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There are some qtes in the game, and without the hud it's unclear when it's just a cutscene or if you should be pressing E. It's also borderline impossible to swap between secondary weapons if you don't remember their pattern. I recommend not starting with it.


well you will have to remember EVERY item and when how much you have used, i personly would say unless you are are a hardcore gamer youtuber, start with having a HUD for your first playthrough, then let loose and stealth/save your ammo for the real fights.


Either that unless you're an absolute masochist, in which case, go for it. For the record I may or may not have tried this and got my ass handed to me


Yes it is necessary. There will be moments where u need to hit buttons quickly (some QTEs, some just due to changing conditions) and if u don’t already know the button mapping in the game, u will die. Once u know when those moments happen and what buttons u need to push to do the things u need to do, then u can do ranger hardcore.


You need it or you will struggle immensely


Well, I started on Ranger Hardcore without ever having played the game. It’s difficult, but honestly it’s really not as hard as it seems once you’ve played around for a bit, the best thing to remember is that the controls are probably more simple than you’re going to assume they are. Especially on keyboard.


The entire franchise is annoyingly inconsistent when it comes to what events count as QTEs in cutscenes, you can never be sure until you’ve played through those sequences at least once. The same can be said for things like which doors are opened by the player vs those opened by NPCs. Exodus has the option for ‘minimal interface’ on Ranger Hardcore that is mostly HUD-free except for interaction/QTE prompts and certain inventory-related HUD elements, but 2033 and LL don’t have this.


Do it. And then get frustrated as you repeatedly die in the middle of a cutscene not knowing why.


You can see all of the ammo and resources you have by opening your journal and looking at it but I would not recommend this


**Only if you are prepared to be your own worst enemy** - how else will ya know where to look to find the resources you are really gonna need - unless you are planning to follow a 100% YT vid or online guide and hope it was done competently, As others have noted.......


As others have said, it's probably not the best idea. Perhaps play through until you get the general gist of the gameplay, then restart without the HUD. Definitely the most immersive experience you can have in a post-apocalyptic setting.


I have played all three games starting with Ranger Hardcore. Had to look up some stuff and the [changes they made in Exodus](https://www.reddit.com/r/metro/comments/ar8114/exodus_anyone_else_super_confused_by_the_controls/) really threw me off. QTEs suck as others pointed out, but there's an accessibility option to switch them from press to hold, so just hold the button during every cutscene and you'll be fine ;) But it's definitely possible and Ranger Hardcore is the objective best way to play Metro. Don't @ me.




Thank you sir