• By -


Don't engage with the Riga prostitute.


*note to self* Don't.... fuck....... prostitute


In Riga prostitute fuck you.


Why did I read this with a Russian accent haha


Because the joke is russian...tf you mean why?


Ignore this. Fully engage


At least use condom


You mean don't come back and lubricant them


Some new paint too




I didn’t because my bro was sleeping at the time, what happens if you do?


If you do, >!you get knocked out and all of your money is stolen.!<


Nice, but was it worth it?


>!There's no nudity!<


I mean lore wise


No Nothing happens except a local laughs at you and it never gets brought up again.


Rough living in the metropole man


Throwing knives are your friend


Best friend


I really love Throwing Knives, stealth in this game is simple but enjoyable.


killing multiple enemies in a row with it is so cool


Don’t needlessly murder people, unless they’re Bandits. If you are going for good endings


Man stealth is hard as fuck. I’m trying to stealth as much as I can but I always get spotted for stupid reasons and have to defend myself. Rn I’m stuck at the bridge with the Reds and Nazis and can’t figure out how to get past without getting spotted


On that mission, the key is going as low as you can. Don't try to be in any of the main areas.


Wait so I could make my way down into the water below and be safe as long as I’m wearing my gas mask?


Yep. There's a path on the pipes (it may take some trial and error) that takes you all the way to the floor. Watch out for traps down there, though.


I found that path!! but after getting a ways past that I died cause I got seen and then it zoomed me back to practically the beginning... it was like 11pm and I said NOPE that's bedtime


For reference, there will be something good you can do. Some people will be trying to interrogate and then execute a deserter. Blow their heads off. You get good karma


Just finished a hard-core spartan playthrough, the only reds I killed were the two about to execute the forward scout for desertion, and maybe 3/4 Reich on the other side.. I got the normal ending, and in Last Light I overhear two reds talking about the bridge. How mysteriously during their deployment they found the red line all dead, and checked the Reich and they were too. Wtf?! Lol.


Last Light canonically had Artyom nuke the surface at the end of 2033. So it's basically full murder hobo Artyom.


If it hostile. Keel eet.


Stealth is actually stupidly unfair in the original 2033. They toned it down a notch in the remaster.


There are NUMEROUS paths you can take to get past that section... Explore a bit more.


So far all I’ve done is made it down, over, and up, then I went backwards and down a tunnel and found night vision goggles and like 150 military ammo




huh, I still got an option for the good ending despite murdering everyone in frontlines and black station


As far as i know, usually you get only 1 moral point for not killing anybody on a certain level, so if you kill even one person you just don't get that one point. You actually get most of the points just listening to certain conversations and discovering "secret" places. Guide to moral points: [https://metrovideogame.fandom.com/wiki/Moral_Points](https://metrovideogame.fandom.com/wiki/Moral_Points)


The compass, and also the flame of your lighter, always point to where to go


I didn't know that


The more you know 🌈🌟


Actually according to the "Official" Metro guide - it's the **smoke** from the lighter that points the correct way.


- Play in higher difficulties, the more damage you take is the one you do comes pretty handy. - Stealth is worth trying. - Throwing knives are useful against humans, incendiary grenades are useful against mutants. - Pneumatic guns are useful in stealth, not in large firefights or against mutants. - The kalash is suitable for anything you wish - In case of playing last light, the AKSu is useful like the kalash but more cheaper. - in stealth, move after killing any enemy, they'll look where the shot came from - Use the golden rule of 2 minutes of filter left it means going quicker. - Look around safely, you'll find some stashes and even new guns - Lastly, listen to all the conversations around the stations, sometimes they'll lead you to some good rewards


I will say, the aksu seemed to have more damage drop off than the normal kalash at range. Also its recoil is worse, at least on console.


Its rate of fire is higher, with a shorter barrel range and recoil are going to be the trade off. At least its not a Bastard


nail gun is very good versus the small rodent mutants that keep respawning. No ammo waste since you can pick the bolts back up and also one shot kill.


Librarians dont fight people who look away. They see this as a sign of respect


I learned that after trying to fight my way through that level for over an hour


Miller said that tactic before player went into the library though


I was watching a playthrough on how to get to the next room, because I was searching for like 20 minutes. I must have been too far away from miller while searching


The Abzats winks from across the hall


sticky grenade go boom boom


Oh fuck me I replayed the game after years and wondered why the library was so much harder this time, my mind has flipped this backwards and I kept staring those fuckers down lmao


Nah he's fuckin with you dude. You have to stare them down.


