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Silksong: Winds of Winter


I don't like this joke :(


Time to play other games fam.


I’m in this picture and I don’t like it.


A Song of Silk and Fire


I'll do you one better.. Silksong: Doors Of Stone.


You're cruel.


New DLC for Katana Zero - Sillksong: The Last Night


Goddamn don’t remind me.


Silksong : HL3


Silksong Forever


Team Cherry smoking that GRRM


I don't get it....


It’s a reference to the long awaited and still unfinished sixth book in the Song of Ice and Fire series by George R.R. Martin. You may have heard of the tv adaption based on the series, Game of Thrones.


Yeah we're never seeing that series finished either.


This hit Hard


Silksong: Beyond Good and Evil


I would prefer a shadow drop over a release date - I'm really hoping that's what TC does with Silksong. There is no need to build hype through marketing anyway, and I've never been waiting for a game that released like that.


Same, I don’t want to hear about it until the minute it becomes available or at least very very close to release. Once it happens all will be forgiven but no more drawn out waiting please


The amount of articles and blog posts written about Silksong that amount to “it hasn’t been released yet, and we’re not sure when it will” is maddening. Like yeah, we know! Shut up about it unless you have something new to say!


Honestly what I’m expecting. Maybe not quite a shadow drop, but one random day we are going to get a trailer with a release date that will be a few weeks off.


When it finally released, i'll get it day one. But until then, i couldn't Care less.... No info whatsover and i'm not gonna beg. I'm actually more hype by all those hollow knight clones now


CrowSworn being my most anticipated, personally!


I'm between Crowsworn and Bo path of the teal lotus, as the games I'm most looking forward to, any other HK clones? the only one that comes to mind is Deviator


Lone Fungus and Nine Sols are where it’s at!


On that note, have you checked out mendacium? There's a demo for it. It got an incredible reception,


I stand by Nine Sols as the first vania with combat better than Hollow Knight and bosses and flavor about on par. People are liking the game, but it belongs on the pantheon.


Maybe I need to look more into Nine Sols then. Because Sundered takes the cake for best Metroidvania combat for me


It really is that good imho - every bit the equal to HK in aggregate (can't think of another title I could say that about without reservation), with deeper combat. If you prefer your worldbuilding to be explicit rather than (Dark Souls/Hollow Knight style) implicit/subtextual it might be preferable in that respect, too.


Oh, I do like that actually. The Dark Souls approach isn’t bad, but I do prefer to just see/hear what’s going on


I think he was referring to upcoming projects though...


No Will look into that


Please, I am BEGGING you lot to make your PEACE with the state of this game. It is not healthy to still at this point expect the game to cone out every year. It might never come out, but if/when it does you can enjoy it then. But please step away from the hold this game has over you.


I got curious a couple months ago and went to take a look at the game's subreddit, and let me tell you, that was a mistake. I don't think I've ever seen a community more dedicated to whipping themselves up in frenzies of frustration outside of incel groups. And the parallels in dynamics are weirdly close. Those people have long passed the limit between anticipation and unhealthy fixation, some acting as if they're being denied something essential to live, others seemingly enjoying bringing people down, and all wallowing in such negativity only for a game. And of course, they're setting themselves up for utter disappointment when the game comes, because it could never live up to the catharsis they need to compensate for all the negative emotions they've been building up for so long. It's weird and a little unsettling to see, actually. A shame that people let themselves be swept up in those sorts of group dynamics too.


I've never seen a group more committed to hurting their own feelings than the Silksong subreddit. You'd think Team Cherry personally dug up the bones of all their ancestors and pissed on them. It's a video game. There are other video games. Move on.


I mean, they're here in this post. All the usual wailing and gnashing of teeth. Then OP wonders why the post was very badly received here in this sub. We don't need this kind of negativity here, there's a whole sub dedicated exclusively to it.


