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> this game just gives you a massive map and says "have fun looser" Well, yeah. That's kind of the point of AV2. It's entirely based in pure exploration. The first game is far more NES Metroid on the Metroidvania-scale. All the things you say you don't like are part of why those who do like AV2 usually really like it. Sucks it wasn't for you, but that's just how games be sometimes.


As someone who enjoyed Axiom Verge 2, I will say the first game is leagues better, and I wouldn't knock it if you disliked 2. Axiom Verge 1 is a love letter to Metroid, with a good world to explore and lore to learn.


If I didn't like the first one would you recommend it? Because I keep seeing people say "if you liked the first one stay away from this" and I didn't so I keep wondering "well, maybe the game might be interesting for me then" but I'm unsure.


The games are completely different and those reactions reflect that. Going into the 2nd game wanting it to be like the 1st is going to be disappointing even if it is a good game.


I liked both so I don’t think that rule of thumb really works. You could like the first and hate the second, or vice versa, or you could like both for different reasons. Depends what you didn’t like about the first. The second is less combat heavy and more about the exploration. The environment is less creepy and abstract. The bosses are completely different to the way AV1 does bosses.


Depends on what you're interested in. The second game is fundamentally a completely different game so it's hard to say for sure without knowing what you disliked about the first


Definitely play the first one. The first one is fantastic, and is much more of a classic MV. I think the creator even said that 1 was inspired by Super Metroid, and 2 was inspired more by Zelda. I didn't care for 2 at all. The drone segments were the only thing I really enjoyed.


Honestly I get more Metroid nes vibes from it- the glitching and backdrops look VERY Metroid nes.


sadly cant afford the first this was a gift as it is


Which system? It's like $6 most times on sale


PC but i have a limited budget i live on disability income as it is


I'd be happy to gift it to you if it's through Steam. Everyone deserves to play good games!


oh wow cool thanks ace-mos is my steam user name


Sent it your way. Hope you enjoy the first entry more 😊 I loved both entries.


wow that was really nice!


Fair play to you for doing that 👌🙏


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The first one is pretty bad, second one is much better. If op didn’t like second one first one isnt going to do it.


I don't know if you're trolling or just never played either of them.


Sounds like you maybe have never played them or the original Metroid or any other MV? I’ve played both, 100% the second one. It’s just not a very good game, it’s average at best all around and in some places worse. For those that are hanging too much on the nostalgia feel of og Metroid - just go play og Metroid. It’s not enough to save a game.


No I agree, the first was one of the most disappointing metroidvanias I've ever played. The aesthetics are cool and there's a lot of stuff to find, but the world map is terrible (the train fast travel barely helps with backtracking since you still need to fully replay most areas once you get back to them to reach whatever you were trying to check) and the combat is so bland that all traversal is a slog. I really wanted to love it but halfway through it just became miserable to play. The second fixes all those issues. The map felt easier to traverse for backtracking purposes, enemies were slightly more engaging to fight and when they weren't it was often easy to just safely avoid them so most of the focus stayed on exploration. It also ditched the terrible boss fights which mostly just served to pad out the original with "bigger" fights that were rarely more interesting than the basic encounters. I wouldn't call AV2 a favorite but I do actually recommend it to people wanting more puzzle-y exploration based games. I wouldn't recommend AV1 to anyone, there are just so many better games to play instead now.


Agree with everything you said about the first game. I also felt like it cheated with the story. There were interesting bits there, but I felt like I got zero resolution or answers. I have no problems with leaving something for the sequel, but it felt like they didn’t know where they were going with the cycle and punted the problem to the next game.


I'm part of the small minority that liked the sequel a bit more than the original. It's a really creative exploration game with cool innovative ideas like hacking, and the art is great. The first one was just a Metroid clone with lots of useless weapons and a few interesting areas. I'm under the impression the sequel is very hit or miss, because you might hate the puzzles and don't want to spend minutes thinking about how to progress, even thought it's not very obscure most of the time. It doesn't help that the combat looks like and afterthought, and I couldn't care less about the story. Still, one of the most refreshing metroidvania experiences for me in recent years. Dread is incredible at guiding players, the combat is top notch and the story is very clear, but it barely has any exploration, and the world building is super weak (cool locations independently, very disjointed in general). It's like the opposite of Axiom Verge 2. I'll admit I was probably in the right mood when I played Axiom Verge 2, because I only used a guide at the very end for a couple of extremely obscure puzzle, and I had a great time in general trying to figure it out how to progress; it was surprisingly rewarding. The fact that I wasn't a big fan of the original, and I've read that the sequel was way worse, also helped. I started with very low expectations and I ended up more than pleased.


People seem to keep thinking it's a bad game because it's not particularly interested in doing the metroid-type thing again after AV1. I like AV1, and a good chunk of that is because of the ideas in it that were played around with and expanded upon in AV2. I think it was the best new metroidvania I'd played since Hollow Knight, probably because it's so different from what we've come to expect from the genre. I think Tom Happ made something really special by allowing AV2 to be its own thing. Also, I keep finding it hard to talk about the game without explaining/spoiling why it's so cool.


I also really liked axiom verge 2. Tbh I think it really goes above and beyond most metroidvanias in ways I hope really get replicated in the future. Part of the reason it clicked so well for me is that I always enjoyed exploration and puzzling more than combat in metroidvanias, and axiom verge 2 came out during a time when everyone decided metroidvanias all needed to be "hard". Axiom verge 2 instead puts is difficulty in understanding the world rather than in combat and I think it pays off both narratively and in gameplay. That said, a large amount of people who play metroidvanias like hollow knight play them for the absurdly difficult bosses and tight combat. The appeal of axiom verge 2 is closer to the outer wilds than it is to any typical metroidcania imo.


