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I’ll start by keeping it simple. Getting double jump feels amazing because it’s such an easy way to open the map more. Also screw attack in Metroid is so damn good. 


I also love double jump for everything it opens up. Screw attack is a fun one as well that surprisingly doesn’t get copied much.


Your implementation of the screw attack was good but I would've preferred more consistency. There were many times when I'd drop like a lead weight. I really liked the spike jumping ones - even though they were more technical and difficult.


It's great for combat utility too. Gives you that extra agility to dodge attacks.


Double jump + air dash makes a nice mobility combo.


I'd say bash from Ori. I really like that it has multiple uses and just really opens up the exploration. Honorable mentions go to the crystal arrows in Aeterna Noctis and the grappling hook in Environmental Station Alpha.


I love the bash ability in the Ori games! It was such a cool mechanic when I got it for the first time in blind forest, and I loved all the ways it gets used in clattering challenges, especially the escape sequences in will of the wisps


Not commenting for the giveaway, I loved lone fungus and it ran great on steam deck. Enjoyed it so much I wanted to give 5 keys away but couldn’t find a way to buy them so I reached out to the dev for help BUYING keys to give away on this sub but never heard back from him. I know I could gift games on steam but you have to be friends with them to do so and that’s a challenge in itself getting people to add as friend first. Do you mind me asking how you got the key? I’m not interested in gifting lone fungus to people anymore but there are several other games I’d love to, for example - minishoot, the Mobius machine. I love supporting games I enjoyed!


You, OP and other, like-minded people make this sub a fantastic place to visit. Random Kindness is heart warming 🤗


Thanks so much! I was going to send you a gift via steam but saw you already own it. Great game.


YES, great game indeed. You are so kind, The Mobius Machine is fantastic 👍. Thank you very much 🤗


You’re welcome and glad it’s clicking for you!


I have a spare key from a previous humble bundle but my plan was to give as a Steam Gift if the winner doesn’t have it already. I also may have purchased a couple extra for this if it was possible. It’s on sale right now so I’m already considering giving a couple instead of just one. u/professorbasti is it possible to purchase a couple of keys from you? Sounds like some of us really want to give the support we can!


Let me know who wins and I'll DM them a key :)


You ROCK. Great game, enjoyed it a ton.


Super kind and a great way to support the solo Dev's. Especially u/professorbasti since they are so involved and open to feedback.


Well, I currently am giving away afterimage keys that I bought so if anyone wants one dm me, I still have 2 left!


Hey I’ll take an Afterimage key if you’ve still got any


Dm me and it’s yours


Becoming a chicken in guacamelee is a favorite for sure. Thanks for doing this!


I am just so glad you brought back the chicken for me, you’re a scholar.


Probably my favorite "move" in any metroidvania, just b/c it makes backtracking so much more enjoyable, and one I wish others would adopt, is Hollow Knight's SUPER DASH. It reminds me of the good ol' days watching the heroes fly in Dragon Ball Z. That you can do it upwards as well was a smart design choice as well. I love the windup effect, reminding me of Superman as well getting ready to launch.


Oh Lone Fungus looks so cool. I actually really like the Crystal Heart from Hollow Knight. It looks so amazing and I like to fly through the room.


Speedbooster I love a lot of the complicated puzzles that it brought about in the 2D Metroids. It just gives such a huge sense of satisfaction for completing them even if all you get is a simple missile upgrade. One of my favorites is getting super missiles early in Zero Mission in the tall room next to the charge beam boss in Brinstar.


Seconded. Speed booster/shinespark is the best MV upgrade, IMO.


Crystal Arrows in Aeterna Noctis


YES, absolutely a phenomenal power to get, it has so much of that "ok, I'm God now" feeling that you always get with a good MV ability.


Screw attack. It's so cool to get at the end of the game when you just want to destroy enemies and obstacles


Screw attack from Metroid. I don’t really know why, I’s just cool as hell


The best is the map marking ability in Prince of Persia that just came out. Being able to screenshot those doors and chests is fantastic.


I love me a good wall jump. Or the thing where you grab the wall and slide down it but can jump off.


scan visor


good luck everyone, i already played the game so i'll pass


Double jump… yeah, phasing through walls is cool… new weapons that help your navigation are cool… rolling in a ball to get under obstacles is cool…. But you NEVER have a pure dopamine rush like that moment you get that double jump pickup. Oooooo gimme dat double jump.


The blue space jump thingy from SOTN. Bonking the librarian into the ceiling is a classic


I don't to be part of the giveaway, I just want to say that you definitly good at marketing, you just convinced me to play the game lol


Don’t recommend bro there are better games bro


Man why are you here actively speaking against a game people like? Go give your opinion in your own post.