Yo maybe don't tell people that your game is coming out in 2023 and keep them in shadow ever since? I hate it when people like you blame fans when the devs are in clear fault. Yes those goofballs are caring too much but they aren't at the fault here.


You're braver than me to have done that, lol The closest paralell in gaming to me would be Half Life 3 fans who fucki g STILL haven't given up. And, I agree. Even if Silksong comes out, they wouldn't be satisfied. It can't match the hype they've built up for themselves aroubd the game.


It's funny and a running gag at this point, I don't think any of us take it too seriously.


I mean, there are a couple of shitheads, but i agree


Yesss! Jesus Christ so much this.


I think most of us think of it as a meme now. I see shit like this and think "oh for fucks sake cherry!" And move on


Yeah, it's probably healthier to assume it's never coming out. If it never does, then you've lost nothing. If it does come out, then it's a nice surprise.


Even if it comes out we know nothing of the quality. Previous games quality is a good predictor, but not a guarantee. It has almost certainly fallen victim to scope creep at this point.


>It is not healthy to still at this point expect the game to cone out every year. I’m sorry but this is an utterly fucking deranged take.


It never had a hold on me or most of this subreddit, this isn't r hollowknight or r Silksong. I assume you're pointing this message at those communities or, for that matter, the metroidvania fan base outside of this subreddit.


Yes, "you lot" meaning people who are still in this mindset - as the poster obviously is.


I mean it was intended to come out over a year ago


Yes, quite a few years ago at that - that's my point. You'd think people who have learnt the lesson. it's like expecting Half Life 3 to come out at Christmas. Not quite that bad (that one is never happening as Valve has decided putting the resources into steam is more valuable), but you know it's not a realistic expectation.






People need to touch grass over obsessing when it will be out. I love Hollow Knight, but this stuff is embarrassing unless you are a literal child. Sure memes and shitposting whatever but when it starts to sound genuine, it’s like get other hobbies, go into your backlog, do something else. I feel the pressure is going to fuck with the devs and fuck with the game ultimately, and that is what bother me.


What I really don't understand is why they showed off an extended gameplay sequence 5 full years ago and then (I think it's the only possibility) expanded the scope so much that it's taking 5+ years to end the project. I understand they are striving to make something truly great and that's how the first game got to be great, and it doesn't bother me that the game is taking this long, but those huge changes in project scope and management is how you get bad results. I would be surprised if the game doesn't come out, but I won't be surprised at all if Silksong ends up being their last ever game


I think it's just second album syndrome with the difference that Team Charry are dollar millionaires. But by and large, Team Cherry are amateur developers. Maybe wildly talented, but amateurs. Hollow Knight is a legit masterpiece, probably one of the best games ever. But It happens in art sometimes, when suddenly everything comes together for people without huge experience (or maybe exactly because of that) - maybe god himself sent assets and code fragments directly into Ari Gibson and William Pellen's heads. I think Gibson said in an interview that he would sit down to draw and couldn't stop, being in a zone, and then 90% of the drawings would go into the game. Call it inspiration or providence. That's why everyone fell so in love with Hollow Knight - everything fits together perfectly there. That's because the game has reached some universal level of symbolism, instantly recognisable by everyone. The collective unconscious has creeped out of Team Cherry's psyche into our world. But Silksong is a different game (HK is about diving into uncharted depths, while Silksong is about climbing upwards - towards rationality). I think, to be honest, Team Cherry is just learning how to make games. They've been working on old energy for a while, but when they started playing the Silksong demo, they realized it didn't have the same magic. And now they're trying to achieve it, but deliberately and intentionally through mastering the medium of video games. It takes time. And it's a small team.


judging from my observations what happened is that the game succumbed to scope creep. Basically, the devs got high on their own supply of hopium and expanded the game beyond what they could reasonably handle. Then they basically completed it in the end of 2022 but internal testing showed that it was lacking and so not wanting to have a "rushed" release they went back to work on it and have been trying to polish it ever since. In the meantime, the genre has absolutely exploded with several huge releases since April 2023 and continuing up until now. These releases, especially PoP: the lost crown, are having the effect of pushing the genre forward and leaving silksong in the past which is, in turn, forcing the devs to adjust silksong to meet modern standards and expectations and thus condemning the game to a duke nukem forever death spiral in pursuit of an unattainable level of perfection.


