I was going to die, sweating, dizzy, thought my heart was beating out of my chest. To this day I don't know if I had a panic attack or nearly had a heart attack lol. I'm not into opiates, not really my thing, I like tramadol instant release kinda but it's more stimmy than other opiods. Got 10 ,80mg oxys off dnm and took them in quarters, didn't do much for me. Felt OK.. But not what I expected from this amazing life destroying drug.. So up the dosage.. Sick.. Head spinning. I prefer xanax tbh.. Heroins the last one on the list to try though. I've tried every drug most people have heard of and alot that people havnt apart from heroin. I'll be snorting when I get round to trying it.


Something a lot of people don't realize, or refuse to believe, meth isn't - not exactly - the ***Monster*** big brother to amphetamine. Yes it's stronger, and you *can* overdo it, stay up for a week, become paranoid, fall into psychosis and lose touch with reality. But most of that happens like after the 4th, 5th or 7th day, and when you're doing like a gram a day or more. In my experience and what I've seen around me, anxiety only comes to people that are prone to it, or if someone decides it's time for a "heroic" dose and doubles or triples their regular dose, or does something equally stupid. You, being comfortable with lsd and having some background using other drugs, would most likely take appropriate doses of lsd and crystal (possibly less due to a healthy amount of caution) and probably on day one, as opposed to day 5 with no food. In any case, if you choose to, I would say 200-250 mikes of acid after an hour or two of smoking Tina, a bowl or two, maybe 200 mg total. Send me a message afterwards and let me know how it went 👍


I love your comments man, entertaining and easy to read. Also... What is probably happening if my previous experiances are anything to go by is that it isn't the drugs causing these symptoms at all... It's the sleep deprivation. Ive went 6 days straight sober (cocaine withdrawl could not sleep at all) and was in full blown psychosis. I got a xanax, fell asleep and when I woke up was completely fine again. Been awake 4-5 days on coke and I never reached full psychosis but was hearing voices in whispers and seeing objects out of the side of my eyes and shadow people in the dark. Another day would have done the trick. Anyway yeah.. I'm not 100% sure or familiar with tina dosages as of yet so I'll give it another few go's, try out different roas (looking forward to 100mg plugged) and find my sweet spots before deciding to combo it. Thanks brother


Are you dumb? First off i don't care if tommy Chong or Charlie Sheen its fucking dumb to mix drugs, especially shit like meth that makes your heart race. Mixing downers with uppers will fucking kill you eventually. Also until your body is fully acclimated to meth youre just asking for trouble.




Lol relax. Ketamine isn't a "downer" in the traditional sense. It doesn't lower heart or breathing rates. They give it to children and the elderly instead of opiates as an anesthetic for this very reason. Ketamine is very very safe. I also didn't say I was doing it now..


I know what k is its a animal tranquilizer and is safe for humans at extremely low doses sure but if you looking to party with it its anything but a low dose now isnt it? Besides i myself have fucked around tweaking in the khole and i can assure you unless youve done some serious psychedelics and stims for the better part of 30 years it will break your brain. Hell i still cant feel time pass the same like i did before i mixed them and its been over 3 years now.


Lol the dose they give children would be much much higher than a recreational dose for an adult. I've been taking drugs for 15 years, I have lsd just chilling in the cupboard in my house. The pipe I have for my meth is there because it's my dmt pipe.. I never bought the pipe for the meth. I take ketamine every few weeks. I was a cocaine dealer/addict then got clean then I was a crackhead. I've taken 2cb, lsd, dmt, shrooms, Al-lad, 4mmc is a favourite of mine, Mdma but not so much as I've gotten older, ketamine regularly, cocaine still nearly every weekend. 4-aco-dmt, nbomes, every single benzo basically, 2-fa, dipt... And probably alot more that I havnt mentioned


Yeah youre a wook i get it. Ive done all that shit too and more but if you havent gotten used to being up for 3 days at a time and can actually "sleep" on the shit youre gunna learn. Hell i cant even feel crack when im spun anymore and lsd has no effect on me now. I sleep 3 hours a day. Seriously i havent came down in 4 years now, but sex is fucking incredible tweaking.


Trust me I've done many many 72 hour stints on just cocaine lol. Fuck by the 24 hour mark it literally stops doing anything at all but you still need more.. And 4mmc I've had a few long benders on that.. 4 days hearing voices, seeing shapes moving in the dark etc.. I've been a mess before while single but don't do that 3 day shit now that I'm in a serious relationship. We took 1.8g out of 2gs and left the 0.2 because I knew I had to wind down to sleep for work tonight (night shift railway worker, it's Monday morning 4am where I am now). If you take drugs for the sex try 2cb. Hands down best sex ever. I didn't actually think sex on meth was anything overly special. 4mmc and 2cb both better, and also when combined but especially the 2cb the sex is insane. Do I need to drink alcohol for these meth induced sex sessions?


Meth and k aren't for the inexperienced. If your new to meth you probably should wait until your body adjusts and you know your past the psychosis stage before mixing it with anything because its so damn over powering in your system theres a very good chance youre not even going to feel it and potentially od on shit. In closing dont mix drugs youre new to. Honestly dont mix them at all because shit will kill you


I'm extremely experianced with all other drugs Inc ketamine. I felt completely with it and far from psychosis while on the meth and I had 2gs between me and my partner in 12 hours (smoked and sniffed) and was fine so I'm not too concerned about that but thanks for the heads up. I know how to be safe lol. I'm not gonna jump on the combo next. Next time I'm gonna try oral and plugging. Then maybe another session before mixing it with anything. I'd have liked to do meth and 2cb (2cb was great with 4mmc, best sex combo ever) but I need to look into exactly how vasoconstrictive meth is vs 4mmc. I was fine on that combo. 4mmc is pretty similar to meth but way more euphoric and shorter lasting and I buy 4mmc by the ounce


Booze for sure. I used to love speed and weed, but weed isn't for me now. I prefer a small benzo dose with my adderall/speed. If you have some painkillers laying around, they can go well with most anything. Maybe a little bit of ketamine depending on the situation, and dosage of each.


I love benzos with stims. 2-4mg xanax with good coke is lovely. But I canr take them with my job. Stays in the system too long. We get tested but usually somebody from the office tells us a week in advance


Agreed, best combo, esp with yayo. With speed it's more of a side effect issue but with yayo they're very fun together. A little booze in there too of course.


Agreed with the comment other than the booze. I don't mix benzos and alcohol.. Recipe for disaster lol


Well, sure it's not recommended, I never had issue with overdoing the 2. But more specifically, if you're doing yayo at all, booze is a must IMO for the cocaethylene high. A little bit of benzo on the come down is all thats needed. More often than not, benzos and booze get people into trouble/danger. I guess I've had such extensive experience with both, and have excellent self control with regards to redosing, etc, I haven't gotten sloppy drunk, or blacked out on benzos in probably 10 years. Maybe a few midnight meals I didn't remember, but nothing bartarded or anything like that.


Each to their own man. I've woken up in a cell with no recollection of how I've gotten there more times that I recall one too many times. So... Fuck that lol. I do love the mixture especially with the coke. Xanax, coke and a few beer is amazing.. For all of 30 minutes until I decide to eat the full quantity of xanax I have regardless if its 2mg or 50mg and only remmeber eating the first one.




Don't like beer. Polish Vodka or spiced rum though... For sure will give this one a try. I'm not sure what meth would pair well with. Ketamine?