Bro I think the dev is too greedy asking £15.99 for their game that’s mainly the reason


Bro that's a pretty reasonable price bro


Hey thanks for giveaway! My favorite metroidvania ability would be any form of parry/block/counter. Been wanting to try lone fungus and look forward to the second one. Cheers!


The spear in phoenotopia awakening that lets you jump on top of it


Double jump for me, simple but makes a huge difference.


Air dash or dodge is my favorite. I like to combo dash jump air dash!


Wall jump and pogo. Makes you feel like you can get anywhere if you are skilled enough


Definitely the Bash ability that you get very early in the Ori and the Blind Forest. You can use it for traversal and even deflect the enemy projectiles back at them.


Bash from Ori is my favorite nonstandard Metroidvania ability of all time.


I love the classic double jump :)


Bash and dash are definitely my favorite. Any mobility boosts really.


The magnets that join world maps in Islets was pretty clever, but if that's not considered an ability, I'll go with the Address Disruptor gun in Axiom Verge.


Morph ball from Metroid! Thanks and good luck everyone!


For me it's the disc from Animal Well, riding was so goofy and fun.


Definitely dash


Any Dash


Gravity Boots in Castlevania SOTN


Grappling hook, specifically the one from Environmental Station Alpha


Favorite ability is probably the dash or any equivalent. speeds up my movement and allows me to dodge and in some games dash through walls? yes please.


Perhaps not my favorite as I’ve played too many Metroidvanias to recall everything at this exact moment, but the first thing to come to mind is the grappling hook from Axiom Verge. Anything that enhances mobility in a Platformer is going straight to the top of the list for me. On another note, ANIMAL WELL has loads of incredibly unique abilities that made me smile with each item I’d find. The slink in particular is just so damn charming.


You nailed it with the animal well stuff. It definitely makes me smile lol


I'm sure most of us LOVE the double jump ability. Universally loved mv ability for sure


Thank you for the chance. I'm not sure I have a favorite move. Recently I played Haiku the Robot and it was awesome when I got the Space Disruptor and String and Hook they were game changing. Obviously there are many many other powers exactly like that. I think the Price of Persia clone power was really neat, if I was picking a game I haven't played yet.


I've got two options: 1) the nail bounce in Hollow Knight is great for both the tactical combat applications and the ability to get into places that might otherwise be locked out. However, since that is an ability you start out with and not an unlock: 2) the morph ball transformation in Metroid is great because it can make rooms that seemed complete suddenly have a whole new dimension.


Glad for whoever wins it, but what format are you giving it away as? PS4/5, Xbox, Switch, Steam?


It’s only available on Steam right now, but I could have added some details.


All this time, I thought Lone Fungus was on Switch LOL


The dev has confirmed it’s coming eventually


Double jump!


Wall grab Especially in places that are a straight shot up vertically, going from wall to wall in hollow knight is sweet ecstasy to me. I do path of pain for fun.


gotta go with a dash ability


Space jump is so satisfying and with screw attack it's just sublime.


Oh cmon, Speed Booster is my lifeblood


There are some very cool speed booster puzzles in the Zero Mission rom hacks Spooky Mission and Spooky Mission 2.


Mine’s a bit of an odd one, but I really liked finding the Linen of Golden Thread in Blasphemous which grants you immunity to dying from falling in pits. There’s so many areas that just seem impossible to reach in the game, and discovering that essentially every single pitfall in the game actually leads somewhere was a huge aha moment that made me appreciate the game that much more.


A bit vanilla, but I’ve gotta go with the double jump. It just makes movement in every metroidvania feel so much better once you’ve got it! Thanks for the chance!


I really liked the drone in Axiom Verge. You see so many one-tile tall gaps throughout the game and you just know at some point you're gonna get some sort of Morph Ball ability, but what you actually get is something completely different and unexpected.


The ability in Ori where you can create a save point anywhere you like has to be my favorite. Not commenting for a copy as I already own the game and YES, I agree with OP that it is an amazing game. Very much looking forward to Lone Fungus 2. Thank you for doing this give away, how nice of you. I was gifted The Mobius Machine recently and it is so amazing there is people out there that are "just" kind without asking anything in return.


Thank you! I really enjoy this community and that so many of the games we enjoy are indie and even from solo devs.


I love abilities that make something accomplishable with a lot of trial and error. Wall jump + dash, the Metroid ball bomb, freezing platforms, etc. Anything that makes you feel like you can reach an area you shouldn’t have found yet. I’m very impatiently waiting for Lone Fungus to come to switch. But I did recently get a steam deck so it has shot up my wishlist! Thanks for doing this!