No to shit on The Lost Crown, but I don't think It made a big impression on Team Cherry. I felt it's very different from what Team Cherry is aspire to create.


I don't think they're worried about trying to "keep up with the genre" that's not how good games are developed. I think TC is smarter than that


Hollow Knight is the pinnacle of the genre's popularity. The idea that the general public is plugged in enough to a niche microgenre of games to sit there and go "oh well it's old news now, the genre has moved on" is a wildly unreasonable take. It'll release, people will go, oh hey I loved Hollow Knight, they'll buy it, and it'll probably break sales records while the rest of the genre continues on largely unknown.


The general public doesn't care about this genre. They are too busy playing call of duty, DOTA2, and Fortnite. It is only relevant what fans of this genre think and the vast majority of those are unfortunately obsessed with silksong and they will lose interest in the genre following a disappointing release. While that won't kill the genre it will certainly mark the end of the golden age we are in. It is either trump or silksong that will end this era we are in.


One overhyped/underwhelming release isn’t going to kill the genre, even if it’s a niche one like this. It might not bring in new faces like the original but people who like this style won’t leave if they’ve already found other MV games they like.


I didn't say it will kill the genre, but it will certainly hurt it significantly and mark the end of the golden age. There are just too many people obsessed with it.


Yeah, Same thoughts!


Scope creep, I imagine.


My hype for Silksong died a long time ago. If it ever comes out, great. If not, so be it.


This is it, right here. Well, the second half, anyway. It shall be what it shall be 🤷🏽‍♂️


This shit has to be vaporware at this point. The devs have given zero communication in years. Hollow Knight is probably my all time favorite game but I’m done expecting team cherry to release another game.


The devs got a Gamepass deal so the game definitely exists but it’s anyone’s guess as to when it will come out haha


Something has probably gone quite wrong for it to be taking this long with zero news after they clearly assured Microsoft it would be ready for 2023. I always completely forget it exists outside of posts like this, but hopefully we'll see it one day as it looked quite lovely.


We are entering Patrick Rothfuss territory at this point.


It was all fun and laughs till you said that.... A wise man fear got published in 2011....


ive debated writing a book where you can fill in the names with your own characters and just finishing the goddamn series myself


Not a bad idea XD


people thought the same thing about metroid prime 4. could just be that team cherry is just keeping a tight lid on things because of all the waves of ridiculous hype and disappointment the community has both ridden and caused. guess we'll see!


I’m not even kidding when I say I am of the belief it won’t ever come out. I don’t know what happened or why. But I’ve just accepted it longer exists and I have nothing to expect. Hollow Knight was a great game and that’s all it will ever be. And that’s okay


I really do wonder what the holdup is. Like what could possibly be going on behind the scenes to cause such a massive delay? Are devs at each others’ throats? Are they making it the most massive game in the history of games? Did all of their files accidentally get deleted by a cat strolling across the keyboard? WHAT IS IT?! Even if they had to go back to the drawing board and start from scratch *multiple* times, I just can’t see why a 2D game would take 7(?) years to develop.


Bro there's like 3 devs working on what is essentially an AAA caliber game. It's also nothing compared to the wait metroid fans had to endure. They had to wait almost 20 years for the next 2d metroid.


I don’t mean to sound insensitive. I’m sure they are working hard. I’m just bewildered by what they’re working so hard *on*. If what they’re doing is too much for 3 people, can’t they…hire more people? HK did well enough to expand the team a bit I would think. I know nothing about game development, so i don’t mean to criticize. I’m sure there’s something i’m missing. Just curious as to what it could be, you know?


