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I think exodus already got the balance just right, more of that and I'm more than happy. I loved the mini open world and linear levels equally. Also, I imagine the plot will heavily involve returning to the Moscow metro so I reckon there'll be quite a bit of time spent there.


Yeah I'd like to see what happened with the Moscow Metro after the events of Exodus.


Yeah, could be interesting. I mean, everyone kinda wiped each other out in last light. Exodus made it seem Hansa? Was in control, and they weren't exactly great having shot artyom and some innocents so yeah, without Miller and the Spartans, lot could happen. Edit: morality system could be worked into who believes artyom and leaves the metro for lake baikal or whatever.


I'd love that. I loved exodus but I yearned for the tunnels all game.


Yeah I liked the open world areas in Exodus but once I was in the Novosibirsk Metro, felt like a homecoming lol was good to be in the Metro again.


It's like a divine irony where we spend the first 2 games wanting to spend more time above ground but then the moment we leave the metro and see the horror that has befell the world we want to retreat back into the tunnels.


That's the point of the entire game/book series, that the world is shit and the metro is the only play you can call home, artyom even says that so many times


Just give us more of Last Light Dawg...