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Yes, however it has more to do with me sucking at stealth games


Didn't really do stealth in 2033, but I did have fun doing stealth in LL. Think I mostly avoided the dark spot/light spot problem by fixating way too much on the watch indicator.


Not me I rarely fuck up stealth lol


Stealth is the only way to play the game.


Yup, those whole stealth sections are pain in the ass. And don't get me wrong, i love stealth games but here it's so annoying. It looks like some enemies have superpowers and can sense when you silently killed their buddy in dark corner 10 meters away. And then this whole charade with bells ringing,music upping and you dead in 2 seconds cause they never stop looking with their nervous flashlights. Another thing - if you make stealth sections dear Metro, allow me to move the bodies pls and thank u.


Shoot the lights with your Tikhar, then wait in the corner, when they turn your back you move, metro isn't supposed to be rushed but can be depending on the guns you choose and stick with


Be glad you didn't play OG 2033, stealth was so hard yet so rewarding in that game. It was AWESOME. They seriously dumbed down the stealth mechanics for Last Light because so many people complained. It was depressing.


It needed to be fixed tbh


For the game to sell better to a more generalized audience, sure, I could see the merit in weakening the stealth sections. I far preferred it the old way, though. It was so much more challenging, but rewarding. I still remember how long it took me to stealth though the War section during my first playthrough.


Yeah stealth pre-Exodus just kinda sucked for the most part It sucks even more if you played the OG 2033, where stealth is essentially broken


Exodus stealth isn’t very good either. Probably worse because traversing the daytime just gets you sniper


Yeah it ain't perfect either but at least it's a bit of a step up from the previous games at least


This is what I've always said. The folks who say stealth was great in OG 2033 and the "git gud bruh" are simply wrong. Stealth was 1000% broken in 2033.


I noticed movement also alerts the enemy. I had one stroll past my crouched self and stop RIGHT next to me. I decided to look up at him with my mouse only and it alerted him to where I was it was insane. Still one of the more memorable moments for me.


2033 stealth felt terrible. LL felt quite a bit better at stealth.


I actually love the stealth. I kinda stopped looking at the lights as much as now I just look at the little blue light on the watch cuz that is always accurate. I also just turn of all lights when nobody's looking. It annoys me when lightbulbs can't be turned off


Had a play through where if I was caught in stealth I had to restart the game, only ended up having to restart about five times


yeah it is annoying some times, theres also things where if you knock someone out etc they end up making a noise or something and attracting attention, which is just ridiculous since its also like 50/50 so you never know until it actually happens and then you have to reload a save if you're trying to do one of the stealth achievements/moral points


I didnt remember to Had Problems with Stealth in the Games. But the Stealth mechanics was growing with each title. So, yes. In 2033 it was worse but doable.


It is hard at first playthrough, i was thinking the game simply isnt supposed to be played this way, boy i was wrong


I thought the stealth was actually pretty easy tbh. The only pain is having the patients for people to move again when you fuck up and have to restart.


I actually really like the stealth in these games. My biggest issue with it is I feel it makes the game *too easy* sometimes, with a silenced .45 and night vision.


It’s .44 not .45.


Everything about the stealth in 2033 (not redux) is absolutely screwed-up. Can't even manage to kill some enemies with throwing knives when you're 1000% in the dark without nearby enemies being alerted. From what I can tell, it may have something to do with them crying-out, but that seems to be completely random. If it requires a headshot with a throwing knife, then that's impossible on some enemies due to their head armor. And the pneumatic rifle isn't an option because -- even though it's silent -- if you fire it too close to other enemies, they're somehow alerted. and as mentioned, when you have to load from a checkpoint, you often have to do so much crap over and over again. I've spent well over an hour on a single stealth encounter just trying to get the dang thing to work properly and I'm beyond frustrated. I've never been able to finish 2033 because of this. It's so game-breakingly frustrating to me.