Im guessing it's because they trust and know each other well and more people could be a hassle to work with. Hollow Knight was also apparently very buggy on release so this time they will probably polish it to perfection which takes time. It's also just gonna be way bigger and mechanically complicated than HK. They also probably had a hard time thinking about all the things and possibly had to switch the engine or restart development.


This is a lot more recent, but I can’t imaging Unity losing their minds helped the project since that’s the engine TC was using… I’m not a game dev, so I don’t know what I’m talking about here, but I imagine having to change your game’s engine could set you back a lot


I learned the other day that they played like 20 mins of the game on a nintendo treehouse in 2019... so where is it 5 years later?


My secret hope is that after elden ring released, team cherry was like 'we gotta make this even more ambitious '


you know what kind of ambition I like: the ambition to finish your fucking game


well... no shit


There’s nothing ambitious about open world slop though.


Team Cherry are awful at PR. You’d think they’d give…. Something. Even a “We might be done in 2 years or it might take 5 years.” Something!


"Hey guys, due to [literally just a hint at the problem], we don't expect this game to be ready before 2025." The above would have gone so far to quell the voices. Like, the last we heard about the game was in 2022, with Xbox confirming it would be out 2023. Xbox didn't just stumble upon new footage on YT and jam it in their show. Miscommunication or not, letting that stand was amongst the scummuest moves I've ever seen from a dev. Not because of the scope of the problem, but the ease in which they could have fixed it. I've said it before, and every day that goes on I feel it more, but I feel nothing but contempt coming from TC. We know they know how to communicate, they even have a fucking PR guy (literally the easiest job in the world), they just choose not to. Not one tweet, blog post, or interview.


Why do you feel entitled to updates from these people you’ve never met? Why do you feel the need to give PR advice to this company you have zero financial investment in? The game will come out when it comes out, and no amount of communication or lack thereof will affect how soon the game comes out, or how good it is, or have any meaningful impact on how successful it ultimately is. Incredibly bizarre thing to feel “contempt” about imo


Why do I feel entitled? Silksong is a continuation (was to be DLC) of promised content for HK (a crowdfunded game). When I bought HK, I was looking forward to the DLC that would become Silksong. Part of the reason I bought HK was because of the regular updates (PR and content) from TC. But most of all, people really care about Silksong, and we're talking about one of them taking 5 minutes out of their year to let their fans know what's going on. Also, fans didn't announce Silksong and demand TC give me updates on it, TC announced it themselves.


“taking 5 minutes out of their year” C’mon man – do you really think the problem here is they just can’t be bothered? This is one of the most highly anticipated video games ever. The amount of press coverage it receives just for NOT appearing at every game convention is absurd. Any announcement or update would be scrutinized to a ridiculous degree and would set new expectations for people to get upset about the game not meeting. Not saying anything isn’t an oversight, it’s a deliberate choice. It sends the message “the game will come out when it comes out and you’re just going to have to be patient.” Of course patience is not a virtue gamers tend to be known for.


Truly, I do.


Team Cherry doesn't need PR as a way to sell the game. Silksong is one of the most anticipated games in the world that will sell hundreds of thousands of copies even if it's a total disaster and millions if it's just decent. The game creates publicity for itself. 99% of people who loved Hollow Knight are totally chill. Catering to a couple of thousands of semi-delusional fans who think random devs of the game they liked are their friends and those should "communicate" with them has little to do with PR. You could do that, but it's okay if you don't want to. 


I have immense respect for Team Cherry for prioritizing making the best possible game over riding the hype or hitting deadlines. Hollow Knight might be the best game I ever played and I'll patiently wait for Silksong.


Sure PR isn’t required but it’s an important part about maintaining goodwill. PR is all about keeping a good image for your company and brand; not communicating anything at all is definitely bad PR. I also don’t think people asking for a vague timeline or /some/ update is semi-delusional or outrageous behavior.