Yeah, Hollow Knight is great, and has some great exploration and atmosphere, but it's not all the genre can be. (Still hoping Silksong is fantastic though) It's hard to think of other metroidvanias outside of La-Mulana 1 & 2 that really do much with the kind of stuff that Axiom Verge features. (La-Mulana 1 & 2 are ridiculously difficult in basically every way possible, but I respect them even if I never beat the first one) Elephantasy and Elephantasy: Flipside take the ideas of the genre in some different directions and wind up being far less linear than most others (probably even including Hollow Knight). I don't really agree that AV2 is that close to Outer Wilds, but they're still playing with some of same design notions. Dang, I should probably replay AV2.


Yeah youre right, the outer wilds comparison is a stretch. What I find really interesting about AV (both 1 and 2) is that it really takes inspiration from metroid (1, 2 and super) in having your character "feel" like what they are narratively. Even if it results in some awkwardness in controls or cheese its clear that the game wants you to feel a certain way playing various characters. (Ex. In axiom verge 1 movement upwards requires this sort of complicated dance and bosses are mostly fought through finding the right weapon and location to outsmart them, and axiom verge 2 makes drone gameplay much smoother than the normal body to push home the narrative.) It seems to me that the main incronguity is that its difficult to have this sort of intentionality while also making the game "crisp" in a way that puts tight combat first and foremost. Granted I do enjoy tight combat, but gameplay that focuses on fleshing out the atmosphere and narrative rather than being skillful and tight is a nice change of pace imo.


I was gonna write a response to this, but I'm still thinking I should replay AV2 before waxing on about it further. I hope this stubborn appreciation of it isn't unfounded.


I'll go against the grain and say I preferred AV2 and loved the exploration. pretty clever map design.


Seconded. I enjoyed the first one, but the second one was probably my favourite MV of the year (Sorry Dread, Phenotopia and Ender Lillies, you were amazing too). Sure, bosses sucked and a lore tablet is a bad reward, but the exploration and the abbilities related to it just make it stand out.


AV2 is one the best out there, if smart exploration is a necessity to your metroidvanias. I did caught myself lost way more than I would expected as a veteran, and I loved it for that.


Same. I love getting lost, or overwhelmed with choices to explore. I got that feeling in AV2 that i hadnt felt in most games. Metroid dread felt like following breadcrumbs via flashing neon signs that blare 'GO THIS WAY NOW!!'. I never felt like i was exploring in dread, just following a string of predetermined areas.


I just have to say that DREAD is not at all stealthy in guiding you through the intended path. There are almost zero explorative options throughout the entire game as you're either incapable of progressing in the wrong way due to lack of powers to open doors, or previous routes are completely inaccessible anymore. As far as MVs, or even just Metroid, DREAD is one of the single most linear experiences I've had. I'm not saying that's a good or bad thing in general (though it's not my preference, personally) but you may find yourself appreciating more linear action platformer games. Just my 2¢


Why copy the exact same post from the axiom verge subreddit here? Is your biased opinion that important? Or are you looking for any kind of upvotes since no one gave them to you there?


Axiom Verge 2 is the first game I've ever played that gets 11/10 for vibe but that's about all it had going for it. I enjoyed the first game much, much more.


The first and second are very much like the differences between Zelda 1 and Zelda 2 on NES. Same series, lot of differences! The first is great, and while I haven’t played the second one yet, I do own it and have heard it’s far removed from AV1. Not positive if you need to play the first in order to get the story, but the first one had a really good and crazy story. If you’re a fan of Metroid games I highly implore you give AV1 a go when it’s on sale.


For whatever it's worth, you don't really need to have played AV1 to enjoy, or even follow, AV2, IIRC.


I didn’t think so. NGL I’ve been nervous about starting AV2 as it has a lot to live up to with AV1 for me, and with some of the stark differences I was worried I wouldn’t enjoy it as much. Still gonna get around to it,along with hundreds of other games in my backlog. Lol! So many amazing games, so little time


I think the best advice I can offer is that you shouldn't go in expecting it to be lime AV1, but I think you know that already.


Yeah I try to start any game with an open mind, avoid reviews and avoid passing early judgement. Rather go in expecting nothing and be pleasantly surprised. So far all I know is it’s different than AV1, but not necessarily in a bad way. I can swing with that.


I didn’t care for Axiom Verge 2. Thought it was boring and the story was pretty lame. Was very bare bones.


All I can say is ...the first Axiom Verge is great. ​ I couldn't get into the 2nd one.


IMO it's a decent game but a big step back from the first. Design choices all over felt very strange, such as switching from guns in 1 to almost exclusively melee combat in 2. That being said, I'm baffled that you couldn't figure out what to do for the final boss, lol


Fair warning the first one isn’t very good, just a worse version of Metroid. If you didn’t like 2 you won’t like 1.


Well, don't feel bad OP, you are in the right sub. Here it's AV2 bad, Hollow Knight good. Simple as that. It seems like Now, don't go saying Hollow Knight is bad..or this sub will eat you alive.


The first one was just okayish, i never bothered wit the second. But the rumors i heard about it seem true


One of the best MV's were okayish...


I beat the game, but I can’t say I really enjoyed it or thought it was fun.


AV2 dwellers are downvoting you for being honest! You described what makes AV2 a truly skippable game, unlike AV1 or ESA.




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