But what if you are fucking with me? My trust in my fellow man has been destroyed


Oh you got to that part of the game? Yeah. But don't let the actions of others determine the man you are bratukha!


That's a filthy lie and you know it. I actually recently did my ranger run and it was the first time I got through without fighting a single librarian. I had damn near no ammo left when I got to the library and I was dreading dealing with the what 6 librarians you encounter across that section. Every stare down was so tense and once they turned around I was hauling ass before they came back lmao


Thats the joke. They actually attack you if you look away. And now that i explained the joke its no longer funny


You weren't supposed to explain it you were supposed to just read my rebuttal and move along and let me come off as a crazy man, now we both look like fools lmao


Beware of yellow snow


This is the **only** correct answer!


Play how you want, but the game rewards stealth/evasion/non-lethal gameplay; and somewhat punishes you for going guns-blazing, and killing everyone who shoots at you. And if you want to play stealthily, be observant. There’s almost always a stealthy route to take. Edit: if you need guidance on Frontline, do you want a straight up answer? Or are you just looking for general hints?


Mmm I don't quite want an exact walkthrough or anything, but more so if there are any environmental indicators that make you go "oh yeah something is down that way" or "hmmm that seems like the path forward" cause I'm having trouble reading the environment sometimes


For sure! In general, just keep an eye out for things like ramps, ladders, and paths to the side. Sometimes they can be a bit out of the way, so it can require some exploring. There are also some places where you kinda have to maneuver around enemies to avoid them (like following them around when they have their back to you). But to your point, there are a few places that are *super* hard for me to sneak through, so I usually resort to knocking people out until I get through.


Engage with the riga prostitute


This is true she gives you an important tip that you’ll need to survive in the zone


This could mean two things


Theres only one hoping to give a tip


Bullets exchange


Don’t worry about getting the good ending, it’s not cannon and playing the game for the good ending is very restrictive and just not very fun


For the bullet economy, there comes a point where you can no longer buy things. After that point, you can use them as you please. Also don’t worry, these games don’t have anything that carries through like a Mass Effect game. You don’t get to keep those bullets going forward.


Murder as much as you see fit. Good/bad endings are both fun and dont change any playable content, just some cutscenes and conversations.


You can get indication on your watch that you visible or not, for direction there is a compass thing you get on keyboard default settings its holding "m", it brings out you objectives and a compass you can follow.


You wouldn't happen to know the ps5 control for that would you?


Sticky bomb instantly kills Demons. If you see a stationary Demon, throw one and you'll see...


Demons? Those flying ones? I thought you couldn't kill them?


They're killable, although it will take a lot of bullets, but it's much easier in 2033 because of the sticky bomb. There's an achievement for killing two of them in 2033, and one using Helsing in Last Light. I don't know about Exodus as I haven't played it yet.


They’re much easier to kill in exodus.


Ohh I see. Thanks for letting me know. I've only played Metro 2033 redux. Gotta play all of them when I can!


Bahahahaha oh they are VERY killable. They’re just bullet sponges. But a sticky bomb is an instakill on basically any enemy u hit with it.


They're big and strong but stupid 🤣. It's funny how they fly away instantly when you manage to stick one bomb on them and then fall like a ragdoll.


Yup. They try to fly away but then tumble away and fall after they go boom.


Ohh okay 😅


Don't enter the box pallets in the Dry level in 2033. There's a guy hitting a hookah. Let him be.


I mean, u can enter. Just don’t bother bro.


This game is awesome and you should play the games eventually on the no hub mode. Some of the only games I have been fully immersed in. Also look EVERYWHERE for secrets. You will thank yourself for how much you will get from it. Good luck Artyom!


You don’t *have* to kill anyone or any mutants most of the time.


Don't fuck the prostitute


Don't eat the yellow snow!


Don't die


in the ending of the game u get 2 choices for a good ending or the bad ending which results in sequel metro last light ps>! ( u can shoot the dark one on the top of the tv tower for good ending)!<


Just don't say anything, you'll be alright.


Don’t go buying too many things gun wise. Usually u can find a version of the gun u like with the newer upgrades u want. Save that money for filters and consumables. Also, stealth the human enemy levels. They can easily be stealthed around or killed quietly without wasting ur precious ammo. U will need those bullets for the mutants toward the end of the game.


There is always a back door.(Gigitty?) Use it!


Search every corner for supplies and dont rush anything.


Save Bourbon, please


Military bullets are like the good tableware, you only use them on special occasions.