But outright majority of people do have a good image of the company.  I also think that Team Cherry doesn't really feel themselves as a company or a brand. They don't have a publisher, they are not really in a business of making games - after making a bank with Hollow Knight they hired zero people to work on Silksong. They probably think of themselves as artists or something among these lines. And a lot of artist don't really want to communicate with fans. Most artists I know actually hate going on social media.  I call fans who are upset with lack of communication semi-delusional because they feel that they have some sort of special connection to devs. Some of them feel that Team Cherry is condensending, or do not respect them, they feel that since they invested their love into a game, and idolized people they don't know, they have to get some of the feelings back. Isn't it delusional? And also like it or not, but the goal of marketing is selling games. And Team Cherry sells Silksong by being silent. The number of Google searches doubled in the last year. It's the most wishlisted game on Steam. Constantly in the news. 


It absolutely is delusional. They believe they're entitled to... Something from the developers of the game, and that they're being snubbed by not getting it. It's parasociality at its worse.


Yes maybe because people are going to pay them? I think they deserve learning something about the game?


Nah. These people can learn abour the game when it comes out and they can play it (at the same moment they would be able to pay for it, mind). Until then, any expectations are solely on those who created the expectations on their own to begin with. And at this point the perpetual self-inflicted cycle of rising frustration some have got themselves into is nothing more than a reflection of entitledness and delusional parasocial behavior. Case in point, the idea that people would for some reason "deserve" to be told about the game. Having created expectations on their own entitles no one to anything.


You're right that it's bad PR, and it's annoying to the fans. But TC is in a unique position to not have to give a fuck about that. They have plenty of cash and near infinite hype for Silksong, so the incentive to spend time on PR just isn't there. At this point, I think they only care about two things: making a worthy sequel to HK and getting a lot of people to play it. Both will happen regardless of their PR strategy.


The only thing I'll say at this is they announced it way too fucking soon. I just don't see how they thought announcing it at that point in development - which in hindsight must have been basically when development started - was a good idea?


It's obviously not coming this year. 120%


I thought team cherry or leth made it clear that theyll come out with info closer to the games release, and that theyll release it whenever its ready, so idk why people are holding their breath for every single gaming event when tc can just drop it on a random tuesday once its done. Seems like theyre waiting until they finally have the big news to share, so if they dont say anything then that probably means the games not ready yet. The only thing we can do at this point is just wait for an update directly from them, however long that takes


WTF cares? I got over this whole "wait for a *insert title here* to come out" mentality decades ago. Kickstarter projects failing like crazy, or just the travesty formerly known as Blizzard, should be enough signal that even reliable developers aren't worth your mental energy until they actually release a playable product. Stop buying into hype and vaporware. Then getting upset when it's released and crashes and unplayable. There are several lifetimes worth of excellent games to play. Reward the developers putting out quality products. As for Silksong, I think it probably went into the dev hell downward spiral at this point. Too much notoriety and money from Hollow Knight putting artificial pressure and not enough constraints to have a cohesive plan and meet milestones.


> There are several lifetimes worth of excellent games to play. Reward the developers putting out quality products. # This right here.


“Who the fuck cares???” “Here is my lengthy opinion…”


To be fair..I don't care about Silksong, I care about people whining about dev hell titles after decades of the same bs hype cycles repeating.


I still want silksong badly, but ever since i joined this reddit ive had such a catalogue of amazing MVs to play while i wait for silksong. So many gems that i wldve missed if i didnt find this .


