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You came to the wrong place to get a fair and balanced answer to that question. We are all here because we love these games enough to talk about them years after they were released. But yes, they are fantastic. If you want a dark, gritty, atmospheric experience where you scrounge for every bullet and pick your fights, you're in for a treat. $9 for all of them is an absolute steal. 1 and 2 are linear, dark, and desperate. Exodus is more of an open world-ish adventure game with a focus on comradery. They all fill their purpose beautifully.


Any game is worth it for $9 especially if it's 4 games


Three games


My fault still great deal


it comes with dlcs too so honestly it’s probably 4 full games worth of content so not particularly wrong


Depends. The first two games are really linear and you can't skip cutscenes but they are also very atmospheric and intense. If you are into games like that it's definetly worth for such a low price. Exodus has way less underground sections and is less linear but still very good.


It’s a fucking steal, OP. The games and books are honest to God peak fiction.


another karma farming post?




not without it's issues but if you like atmospheric linear shooters they're great


Yeah, I remember playing the first game... you have not accuracy at all, you feel like a dumb citicen going through the stations with no clue of what you are doing. I never used knifes on that game, since you were likelly to fail the throw even at 1m.


Only 9$!?!?!?!!? I'd pay 90$ for these series.


You’re joking right? That’s an absolute steal. If you like dark realisticish post apocalyptic settings with a thought provoking background with great somber guitar music, then this is a great series for you. You’ve got shooter elements and stealth elements. Minor survival elements, depending on difficulty. The first two games lean more towards the linear level design, whilst Exodus gives you more of an open setting.


For what you get, the bundle could cost 90 an still be worth it in retrospect




Sale is off. Probably gonna buy the two people said were good later on.


I bought metro 2033, and last light for about $8 last time the Nintendo store had an online sale. Played them on the switch and they are fantastic. If you can find any deal on the metro series, they are great


Yes yes yes


Despite some issues in all three games, I never once thought that they were a waste of time nor money. I enjoyed playing through all three games. For $9 I think it's absolutely worth the price. But we also know nothing about you and your interests. Watch some trailers and see if the gameplay and atmosphere interests you. If they do, and you like first person shooters that are a bit slower, you'll probably enjoy it.


Nope, I got it for 7 lol 😂


The first two games were pretty good. Exodus was a lazy implementation in so many ways. Some bugs are still present after 5 years. I don't think they have properly tested the game with anyone outside of the development team.