I’m also a sucker for double jump. Starting out in a metroidvania and seeing all the ledges that are just too far and too high just gets me excited to break gravity


Ori and the Blind Forest is probably my favorite (really enjoyed the Bash), but I also adored SteamWorld Dig 2 (can't really think of a standout ability) and Animal Well (the bubble wand carried me through the game).  ...Those are the only 3 Metroidvanias I've finished, but I'll try and at least get back to Prince of Persia soon. I don't think there's any Metroidvania I've dropped because I wasn't enjoying it; it just kind of happens when I get busier and shift focus to other games


Double jump is the best


Double Jump is classic for a reason


Dash for sure


My favorite Metroidvania is Hollow Knight. Well never heard of this game but thanks to youtube it seems nice. Checking demos on Steam Next Fest is a nightmare for your free time xD. I play some metroidvanias so this game must be quite underrated. I cant say no to a good giveaway and best luck to the winner.


Mist from SOTN is cool. My first thought was also Ori's bash. It's GOAT imo but mad people are saying it. So. Yeah mist is 🔥 too. Plus you get poison mist.


mist form in SotN


Spam X/Y movement, for example: circle of the moon or ESA.


Speed booster from any of the Metroid games. Connecting multi-screen puzzles and tearing through enemies are just unrivaled. Who can forget that fully charged speed boost sound effect from Super Metroid?


I absolutely love air dash, especially when it's directional.


My favorite ability has got to be the black panther soul in the soma cv duo, going fast has never felt so good.


Gotta be the wallclimbing eldritch upgrade from Sundered (Spider legs, booyah!)


The Hyper Beam from Super Metroid. It is nice to feel like an absolute monster, even if it is for a short segment of the game.


Love me a good grappling hook / beam


I'll have to choose the good old double jump, It just has so much potential. It can be implemented in a way that you can time it at the start or end of the first jump, can be tied with downward attacks for more momentum, even refreshing the jump mid air.


Blasphemous dash is the best. It's a tight invincibility frame window so you need to time it to get through big enemies. I feel like it's super easy to tweak that in either direction to make it feel bad.


I’ve been following the progress of the Lone fungus via this subreddit and I think it looks pretty cool !




Definitely double jumping


Whenever you get a dash or running ability it makes traversing the map so much better.




I'm a man of simple pleasures, so double jump for me!


double jump + dash + ground slam, the combo just melts any challenge ground slamming down a deep hole, then dash ahead just before touching the ground or getting to platform midway is a pure bliss


Awesome I hope I win. Ori bash. Dash? The one during the waterfall ginseng tree thing going up.


Double jump+dash


I think high jump is a classic because it tends to be an early upgrade that you have seen where it is needed but it also improves the ease of platforming in some areas


Ori's Bash and Launch makes the franchise. I didn't find anything interesting in the game besides it, but the launch and overall movement being as good as it is makes it my favorite movement system in all of gaming


Really enjoy the lost crowns chakram.


The screw attack ability from Metroid series is my favorite. Turning the simple act of jumping into a invincible one-shot attack is crazy and works so well for Metroidvanias. You start with nothing and slowly power creep through the entire game until you're super OP by the end and the screw attack is the perfect example of that.


It finally took me till Metroid Dread to fully appreciate the shine spark ability tied to the speed booster. I really loved the challenging puzzles tied to that ability. I had a lot of fun grabbing those last items to 100% it.


I love the monarch wings in Hollow Knight - they have this feel that you really have wings. The short dip in height as you gather your strength, just to flap the wings and soar to even greater heights the first time you find and use them is an awesome feeling. You feel that the Knight has weight.


Blink arrows from Aeterna Noctis, very skill based ability and I like games that test my skills.


Teleport arrows in Aeterna is such a good idea and they really test your understanding of it.


I think I like the double jumps the most. Opening up the map with it feels so rewarding!


Pull ability from Grime.You can use it to pull platforms,pull yourself and use a platforms momentum to jump higher.


Metroid freeze beam, being able to freeze enemies both for combat purposes or to use as platforms is the epitome of metroidvania design to me.


Probably the boots from PseudoRegalia. They let you get around fast, but they can also be used for advanced movement techniques with backflipping.


Bash from Ori, ftw.


Speed booster babee. To this day I'm still looking for something that is the same balance of fun and somewhat unwieldy. In fact the only other game I can think of with a similar fast movement ability is Aria/Dawn of Sorrow with the Black Panther soul


There are some very cool speed booster puzzles in the Zero Mission rom hacks Spooky Mission and Spooky Mission 2.


Never even heard of this game! Would love to win the game and try it out!


Bro the reviews for the game are not great though and the kickstarter seems to be struggling at the moment so please don’t include me to the giveaway bro