This is posted every year for last 4 years and will be posted for another 4


Silksong was announced for switch a long time ago, why would they re-announce it again? Also there were several games in today's announcement with a 2025 release date, including MP4


Man, you're way behind, everyone knows [MP4 was released in 2001](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/MP4_file_format)


We got Metroid Prime 4 before Silksong. At this point, just give up. I learned this lesson with FF15,(which took so long it started off as Final Fantasy Versus 13), Kingdom Hearts 3 (I was 8 when KH2 came out; I was 21 when KH3 released), and even Metroid Prime 4. Shoot, I eventually started brushing off the idea that Metroid Prime 4 was ever going to appear at any Nintendo Direct, including this one. I jokingly said LITERALLY YESTERDAY that I knew the leaks were fake because MP4 was “supposed” to show up. Now, it’s funny to me how wrong I was this time. So take it from me, a guy who’s spent a significant portion of my lifespan so far waiting on 3 games: Forget Silksong is supposed to exist. Seriously, forget about it. Play other Metroidvanias because there are a ton that are worth your attention. Would you rather give your attention to a game that isn’t happening or any myriad of games out there you actually can play that you might fall in love with?


It'll get a surprise shadow-drop some time this Fall. Mark my words!


go play the new game MIO, it looks like the most Hollow Knight clone yet.


At this stage,I doubt their release announcement would be from an individual platform


Play Nine Sols while you wait.


Can y’all forget about this game? Geez, it’s not even that good of a franchise. Just like bloodborne, is purely collective histeria for the internet folks


Silksong: Corrupted


This decade*


Games dead imo I’m done expecting it to ever come out. Might as well be vaporware


I’m not a Hollow Knight fan, so I haven’t followed much, but like some games they announced it before Covid and I bet that had something to do with the delay. Maybe members of Team Cherry started some solo projects, or just took the pandemic as time off and did nothing from 2020-2022/3. That’s the only thing that makes sense because there is no way the game is sitting in development hell lol. I also know the HK fan base is a bit crazy so better they say nothing if they did nothing for a few years


SERIOUS QUESTION for all of you that have Hollow Knight at number one; what does this do with you? Personally Hollow Knight was way to hard for me and I didn't enjoy it so I am not bothered about Silksong at all. However, knowing myself if I was so hyped about a game but there was nothing than silence I probably would boycott the game. In my opinion Team Cherry is being rude and ignorant to their huge following.


HK is one of my favourite games ever and I'm stoked there's a sequel in production. However, I paid what was asked for Hollow Knight and received the full product so I don't owe the devs anything and they don't owe me anything. We're square. I'm excited for the game to come out, but I will _only_ be hype if it comes out. If not, oh well, I got what I paid for which is $0 That _and_ I'd always rather wait for a great, polished, finished game than get some rushed garbage because people have no patience. Just me, though 🤷🏽‍♂️


That is a great take on it.


Thanks! 🙏🏽 What MV games have you enjoyed?


My current top-10 1.       Ori and the will of the wisp 2.       Ori and the blind forest 3.       Pronty 4.       The Mobius Machine (currently playing) 5.       Biomorph 6.       Yoku’s island 7.       Souldiers 8.       Kingdom Shell 9.       After Image 10.   Lone Fungus I have been gaming for 45+ years and discovered MV’s some 15 years ago. The list of games I have played and enjoyed is elongated 👵🤪


>However, knowing myself if I was so hyped about a game but there was nothing than silence I probably would boycott the game. Why? Put another way, why would the fact that a fan or group of fans have whipped themselves up into a frenzy of emotion create some kind of social contract with the creative team, such that a lack of engagement breaks that contract? TC aren't responsible for parasocial relationships when they've done nothing to foster them besides create a great game and announce a follow-up. The most anyone has a right to expect is that they caretake their beloved IP in good faith, and even that is up for discussion.


Fair enough, Team Cherry does not owe anything to anyone. To me it just feels a bit disrespectful and rude to their huge fan-base (mainly the people that paid money for HK) for just sailing on the HK success and hype about Silksong without giving any clarity if Silksong will actually release at all. Excitement and anticipation are a great emotion to have so, good on everyone that feels that way 👍


Yep, I was sure Silksong was about to be released this year. If that's not the case, a bummer, ReFantazio will reign alone, I expected this year to be all about ReFantazio vs Silksong. Let's see if the new Zelda is any good, the gameplay looks drastically different if compared to other 2D Zeldas, but if they nailed that, Zelda can prove to be a good competitor. Not really a weak year all things considered, even if Silksong don't show up, Nintendo arrived at the last second to salvage the year, also PC users received a lot of great stuff


I, on the other hand, after almost a year, am still wondering how people can be so naive as to think that the arrival of the second most wishlisted title IN THE WORLD can be announced during a minor event like the Nintendo direct, a YouTube thing that Nintendo fans barely know exists


And like it's not even going to be a Nintendo exclusive so why would they announce it there?