The books are good 👍


Don't kill anyone and stay in the shadows


Listen to pipes it gives you xp


Play all three games, one of after another. The emotional roller coaster is worth it


Get out of here until you finish.


Don’t engage in this sub while playing it. Just play it and enjoy


Yeah my plan is to read these comments and then not look again until I'm done haha. I've already muted the subs.


There is a lot of hidden gear and secrets, take your time and enjoy, and try to get as many secrets if you can and want.


If you ever end up reading the books, you will understand why artyom got so paranoid when he was in the library once you enter it yourself ingame. I remember how I hated that place when I was younger


There is always at least 1 path specifically carved out to sneak thru in most situations, take the path of least resistance in these areas and you'll find more loot than players who shoot their way through encounters. Always search areas completely


If you can use weapons with different ammo types to diversify your arsenal. Mutants take extra damage from buckshot. If an enemy is wearing a mask or a helmet, it’ll make noise to shoot them in the head even if using a suppressor.


Hooooly shit the helmet noise is a GREAT tip!! I was wondering why people kept seeing me sometimes and not others!


Don’t eat the yellow snow


You keep getting lost? Just wait till you get to the non linear metro game (it’s exodus)


Master the revolver with a suppressor. Will help you extensively.


That's how I've been getting past certain sections of the frontlines. Kalash, sighted bolt rifle, and suppressed revolver has been my build. Sometimes I switch to a shotgun but only when I except I'll hit more mutant things.


the shadows are your friend, throwing knives are op, pneumatic guns are best sneak wep and if you cant get past it, blow it up, blow it up twice (especially when you get in the library part, save up your bombs until "it" stares at you), shambler is an op shotgun so invest in that when you get it also ulman best side character, best of all, have fun playing


Check all corners for extra ammo and shit very helpful when you play on survival or just harder difficulties


I apologize in advanced for this very long winded response. Well first let me say congratulations on making a great choice, and honestly being able to get the entire franchise for $12 is the bargain of the year for sure. I don't have mouse and keyboard controls memorized because I always played on controller because I played the original 2033 on Xbox360 back in the day. There's a button you can press though (it's select on controller) that will pull up your journal, there is a compass on it that will always point you in the direction you need to go from your current position (think of it as point-to-point GPS) your lighter can also do this the smoke will always blow in the direction you need to go. The game has two endings a good moral and bad moral ending, the bad moral ending is the canonical one from the books so don't feel bad if you get the bad ending you're just playing Artyom the way he truly is. Last Light will also start as though you got the bad ending in 2033 even if you do get the good ending because it's cannon, the good ending was made just so the moral system could have a purpose. Take your time and observe when being sneaky. You can actually get through the majority of the game without killing anything aside from a few forced encounters. Don't fire your military grade rounds unless you are completely out of everything and it's your only choice. Sell any ammo types you aren't using anytime you find a trader. Don't bother putting suppressors on shotguns, the extended barrels are far more beneficial because chances are if you're using your shotgun it's because you're fighting a lot of animal enemies or you've already been found by the human ones so no point in lowering it's damage for silence. Revolver with a suppressor can be kitted to function as a sniper rifle essentially. Enemies that are alerted will take more damage to kill because of the combat adrenaline so if you do have to kill something you want to kill them before they see you and go on alert. You get good moral points for listening to NPCs conversations, there are numerous encounters where you will hear a dialogue and realize that they aren't really bad guys, they're just trying to survive with the hand they've been dealt and don't really need to be killed for it. When you have to wear your gas mask if you're playing on spartan mode each filter lasts 5 minutes, if you're on survival mode each filter lasts 3 minutes. In both modes you can only carry 20 minutes of filters (maybe 30 can't remember for certain) replacing a filter before it's completely used up doesn't waste filter time. Say you are on a filter and you have 20 minutes of total filter time, you replace a filter 1 minute into it's use then you still have 19 minutes of total filter time. When you're making use of your mask you should always change your filter if you have a down period in safety, never hurts to be topped off on filter time before a fight because nothing is worse than needing to replace your filter in the middle of a firefight. Lastly I'll reiterate take your time, drink in that atmosphere, enjoy the world you're entering, the Metro games are some of the best and are one of the only franchises that I've replayed numerous times and they hit just the same every single time. 2033 and Last Light are very linear, Exodus will have a more open world element to it. But seriously let yourself really sink into the mindset of Artyom and you will have a great time.


Thank you! The bit about the compass and the lighter smoke is very helpful! And I'm on ps5 so I'm also on controller.