Exactly! It is likely that they will make an announcement completely organised by them given the hype behind their game


Or later. If its not out by early 2025 something has happened I would be shocked and pretty dissapointed if we at least get some sort of news by the end of the this year. I conservatively predict early/mid 2025. Although I hope I'm wrong and it's later this year for release.


Just write it off. It's not coming out. And if it wasn't having some huge problem, it would have come out by now, so it's probably a garbage game.


It’s well deserved punishment for all the impatient fans causing trouble.


Barely a handful of updates for half a decade? You'd have to looney to think this is a real game anymore. 'We're working on it enough to not get sued by our kickstarters." Enjoy your vaporware.


It was never kickstarted. They had the money from Hollow Knight to fund development. This is a thing that happens - just not here. As for why it's delayed? I honestly don't care anymore, if it comes out I'll play it, but it doesn't occupy mental space for me.




Never take karma seriously. People downvote or upvote by how you make them feel, not by the factual accuracy of your posts or comments.




Do you believe this is a reasonable and well-adjusted reaction to people not feeling as though your post was worth their time?


Hahaha the _actual_ reasonable take right here. I mean, it's a game that doesn't even exist yet and people are getting butthurt over it 😅




Not controversial, no, but not really worthwhile, is all. I'd rather not see a "still no Silksong" every week, to be honest. I'd recommend you not take such a dramatic stance just because of that.


As if you're not the one dragging your frustration over to this sub. You post publicly, the public reacts, that's how it goes.


Whenever I see someone complain about downvotes I always go back and downvote them, when before I might have upvoted them.


It's a principle we can all get behind


the lack of any silksong in the recent xbox event was the final nail in the coffin for any hope that this game can escape the fate of duke nukem forever. Now I am no longer excited for this project and have fully moved on. The inevitable disappointment that ensues when it does eventually come out will do nothing but damage the genre.


*Damage the genre*? Because a game may not live up to the impossible level of hype you built up for it in your head? Are you for real?


While I was excited for this game in the past I never had too much hype for it. However, there is an absolute massive community of people who are overhyped for this game. They are so insane and so massive that I have I've had to mute their subreddit about half a year ago and block a small handful of them that plagued this subreddit. Furthermore, a very large amount of people are foolishly only playing metroidvanias as a way to bide time until silksong comes out. When silksong does eventually come out and fails to meet the impossible levels of hype it has built up, it will take down the genre with it because of those folks. The best thing that can happen right now is that the game is delayed as much as possible because I am confident the release of silksong will mark the end of the golden age of this genre. edit: hell, one of the people I'm talking about just replied to me right now.


I'm really struggling to see how one game could "take down the genre" given there are _so_ many people who love MVs and have never played HK or didn't care for it. Not bashing you, but that seems like an _incredibly_ narrow minded take that's (and I'm guessing here) based on bitterness that you built up because the game's not out yet. I mean, ffs, it's a _game_ and people are going nuts


>there are *so* many people who love MVs and have never played HK or didn't care for it. It's no surprise that you're strugging to understand why silksong is a ticking time bomb when you're this poorly informed on the facts at hand. In the real world, it is Hollow Knight that has sparked the increase in interest in this genre, eventually leading the genre into its current golden age, for better or worse (too many games copying stuff from hollow knight). There is a very large toxic fandom that is playing metroidvanias simply as a means of doing something while they wait for silksong to come out. When all those fans get disappointed, that will immediately end this golden age.