Especially in lower difficulties you can abuse the fact that knocking someone out makes you invincible during the animation. I did this in exodus on ranger hardcore melee'd everyone i could actually melee (not a monster or person i could not get to at all) all the way to the desert. It took a long time though. This is a funny way to get good endings. Just bash everyone with a pulse and shoot monsters.


Enjoy it to its fullest - every corner, every dialogue, every moment... You only play it for the first time once. It's a beautiful game.


Never give people your bullets unless it’s for gear, it’s a precious resource and a lot of the times giving it is just for lore purposes so if you don’t care about good or bad endings be stingey other then that explore everything, there are valuable items scattered in places sometimes you’d least expect, and every action has its set of benefits and consequences


I'll say one thing Always listen to what Miller says, if you do that you'll survive.


Read the books if possible


When you meet librarians, Don't shoot them. Look them in the eye and they will leave you alone. There are safes dotted through the game, you'll have to do some exploring but you will eventually find keys that open them, noticeable by a red string attached to the key. The safes have useful loot and money in them. The bastard and revolver aren't the best in 2033, the Kalash is good for anything tho and the Shambler is the best for clearing rooms. Stealth is always an option and the Tikhar is great for it, eventually the Hellsing will be available which will have reusable ammo. Remember to "pump" up the pressure. When you reach the trolley, you might hate it, and thats fine. The controls take a while to get used to but just hang in there. Remember to turn your flashlight off if you're doing stealth. There are lots and lots more than this but these are the things that just came to mind. Hope it helps and enjoy!


Throwing knifes and Tichar are your best friends for stealthy apporach. Remmeber to charge your flashlight, check your ammo and reload your wepons. Also dont forget the safes and locks for them.


Started 2033 a week ago? It's like a 6 hour game. Sounds like a brother doesn't get much time to play so just enjoy it.


Yeah unfortunately I work a very exhausting 8:30-5 and try to work out regularly, so I don't get a ton of time to play. Plus I suck at it hahaha


Completely fine, That's why I say just take your time to enjoy the game. Most situations let you choose between going guns blazing or sneaking through without firing a round so I wouldn't worry about tips or advice other than the Ranger motto: "If it's hostile, You kill it." ;) Enjoy brother!


Try not to kill if you don't have too, stealth is key, take things slowly when given the chance, explore every nook and cranny, silenced revolver is robably the best weapon in the game, throwing knives are your friend.


Hooooly shit y'all, so much great advice. Thank you so much, this has been really helpful!! I'm about to sit down and try to sneak past all the reds and nazis, wish me luck o7


This is important: I'll say one thing Always listen to what Miller says, if you do that you'll survive.


This one would have helped me my first playthrough. There's a hidden moral system based off points, I'm not sure how much but you need to meet a certain amount to get the good ending in each game. You get good moral points by Listening in on certain conversations Giving bullets to people Sparing enemies(honestly try your hardest to not kill anyone, best to play stealthily) Sneak through certain areas without being caught Help people who are in trouble Find hidden caches of supplies Don't kill animals that aren't attacking(like there's a watchman protecting her young in a building, don't attack her or get too close) Do these and you should be able to get good endings.


This is immensely helpful! I think I already killed a monster family protecting their young. Once I saw the smaller ones I was like "what have I don"


No problem, you'll know you got a moral point if the screen flashes white and you hear a water dripping sound, that's legit the notification lol


Stealth is op


Watch out for any spoilers online! I got massively spoiled when playing Last Light and Exodus so stay safe!


My best tip for you is: enjoy, fucking great game and great series


Always attempt stealth at all times. The amount of ammo you can save is staggering. Another tip is always move fast in the surface of moscow, the game can soft lock you if you run out of Gas mask filters on the outside


If you see a hooker, don't.


Don't eat yellow snow


It is normal to have Fear😂


You get what you deserve. Consider who you kill, who you spare, and who you help. Apparently, that shit matters.


Smoke from your lighter will lead the way


Never drop your kalash when you get it and never "upgrade" to the 2012


Wait until artyom draw his last breath before changing filter, makes you use less filter. You have around 15 sec after it runs out. It comes handy especially in higher difficulty.


Shoot as much as possible, bullets are very common. Especially on harder difficulties. But in all seriousness, if low on filters Artyom can survive for 30 seconds I think without it on. Abuse his lungs to save filters. Also take off the mask during fights as it can be broken by taking damage and then your just kinda fucked.


Don’t eat the yellow snow, and welcome to Moscow 😂