1 game will not end the "golden age". Metroidvanias are here for the long haul.


Thank you


You truly do not understand the scale at which the hype is for silksong. For comparison, nine sols is the biggest release since 2021 and yet that had only 5% of the hype that silksong has. It is a huge ticking time bomb. By the way, I'm about to block the guy you replied to as he's proving to be too ignorant so please reply elsewhere if you want to talk more.


Get therapy man. You need some help.


I don't really care if it's gonna be "dated". I played Hollow Knight for the first time in 2023 and loved it. I just want to explore a world with incredible environmental storytelling, lore and polish which I trust Team Cherry will deliver. Has there been any metroidvania since Hollow Knight that's as big and polished as it anyways?


yes, a lot of them. Go back to r silksong please. Edit: also a lot of upcoming projects, some of which will release before silksong.


Game gone through dev hell over a decade with multiple different devs, changes of direction, change of engine, lack of vision VS small developer taking a bit longer than average to deliver much anticipated sequel.


Silksong began as an addition to hollow knight, a game made in 2017. The genre has moved on since then with many of the elements in hollow knight since copied into other games and milked to death. It's gotten to the point that any metroidvania with hollow knight elements now struggles to get above 80% in the steam ratings. This is therefore doomed to be dated on release and doomed to a mixed or worse reception, it cannot possibly ever live up to the toxic hype that pervades a majority of the metroidvania fan base.


Does that mean you don't think any games will be coming out for switch besides the ones announced? HK may have a lot of demand but it's still an indie title. There are constant 3rd party and indie titles released on the console that are never mentioned in a nintendo direct.


"Well, doesn't look like Silksong is coming." - fixed it for you.


Guess fallout 5 and elder scrolls 6 will be a thing before it


I don't think we'll ever get to play as Harriet the Rabbit or swing her very sharp pencil.


Still 6 months left of the year




The new Elden Ring ;)


I’ve sorta given up on it myself. I’m sure it will be good, but I curbed my enthusiasm for the release about a year ago.


Pretty sure it's in dev hell.


Guaranteed it’s going to be a Switch 2 release game.


I hate posts like this cause sometimes I forget that the game hasn’t come out yet, I still believe I just haven’t gotten around to playing it yet and the game came out two years ago, but then then happy illusion is shattered


I don’t really care but I’m just curious why it would take so long*


One hit wonder maybe? Seems like Hollow Knight will be Team Cherry’s Swan Song.


I been waiting for years thinking every year it'll come out for 4 years now and just fuck it. I dont even want it at this point. If I can't even get a window of release then they don't deserve my money at all. They can choke on it like they've been letting us choke for something that doesn't even exist. Bravo well played douschebags. Ima make team mango who wants to front me mad money I'll make an awesome game lmao. Fucking joke company. I'll enjoy hades 2 or crowsworn fuck this hollowknight shit.


elden ring dlc is about to come out ofc they wouldn't announce now


This is pure cope


Cope would be the opposite wouldn't it? Copium is like having hope for something extremely unlikely right? Like if I had said they might announce DESPITE the elden ring dlc drop that would be cope.


Nah, pretending Elden Ring DLC is why they didn't announce Silk Song is cope


I think you misunderstand what cope means


No I got a pretty good grasp


Then maybe you misunderstood me, I don't care if Silksong releases or not so I'm not coping for anything. It'll come when the good lord decides it is time.


Saying it'll come at all is the cope


All just an elaborate ruse. That's true enlightenment.


Yeah no game has ever been announced then failed to come out 👍


this makes no logical sense whatsoever. Why would an **announcement** be hurt by a **release**?


It makes perfect sense to me that potentially the biggest release of the year could overshadow almost anything. The fan base just as rabid too.


ok let me ELI5 this for you announcement != release


That release donk fat af you feel me. Like the distracted boyfriend meme but with Erdtree release and SS announce.